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Chapter 378: Dragon Slaying (Part 2)

"Pull it up man!"

It has been three hundred years since Loxia-Corrupted Heart debuted. He has traveled all over the world and has seen a lot, but this is the first time he has seen the dragon-killing bullets of the dwarves.

Of course, we can't blame him. None of the dragons who have tasted the taste of dragon-killing bullets have returned to their overseas homes. Even if they are not directly surrounded and killed by dwarves, a dragon that has lost the ability to fly will have difficulty hunting and obtaining food, and it will attract more attention.

Come hunters of various other races.

In this world, dragons are not said to like kidnapping princesses and hoarding wealth, but every inch of their bones, flesh, skin and scales are valuable materials. A dragon tooth sword or a dragon scale armor can be said to not have enchantments

Ability races can now produce the best equipment on their own.

The ancient black dragon's wave whirlpool relied on the driver's reminder and his own experience to quickly pull up, and avoided three meteor iron chains. However, each person and the dragon knew that this was not enough, and the bearded gunner was reloading their black holes.



A mouthful of dark green, highly acidic breath that exuded a foul odor and even vaguely emitted smoke was spat out from the black dragon's mouth.

"Hurry and hide!"

"What about you?"

"Oh, let the breath fly for a while longer!"

None of the dwarves wanted to catch this attack, and they began to retreat. Due to the characteristics of dragon's breath, the protective effects of both spells and runes were not satisfactory.


After dispersing the gunners, Loxia drove the black dragon to dive towards the main gun at an extremely fast speed. He wanted to make these pipes no longer sound.

"Which guy is so scared that his legs are weak?"

"That is?"

After passing the bridge that blocked their view, the pirate leader and the black dragon saw a dwarf standing alone in front of the main gun. Instead of running away in panic, he had an evil smile on his face.

"Snorri, Stormhammer!"

Loxia was quite sharp-eyed. When he saw the small elf-style crown on the dwarf's head, he exclaimed. There was only one person on this ship who was qualified to wear it.

When Kane's phantom tore through the clouds and mist caused by Yinyin, what he and his dragon saw was the stone statue killing everyone. Snorri released the transformation when he returned to the front line by boat, so the pirates

The leader failed to recognize it immediately.

"In the name of the god Grimnir, the hatred of the evil party will be liquidated today!"


Luxia used all her strength to pull on the reins of the dragon, but compared with the inertia of the dragon's accelerating dive, it was just a mantis arm acting as a chariot, and one person and one dragon still rushed over straight away.

From the perspective of the whirlpool, just when it was about to swallow the dwarf who was frightened by its power and chew it twice, he suddenly expanded and turned into a stone statue ten feet high, and at the same time, he lifted the war hammer in his hand.

Throw it at your own head.


The new head of the Fallen Heart family was pulling hard on the reins, but it was of no use. The hammer hit his chin. It contained power that was far beyond its small appearance. The black dragon's eyes went dark and it fell to the ground.



The long-prepared blow was successful, and the corners of Snorri's mouth rose slightly. He borrowed the power from the Five Elements Compass and applied rituals to himself to achieve such an effect. The stone statue then took a step forward and raised his right foot.


Loxia guessed what Snorri was going to do. The black dragon on the treasure ship's deck could only leave scratches, but when it destroyed the blood shrine, the stone statue could make a dent with one step.

The leader of the evil party could not sit back and watch Snorri step on the dragon's head. He jumped up from the saddle, unsheathed his double blades in mid-air and took it straight to the throat of the stone statue.

Although this guy looks very strong, Corrupted Heart is very confident in the scarlet blades in his hands. When he first debuted, he massacred the Jigaresh Temple in Indy, desecrated and smelted the idols they enshrined to obtain

Blood steel to forge his double blades.

"Ding! Ding!"

"Wha, what?"

The stone statue did not pull back to defend, and the double blades slashed hard on his neck, but the response to the fallen heart was two crisp sounds. The Pirate King was stunned for a moment. In the battle just now, he relied on the double blades to hit Yinyin's neck.

There are many wounds left on the dragon's body!


Snorri's thunder blow firmly stepped on the huge head of the abyss whirlpool.

"Uh-huh, ow!"

Just after regaining consciousness from the dizziness caused by the Storm Hammer, the black dragon was hit hard again before it could react. Its jaw bone was shattered, and its screams were muted.


"Don't be surprised, this set of armor was a gift from my master, Rune Demigod Krag!"

Snorri knew that these two attacks alone could not save the life of the ancient black dragon, so he explained slowly while triggering the runes of anger and destruction.


The muffled voice of the stone statue fell on the ears of the Corrupted Heart, which made him feel like falling into the ice cellar. The dark elf attacked crazily, and the scarlet double blades slashed the chest, crotch, joints and other vital parts in an attempt to prevent the dwarf's subsequent actions, but failed to break the defense.


The blood-covered head of the abyss whirlpool was shaken off the ground by the explosion caused by the runes. Its consciousness was blurred. The sixth sense brought by thousands of years of long life told the black dragon that death was approaching.

"If I hadn't spent too much energy with that long snake before..."

When the black dragon, unable to struggle, saw the stone statue raising the ax with both hands with its eyes blurred by blood, it thought one last time.


Snorri rounded the axe, runes flowed on the axe blade, and the huge dragon head fell down.

"It's your turn next!"

The dwarf king suppressed the excitement in his heart, and turned around to face the pirate leader who was constantly attacking. No matter how strong the Heart of the Mountains armor is, it cannot be opened to take a beating!

"What a power this is!"

"In the legend, it's not that easy for Grimnir to slay a dragon, right?"

"How many moves did your Majesty use?"

"Four moves, or three moves?"

The hot battlefield seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. From the perspective of a soldier, Snorri was just a hammer, a stamp, a shock, and a chop. He had been fighting for a long time with the dragon fleet admiral and Wei Dong Lie provincial governor Yinyin.

He had the upper hand against the black dragon and was slaughtered just like that!

Once the Heart of the Abyss died, God bless the leader of the evil party, who still had the heart to fight. He pulled away and ran towards the Black Ark. This dwarf is much stronger than the most exaggerated rumors about him!

"W-where to go!"

Snorri shouted. He took steps to catch up but felt that his legs were as heavy as lead. The few moves just now seemed simple, but in fact they were the result of careful planning. They were extremely demanding on his physical and mental strength.

Big consumption.



The dwarf fired the Storm Hammer again, but this invincible attack failed. The Corrupted Heart did not know what it did, and suddenly moved a large distance forward out of thin air.

This chapter has been completed!
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