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Chapter 386: Exhibition, Sales and Research Progress

"Understood. I will report to you as soon as there is any progress." Bloxon knew that his mission, the heritage of his ethnic group, his family's long-cherished wish, his personal honor, etc. all depended on his subsequent research.

After leaving Tongtian Tower, Snorri started his own tour. From the Jade Stables and Longma Farm outside the city to the Ya Tea Party and Baoyu Pavilion in the center; and then from Chongyang Temple and Shenyang Temple in the east of the city to Shangyin Temple in the west.

, Shengyin Lu.

After spending two days, the dwarf gained a new understanding of everything in Cathay. He knew that if he wanted to successfully achieve the multiple goals of this trip, he could not be immersed in searching for the phantoms of his past life.

Chenlong Shenzhu is leaving. Although she does not have a supervisor, as a true dragon, of course she will not be in vain. As Xingpo Zongji and the censor of the capital, there are many official affairs waiting for her to handle, and it is impossible to leave her post all the time.


"I hope His Highness can grant me a space to hold, um, a trade fair."

After the farewell banquet, Snorri suggested to Yinyin. Because the trade routes were first opened, the risks were not completely eliminated, and the scale of trade continued to be too large. Basically, it was two or three ships, one trip every few months, and the types of trade were longer.

The road to Toga is similar, and the potential of maritime transportation has not been fully developed.

With Governor Yin Yin leading the main force of the dragon fleet to eliminate pirates along the way, Yujiang basically annihilated the God Blessing Evil Party, the largest pirate group in the dark elves, and the Southland established a navy. These three prerequisites made Snorri determined to expand the scale of trade.

Soon, Western visitors were granted a place at the business and travel gathering in the east port area of ​​the city. Snorri arranged and arranged the venue while promoting it through the Cathay Empire's own news channels.

Shining gold is hard currency everywhere, and Snorri is not only not in short supply, but also happens to be very willing to give it up. The last time Bai Xiaolou had such a big order was back when the Monkey King was in trouble, so he naturally served the gold owner.

It's in place.

"Hahaha! This owner of Huanzhu Tower really knows what I'm thinking!"

Five days later, the dwarf king was sitting in front of the mahogany bookcase in the guest room, stroking his beard and laughing. After receiving the order, the owner of Baixiao Tower sent a message saying that he had an extra surprise for him. Unexpectedly, it was on the world list released in advance.


The thing in Snorlina's hand is not a piece of paper with only names and serial numbers, but a book. Each person on the list has one page, with a portrait and introduction. As a rule, it should be updated at the beginning of each year.

, but Baixiao Tower moved forward due to changes in the Tianbang.

Yang Yanzhang's introduction was added with the sentence "Seven spears to pick out the strange snakes", and was moved up by two. In the past few years, Cathay has been generally stable internally and externally, so there has been no change in the sky rankings. The rise and fall are concentrated in the small ones on the earth rankings.

Make trouble.

"He is a man of great courage and righteousness. Not bad, not bad."

After Snorri flipped through it, he found that most of the profiles of the strong players who were also wild card contestants with him were negative, and only his own was full of praise. The prosperity of Cathay made the forces around her salivate, and the neighbors were able to maintain

"Peace" on the surface is considered a good relationship.

"Oh, here's another line of praise. Killing gods and demons and monsters will make thieves and bandits from all over the world fearful; fighting against each other and scheming armies will make all the elves of the three families bow their heads! This kind of literary talent needs to be paid more for!"

The dwarf king patted the table and praised, and his guards seemed to understand and applauded him. Seeing this, Snorri couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. The conservative stubbornness of the dwarves was even more obvious in a foreign country.

He has hundreds of subordinates, but less than one-tenth of them can communicate simply in Sinian. This is the result of his heavy investment in encouraging the learning of foreign languages. As for those who can achieve normal communication, there will often be no one.

usable situation. In contrast, the human side has cultivated many full-time translation talents.

"The venue is almost ready, and interested businessmen have basically arrived. There are waterways in Fuzhou City to facilitate transportation."

Eric was only talented in diplomacy, and he took on most of the tasks of connecting with Cathay so that Snorri could take time off to observe the public sentiment.

"Okay, then we will implement it according to the established plan."

Snorri nodded. Expanding cooperation is the least important but also the least difficult of the three major goals of his trip. As long as the publicity is in place, it will not be difficult to reduce transportation costs.

"I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the shopkeepers for taking the time to appreciate it.


At the opening ceremony, Snorri's speech in all Cathay won him praise from the audience. Relying on the Long Tusk Road, the people of Cathay have also had a profound understanding of the West in the past long years, and among them

The more biased stereotypes are most widely disseminated.

When a strong man of a completely different race showed such sincerity, the pride of the Cathay merchants was greatly satisfied. After the meeting, Western merchants from various companies who followed the fleet signed a large number of contracts.

"Your Majesty, our research has made great progress and has overcome three major technical problems, namely.


Ten days passed after the trade fair ended, and Snorri had a thorough tour of Fuzhou City and its surroundings. This morning, just as he was about to go to the Huafang on Jingbo Lake to listen to music, Bloxson hurried over and stopped him.

"Is there a but?"

The dwarf king interrupted the engineer's tirade. He drank the tea on the table in one gulp and realized that his leisure days were over again.

"But? No, uh, I'm sorry, there is." Bloxen was stunned for a moment before he understood what Snorri meant.

"Oh, I knew it wouldn't go so well. Tell me, what's the problem? Do you have a solution? What else do you need me to do?" Snorri motioned to the guard to bring a chair to the engineer and fill up the tea.


"That's right, we are almost there, regarding the core power system. But the Cathayans do not allow us to disassemble the core and study it carefully. They are worried that it cannot be restored. This is an insult to the wisdom of our guild.


"This is indeed a bit troublesome. If I go to Mr. Minglong, she may not agree."

Snorri listened to the complaint and thought to himself that there were only four terracotta warrior guards in Weidong Province. Maybe Yinyin hid a few in some places to suppress the bottom of the box, but it would never be too many.

"But we found a place called the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Cemetery."

"Just call them Terracotta Warriors? Stop pretending?" Snorri couldn't help but interrupted and complained.

"Yeah, where did this horse ride come from? That place is buried with the permanently destroyed warrior warriors. Although their cores have been destroyed and cannot be repaired, there are enough of them, and we may be able to piece them together completely."

Bloxon told him his plan, and Snorri nodded secretly after listening.

"Don't make any noise about it. I'm going to collect information about the Terracotta Warriors and Horses Cemetery." The dwarf frowned. He suspected that the remains of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses could not be easily picked up by them. Running there directly might cause problems.


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