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Chapter 439 The dwarf appears

"I invited you here to discuss matters regarding Bafeng Mountain..."

"You are finally going to send troops? The Mother Goddess has given new instructions? How dare a mere rat to resist the power of a demigod! In just one month, no, half a month, we can..."

"Stop it, stop it, don't get excited!"

As soon as he heard those three words, Belegar immediately became excited. The power he has now should be said to be the strongest among the leaders of the Undergrand clan in the past thousand years. If it were not for the repeated failures of his ancestors, he would

I couldn't bear it any longer.

"Our goal is not to rush into the fortress, let you occupy a few halls on a certain floor, and then get into an endless tug-of-war with the rats and greenskins. If we don't regain it, we will let her return to the embrace of the mountains.


Snorri repeated what he had said countless times. He pushed aside the clutter on the table and revealed an extremely detailed map of the East and South Badlands. The situation of each stronghold and the enemy information in it were marked in detail.

Some of them also have appendices - detailing every passage underground.

This is the result of Brian and his expedition team. The ancestors of the Golden Age built mining stations and outposts in the mountains of the Badland. Over the past thousands of years, many of them were stolen by enemies, preventing the dwarves from returning to the Eight Peaks Mountains.

In order to obtain this information, Brian not only recruited experts from all over the mountains, but also hired a group of Pegasus knights from Bretonnia with heavy runes and equipment to achieve simultaneous advancement on land, air and underground.

Iron Eyebrow scolded his apprentice and knocked the Anvil of Doom until it was red hot before settling Brian's bill. Fortunately, when he saw this map, the Three Hammers Alliance King praised him. Professional things must be done by professionals.


"Let us start from these places, clear the roads leading to Bafeng Mountain, and cut off their wings. This relatively low-intensity battle is also a good opportunity to train the troops and strengthen cooperation."

Snorri clicked on the green goblin faces and black mouse heads on the map. The different sizes represented the size of the population.

"Okay, this little fight shouldn't require your intervention, right? Then who will cooperate with us on behalf of the Southland? Is it Gotrek, the joint champion between you and the god Grimnir?"

"No, it's not him. He has other important matters when he goes to the Far North Wasteland. I plan to take this opportunity to train more generals. Then I will trouble you to give them some pointers! In fact, you can also do this. The king does not necessarily want everything.

Do it yourself.”

"Well, I have four ancestors to help me."

"God Gazul has the least contact with me among the gods. I'm not sure whether they will return to the ancestral hall to rest in peace after regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain. You are the only one left in the Andegrand clan. Make more plans.

There’s nothing wrong with that.”

"Hahaha, strictly speaking, no! I was about to tell you the good news! Thanks to the Mother Goddess, Aniya has something going on in her belly!"

"Congratulations! If necessary, I can go to the Cladro Gate before giving birth."

"Well, although it's a bit early, I want to wait until the child understands and send him here to receive your teachings. After all, Plateau Fort is the rear area and is safer than mine."

Snorri looked at Belegar suspiciously when he heard this. This was undoubtedly showing his loyalty to him, so that he could invest more in regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain. Maybe this was taught by Lady Aenea, who felt that back then

It's not easy for that girl to have sex.

"No problem, I hope we can start taking action within the year. You know, the faster we clean up, the earlier we can start. The better we clean up, the lower the cost of supporting us from the old world will be."

After bringing some maternal and child health care products imported from Cathay to Belegar, Snorri returned to work. The traces of the Chaos Dwarves gave him new urgency. The spies who were sent out were helped by Settra's eldest son Vahav

We have already delineated the scope of activities of the Chaos Dwarf expedition, and I am afraid that the exact information will only be available in the next few days.

"The promotion of compulsory education schools is very gratifying. Now the enrollment rate of those under 12 years old has reached 80%, and 50% of young people over 15 years old have also participated in night classes."

Noli was appointed as the admissions officer and traveled around the Southland to work hard to promote compulsory education. Because it was a brand-new policy, the new students who entered the school were in the first grade regardless of their age.

Most parents are aware of the importance of knowledge, but not every young man is willing to give up the opportunity to make money in his prime years to go to school. Snorri repeatedly emphasized that enrollment must be voluntary at this stage, so Noli's work is to promote publicity

and mainly receiving feedback.

"What's the attitude of the church?"

"Well, most of the senior priests can put their positions right, but there are some villages and towns where the grassroots are more radical. I have reported the most thorny ones to Mr. Undermg."

"The resistance is expected, but he has been under a lot of pressure recently. Let's allocate more manpower to the West Factory from the joint development meeting."

Snorri waved his hand to indicate that Noli could finish his report. The spies had found the campsite where the fallen had been camping in recent days near the Devil's Spine Mountains. Although they had never met before, the smell of the mixture of engine oil and devil was too strong.


"Hongyunshan transferred the call and found a marching pot!"

"Give me the order and set off immediately!"

Rushing to the tarmac and jumping on the plane that had been on standby, Snorri and the guards headed straight for the coordinate point. There were not many people in the world who could threaten him, but there was nothing wrong with getting used to bringing more people.

"Then, those terrible guys are over there! The ancestors and gods are above! Your Majesty, the demigods chosen by the ancestors, forgive my anger!"

As the news spread, the surrounding teams quickly gathered around to pull the net. When Snorri landed, he saw 200 men with a half ratio of human dwarves. The dwarf ranger who first discovered it reported nervously and loudly.

"Well done! I will remember you for your great achievements! When the other warriors go back, I will also reward them based on their merits. Now spread out and tighten the fence. Don't let any of them escape!"

In the intelligence, Kapu knew the size of the Chaos Dwarves - an expedition team of dozens of people. No matter how desperate this group was, they would only have this few people. Snorri could not give them a chance to go back and report the news.

"Why can't you find that thing?"

"We can't go back empty-handed like this, unless you want to..."

"The tail hanging behind is getting closer and closer. We can't get rid of it at our speed!"

"I just said you can't believe those skeletons!"

Snorri opened the mortal barrier and crept closer with his guards. No one was seen, and hoarse dwarf complaints with some syllables changed poured into his ears.


The runes were triggered, the earth burst open, and the Anvil Guards rushed in instantly. They had done this kind of coordination countless times.

"Surrender! Whoever dares to resist must take off his arm first!"

This chapter has been completed!
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