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Chapter 451 Elf Support

The army under his command was advancing steadily towards Bafeng Mountain. Snorri sat in his big tent and compiled the news from the forwards and more forward scouts. What is the situation in Bafeng Mountain? How many enemies are there, and are there any new reinforcements? All this depends on him.

Do your own analysis and judgment.

"Beep beep beep!"

While he was busy, one of the several encrypted transmitters in his safe rang. The disturbed dwarf king mumbled while opening the box and guessing who was contacting him.

"Teclis? Now that we're meeting, what does he want to do? He's not trying to trick someone from somewhere, right?"

After interpreting the message, Snorri frowned, but considering his plan after regaining the Eight Peaks Mountain and the key position of Teclis, he still responded quickly.

"Long time no see, Lord Tigris, you, oh? You seem to be about to break through? Congratulations, at over three hundred years old, you can be considered a peerless genius among you, no, elves!"

Finding an excuse to sneak out of the camp, Snorri made his way to a barren mountain and met the Archmage. A trace of extraordinary power radiated from his body, which was obviously a sign that he had not fully grasped the authority.

"Haha, if it were anyone else, I would take it as a compliment, but you are the only exception. During the Great Holy War, I fought side by side with your fathers and ancestors. At that time, my magic power reached the pinnacle of the mortal world."

Looking Snorri up and down while leaning on Lilith's Moon Staff, Teclis' thoughts seemed to drift back to the bloody battle against the Eternal Chosen. As one of the only insiders to the weakening of the Maelstrom, he was burdened with

Huge amount of pressure.

"Well, you have been struggling for a hundred years before you can stand behind the door. You are lucky. Your brother reached the peak of mortal life earlier than you. Now you still have no clue about authority."

"A small battle is imminent. Although your troops are weak and strong, the Skaven and Greenskins relying on the Four Peaks Mountains are not at their mercy. You think you may be open to some reinforcements."

"It's Lily again? Why didn't you have a bad feeling?" Iris muttered inwardly while stroking his beard, while Tesnoli continued to talk on his own.

However, considering that during the governance process before the recovery of the Southland, he allowed his superiors to suppress the belief in the Lake God, he was considered half-hearted. In addition, Dieter VII came to power and the relationship with the empire was restored. That time Bretonnia

Let’s just start with secular relationships.

"Yes, it's me too. Prince of the Tao Guifeng Kingdom, watcher of Tar-Gris, have you heard of Aisa Waian?"

"It's boring, it's boring, what do you need to pay for this?"

Although fewer people are better, Iris did not accept it slowly. In addition to the original plan, I hope to persuade Lilith to go to the Oracle to regain the Four Peaks as a chivalrous war to gain more power from Bretonnia.


"You? Thank you for your respect, but counting their brothers, there are only seven Doomsday Anvils outside the small camp, right? It's wrong to stand with them and even use the Ten Thousand Flames Gathering to summon a fireball.


"How do you say this? Is Prince Tyrion coming?"

"What you said is wrong. The Men of the Mist and the Men of Dreams are close allies. As for the matter of time, Aethaion and my army are in the Badlands. Before we can completely eliminate the greenskins in Ulthuan, I

I think it’s time to start erasing that filthy race from the entire world.”

That time it was Iris's turn to laugh. It should be said that Teddy's eighth sense is really very sharp. I really want to make a facial mask, but it's just that of a god instead of a demigod dragon.

"So? He is very familiar with the person under the head of his magic wand? But even if you promise that time, I will come over in time, right? Your rear guard is as slow as the foot of the Four Peaks Mountain."

"Haha, if you have the support of the gods, I'm afraid you will be treated like they do!"

"Head of the cell? Can he move me by shouting? Does that mean Phoenix King Fenubadu is commanding to move me?"

Tesnorri smiled. The two meetings at Low Plains Castle and the Tower of the Rising Sun on the way to Cathay gave me a clear understanding of the speed at which Iris's strength is improving.

"Haha, you came to you at that time to show off your strength, right? The ugly thing is later, if someone sees our meeting, you really have to use the Storm Hammer to greet him!"

I'm not convinced whether Lilith is causing trouble or not. Now that the fight is about to start, Tesnorri is sent to take the initiative to provide help. Isn't he so bad-hearted?

"Prince Tyrion is the same as us. With or without the support of gods, relying solely on oneself does require less effort."

The Doom Anvil was used as a key treasure against the elven mages in the Battle of Long Beard. One of them can significantly restrain the magical wind on the battlefield. So few demigod spellcasters can't bear it. It is said that it is half the result with twice the effort.

Gives face to Tesnorri's "Arcane Conductor" talent.

"What they ask for is really a lot. It's just a treasure in the treasure house of Four Peaks Mountain, Master Kaler's Silver Dragon Horn. You don't have the right to control the spoils. It's just a matter of effort to get it."

"Ever since before the disaster brought by Gulu, I have even wanted to meet your old friend who studied with you in Saphori. But in the end, no one has been able to command me, the patron saint of Tao Guifeng Kingdom - the mist man Radlili.


"It's boring. What do they want? Aisa Waian doesn't have many troops? Don't just have a large team and let you spend all your time trying to convince your tribe to accept it."

"He is the protector of all things that are hidden or lost, and the protector of travelers in the wilderness. His presence can be best felt in the mist of Gris, and the people outside of this world also believe in him devoutly."

"Extreme reinforcements? You? This is truly an honor for you and even the entire mountains."

Iris raised a brow, and his attitude suddenly turned bad. Tesnoli is good at small-scale war spells and is a bad hand in killing powerful soldiers. Dwarves who have participated in small holy wars will deny this.


"Your old friend led an expeditionary force of nearly two thousand people. The Mist Walkers of the Kingdom of Gris are the toughest mixed infantry. And as far as you know, you hate the air force, but the air force you have now is relatively weak.

, the gryphons of Gris are the most powerful and the smallest in the entire Ulthuan, and Tao Guiwaiang brought the most elite Knights of Tar-Gavor."

A guy who had just reached the pinnacle of mortal life and whose foundation had not yet been solidified, could he gain power and become a demigod after slipping away from Cathay? Was it because Tesnoli guessed what kind of opportunity Tao Guifeng got in this ancient East?


Of course Iris knows that Tao Gui Wai Ang is because I was turned into ashes by Arhan. The feat of leading the team to successfully evacuate before capturing Nagaroth is enough for me to sit outside the War Council of the Phoenix Court.

Take the top spot.

This chapter has been completed!
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