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Chapter 50 Spectators

"The Mother Goddess has not abandoned her children! Your Majesty, please allow me to ask you for a few days' leave!"

The first person to react was an older dwarf named Alberic Silverfinger, the only rune master in Torrent Pass.

This master is famous for his ability to inscribe runes on war machines. Because of this, he and his Rune School have always been unpopular with mainstream rune users, led by Krag the Harsh.

In their view, how can rune blacksmiths, who are defenders of traditional skills, cooperate with engineers who do not know how to respect tradition!

Immediately afterwards, one after another, the dwarf executives expressed their intention to go to Shanhu Castle. King Serentin shook his head:

"Then let's just go together! Anyway, Shanhu Castle is not far away, and that's his son. Brother Thorgreen will definitely go too. We haven't seen each other for many years!"

As he said that, he stood up from the throne and said, "Go back and clean up! Don't you guys at the Eternal Peak, no, don't embarrass our Zhufuba in front of the ancestor goddess!"

The scene shifts to Karak-Domar, a dwarven stronghold located at the westernmost tip of the World's Edge Mountains.

The original intention of its establishment was to control the Blackfire Pass, the key route to the empire. There are no rich mineral deposits here, and it mainly serves the purpose of garrisoning troops and setting up checkpoints to collect customs duties.

Knowing that there was a Hammer of Eternity guard who came to deliver the message, the Lord of Domar, Lauren Timekeeper, did not hesitate to receive them in the hall.

He is the leader of the second largest clan of Karaz-a-Karak, and was sent by Thorgrin to garrison here. After reading the letter, the dwarf in his prime breathed a sigh of relief:

"I was shocked when I heard the guard's report just now! I thought it was Gnom, the young man, who was surrounded by greenskins and needed you to break out of the encirclement and come to me for help!"

He smiled and said, "You two have worked hard all the way here, go drink some beer and have a good rest! I will go to witness the miracles of the Mother Goddess and congratulate Gnom on the way."

Under the instructions of the three lords, the news spread quickly throughout the fortress like a jet engine, and soon even the humans of Karaz-a-Karak knew about it.

More than a dozen human leaders gathered in the imperial embassy. Due to the betrayal of Emperor Dieter IV, the official ambassador had been expelled. The ambassadors of various electors and the leaders of the chamber of commerce happened to occupy this place.

"It seems that everyone has got the news! The woman among the three main gods of the dwarves has revived. I plan to go and take a look. What do you think?"

The speaker was Ambassador Isama from Nunn City, who sat at the lower left of the vacant main seat.

Nuln is an important city in the Human Empire. She is known as the gem of the Reik region. Many dwarf craftsmen settled here and opened foundries with the convenience of the Reik River, because the oak barges on the river brought a continuous flow of ore and Coal is coming.

With the help of the dwarves, Nunn built the Imperial Gunnery School, which is the most important symbol of Nunn from impression to economy.

In the countless foundries and refining factories, metal ore from the mountains is continuously transported here, smelted and forged into muskets, pistols, cannons or mortars, and then they will be transported to other provinces and regions to make huge profits.


The artillery school also trains artillery crew members required by the army and provides refresher courses to cultivate senior gunners.

Nunn is also a transportation hub and a major trading town. The dwarf fortress in the mountains continuously transports various goods and goods, and wealthy people from southern provinces such as the Tyrells flock here to trade.

Therefore, Nunn pays more attention to the dwarf kingdom, and the ambassadors stationed in the Eternal Peak have higher standards.

"Let me tell you, I'm afraid that the current Supreme King Thor Green is suffering from hysteria due to the oppression of hatred!" Another human spoke.

"Their ancestors and gods haven't appeared for many years. They probably have to count from the time of Sigmar."

He picked up the coffee on the table, took a sip and continued, "I'm afraid they would have been torn into pieces by the Blood God! I'm afraid the Lord of Joy is not good enough for this one."

"Shh! Keep your voice down!" Isama quickly stopped the ambassador from his foolish behavior.

"Thanks to that stupid pig, the dwarves don't want to see us these days! If you let them hear it, you will write a mark in the book of hatred, but no one can save you!"

Hearing this, other humans nodded. Most creatures in this world have enough respect for the unknown and the gods.

"I plan to go there too!" The person who spoke this time was a wealthy businessman from Marienburg. His body was covered with all kinds of gold and silver jewelry, many of which were shining with the luster of runes.

"Even if the authenticity of the Mother Goddess's grace is open to question, it is always true that our dwarf friends have regained control of Shanhu Castle." His beer belly trembled as he spoke.

"Not to mention the large amount of meteorite deposits in Blackwater Lake, just because Prince Gnom is the eldest son of the High King and a strong contender for the next High King, it is worth a trip for me!"

"Hahaha, you fat man is thinking too far! According to the lifespan of our dwarf friends, let alone you, your grandson will live a long life if he can see Prince Genom succeed to the throne!"

The person who spoke this time was Ryan Cartney, the famous mercenary leader of the Human Empire. He and his great swordsmen provided armed protection for any caravan that wanted to go to the dwarf mountains or pass through the Blackfire Pass.

I have a cooperative relationship with everyone else here.

"In my opinion, it's more important to go and see Master Snorri. His master-level flying rune is being spread more and more outrageously by the dwarves, but the real effect must be good! If the price is right

I really want to get one."

Although the humans present had different desires, they quickly reached a resolution to go to Shanhu Castle together and dispersed after agreeing to set off tomorrow.

On the third night, watching the rangers' harvest, Snorri smiled with satisfaction. In front of him were two whole and healthy lambs and a strong male blue sheep.

Thinking that he would soon be able to walk without relying on his legs, Snorri smiled from ear to ear, but in the eyes of the dwarves around him, this goddess' choice was expressing satisfaction with the sacrifice.

Snorri took out two hundred gold coins collected from the corpses of the rat men from his pocket and rewarded them to the ranger captain. Although he kept saying that it was his honor to serve the goddess, the pressure of life still prompted him to accept the gift.


Rangers are often dwarves without a fixed industry and are relatively economically difficult.

At the same time, dwarves and humans from surrounding fortresses gradually arrived, and the garrison at the outpost arranged them into the newly built temporary camp.

All this came to a climax when the throne of power carried by four dwarves appeared at the entrance of the leyline network. The king of the mountains has arrived!

Thanks to Bizuzizizixinxin, book friend 161124130441315, 20190409161425988 monthly pass, there will be additional updates in the evening

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