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Chapter 69 Dwarf Economics

 After understanding the trick, Snorri decided to continue to follow the rich route before. It was a very reasonable choice to use money to exchange for the lack of time when he was not short of money.

Opening his safe and looking at a small mountain of gold shining inside, Snorri smiled so hard that the corners of his mouth split.

At a certain moment, Snorri didn't even want to let himself lose these sparkling little cuties in front of him, even if the short-term loss would bring back more in the future.

Snorri realized that this was the cause of the thirst for gold hidden in the deepest part of his blood.

Dwarves have an almost pathological obsession with gold. "Gold Thirst" and "Gold Fever" are their common physical or psychological diseases.

These diseases are particularly common among dwarf miners, because they dig metal underground all year round. The symptoms of the disease are diverse: losing consciousness, drooling, pathological paranoia, persecution paranoia, etc.

Staying with gold all day long and becoming violent are well documented in the Dwarf Miners Association.

The dwarves love gold so much that counting gold has become a popular pastime among the dwarven upper echelons.

This activity may take hours or even days depending on the amount of wealth. But the dwarves derive pleasure from their almost paranoid accuracy and calmness in the counting process.

Dwarves also have many lexical descriptions of "gold", which reflect the value, weight, color, luster, and even the history of gold.

For example, ancient gold is passed down from generation to generation. The storage in the clan treasure house and the newly mined gold have different names. The dwarves also have unique names for gold of different purity.

Snorri was in a good mood, and he slowly counted his gold coins. His current possessions totaled just over four thousand.

The main sources of these gold coins are divided into three categories. The latest batch is the trophies collected by Balentine after annihilating the Ratmen Bad Claw clan. There are about a thousand coins.

The more legitimate origins are the monthly salary given by his father Thorgreen when he was a minor and the income gained from working in the Rune Blacksmith Guild. Since Snorri relies on the clan and has enough food and clothing, he himself is not vain.

people, so most of them have been saved.

The last part is the information fee obtained from selling out the interests and hobbies of his second sister, Princess Nina. In the past ten years, as the second sister and himself have grown up one after another, people have come to him for information almost every year.

Every time there is such a passive social interaction, a big meal and a batch of local products are always indispensable. Many young dwarves who spend a lot of money will give Snorri some red envelopes and ask him to say a nice word in front of his sister.

It stands to reason that the savings of four thousand gold coins can be considered a huge sum of money. In human society, the average farmer's annual income is about ten gold coins.

Like almost all of the world, a farmer's annual income is basically unable to purchase anything that can be called "luxury" except for the maintenance of his life - unless he relies on years of savings.

For warriors or mercenaries, depending on their type and strength, the annual income is between 20 and 50 gold coins.

Many small nobles, such as knights or knights, rely on their manors and their own military force to earn an annual income of less than 500 gold coins.

The annual income of the great nobles will exceed one thousand gold coins. Of course, this is the net income after paying the wages of their troops and servants.

However, according to Snoke's own observation and analysis, combined with his knowledge of economics in previous lives, he believes that dwarf society is somewhat inflationary compared to the empire.

Inflation is the depreciation of a country's currency that causes rising prices.

It is different from general price rises: general price rises refer to a temporary, partial, reversible rise in prices of certain commodities due to an imbalance in supply and demand, and will not cause currency depreciation;

Inflation is a sustained, widespread, and irreversible increase in the prices of a country's major domestic commodities that can cause a country's currency to depreciate.

The direct cause of inflation in the Mountain Kingdom is that the amount of currency circulating here is greater than the total effective economic volume of the dwarves.

The underlying reasons that Snorri can see leading to this situation mainly include the following two.

The first is currency. The entire Warhammer world uses precious metals such as gold and silver as currency. As a race that relies on mining, the growth rate of currency issuance is always higher than the growth rate of their effective economic aggregate.

Another reason is the trade surplus, a large trade surplus. Most of the goods sold by the dwarves are armor weapons, jewelry, handicrafts and other high value-added categories, while most of the goods bought from humans are agricultural products, food, cotton and linen.

Lower value products such as textiles.

Due to the small population of dwarves, the entire Eternal Peak only has a permanent population of 350,000. Their demand is lower compared to the huge human population. A large amount of gold coins flow into the mountain kingdom along with trade.

Such inflation has reduced the purchasing power of gold coins in Gunsan Kingdom, and the introduction of pledge gold is the most direct proof.

In order to prevent some miner clans from easily exchanging easy-to-obtain gold for some priceless treasures, the dwarves chose to use oath gold containing rune magic for high-end transactions.

Snorri was thinking as he walked into the material store located in the central square of the fortress with the money bag on his shoulder.

When he walked out, his wallet was half lighter, and there was a small leather bag of dragon's blood in his hand. This was a discount given by the boss out of honor for the ancestral goddess!

Snorri's heart was bleeding, but facing inflation, a problem that had been difficult to solve in previous lives, he only knew a concept and had no clue.

"In the future, I still have to make money from the mountains to spend the empire's money; introduce more policies to encourage merchants in the empire and let them lower the price of dragon blood; it is also a good way to go to humans to recruit more mercenaries, and the maintenance cost is comparable.

The tribesmen are much cheaper..." Snorri muttered as he walked back.

"By the way, maintenance fees!" He suddenly felt a headache, because his anvil guards were paid by the clan, and it was still unknown whether the remaining money would be enough to pay wages.

But then I thought about it, now I am still a general in my father Thor Green's faction. I am mainly responsible for leading the troops to carry out missions. Logistics and military supplies are not considered.

But after you set up your own business, you have to take care of your own wages, food, and even the replenishment of weapons, equipment, and ammunition.

"Where can I get money?" Snorri said to himself. He did not expect that the first two difficulties he faced after traveling through time were related to money. First, there was no pledge money, and now he is even short of ordinary gold coins!

"It just so happens that I have to protect the caravan, why not do some trade myself?" Snorri had an idea.

Thanks to the book friend for the tip, the Black Apostle of Chaos needs two words to call it Bureau.

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