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Chapter 84 Auction (Part 2)

 There were not many firearms transported from Rapids Pass. After a few rounds, the auction entered the next stage.

This batch of auction items is different from the previous ones and can be called treasures.

It started out as a shield blessed by a pope in the history of the Sigmar sect in the Human Empire.

Sigma, the founder of the human empire, abdicated after ruling the country for fifty years and disappeared.

Later, his loyal people believed that Sigmar had become a god and founded a sect named after him to worship him fanatically - the Sigmar Sect.

Sigma is the patron saint of the empire and the god of war for mankind. Due to the efficaciousness of his faith and the unremitting propaganda of the battle priests, Sigma's faith spread quickly.

Today the worship of Sigmar has become an important part of Imperial society. Almost every city, town or village within the Empire has a portion of wealth and land dedicated to the creation and maintenance of Sigmar churches.

Its influence is so great that it has three votes in the voting mechanism of the Human Empire: the Pope of the Sigmar Sect, and the two great chanters-the Pope's right-hand man each have one vote.

Political status aside, these men were truly strong men. The divine power of Sigmar stirred within them, and His divine power was their prayer, allowing them to perform extraordinary miracles in the name of their founding god, as long as

Their faith in Him remains strong.

Priests of Sigmar can unleash the wrath of the Skullcrusher Hammer to slay dark creatures such as demons and undead or even wild spirits revered by sylvan elves, or call upon the gods to protect the Empire's warriors in battle to bolster their defenses, or even allow a

Seriously wounded warriors were brought back from near death and miraculously healed of all their wounds.

The shields blessed by the Pope, the leader of the Sigmar Cult, are comparable in quality to exquisite equipment.

This time, the atmosphere at the venue became lively. Both humans and dwarves put in bids. Compared to weapons, armors were valued more highly.

In many cases, weapons can help you kill enemies in battle, but armor can help you survive.

The price of the shield has been raised to five thousand gold coins. This is because the effectiveness of the blessing has weakened somewhat over time.

"The runes of our Sons of the Mountains don't have such a problem. Even the rocks can't withstand the erosion of wind and sand, and they will still shine like new!" Captain Glenson said excitedly.

Then there were several auctions of heirlooms of human nobles. Snorri watched with great interest. Although he did not bid, he had a certain understanding of human high-quality equipment through his own observation and the auctioneer's introduction, which greatly increased his knowledge.


"Everyone, the next batch of lots are sent by a big shot!" The auctioneer waved his hand, and a new row of plates covered with red cloth was brought to the stage.

The dwarf auctioneer made a good sale, which is also a way to attract the audience's attention.

"Tell me about it, brother! Otherwise, how can we start easily?"

"Big shot? Isn't he the one with the right to elect the emperor led by Mut? That's indeed a 'big' shot!"

The person who said this had a loud voice. When he heard his speech, except for the customers from the Human Empire, everyone else in the venue laughed wildly, especially the fellow dwarves who laughed the most heartily.

Bahrain introduced it at the right time: "The emperor of our human friends is elected by the vote holders who have the right to elect the emperor. They include ten electors with territories, three members of the Sigmar sect, and Northern Ulric.

The Pope of the sect, of course, and of course the halflings led by Mutt! A total of fifteen votes."

Speaking of this, the dwarves in the private room also laughed, and Balin joined them after speaking.

"Halflings? Those cooks who are not taller than us, how do they have the right to vote?" Brim asked.

"This has to start more than a thousand years ago. At that time, the emperor of mankind was called Ludwig, and his nickname was Fatty." Bahrain replied.

Hearing this, the tribesmen laughed again. The appearance of a nickname like Fatty on a human emperor is enough to show how lackluster he and his rule are.

"Ludwig was an out-and-out fool. His biggest characteristic was that he could eat, which was also the origin of his nickname. He even made a halfling cook an elector because of the food cooked by the halfling.

Very delicious!

And because of billions of bribes, he also gave the most fertile land in Stirland and Iveyland to the halflings, allowing them to establish a halfling autonomous region, which is the Muttland."

After listening to Balin's introduction, the dwarves laughed so hard that their beards trembled. They had complicated feelings for their human friends.

When we first met, the mountain kingdom was still strong, and humans were just a tribe of savages in the wilderness.

The fledgling human empire relied on the protection of the dwarves, learning techniques and knowledge from their dwarf teachers like studious students.

However, as time goes by, the human empire develops faster and faster, but the dwarves are limited by their own male-female ratio and the impact from the green skins and Skaven from the outside, and their national power is declining day by day.

If it hadn't been for Snorri's arrival, the Mountain Kingdom would have gradually entered dusk. Now the relationship between dwarves and humans has been somewhat reversed. At some point, the Mountain Kingdom will need food and even military support from humans.

This is unacceptable to a proud race like the dwarves. For this reason, once some people grasp the stain of the human empire, they will continue to laugh at it to gain spiritual victory.

"Okay, okay, my friends, to tell you the truth, this is sent by Prince William III of Reikland to praise this brave friend. He defeated a partial army of Gollum that invaded Altdorf. These are his

trophies." the auctioneer said loudly.

"What is the Jinzun Chamber of Commerce doing?"

"Loot? What valuable things can those mushrooms have? You don't want to go to the battlefield with a chopper, do you?"

The audience in the audience shouted, expressing their confusion.

"Be patient, my friends!" The auctioneer stretched out his hand and pressed it.

"Everyone knows the reputation of our Jinzun Chamber of Commerce. How can we bring some scraps for everyone's fun? Before these things became the trophies of Prince William, they were also the trophies of the Greenskins."

Hearing this, the people in the audience became quiet and began to wait for this round of auction to begin.

"What does this mean?" Snorri was a little confused and asked Tommy.

"Let me make a guess," Tommy said uncertainly.

"It's probably because some nobles were in a hurry to escape and didn't have time to take away too much property. Those things fell into the hands of the green skins. How to deal with the loot after the green skins were defeated became a problem. After all, human nobles are all related to each other just like us.

.Maybe because he didn’t want to suffer too much loss, Prince William sent the things for auction.”

Thank you to French Chasseur Major Yuri for your monthly vote. Please vote, collect and reward

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