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Chapter 90 Negotiation (Part 2)

 Hearing Snorri mention monsters, the four humans all nodded in agreement, obviously they all had related horrific experiences.

"As far as I know, there are no more monsters in the Border Princes than in any other region of the Old World, but the lack of a strong government makes the monsters bolder, so there seem to be more."

Snorri went on to say that since the Border Prince Territory is very close to the World's Edge Mountains, he has a certain understanding of it.

"In addition to the greenskins coming from the Badlands, the forests here are full of dirty ungulates. I also heard that rats that elsewhere only dare to roam in the sewers can also roam the Border Princes."

Snorri ignored the ugly faces of Lailan and the others and continued.

"This is indeed the case. After my stronghold was attacked by the Minotaurs, I realized that I needed to increase my long-range firepower." Knight Lelan answered.

"Those guys, not only were born with thick hair, but also got some clumsy armor from somewhere. The arrows fired by my archers almost turned them into hedgehogs. Those beasts were still turning their axes.

Shout out and fight!" When mentioning the tauren, Lailan couldn't help clenching his fists.

"If Marcus hadn't been an outstanding archer, hitting their eyes, throats and other vital parts repeatedly, and I had a small team of Sun Knights under my command who could hit them head-on, my people might have suffered."

"Knight of the Sun?" Snorri repeated as he looked up and down at the tall human in front of him, but he did not break the pot and asked, who can't have some secrets?

Snorri has some understanding of the Sun Knights, a group of wealthy knights with a high reputation. In the game, they do more damage than the Rick Guards and can cause fire damage.

The Knights of the Sun are a small but prestigious elite knighthood. It is also one of the most famous and prestigious knighthoods so far. It is also the richest knighthood in the empire.

They believe in Myrmidia, the goddess of war. Under her influence, the few but very elite knights of the Flame Sun are enthusiastic about learning war technology and art of war, and regard personal abilities and achievements as the most important things, even more important than them.

High or low birth.

The rise of the resource-rich Knights also quickly attracted military geniuses from all walks of life to gather under its banner. Each member knight also regarded perfect mastery of the art of war as the main goal. They traveled alone through the old world, no matter how big or small, to fight and learn.
As long as any army has a Knight of the Sun in its leadership, they will be able to use their wits to win the battle before the swords clash.

Members of the Knights of the Sun will wear luxurious fine chain plate armor, made of finely crafted brass, with the main color being bright black and trimmed with gold. The mirror-polished shield depicts a burning sun.


Thinking of this, Snorri has a better understanding of Knight Laeren's extraordinary power. In his opinion, with the help of Knight of the Sun and his ability to realize the importance of firearms, Laeren is very likely to be the leader of the Border Prince.

Make your mark in a mixed-race place.

If this land adjacent to the Kingdom of Gunshan can have a powerful lord who is friendly to the dwarves, it will undoubtedly be of great help to the revival of Gunshan and the growth of his revival points.

Snorri made up his mind to give Lelan some help, but he had to wait for the knight in front of him to speak first.

"Sir, we have just talked so much. I am indeed very satisfied with the power of your musket, but can you give me a little concession on the price?" Seeing that two plates of barbecue were surrounded by eight people, with almost only bones left, Lailan

Opened his mouth.

"I think I can indeed make some concessions, and I can even sign some agreements with you on behalf of my clan!" Snorri drank the beer in his glass and wiped his fake beard and said.

"How many do you need?" he then asked Lelan.

"Well, thirty? I think with my current strength, it might be enough to form half a team of musketeers." Lailan thought about it.

"Let's do this. How about a flat price of 1,000 gold coins? I will provide 50 rounds of ammunition for each gun." Snorri made a big concession, which is basically the cost price for him to get the goods.

"Well, thank you so much!" Lelan looked overjoyed at the discount given by Snorri. It is really not easy to get discounts from a race like dwarves that loves gold.

"If you are willing, all kinds of materials needed for the construction and development of your territory can be ordered from my clan's chamber of commerce. It is planned that the High King's caravan will pass by Karak-Hearn again when it returns in four months. Orders can be placed at that time

If so, the goods will be delivered by this time next year." Snorri promoted follow-up services.

"What kind of materials can your clan provide? Stone? Or steel?" Lailan Shiyi's attendant took out a pen and paper to record it.

"I'm from, well, forget it, you probably don't know, the Drazkrad clan." Like every dwarf, Snorri raised his head proudly when he mentioned the name of his clan.

As expected, Lailen and the others showed confused expressions. The vocabulary of Dwarf language was obviously not within their knowledge.

Snorri did not ridicule the ignorance of short-lived species as was common among his compatriots, but he continued.

"It's normal not to know the specific details. All you need to know is that my clan is strong. In principle, everything you need in your territory can be obtained through us, provided the price is right." Snorri added.
"What is the right price?" Lelan Knight, who is not rich, is still concerned about this issue.

"I'll give you a 20% discount on the market price, and it won't cost you a lot to measure your territory." Snorri proudly made a promise.

"No, boss, there has to be a limit!" Tommy is indeed a seasoned businessman, and he promptly reminded Snorri, who was already drunk and had lost his ability to drink.

"Yes, the annual discount on products is limited to five thousand gold coins!" Snorri added, even if he did not get his father's support in the end, he could still afford the subsidy of one thousand gold coins. This is also to a certain extent

This avoids the possibility that the knight in front of you will change his career and become a traitor.

"Well, then, what do I need to pay?" Even though Knight Lailen's cheeks were slightly red from drinking, he still did not lose his mind. His performance made the dwarves present take a high look.

"For now, it's okay. If you're really embarrassed, just sort out the noteworthy information from the Border Princes and give it to the contact person every year when the caravan returns." Snorri thought for a while and said.

"When you achieve or are close to achieving your goal, someone will contact you!" He added.

Thanks to Xiao Baofeng, He Mou loves to read novels and rewards them, Guardian without Help, Lurkers in the Dark, Favorite Total War Rome, Dark Fang Monthly Ticket

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