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Chapter 1,102 Sky Coffin

 Taking advantage of the moment when the man in black relaxed his vigilance, Liu Wuxie suddenly used Soul Capture.

There was a sudden blur in front of the man in black, and his soul seemed to be sucked by something, unable to think on his own, let alone mobilize all his strength.

It only takes one thousandth of an instant before and after.

When his soul sea was about to regain consciousness, a ray of golden light penetrated into his soul sea and entered the Nascent Soul.

Xu Lingxue and the other two were extremely anxious. The moment the man in black took out the black talisman, they were very nervous.

Mainly because I was worried about Liu Wuxie being in any danger.

"What should we do? They are deadlocked. Should we help Brother Liu?"

Chen Ruoyan was about to rush out with a long whip.

"Let's wait!"

Xu Lingxue pulled Chen Ruoyan and asked her to calm down. Brother Liu must have other means.

In the past minute or so, the aura of the man in black gradually disappeared, and when he looked at Liu Wuxie again, his eyes were full of piety.

In the pool of faith in Liu Wuxie's soul sea, there was a black shadow. His face was quite handsome, but it was not very scary.

"See Master!"

The man in black suddenly knelt down on one knee and called Liu Wuxie his master.

This scene made the four girls close their mouths in surprise. This change was too fast.

Just now, the fight was turning upside down, but in the blink of an eye, the man in black became Liu Wuxie's slave.

"May I have your name!"

Liu Wuxie had no expression on his face and allowed the man in black to kneel in front of him and ask his name.

"My name is Hei Kui, a casual cultivator. I got a mysterious technique hundreds of years ago, which can refine the Han Demon. I came out of seclusion ten days ago and met the master."

The man in black's real name is Hei Kui, because he has acquired a mysterious skill that not only improves his cultivation, but also controls demons like Hanba.

This retreat lasted for hundreds of years, and finally I succeeded in practicing.

Knowing that a large number of monks were coming to Yongling Mountain, Hei Kui led twelve drought demons to rush here, killing many people along the way.

Absorb a large amount of human essence and blood to increase the strength of Drought Demon.

In addition to killing ordinary people in the village, Hei Kui also killed many monks, including a few high-level Earth Mysterious Realms.

Without exception, they all died in his hands.

Hei Kui 1510 tells everything that happened in the last ten days.

The four girls gritted their teeth after hearing this. They didn't expect Hei Kui to be so vicious and not even spare ordinary people.

"Get up!"

Liu Wuxie asked him to stand up.

He took off the mask, revealing a pale face.

Hei Kui walks in the night all year round and rarely appears in the daytime, so his skin is so white that it's a bit scary.

My hair is dry and yellow, which is probably related to the lack of sunlight all year round.

He practices dark magic, so he doesn't want to appear during the day.

Sunlight is his nemesis. During the day, he can only hide in dark corners.

Even if it happens, you should cover your whole body with black cloth to avoid being injured by the refraction of sunlight.

Liu Wuxie originally planned to ask Hei Kui to hand over the method of practicing the Great Darkness Technique.

Seeing him like this, it's better to forget it. The method of practicing the Great Darkness Technique is completely wrong. Practicing it rashly will not only bring no benefits, but will also cause Liu Wuxie to deviate from the track.

The real great darkness spell, when used, can swallow up the world, the sun and the moon, not just the surrounding spiritual energy and laws.

However, we can learn from Hei Kui's Great Darkness Technique to avoid Liu Wuxie taking detours in the future.

"Clean up the battlefield!"

Liu Wuxie ordered Hei Kui to clean up the place quickly to prevent other monks from coming.

All Hanbao are dead. Even if they don’t die, Liu Wuxie will

They will kill them all. This kind of evil should not exist in the world.

Liu Wuxie returned to the tent, and the four girls quickly stepped forward.

"Brother Liu, he...what happened to him?"

The four girls were puzzled as to why the two of them were fighting so fiercely just now that the man in black suddenly changed and became extremely pious.

"A Taoist technique that can purify a person's soul and make him a good person in the future."

Liu Wuxie did not explain too much. It is not appropriate for people to know about the Dadu Transformation Technique for the time being, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

Several people didn't delve into it, as long as Hei Kui didn't pose a threat.

Hei Kui stayed outside the tent all night.

The aura of the peak Earth Profound Realm was released, and no one dared to approach.

In the latter half of the night, someone actually passed by and tried to seize Liu Wuxie's tent, but Hei Kui drove him away.

According to his previous character, he would have killed them long ago.

As soon as the sky dawned, Liu Wuxie and others walked out of the tent. Hei Kui stood aside respectfully, having already prepared water.

Everyone finished washing up and continued on their way.

The five of them walked in front, and Hei Kui followed behind, keeping a distance. After all, the dark power released from his body made people feel uncomfortable.

"Tomorrow we can enter the Yongling Mountain area."

After looking ahead, Liu Wuxie said to the four of them.

We are about to enter Yongling Mountain, and the number of monks appearing is also increasing. They are walking together in twos and threes on the road.

A large number of masters from Central China flocked here together, causing Yongling Mountain to be full of masters.

"The environment here is so complicated. The peaks and mountains are intertwined. Some strange poisonous miasma forests perfectly isolate these peaks. It is difficult for ordinary people to enter the depths of Yongling Mountain."

After setting foot on Yongling Mountain, the four girls sighed with emotion. No wonder there was very little information about Yongling Mountain before.

It turns out that it is the environment here. After humans enter, it is easy to get lost, trapped in it, and unable to come out alive.

"Heikui, how much do you know about Yongling Mountain?"

Liu Wuxie said hello, and Hei Kui quickly stepped forward with a respectful look.

"I do know something about it. Yongling Mountain is an extremely mysterious place. There was an extremely huge meteor shower here that year, causing the entire mountain range to become different from normal places."

Hei Kui told all the information he knew.

Those mountain peaks became intertwined, which turned out to be caused by meteor showers, causing the mountains to become unevenly layered and of varying heights.

"only these?"

Liu Wuxie didn't believe that since Yongling Mountain was so mysterious, how could it possibly have this little information.

"It is said that gods were buried in Yongling Mountain!"

Hei Kui suddenly lowered his voice to avoid blaspheming the gods.

"Have you ever buried a god?"

Liu Wuxie frowned slightly, the gods were the existence of gods, could they also die?

And how could he be buried in such a remote place as Zhenwu Continent?

"The specific subordinates are not known. They are all legends. Zhenwu Continent was one with the Star Territory back then. Maybe the gods were buried here before the split."

Hei Kui actually knew that the Zhenwu Continent was a piece that was split from the Star Territory. This news came from the older generation.

As for whether it is true or false, there is no way to prove it.

"Go in and inquire about the news. If you have any clues, report them back immediately."

Liu Wuxie had no intention of rushing in like this and asked Hei Kui to inquire first. He wanted to contact Ruan Ying and the four of them to find out where they were.


After Hei Kui finished speaking, his body disappeared on the spot and went straight to the depths of Yongling Mountain.

"Brother Liu, why don't we go in?"

We have reached the edge of Yongling Mountain, why did Brother Liu

Suddenly he stopped leaving and asked Hei Kui to enter Yongling Mountain alone.

"We are waiting for a few people."

Liu Wuxie did not explain in detail. He had already sent a message to Ruan Ying, Lu Liang and others, and they would be there in a day or two at the earliest.

The five people set up camp and watched a large number of monks enter Yongling Mountain.

Two days later, Lu Liang arrived first, followed by Ruan Ying, while Jiang Nan and He Haian stayed inside and continued to observe.

"See Master!"

Seeing Liu Wuxie, the two of them were very excited and felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy. This had a lot to do with the power of faith.

The power of faith changed their beliefs. In their minds, Liu Wuxie existed like a god.

"Everyone is free of charge!"

Liu Wuxie took them to a relatively secluded place to avoid having ears in the wall.

The four of them, Xu Lingxue, stayed outside to prevent anyone from eavesdropping.

"Master, you are finally here. Something big has happened in Yongling Mountain."

Ruan Ying said with excitement.

"Say it!"

Liu Wuxie asked them to tell everything that happened in Yongling Mountain.

"Two months ago, we followed your instructions and came to Yongling Mountain. At the beginning of the period, the place was deserted and few people set foot there. Just a month ago, Yongling Mountain suddenly changed and a huge sky coffin emerged from the ground.


Ruan Ying took out a memory charm that had been carved in advance and slowly unfolded it in front of Liu Wuxie.

A huge picture appeared in front of Liu Wuxie.

The picture was extremely shocking. From the memory talisman, there was a violent roar, as if the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering.

The earth's crust cracked, the mountains and rivers were forcibly torn apart, and the mountain peaks collapsed. The entire Yongling Mountain seemed to have been torn open by a huge force with a huge force.

When the hole was torn open, a huge coffin emerged from the crack.

Ruan Ying was right, it was the Sky Coffin.

It seems endless, stretching for thousands of miles and occupying half of Yongling Mountain.

Even if you don't want to alarm other people, the appearance of such a large sky coffin will definitely cause a strange phenomenon in the world.

Judging from the picture, Liu Wuxie was somewhat familiar with this sky coffin, which was indeed a bit unusual.

The sky coffin is thousands of miles long and eight hundred miles wide, which is larger than a big city.

"Someone can get into it!"

Liu Wuxie asked the two of them, after so long, has no one solved the secret of the sky coffin?

"No, the sky coffin is covered with a layer of strange patterns. Ordinary people can't get close to it, and they can't find the entrance. Many experts have come and tried countless times, but they still can't find the entrance to the sky coffin."

This time it was Lu Liang who spoke. The four of them scattered around, paying close attention to the changes in the sky coffin.

A month has passed, and the coffin is still lying there quietly.

Whether it is force or other methods, we have basically tried them all.

"Besides the sky coffin, is there any other information?"

Liu Wuxie continued to ask, he came to Yongling Mountain not only for the Sky Coffin, but also to find clues about the Jinding Tower, which almost killed his grandfather back then.

This revenge must be avenged.

"Yes, there seems to be a huge monster lurking in Yongling Mountain. These days, many masters have mysteriously disappeared. It seems that they have set foot in some places they should not go."

Ruan Ying took out a map and pointed to a place deep inside.

As long as the monks who went to this place disappeared without exception, they seemed to have disappeared from the world.

"Okay, this is a reward for you."

Liu Wuxie threw out two pills, and the two of them felt like they had found a treasure.

What the master has given me as a reward is absolutely extraordinary.



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