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The first hangover

the Hangover!

Sometimes it is not necessarily the wine that makes people drunk, it may be people or things.

Anyway, the more you drink, the drunker you get.

Bai Hao sat up holding his head, which hurt as if it were exploding: "Xiao Mu, tea. Get ready to get off the plane, and..." When he said this, Bai Hao was stunned. What he saw in front of him was his gorgeous office.

, let alone his living room that is more than 80 meters tall, but a room so simple that half of the wall covering has fallen off, the walls are covered with newspapers, and the mirror is half broken.

This is?

Bai Hao pressed his head hard, and the scene in front of him emerged from the depths of his memory.

Bai Hao knew that this was the home of Lu Qiao, his best friend in his youth.

Isn’t this place demolished a long time ago? Because this was Lu Qiao’s home many, many years ago. I remember my friends once jokingly called this home a nine-legged home because the tables, cabinets and beds were all old furniture found.

One leg is missing, but it can still be used with a brick as a cushion.

However, Bai Hao clearly remembered that having his own nest in that era was something that many people would envy.

At least I was envious because I, my adoptive father, my brothers and sisters, a family of six, lived in a small bungalow.

Look around.

There is half a piece of sugar cake on the table, which is a common moon cake in this era.

Bai Hao saw the calendar on the wall again. The date on the calendar was September 22, 1983, the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Bai Hao walked to the broken mirror, looked at his young self, and chanted repeatedly.

Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival in 1983.

It seems that I have been reborn.

According to the date at this time, Bai Hao still remembers the night before, that is, the night of September 21st. In order to celebrate his graduation from technical secondary school and after waiting for half a year to finally get the recruitment quota, several friends gathered together, although it was nothing.

Good food and wine, a small bag of peanuts, a few pieces of dried tofu, and a barrel of home-brewed sorghum wine, but I was very happy.

How could I be reborn?

Bai Hao smiled bitterly and looked at himself carefully in the mirror. He said to himself that he had no regrets in his life. His career was a great success and he didn't lack anything. After his adoptive father was laid off, he was already relatively well-off and filial. He had four small children in his family.

They were all adopted by their adoptive father, except for the fifth child who was later visited by his biological mother who was not a thing.

My family has always been healthy, peaceful, and happy.

Rebirth, how could rebirth have anything to do with someone like me?


What could be possible? It seems that this is not a dream and there is no way to go back.

Bai Hao walked to the palm-sized calendar nailed to the wall again, stared at the days on the calendar, and began to recall the almost forgotten, happy, troubled, and touching moments from his youth.

Of course, the excitement of youth is indispensable.

And the factory flower that I have a crush on.

Not to mention, the frivolity and impulsiveness of youth.

Bai Hao straightened his hair in front of the broken glass, took out his pocket of cheap cut tobacco hand-rolled cigarettes and bit into one. During the Mid-Autumn Festival of 1983, Bai Hao had something that he remembered very deeply.

Lu Qiao's partner was promised 300 yuan by her father, an alcoholic who had been divorced for several years, to a man who had a formal job but was not very serious. Bai Hao remembered that today the other party brought more than a dozen people to rob her.

When I arrived, there was already a fighting there. How could I forget such an important memory? I thought that I was also very brave. I rushed in with bricks and killed people, knocked down a bunch of people, and also smashed away the recruitment quota that I had obtained.


After lying in the hospital for a few days, she went home and asked her adoptive father to beat her with a belt every time she thought about it for several days.

The second sister even complained for several months, and the recruitment quota was just gone.

However, whether it was at that time or decades later, Bai Hao never regretted it.

I have been reborn. Since I didn’t regret it at the beginning, and I haven’t regretted it for most of my life, I still want to take advantage of the idea of ​​robbing a bride today.

As soon as I opened the door and went out, it was the same as in the previous life.

Someone was riding a bicycle and was running towards him. He saw it was Bai Hao: "Brother Hao, someone is robbing Brother Daqiao's partner. Brother Qiangzi has already gone. I'm going to call someone."

"Give me the car." Bai Hao said and held on to the bicycle.

Bai Hao didn't have a deep impression of this person, and he didn't have much contact with him in the future. He only vaguely remembered that he was a distant cousin of his good friend Li Qiang, and his name seemed to be Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee left his bicycle with Bai Hao and ran off to find someone.

Bai Hao found an old newspaper, picked up a brick from the door of Lu Qiao's house, wrapped it in the newspaper, put it in his arms, got on his bicycle and ran to the welfare area of ​​Qingdong Factory next to it.

After being reborn, Bai Hao could no longer be so reckless. When it was obvious that there were many people on the other side, a block rushed in and killed them randomly.

Lu Qiao originally made an appointment with his partner to watch a movie today, but he happened to be blocked.

Bai Hao hurriedly ran to the living area of ​​Qingyuan Factory.

Qingyuan is a large factory with thousands of good employees. It is also a numbered military factory. Lu Qiao's father is a carpenter in this factory. Lu Qiao is a temporary worker and he also studied carpentry.

When Bai Hao arrived, there was already a chaos at the entrance of the movie theater.

Bai Hao could see clearly that Lu Qiao was holding a bicycle to protect his target and retreating. The other two die-hard brothers, Li Qiang, were held down, while Zhao Fang was holding a mop pole and confronting three people.

In the last life, Bai Hao came here and rushed directly into the crowd, throwing bricks and bricks like crazy.


This time, Bai Hao watched for half a minute, found the right moment to rush in, and then slapped the street kid with a brick, except for the permed head and powdered face, and dragged one of the guy's legs quickly.

He retreated to his own side. Then he turned the person over, pointed a brick at the guy's face and shouted: "Who dares to come here."

Bai Hao appeared and shocked everyone.

Bai Hao pressed his knee down on the guy on the ground, pointed the brick in his right hand at the guy's face, took out a hand-rolled cigarette with his left hand, bit on one, performed a one-handed strike of a match, and then said: "Let him go.


"Let your mother go..."

Just as the bricks were being smashed down, the other party hesitated and stopped mid-sentence.

Four versus seventeen, Bai Hao had to stay in the hospital for five days after this fight in his previous life. This time, Bai Hao believed that he would not lose.

As soon as he slapped the brick down, Li Qiang, who was held down, immediately rolled and crawled to Bai Hao's side, and also picked up a stone and raised it high.

Bai Hao asked, "Just the three of you?" After asking, Bai Hao laughed. The two cowards from his previous life didn't show up. Could it be that they were bolder after he was reborn?

The man who was pinned down by Bai Hao obviously knew Bai Hao and shouted:

"Bai Hao, are you being unreasonable?"

"Shut up and ask your adults to speak." Bai Hao was very tough. He believed that a group of street gangsters would dare to come here to rob people without an adult's guidance. You must know that this site is a factory area.

"You..." The other party was about to scold him. Seeing that Bai Hao's bricks were about to fall again, he could only shut up.

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