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Section 142 Sorry, I wrote that!

Bai Ruixin said, for such a serious meeting, Bai Hao, you know what kind of leaders are attending the meeting.

Bai Hao heard it, the leader named Yang, the deputy director of the Ministry of Commerce, and the leader named Jiang, the deputy director of the Ministry of Industry. These two were sitting at the top, and they had just made some concessions to who was sitting on the left.

The meeting began. After the two leaders spoke a few words, the formal agenda began.

As soon as he heard the question, Bai Hao knew it.

It doesn't matter if you haven't read the document yourself. It is the original manuscript written by yourself and modified by your stepmother Bai Rui. No matter how you change it, the general direction will naturally not deviate too much from your original manuscript.

The expert from Pudaokou University spoke first.

From the analysis of the general direction of Xia State, the current economic situation, the prospects of foreign trade, the next step for all provinces of Xia State, etc., a lot was said.

After the expert finished speaking, Vice-Chief Yang said: "Everyone, please share your thoughts."

No one is willing to rush to talk about this matter.

After all, I have only been exposed to the manuscript for one day, so it is easy to read it carefully. Really understanding the content requires real research.

Seeing that no one was speaking, Vice Chief Yang added: "The youngest one speaks first."

The youngest!

Most of his eyes were fixed on Bai Hao's face.

Bai Hao stood up: "Well, I don't think it should be all in. Blind investment will definitely lead to losses. Take the one in Qinzhou as an example. There are more than 5,000 people, but what if there are not enough orders? Let more than 5,000 people

People go home, or only receive basic wages. This is what I think..."

At this time, the expert from PBC University slammed the table: "Young man, stop talking nonsense. Have you studied that document seriously? I have studied economics for forty years and have a deep understanding of industry and commerce. Answer me,

Have you read the document carefully and read it several times?"

Bai Hao was stunned.

Experts from PBC University asked again: "How many times have you read it? Do you know Qinzhou Jingzhao Technology Electronics Factory No. 1?"

A professor from Yangcheng University stood up and said: "I think what this young comrade said is right. We are discussing practical issues here, not relying on one's elders."

At this time, Vice Chief Jiang nodded slightly towards Bai Hao.

Bai Hao then whispered: "That is the original manuscript written by me. I am the direct superior of Qin Ke Dian in Qinzhou, and Qin Ke Dian was founded by me."

The two big leaders turned around and smiled secretly.

The expert from Pudaokou University instantly turned red and then turned pale.

"Xiao Bai, continue talking." Leader Yang from the Commercial Department also signaled Bai Hao to continue talking.

Bai Hao spoke very realistically based on his own experience in his previous life.

Pilot, and then dispatched for investigation, and make detailed records of the good, bad, deficiencies, difficulties encountered, opportunities discovered, etc., so as to have the value of analysis. Qin Kedian belongs to the type of rough start, in the future

All kinds of problems, big and small, will definitely arise in a few months.

If you have enough experience, you can formulate corresponding rules.

And orderly planning can reduce waste, make small investments and produce big results, spending the least money to accomplish the greatest things.

Then it became a question and answer session.

Many people asked questions, and Bai Hao answered alone.

From various departments at the Ministry of Industry asking about the idea of ​​​​industrializing enterprise clusters, to the Ministry of Commerce's analysis of the marketization of product circulation, and the Foreign Trade Exchange Center asking questions about enhancing Xia Guo's competitiveness in exporting and earning foreign exchange, etc.

Bai Hao always tried his best to answer very conservatively.

Why do you say conservative?

It would be too advanced for Bai Hao to repeat what he did before his rebirth.

The meeting lasted until five o'clock in the afternoon. Bai Hao's mouth was blistering when he said it. This was the end of the first phase. The next step was to hold a meeting to study and consider setting up a pilot project.

At the end of the meeting, Vice Chief Jiang asked Bai Hao: "Xiao Bai, I checked and found that the ministry gave your factory a bonus of 350,000 yuan. However, subsequent bonuses were not given to the Ninth Branch Factory because of budget difficulties.

I also checked the accounts and found that the money you posted was much higher than the 350,000 yuan. Don’t worry, the ministry will make up for it later.”

This is a word of care.

Bai Hao was a little embarrassed to mention such a small matter in such a meeting.

Deputy Chief Jiang added: "Xiaobai, if you have any difficulties, just ask, I will try my best to help you fight for it. Don't worry about your personal money, I will replenish it for you."

Bai Hao thought for a while and then said: "Leader, if you don't mind me being annoying, I can chat with you."

"Talk, just talk. The meeting is over, now is the time for gossip."

Bai Hao didn't rush to speak, he pursed his lips and organized his words before speaking.

"That year, my dad, my adoptive father, was twelve years old, not even me. There was no food in my hometown, and there was no tree bark. My adoptive father and his father walked along the railway from Shendu to Jingzhao.

Jingzhao has passed, and my adoptive father's father has not been able to hold on, he is gone. There is no one in the family."

When this matter was mentioned, those who were still chatting stopped.

Bai Hao is young.

But the people here are much older, and they have experienced the period Bai Hao mentioned.

Bai Hao continued: "My adoptive father had resentment against Gongden two years ago because Gongden asked my master to retire early. Now that it's better, my master feels better. At that time, Gongden was getting steamed buns and steamed buns at the West Railway Station.

Let many people live. When my adoptive father was fourteen years old, he joined the electrical engineering industry as an apprentice. Who gave him his life?"

Bai Hao just asked this question but did not answer.

Bai Hao continued: "Later, I wanted to build a machining center, and my master didn't care about his grievances about the past. There was a master named Wang, and I went there with a lot of money. I thought if I had money, I could always ask for help.

The experimental base of the machining center is very complex, and it is very difficult to cast it in one go."

"But my master only said one sentence, telling Xia Guo to straighten his back. Later I heard that for five days and five nights, Master Wang only slept for less than six hours, and the cast was broken many times, but it was finally cast."

"Later, Teacher Feng, Professor Wu, and Professor He, what are they planning?"

Bai Hao took a sip of water and smiled: "My dad never regarded the machine as his own, but as mine. If I told my dad that I was asking for that little money from you, my dad would beat me.

If I want to say, that machine is mine, my dad will beat me to death. Besides, without the trust and support of the leader, how can I fly so high?"

At this point, Bai Hao stopped, and then said two words decisively:


Bai Hao smiled, but a line of tears fell down.

Bai Hao did not have this awareness before his rebirth, but at this time, he thought of his adoptive father, the professors who had lived in the cowshed, and their sleepless research and hard work.

The truly great ones are them, not themselves.

Bai Hao was truly moved.

Vice-Chief Jiang stood up, took out his handkerchief, walked to Bai Hao and handed it to Bai Hao, but Bai Hao had a smile on his face, and there was a line of tears hanging from his smile.

This chapter has been completed!
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