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Section 39 Ginger is still old and spicy

I heard there are Haas parts.

Li Sanpao shook his head: "Impossible, impossible. Beautiful Haas Machine Tool is Blue Star's top machine tool factory. How can they sell parts? Impossible, impossible."

"Master, the parts are in the factory. Apart from your grandson, who has thirty people guarding him, he is the only one in the factory. There is also a child he plays with, named Zhao Fang. He was originally a temporary worker at Qingdong Factory, learning boring skills.

, I’ll leave you here to bring you some tea, some water, etc., there’s no one else here.”

Li Sanpao looked up to the sky and laughed, but the smile made him burst into tears.

Suddenly, Li Sanpao roared in a deep voice: "Go back to the city."

Bai Hao remembered that Li Sanpao, his adoptive father Zhang Jianguo's master, passed away when he was twenty years old and not yet sixty years old. At that time, many grown men fainted from crying. His adoptive father set a memorial ceremony for him in the mourning hall.

I swore that I would never return to the power plant even if I died.

Looking at it now, Li Sanpao should have died in depression. The old man remembered that incident and never let it go until his death.

Late at night, Jiufen Factory.

Li Sanpao stood in front of a pile of wooden boxes and looked at the accompanying instructions one by one.

He can't understand beautiful Mandarin, but he can understand the symbols and numerical parameters.

"They are all high-quality products, and the accuracy is top-notch." Li Sanpao's whole body was trembling. He was not cold, just excited. Zhao Fang went over and was about to open a wooden box, but Li Sanpao stopped him: "Don't move.

Don't move. Let me think, think."

Li Sanpao started to think about it, and after a while Li Sanpao said: "There is a military factory in Jinghebei, and we will set off early tomorrow morning."

"Yes." Bai Hao responded from the side.

Li Sanpao said to Zhao Fang again: "My dear, take care of these things. Every one of them is a treasure, and I don't dare to let others know about them. These things are more precious than my life, old man. Take care of them. I'll find one for you later."

Master, I will really show you how to get started."

Zhao Fang nodded heavily.

He knows who is in front of him.

If Zhang Jianguo is a small legend among the fitters in various factories in this area. He has the skills of an eighth-level worker at only thirty-four years old, then this one is the real legend.

Eight apprentices, two eighth-level workers, two seventh-level workers, and four sixth-level workers.

Moreover, these eight people have four types of work: fitters, lathes, millers, and boring workers.

Li Sanpao, ranked second among the top four eighth-level workers in Qinzhou.

Ranked first is Li Erwa, who rubs aircraft engine blades with his hands. His skill is so deified that the two of them are collectively known as Qinzhou Erli.

Then there was Qiao Fei, a grade eight welder from Liyi Aircraft Manufacturing Factory.

The last one is in Qingdong Factory and is a grade eight boring worker.

There are many eighth-level workers in Qinzhou. These four are recognized as workers with superb skills who have surpassed the eighth-level workers. Unfortunately, the eighth-level workers are the highest, so they have the informal but real title of peak eighth-level workers.

After only resting for a few hours in the temporary dormitory, Bai Hao took Li Sanpao out before dawn.

Li Sanpao probably asked Bai Hao about his current financial resources.

He understood that Bai Hao's current car could be converted into enough money to buy the four-axle that Bai Hao wanted. What's more, the most important thing was that Bai Hao had already bought the parts that Xia Guo could not produce.

In a ravine in Jinghebei, when Bai Hao thought he would get lost, he suddenly turned a corner and suddenly saw an open space. Then there was a hospital, a school, a canteen, and a movie theater.

Finally arrived.

At the factory gate, Li Sanpao got out of the car and stood at the factory gate: "Comrade, look for Wang Funian, I am his old friend."

"You can't enter the factory. You can park the car in the open space there. This car is really nice. You are from the imperial capital, right?"

Li Sanpao just smiled.

Today's Li Sanpao is no longer the image of an old farmer. He has not had a haircut since the day he was forced to retire, and his hair turned gray overnight. Now he simply tied his white hair with a rope, trimmed his beard neatly, and wore a uniform.

Wearing a Chinese tunic suit, he looks very much like an old cadre.

Soon, an old worker who seemed to be approaching sixty years old walked out of the factory.

The moment he saw Li Sanpao, the old worker was stunned for a moment, then quickly threw away his gloves and ran to meet him: "Old Pao, I thought you threw yourself into Laohe out of your mind."

Li Sanpao didn't take it as a joke and sighed heavily: "I was thinking, I'll just die. It's been pressing on my chest for more than two years. At that time, we didn't even want the old face, we just wanted to see it one more time.

But who would have thought...Oh!"

Wang Funian hugged Li Sanpao heavily: "It's over, it's over. I went to Gongdian last year, but no one knew where you went. When I found your apprentice Li Dong, he didn't tell you whether he was alive or dead."

Li Sanpao shook his head, as if to get rid of the unhappiness in his heart, and turned to point at Bai Hao: "My grandson, the son of my eldest apprentice Jianguo."

"Hello, grandpa." Bai Hao hurriedly stepped forward.

"Jianguo's son, Zhang Jianguo's son, Bai Hao?"

Li Sanpao was a little surprised: "You know."

"How could you not know that our major factories in Qinzhou have always been famous, with the majesty of selling a brick, for shouldering a huge debt of 700 yuan for a little brother, and then going to Yangcheng alone for money, and then came back with 40 million yuan in glory.

Orders to earn foreign exchange with U.S. dollars, bull.”

Li Sanpao didn't know these things yet. He closed himself in the small village and his own world, ignoring the outside world.

I was very surprised to hear Wang Funian say this.

"Let's go have a drink." Wang Funian hadn't seen his friend for many years, and now he wanted to have a drink. Li Sanpao refused: "No, there is something important."

When Wang Funian looked at the drawings, he could frown.

The difficulty of this thing is too high, and the shape requires one-time molding, and splicing is not allowed.

Bai Hao turned around and took his bag. There was money in his bag.

Just when Bai Hao was about to take out the money, Li Sanpao said with a serious face: "Old Wang, I need this thing. We want to earn some peace for Xia Guo and ourselves, this old bone."

Wang Funian's eyes changed, becoming serious and serious. After looking at the drawings again, he said:

"For five days, you can call for a car to come and I will be with you."

Bai Hao was stunned.

In his previous life, he believed that bonuses were the source of everything. However, at this time, he never expected that Li Sanpao would change the old master's demeanor with just a few words.

Wang Funian solemnly rolled up the drawings inch by inch, held them in his arms, and stood up straight: "Don't worry, Sanpao, give me five days, and I promise to cast it. I can see that this thing is the base of a machine tool, but this shape

It’s a bit strange. I’ve never seen anything like this before. If you can, just say it. If you can’t, I won’t ask.”

Li Sanpao stretched out his hand towards Bai Hao: "Take a piece of golden monkey and give it to your Grandpa Wang."

Bai Hao quickly went to get it.

In the end, Li Sanpao didn't answer what the base was for, and Wang Funian didn't ask again. Li Sanpao got in the car: "Let's go a little further this time. Go to Maweiyi. They can provide the four special motors you need."

After doing this, my old face will still have some dignity."

This chapter has been completed!
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