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Chapter 674 A crack was discovered by Bai Hao

Bai Hao felt that he could convince Francis, so he began to prepare an invitation.

"Look, if it is convenient, you can come to Yiwan in person. In addition to seeing the investment environment, it will also give Yiwan a little confidence and support me in managing Quantum's affairs in the Eastern Continent. Then, I will send a plane to pick him up.


Francis agreed:

"Okay, come and pick me up. I'll bring a few investment consultants with me, and I'll also invite two friends to come over in the name of vacation." Francis Wood understood that Bai Hao wanted to ask him to support him, and he wasn't too sure about it.

It's suitable for public places, but a few low-level nobles from Dome Mountain are still quite impressive in Yiwan.

Bai Hao said again: "Mr. Wood, I have a small request."

"Please tell me."

"If possible, I would like to use your connections to introduce someone to me."


"The president of Meili Guochaowei Company. I hope he can join Yiwan's investment. Let me tell you my reasons. Domination by one company is not conducive to exerting the prestige of a manager. What do you think?"

Francis thought for a moment: "What you said may make sense, but I won't answer you for now. I need to think about it."

"Okay, I'm just making a suggestion."

"Well, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Bai Hao leaned on the sofa and let out a long breath.

Wu Qingdao put down the pen in his hand and stood up, and said to Xue Linlin who was making tea: "Xiao Xue, do you have detailed records of all the arrangements made by the factory director these days?"

"Yes." Xue Linlin knew that this was her job, how could she relax.

Wu Qingdao added: "One more thing. From now on, when the factory director calls, write down the summary as much as possible."

Xue Linlin was a little confused.

Bai Hao didn't understand either.

There was no requirement to record the call records, and Bai Hao didn't feel anything was wrong.

Wu Qingdao explained: "I have a feeling that this matter has gone beyond the ordinary business scope, so when we go back, we have to report it to the superiors. Once it goes beyond the commercial scope, the next actions are not what Factory Nine can do at will.

Lord, but don't worry, it's a good thing."

Wu Qingdao was right.

Once it goes beyond the commercial scope, it becomes an arm-wrestling incident.

Regardless of whether Xia Guo is preparing to take action or not, knowing the whole process of the incident is definitely correct.

Bai Hao agreed: "I got it, Master is right about this."

Wu Qingdao added: "One more thing, what should you do when you feel you are short of money?"

"Are we short of money?" Bai Hao didn't believe this feeling at all.

Wu Qingdao replied seriously: "I am short of money, very short of money. That's why I ask you, what special behavior do you do when you are short of money?"

This is the problem.

Bai Hao thought about it and said: "If you are short of money, you have to spend money. Only when you spend money can people feel that you are rich, and you can make more money."

Wu Qingdao looked down at the data again: "Okay, I have nothing more to say."

This sentence reminded Bai Hao.

After Bai Hao touched his chin and thought for a while, he said to Xue Linlin: "Xiao Xue, write a proposal for the factory director for me. In the past few days, I have officially asked Xia Shi to announce it to us. Factory No. 9 will spend 100 million

, No! Two hundred million US dollars are invested in scientific research on all-weather disaster prevention, and the Cactus Kingdom is invited to participate. We want to conduct scientific prevention and research on earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, etc. Life detectors are part of this plan, participate

Ready to share.”

After finishing speaking, Bai Hao shouted again: "Master, how about transferring 10 billion Japanese coins to Yiwan to make some quick money."

Wu Qingdao did not raise his head: "Twenty billion, maybe."

Bai Hao laughed: "It's grand. In the past, when we bought Roujiamo, we were still thinking about it. Master, I've never heard of filling it with half of the meat."

Wu Qingdao then raised his head: "I've eaten one-third of the fried noodles."


You, Bai Hao, are far behind.

Wu Qingdao has experienced the years of eating tree bark.

Xue Linlin just smiled, wrote down what Bai Hao wanted to publish, and then went aside to continue her work.

The next day, just as Mumusen promised, Yiwan News released a lot of good news.

Then, Old Solace called Bai Hao personally.

Just a few small talk.

In fact, I am really grateful.

Old Solace also had a premonition that the rise of Japanese coins might be over, and the massive amount of Japanese coins in his hands also needed a window to vent.

Bai Hao's 20 billion Japanese coins arrived in Yi Wan's account.

Immediately afterwards, Quantum's 50 billion Japanese coins also arrived.

These two huge sums of money are equivalent to over 500 million U.S. dollars, which is another big benefit for Yiwan.

By the weekend, Yiwan's index had risen from 900 to 1,003 points.

Over a thousand.

This is a value that excites many people.

On the fifth day when Bai Hao arrived in Yiwan, his private plane flew to the beautiful country and picked up several guests.

What absolutely shocked Bai Hao was.

In Yiwan, in addition to Second Master Chang, all the ten thousand-year-old nobles in Yiwan actually came out to greet him at the airport. This seemed to indicate that Bai Hao was fine.

As for Bai Hao, he stood in the distance and watched the excitement.

The flashlight kept flashing.

Film seems to be free of charge at all.

"Let's go back." Bai Hao didn't intend to step forward.

Zhan Xi said nothing, fended off the reporters who continued to rush forward, and walked back while protecting Bai Hao.

After sitting in the car, Bai Haocai said: "Lucy from Yingte is here. Looking at where she is standing, the person in front of her should be President Rufus. Catherine is also there, and the person in front of her should be the senior executive of the Beautiful China Machinery Industry Association. It's just that

I don’t know them. They will come looking for me, and it’s not the right time for me to come forward today.”

Xue Linlin just listened and took notes in her mind without answering.

Return to the hotel.

Bai Hao came to Wu Qing and said, "Master, I have such a feeling."

"What does it feel like."

"These guys from Beautiful Country are very good at balancing. I feel like they are taking advantage of this opportunity to play dirty tricks. They don't want my family to be the dominant one, so they came to support Yiwan."

Wu Qingdao had a mocking expression on his face, asking, "Are you really too young?"

I still dream that those people in the beautiful country are only watching over you.

Seeing Wu Qingdao's expression, Bai Hao also smiled self-deprecatingly: "That's right. When the Beautiful Country saw that Wojima Semiconductor had become stronger, they began to support Bangzi. Now they also plan to support Yiwan, and they also want to see what I am.

If you don't agree with them, are you allowing Yi Wan to steal my business?"

Wu Qingdao asked, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not a parrot. I want them to know how powerful I am, so I'm going to get a stick."

"Let's fix it, by the way. Anyway, Nanbang Country and our Xia have not established diplomatic relations."

Bai Hao picked up the phone, and Xue Linlin quickly stood aside with a notebook. According to Wu Qingdao's instructions, now that Bai Hao calls, no matter what the call is, Xue Linlin must record it in the eucalyptus.

This chapter has been completed!
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