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Section 889 Bai Hao feels, keep a low profile

Ding Wei doesn't care whether Bai Hao is embarrassed or not.

Ding Wei continued:

"Also, the five-star encryption, the little rocket that is praised by all three tripods, that thing is amazing. What a powerful method, you don't want to ask around."

"By the way, have you ever heard of thunder? Xiaobai just destroyed all the electronic equipment on the red side. Ten kilometers away from the square, you even scrapped a flashlight. Ah, that's an exaggeration. The flashlight seems to still be usable. ,Hahaha."

Ding Wei can be said to be the first person transferred from the technical department to make Xia Dun the director.

This also represents an attitude of Xia Guo.

Technology can really change the world.

Change the pattern.

Ding Wei was adding a halo to Bai Hao, and suddenly one of them spoke: "I had eight students kidnapped by the Nine Factory. Don't waste your saliva. We have no problem with this guy coming to be a consultant. Although it's sudden Yes, it’s a bit unexpected, but when you think about it, it’s reasonable.”

The speaker was Xu Qilin.

Bai Hao didn't know him.

When Mr. Ding explained it to Bai Hao, Bai Hao naturally understood.

This person, currently the deputy chief engineer of Liangzhou Feizhuo, has participated in the design and research of Liuji, Qiji, Baji, and Yunji-8. His students have indeed made Bai Hao poach a lot. Because this person was the first to work in I have worked at Sky Six Institute, Shenzhou Yaoyaoer, Liangzhou Feizhao and other places.

While talking, Xu Qilin walked up to Bai Hao: "Well, Director Xiaobai, when are you going to take me, an old guy, to the Ninth Factory and let me meet you, Gray Magpie?"

Bai Hao quickly replied: "You can do it at any time."

Tonight is a simple meeting.

There wasn't much time for everyone to chat.

After receiving the meeting agenda, Bai Hao realized that this meeting was really unusual. Everyone who attended the meeting would go to the room to do their homework. Otherwise, when the meeting actually started, they would not even be qualified to be an observer.

Because the meeting agenda is not a piece of paper, but a thick book.

There are quite a lot of things that Xia Dun takes care of.

The topic of discussion in the first two days was how to effectively improve the technical level of workers in relevant factories and the subsequent cultivation of talents. In Bai Hao's view, it is to improve the level of knowledge.

Tongzhou Yiji was mentioned above.

When new products are being manufactured, many master craftsmen feel pressured by overly complex drawings. Young workers, especially those who have attended technical schools, can read drawings but do not have enough experience to implement them.

At the same time, because they only know the paper requirements but do not know the deeper knowledge, the production technology and process are backward, inefficient, low yield rate, etc.

This issue is not a form, but a thick document.

There is even a summary of Benxiaokang's 25-inch large-screen color TV production process, management process and employee training manual. There is also a summary of the key points of the plan to improve the yield rate and training effect written by Gao Chongwu.

To put it bluntly, Xia Dun wants to improve basic productivity from the root.

On the third day, there is the need for high-end research and foresight for future development.

This is a continuous meeting for four days. This part alone is one centimeter thick.

Among them, there are small red seals on many pages with the word confidential on them.

Four days after the meeting, many small items began to be divided, with some targeted content, such as whether a certain research should be continued, whether research in a certain direction should be further deepened, etc.

As for Bai Hao, after reading all the meeting agendas at midnight, he picked up the draft paper prepared here and prepared to write down some things he should pay attention to when attending the meeting.

After picking up the pen, an idea came out of Bai Hao's heart.

Bai Hao wrote: On the sword and shield against the beautiful country...


Bai Hao felt that he had crossed the line. It was the first time he participated in such a serious meeting, and he still acted as an audience honestly, and then made some small suggestions.

Be sure to keep the suggestions very small and never float around.

Quickly, knead it.

Bai Hao wrote a title and a few sentences on the paper and scattered it into several pieces, then crumpled it and threw it into the trash can.

Get another piece of paper.

Bai Hao wrote another title: On the importance of standardization and programmed production.

Bai Hao is good at this.

By two o'clock in the morning, I had written more than 3,000 words eloquently. I checked and found that it was okay, so I turned off the light and went to sleep.

The next day, I got up at half past six.

Go to the restaurant and get a meal ticket to get a breakfast.

Breakfast in the restaurant includes millet porridge, steamed buns, pure soy milk, fried dough sticks, side dishes and so on.

Almost no one spoke or chatted. They all ate in silence. Occasionally, someone took out a few pieces of paper to read, then folded them and put them in their pockets.

What no one expected was.

After breakfast, everyone entered the conference room and took a rest. A staff member poured water into everyone's tea cups, and then put down a manuscript paper and then a pen.

Seeing that the meeting time was coming, Ding Wei came in and said, "Well, the original meeting topic is invalid. Let's take a fifteen-minute break. Today's new topic will be sent out in fifteen minutes."

Why is there such a sudden change?

Didn’t you hear that someone raised their views and opinions on the issue yesterday?


In this conference room, no one asks too many questions, and no one makes random inquiries.

As for Bai Hao, naturally he didn't know anything and sat quietly.

Things have to go forward, to be precise, twenty-six minutes ago, which was about two minutes after Bai Hao entered the restaurant.

The staff is responsible for tidying up each person's room.

On the table in the room.

A pen, here it is!

The staff member ticked the form.

There are thirty sheets of manuscript paper and eleven sheets remain.

Staff records in the form.

Then check the garbage basket, put on gloves and start sorting. For ordinary garbage, send it out directly.

Paper is put into a small bag separately, and someone is responsible for collecting it at the door.

Then the person in charge of collecting waste paper will send the scrap iron to an office, where someone will inspect it. Next to it is an iron stove with a small door, which is used to burn the used manuscript paper.

Usually I just take a quick look at it, then record it and throw it in the stove to be burned.

But when they found Bai Hao's bag, the staff reported it to the top.

This thing was delivered directly to Ding Wei.

Ding Wei glanced at the pieces of paper that had been spliced ​​together, got up and walked out. In the lounge, the Eighth Commander came to observe the meeting, and Ding Wei directly handed the scraps of paper to the Eighth Commander.

The Eighth Marshal glanced at him and praised: "Be prepared for danger in times of peace. Don't think that someone doesn't care about your vegetable garden just because they give you two candies. This is very good. But at such a young age, he is timid and hangs out with those who hang out in the office.

What difference does it make to old men who are waiting for retirement? This is not good."

"Yes." Ding Wei just responded without making any comments. He just stood aside with his hands down and listened carefully.

This chapter has been completed!
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