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Section 930 Become famous in one stop

Bai Hao was making the final concluding remarks of his speech:

"At the same time, this ocean is never calm. It always has a minimum energy state. Minimum does not mean vacuum. Empty does not mean anything. It can only mean that there is still minimum energy."

"Light is a particle, and gravity or gravitation is also a particle. I believe that time is also a particle. The speed of light is not the fastest known speed, but the speed at which we can observe the movement of light particles. So, who controls the generation of particles?

and annihilation, who controls the change and energy of particles."

"Whoever has this control rights owns the universe, thank you. I am Bai Hao. Thank you all for listening to me and finishing this theory that I don't even dare to take responsibility for. Thank you again."

What a theory that I dare not take responsibility for.

Bai Hao's speech and presentation at the science conference caused three completely different eyes to look at him.

The first kind.


So great, this guy is so handsome, this guy is a genius.

Those who have this kind of reaction are basically just melon-eaters, and the majority are just watching. They don’t even understand what an atom is, let alone what a particle is.

It just feels so handsome.

The second category, real physicists.

Because they found that Bai Hao's so-called theory that he did not dare to take responsibility for was not unreasonable if they really studied it in depth. It was just that they could not prove various inferences and conjectures at the moment. But they could not prove that Bai Hao

The theory is wrong and nonsense.

The first person to stand up for Bai Hao was Stephen William, a genius scientist from the corrupt country.

He believes that Bai Hao has further explained the quantization theory of the universe.

Of course, what he didn't know was that most of Bai Hao's theories to deceive people came from Mr. Stephen's research in quantum cosmology in his later years.

The last category is also the real scientists.

They believe that Bai Hao's theory lacks the support of relevant mathematical models and is an empty theory, so it is not sufficient to exist as a theory.

This evaluation is also objective.

The rest, whether they are jealous or hostile, are a minority after all.

For example, Dr. Barr, the Nobel Prize winner from the beautiful country, and his amazing-looking student Ms. Jiali, they are the purest hostility towards Bai Hao.

At this time, a certain university in Xia Guo.

A professor had drawn more than a hundred pages of manuscript paper. A colleague asked him: "Do you know what Director Bai said?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know either, so what are these sketches?"

The professor said: "I just listened to Director Bai's academic lecture, and I got inspiration. This is my new research, and it is based on spectrum and atmospheric spectrum theory. I am an applied physics student, and what he talked about was obviously theoretical physics.

It’s technical, but it’s so well said that I almost believed it.”

I almost believed it.

That's not to say I don't believe it.

There were many discussions like this in the Xia Kingdom.

People from the academy of sciences and university professors to middle school students have discussed it.

Mr. Yan, as one of Xia's top scientists and a physical scientist, made a special call to Mr. Ding for Bai Hao's speech.

As a result, even Mr. Ding believed that although there was no sufficient theoretical basis, it was not complete nonsense.

Xia Guo, it's time to carry out theoretical physics research and quantum physics research.

Mr. Ding also said that the greatest value of Bai Hao's speech was not scientific, but that it greatly improved the scientific self-confidence of Xia people, whether they are researchers or students.

This kind of self-confidence will make them no longer blindly believe in foreign science, and will turn back to seriously and objectively look at Xia's own science and its own scientific knowledge.

As for Bai Hao, it's not like he didn't benefit from being mixed up.

Bai Hao selflessly disclosed his double-slit experimental theory, as well as the double-slit experimental method, as well as the corresponding technical equipment list, etc.

Received praise from many universities around the world.

However, those small pieces of atomic-level light particle detection are too expensive, costing $100,000 each.

Moreover, currently only Bai Hao can synthesize it in the laboratory, and I have never heard of any industrial mass production.

For the Ninth Factory Research Laboratory, we don’t know whether this thing is expensive. The director of the factory said it would cost $100,000 a piece. Before you cracked it, the cost of this thing was $100,000.

Because the research laboratory of Factory No. 9 discovered that these outsider businessmen are very bad.

At what price did carbon fiber sell to us?

Let's find out by ourselves.


This thing is not very expensive at all, at least far less than the price you sell it for.

Too dark.

Even darker than our factory director.

Why is the factory director said to be evil?

This is really not nonsense.

By the way, there are also people who don’t pay attention to scientific societies.

It was dark in the beautiful country. Bai Hao attended the cocktail party of the Science Society and had already drank an unknown amount.

Xia Guojing's sign, it's dawn here.

Now the head of the research labs of the Ninth Factory is Mr. Yan. He personally handles many research projects. If there are no consultants, he can just take charge of the affairs.

He Qiufeng came, holding two document bags in one hand and holding the other behind his back.

Mr. Yan was preparing to go to the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Xiao He, is something wrong?"

He Qiufeng first took out his hand behind his back, holding a breakfast, which turned out to be a small cage of buckwheat mice.

"That's where it came from?"

"There are two new master chefs. You eat first. I have something to talk about later."

Mr. Yan put one in his mouth: "Talking while eating."

He Qiufeng took out two document bags and put them on the table, and pulled out one of them: "Although you are not my major, you can definitely understand this thing. This is the earliest Haas company data that Xiaobai found.

We recommend using it on five-axis control axes and spherical bearings.”

"Yes." Mr. Yan took it and looked at it. It was very detailed data.

He Qiufeng took out another document bag.

There are photos and data.

"Mr. Yan, in order to break through the data just now, one of my students didn't even go to get married, and his wife's family almost copied him. Fortunately, Fu Qiang went there in person and calmed the matter down."

Mr. Yan looked up at He Qiufeng, he needed further explanation.

He Qiufeng said: "Let's put it this way, you can't imagine how I felt at that time. My first reaction at that time was despair. How could we possibly achieve the level shown by this data? This technology and materials are many years ahead of us.

But I can't, can't show any timidity."

"Understood." Mr. Yan understands this feeling and must not be afraid anymore.

He Qiufeng continued: "Then we endured and endured for countless days and nights, and finally managed to get close to this height. To be honest, we are currently studying and hoping to achieve a breakthrough. In three years, we have a group to prepare for this kind of height.

The material is still coated and has been used for three years.”


Go downstairs and do nucleic acid.

I hope there will be less queues and I can come back early.

This chapter has been completed!
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