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Chapter 660: Transformation into a tall boss

Tang Jingyue hurriedly shook her head, "I'm not busy."

She felt that he definitely did not ask this question for no reason, and added, "There is nothing going on in the company today."

Hearing this, Gao Zheng pondered for a moment, looked at her, and slowly said, "If you have time, can you take me to your medicinal material processing factory?"

Tang Jingyue immediately agreed, "Okay."

Gao Zheng listened to the girl's crisp answer, and something strange flashed through his heart.

We agreed that there would be no intersection.

She got involved in handling a case again.

Gao Zheng drives his father's car, a large Jeep.

This kind of car is too conspicuous and can easily be identified.

The two of them walked downstairs of the company, and Gao Zheng said, "I can't drive my car, so let's drive your car."


"Wait a minute, I'll go up and explain to the staff."


Tang Jingyue entered the company quickly. Gao Zheng looked at her tall back with a complicated expression.

I have to say that Tang Jingyue is an excellent person in every aspect.

The more he saw Tang Jingyue's excellence, the more complicated the feeling in his heart became.

She has the strength and capital to be held in the palm of his hand, but she is so humble in front of him...

If you don't really like it, why would you be willing to be humble?

But...she likes him, but she is destined to fail.

They agreed not to meet each other, but now she is involved in her case again.

In fact, he could go to Tang Jianye.

But he...

Gao Zheng leaned on the car, the reason he gave himself was that he couldn't alarm too many people.

Although Tang Jianye was older, he was noisy and far less calm than his daughter.

Soon Tang Jingyue came down with the car keys.

She unlocked the car and got into the car, and Gao Zheng sat in the passenger seat.

Tang Jingyue started the car and headed all the way to the medicinal materials processing factory in the suburbs.

He reminded her, "When you get there, just say that I am your partner and came to inspect the processing plant."


Wang Xiaoliang definitely didn't see Gao Zheng last night. The lights in the ballroom were dark, Wang Xiaoliang left in a hurry, and Gao Zheng didn't appear in front of Wang Xiaoliang. He was also wearing a peaked cap.

Gao Zheng knew that he was not exposed. When he came out today, he deliberately wore casual clothes just to get a feel for it first.

Wang Xiaoliang is a very key figure.

It is very possible that he is the bridge between Linjiang's big drug lord and Bincheng's second-rate traffickers.

The further the car drove toward the suburbs, the more desolate it became.

There are basically few cars and no pedestrians on the road.

The Tang family's medicinal material processing factory has been located in a suburban town.

After driving for more than an hour, we finally arrived.

Tang Jingyue's car stopped and pointed to the factory outside, "That's right here."

The two got out of the car.

Tang Jingyue entered the factory gate. The old man guarding the door saw her and respectfully called Mr. Tang.

Hearing that Mr. Tang was here, Director Zhang, who was in charge of the factory, quickly came to greet him.

Director Zhang was surprised, glanced at the man next to Tang Jingyue, and said to Tang Jingyue, "Mr. Tang, why are you here now?"

The director and deputy director of the processing plant are Tang Jianye and Tang Jingyue.

Director Zhang is from the management department and specializes in managing employees.

Tang Jingyue said, "I brought this boss over to our place for inspection. This boss wants to reach supply cooperation with our factory."

We usually make purchases from hospitals or large pharmacies. If we are interested in cooperating, we will also come to inspect the medicinal materials.

Director Zhang paid special attention to it, "Let's go, let's go to the workshop first and let the boss see the environment and equipment of our workshop."


Director Zhang asked, "What's your last name, this boss?"

"The surname is Gao."

Director Zhang took Gao Zheng and Tang Jingyue into the processing workshop, where the workers were operating the machines in an orderly manner. .??.

"Boss Gao, look at this is our factory workshop. This is the slicer, which is processing Codonopsis pilosula. Here is the medicinal material cleaning machine, and what is being cleaned is Astragalus membranaceus."

"In addition, we also have a processing workshop that specializes in processing some raw medicinal materials."

Director Zhang dutifully introduced to Gao Zheng the processing status of various medicinal materials in the factory.

Soon, we arrived at the entrance of the warehouse.

After being processed in the workshop, the medicinal materials will be packed in sacks and stored in storage.

Gao Zheng's eyes fell on a familiar figure.

Wang Xiaoliang, whom I met at the dance hall last night, was carrying sacks with another worker.

They saw it when Tang Jingyue and others entered the factory.

Director Zhang is very discerning and had already winked to the workers in the factory, asking him to tell everyone to cheer up and the boss would inspect it.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoliang saw Tang Jingyue, his eyes dodge, he turned around to leave with the sack on his shoulders.

"Master Wang, what medicinal materials are in the sack?"

"Mr. Tang, this is Angelica sinensis."

"Okay, carry it in."

In front of several workers, she introduced it to Gao Zheng in a decent manner, "Boss Gao, look at our medicinal materials. After being processed, they are placed in the warehouse here. They are kept very properly. There will never be any

If there is mold, the quality of the medicinal materials is guaranteed, you can check it out.”

Gao Zheng nodded, "Mr. Tang, let me take a look."

"Masters, this boss is here for inspection. Business is not easy right now. You must follow our procedures and pay more attention when warehousing. Second-class medicinal materials must be separated from high-quality medicinal materials."

One of the workers assured, "Don't worry, Mr. Tang, we will all be very happy."

He works hard."

"Boss Gao, I'll take you to the warehouse to have a look."

Tang Jingyue took Gao Zheng into the warehouse. Gao Zheng looked like a professional, asked a few questions, and checked the medicinal materials.

He looks like a boss.

Gao Zheng went around everything from the workshop to the warehouse.

Wang Xiaoliang had been busy warehousing medicinal materials, and Gao Zheng didn't pay any attention to him.

The suburbs are relatively far away, and it only took more than an hour to drive there. Now I've been going around for a while, and after a delay, it's already afternoon.

Wang Xiaoliang walked out of the warehouse and looked towards Gao Zheng and Tang Jingyue.

Tang Jingyue caught Wang Xiaoliang's gaze from the corner of her eye. She looked at Gao Zheng and talked to him about medicinal materials, "Boss Gao, what do you think of these medicinal materials in our medicinal materials processing factory? It's no different from what you imagined, right?"

"Not bad, Mr. Tang, can you guarantee that all the medicinal materials are the same as this?"

"That's natural."

"Okay, I will consider long-term cooperation with Mr. Tang."

"Let's all work hard."

Tang Jingyue and Gao Zheng performed in front of the workers from beginning to end, without any flaws.

At this time, Gao Zheng was a businessman.

Then, Director Zhang took them to the factory office for a tour.

After sitting for a while, Tang Jingyue saw that it was getting late. Director Zhang said that there was a thunderstorm today and that he had to organize workers to quickly store all the medicinal materials that had not been moved in from outside.

Tang Jingyue and Gao Zheng were about to leave and drive from the factory area to the city.

The sky was dark and it did look like rain.

Tang Jingyue drove the car on the road. Gao Zheng was sitting in the passenger seat. He looked at the girl driving the car and coughed lightly, "Thank you for today."

Tang Jingyue glanced sideways at him and said, "You're welcome."

Gao Zheng spoke again, "There's something else I need your help with."

This chapter has been completed!
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