Turn off the lights
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Chapter 938: Injured

Captain Liu said, "It shouldn't be wrong. We sent people to check the power of these factories. That factory is said to be a machine maintenance and rectification factory, and the worker Fang's family, but their electricity meter runs the fastest. There is definitely a mystery in it."

"I see." Gao Zheng said, "When you plan to take action, I will fully cooperate."

Captain Liu said, "Our people are already lurking and taking action in the early morning."

"good." .??.

"In addition, the comrades who are tracking the contact persons are also in place. As soon as they contacted the gang here, they were immediately captured."

Captain Liu looked at Gao Zheng with a grateful look on his face, "Captain Gao, thanks to your comrades from Bincheng Drug Enforcement Bureau this time, without your reliable information, we would be like headless flies here. These people are too cunning. Three

I changed places every day and failed several times."

Mentioning those drug trafficking gangs, Gao Zheng looked gloomy, "They are very cunning. We will work together to bring them to justice sooner or later."

Gao Zheng and Captain Liu studied together for a long time and formulated an action plan.

Then, he went to Tang Jingyue's office to find her, hoping that Tang Jingyue would return to Bincheng as soon as possible.

Tang Jingyue said, "It's okay. Since I'm here, I still have things to deal with in the factory. I'll come back tomorrow."

"Then why don't you go to the city and find a hotel to stay." Because there was an operation at night, the drug manufacturing den was too close to the factory, and Tang Jingyue was here. Gao Zheng was afraid that he would be distracted and worried about her safety, so he wanted her to stay at night.

Only when he leaves the factory can he feel at ease.

Tang Jingyue said, "No, there is my office in the factory with a rest room. You can do your work while I handle some work here."

With Gao Zheng here, she didn't worry about staying in a hotel by herself.

There is indeed a lot of work to be done.

Gao Zheng asked, "When will the transport truck Wang Xiaoliang is following arrive?"

Tang Jingyue glanced at her watch and said, "It should be soon. They usually leave at noon, arrive in the afternoon, load the goods in the evening, and return to Bincheng tomorrow morning."

Gao Zheng told her, "Okay, when that Wang Xiaoliang arrives, don't come forward.

So as not to arouse suspicion.”

Tang Jingyue nodded, "You don't have to worry about me, just concentrate on your work."

Gao Zheng touched her head and said, "Okay, then I won't come over, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble. Remember what I said, don't go out at night."


Tang Jingyue gave him a hug and said, "Be sure to pay attention to safety."

"rest assured."

After Gao Zheng left, Tang Jingyue had a meeting with the person in charge of the factory to deal with some work matters, and had dinner in the factory canteen.

In the evening, the factory's transport truck arrived at the Linjiang branch.

As usual, the driver and the driver take a night's rest before setting off the next morning.

At night, the machines in the factory stopped, and everything was dark. The factory was located in a remote area, and it seemed especially eerie and quiet at night.

After Tang Jingyue finished eating, she stayed in the lounge flustered and restless.

I'm very worried about Gao Zheng's actions tonight.

I have never felt the tension of them performing tasks so close before.

Tang Jingyue took a nap. When she woke up, she looked at her watch and saw that it was just early morning.

She got up, came out of the cubicle, and walked to the office window to see what was going on outside.

After listening to Gao Zheng's instructions, she did not dare to turn on the office lights.

There were big lights on in the factory area. She stood in front of the office window on the second floor and could see the big truck parked below and the sacks of medicinal materials that had been packed during the day.

She tried to see what was going on outside the factory from here.

It was quiet outside, with only unknown insects making two occasional calls.

It makes people panic.

Not far away, there is a factory

There was a faint light on in the room. She had drawn a floor plan of the factory for Gao Zheng, and knew that inside that factory was the target of their operation this time.

Tang Jingyue opened the glass window a little, so that it was not very soundproof, so she might be able to hear something.

Finally, after she held her breath and listened for a long time, there was a faint sound not far away.

But it doesn’t really sound right.

It's very vague, but in this silent night, there is indeed a sound. .??.

Her heart clenched into a ball.

It should be Gao Zheng and the others who took action.

Then, I saw that the light not far away dimmed...

At night, it was cold and nervous, and Tang Jingyue's whole body was trembling.

She stood quietly in front of the window, and the seconds seemed like years.

Just then, she saw a sneaky figure running past the factory area and ran to the big truck.

He tried to pull the door of the truck, but it failed. Then he turned around in panic, raised his head, and looked at the office building.

Tang Jingyue's office didn't turn on the lights. She could see what was going on outside, but she couldn't be seen outside.

She really saw that panicked and sneaky figure, it was Wang Xiaoliang.

According to Gao Zheng, Wang Xiaoliang will contact Linjiang drug dealers tonight to get the goods, and then wait for Wang Xiaoliang and the others to lure out the drug dealers and catch them all.

How could he appear in the factory at this point? And be so cautious and sneaky?

Tang Jingyue looked at the dimmed lights in the distance and the faint sound. She was startled, and a word flashed in her mind, "a fish that slipped through the net."

Wang Xiaoliang seemed to have gone upstairs.

Tang Jingyue looked horrified and didn't know what to do.

If Wang Xiaoliang ran away, it would definitely be a huge loss for Gao Zheng and others. They have been following him secretly for so long, so they cannot waste their efforts in vain.

She was spinning anxiously. At this moment, she could do something.

Tang Jingyue walked to the door softly and listened to the noise outside.

There were footsteps in the corridor.

Wang Xiaoliang went upstairs.

If she ran away and let him run away, the loss would be huge, but she...

If you open the door, it will be extremely dangerous.

Tang Jingyue was extremely hesitant when she suddenly heard someone at the door...someone breaking the door lock.

She was so frightened that she turned pale.

The problem now is not whether she can open the door, but how to escape.

This person seemed to have come prepared. She picked up a vase on the table and stood behind the door.

If someone comes in, hit him.

She also had the idea of ​​​​deliberately bringing people in to catch a turtle in a urn, so that this person would not be able to escape.

Gao Zheng's efforts will not be in vain.

Tang Jingyue held her breath. The moment the door was pried open, the vase she was holding hit the man's head with a bang.

As soon as the man who came in put his head in, his eyes were hit with stars and blood splattered on his forehead.

I was stunned and fell down.

Tang Jingyue couldn't care less and ran away.

As soon as she took a step forward, someone hugged her leg.

The man who fell into the glass shards was still conscious, and the bottle did not knock him out at all.

Tang Jingyue was held by his legs and pulled, and she fell down.

The man with his head covered in blood recognized her, "Tang Jingyue, you...are indeed here!"

Wang Xiaoliang discovered the clues and fled to the office building. The purpose was to take Tang Jingyue as a hostage and escape for his life!

Unexpectedly, Tang Jingyue had already prepared to make him suffer.

Tang Jingyue was horrified and wanted to break free. She picked up a piece of broken glass and poked the man in the eye...

At the same time, the dagger in the man's hand also pierced her abdomen...

This chapter has been completed!
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