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Chapter 1322 Not abiding by the rules

Chapter 1322 Failure to abide by the rules

"No one wants to go back to someone whom God wants. Donor, please go back." The lama said politely.

"Don't you believe in Buddhism?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"We believe in Buddhism," the lama replied.

"Since you believe in Buddhism, why do you believe in some bullshit god? If you don't abide by the rules and precepts, isn't this a blasphemy against the Buddha? Will the Buddha forgive you?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"After wine and meat have passed through the intestines, the Buddha is at ease. There is a Buddha in our hearts, and the Buddha will not blame us. The Buddha is nihilistic, but the Lord of God truly exists, and our faith must keep pace with the times."

Lama said.

Ye Haoxuan was speechless. He shook his head and said, "I understand your reasoning, but I'm really just here to ask for help. You masters are monks. Please give me convenience, otherwise..."

"What else?" the lama asked.

"I will go on a killing spree to prove the truth through killing." Ye Haoxuan said these words with murderous intent.

As the protagonist, he has to beat up idiots from time to time, battle wits with people in the circle, and also care about people's livelihood. And these clowns who come out from time to time are ignorant, which makes Ye Haoxuan very upset.

No temper.

"Haha, killing to prove the Tao...that's a good idea." The fat lama said with a cruel smile, "Fellow Taoists, kill him, and we will continue to drink."

Following his order, the remaining lamas shouted loudly, responded, and then surrounded Ye Haoxuan.

Since Ye Haoxuan said that killing is the way to achieve enlightenment, then they will definitely do what they said. The moment the lamas surrounded him, he started to move, and his figure was like a butterfly in the strong wind.


A transparent fist shadow struck at a wild lama. The fist was as powerful as the wind, like a arrogant dragon. Bang... the transparent fist shadow passed through a lama's chest, and a ball of blood mist burst out from his chest.

When he came out, he was bleeding from all his orifices and fell to the ground motionless. Ye Haoxuan's punch almost smashed his internal organs into powder.

With the appearance of the Mitsubishi Army Spurs, Ye Haoxuan's murderous intention was at its peak. A brilliant bloody light raised clouds of blood mist in mid-air. The Mitsubishi Army Spurs rose up and fell. The people on the scene had almost no power to fight back.

They attack vital points and kill with one move. The combat effectiveness of these people is really poor. If they meet ordinary people, they can be a blessing and a prestige, but when they meet Ye Haoxuan, they have no power to fight back.

Unconsciously, Ye Haoxuan's heart became cold due to the killing.

It was only a moment, but to that lama, it felt like a century had passed. His hands and feet were cold. He looked at everything in front of him in disbelief. He didn't know that killing could be so artistic.

Ye Haoxuan's actions were like flowing clouds and flowing water, making it almost impossible for anyone to fight back, and he struck so quickly that people had no chance to react.

It wasn't until Ye Haoxuan put away the spurs that these people fell to the ground one after another. Their eyes were wide open. They still kept the posture of rushing forward, and they didn't even realize that death was coming.

"I didn't want to kill anyone." Ye Haoxuan sneered: "But scum like you must be killed."

The fat lama screamed. He didn't come back to his senses until now. He turned around and was about to run away, but his heart froze. A length of military thorn passed through his chest. Ye Haoxuan took back the military thorn and used the specially made military thorn handle.

There was a bloody hole in his heart.


The fat lama fell to the ground, his eyes widened, and his vitality disappeared in an instant.

Ye Haoxuan wiped off the spurs and walked away, but at this moment, the few people he had just killed on the ground turned into a ball of black energy and disappeared.

There is some kind of spell on these people that can greatly increase their power. Unfortunately, they met Ye Haoxuan. Even if they have been blessed with power, so what if they are in front of the earth-level masters, they are still not a united force.


Even if a child is stronger than his peers and can knock down ten of them alone, he is still no match for a strong man. The reason is that simple.

The two women looked at Ye Haoxuan in horror. Although they had killed several people just now, there was no blood on Ye Haoxuan's body.

The two women seemed to have been locked up here for a while. They were being molested and had no dignity at all. Their expressions were troubled, as if they had despaired of this world.

"Put on your clothes and leave. There is a hotel ahead. I have called the police. Someone will come to rescue you soon." Ye Haoxuan sighed.

"You...who are you."

Finally, a woman got up the courage to ask.

"I'm just a doctor." Ye Haoxuan dropped these words, then walked into a side door and walked down the high stairs.

This scene happened so fast that the two women didn't react until now. It wasn't until Ye Haoxuan disappeared that they suddenly woke up. They hurriedly put on their clothes and left in a hurry.

Walking along the winding steps to the next step, Ye Haoxuan clearly felt the coldness and fear here.

It is surrounded by cold and hard stone walls, and at regular intervals there is a dim light bulb in front of it. Although the light is not dark, this style of lighting makes people look extremely uncomfortable.

I don't know how long I walked before the stairs in front of me disappeared. What I saw in front of Yingye Haoxuan was a cave with smooth sides. This place was very dark and vaguely damp. Generally speaking, no one would be willing to live in such a place, even if

Some demon spirits are no exception.

Because it was too dark here, Ye Haoxuan concluded that the so-called God Lord was nothing more than a more powerful evil demon, otherwise it would not choose to live here.

Ye Haoxuan didn't know the way here. The soul-searching technique just now was just a tattered moment in the memory of the landlady. He had no choice but to move forward based on his feeling.

After walking for a while, his eyes couldn't help but darken, and there was no way out. A huge deep pit appeared in front of Ye Haoxuan's eyes. He saw that the pit was huge and extremely dark. Ye Haoxuan shone a flashlight into it and couldn't help being horrified.

I saw dozens of mummies scattered around in this sinkhole, which was not too small in area.

The bodies of these mummies are kept intact, and some of them are not following the rules.

The people look very old. It can be seen from their clothes that some of them belong to the last century.

Ye Haoxuan took a few steps back, his eyes full of shock. He didn't know what kind of person that god master was, but just because of the evil he caused, Ye Haoxuan put him on the must-kill list.

Ye Haoxuan turned around and left, his thoughts scattered in all directions. He chose a direction and walked in that direction.

Suddenly, a shadow flashed in his eyes, and a lama suddenly came out. He held a knife in his hand and slashed at Ye Haoxuan.

Ye Haoxuan sent his right hand forward, and then quickly took a few steps forward. The thorn in his hand almost lifted the lama up.

Ding... Ye Haoxuan nailed the lama to the wall hard, then he retracted his right hand and pulled out the military thorn in his hand. The lama's face turned pale, he vomited blood and fell to the ground motionless.

Ye Haoxuan flipped the military thorn in his right hand and stopped looking at the battle. The lama who fell on the ground instantly turned into a ball of black energy.

Time passed by, and Xue Tingyu and the people who had been together for several months encouraged and comforted each other. One of them, a woman who had been imprisoned for more than ten days, was on the verge of mental collapse. In the past few days, she tried to hit her with a stone.

She committed suicide, but fortunately the remaining women stopped her and saved her from death.

But she still hurt her wrist, and she's been sick here for a few days.

Xue Tingyu's arrival undoubtedly gave these women the courage to live, because she told them that there was an omnipotent man outside who was trying to save them, and everyone would be fine.

What people need most when they are in despair is comfort and encouragement. Xue Tingyu's words undoubtedly gave these women a glimmer of hope.

Everyone has fantasy, which is their hope for survival. The biggest pleasure of an alcoholic after getting drunk every day is to buy lottery tickets, because he likes that he can win the five million grand prize.

Although the chance is pitifully small, it is not without a glimmer of hope.

At this time, the fence rang and someone opened it from the outside. A burst of alcohol rushed in. Liu Ergang walked in crookedly. He stared at Xue Tingyu fiercely.

His son was dead. He had impulsively smashed his son's head hard just now. When he returned, his son had no breath.

Although his son was stupid, he was his son after all. He held his son, cried and screamed for a long time, and his son still didn't wake up.

The son's biggest wish is to find a beautiful wife. There are indeed many beautiful women captured before. The son seems to have got his wish, but his stupid son doesn't understand anything at all.

He can't do anything else in bed except sleeping with his wives in his arms. A fool is a fool. He only knows that women are beautiful and good-looking, and he doesn't know anything else.

Liu Ergang contacted his wife and daughter, but he couldn't get in touch. He had realized that his wife and daughter were no longer there.

He was almost alone now. He was very drunk, and when he looked at his lifeless son, he became more and more angry.

He wanted to avenge his son, and he stared at Xue Tingyu bitterly. It was because of this woman that his son embarked on this path of no return. If this woman had not instigated the discord, his son would not have died at all.

"What do you want to do?" Xue Tingyu stood in front of these women and said sternly.

Seeing Liu Ergang approaching step by step, these women looked very frightened, because this man dominated their power of life and death, and basically no one could survive as long as he chose them.

"My son is dead. You killed my son. I want revenge for my son, revenge..." Liu Ergang stared at Xue Tingyu angrily and said.

"You yourself killed your son." Xue Tingyu said calmly.

:6dp Chapter 1322 Not following the rules


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