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Chapter 1798 truth

"There are many fields involved, but recently my dad wants to do traditional Chinese medicine, because our Chinese traditional medicine is now very famous, has quick effects, is cheap, and has no toxic or side effects." Yang Shan said: "But here in Magnesium Country

, Chinese medicine is a taboo.”

"Why is Chinese medicine a taboo?" Ye Haoxuan asked: "Didn't you hear that the Chinese authorities wanted to introduce Chinese medicine a few days ago? I just don't know why the talks collapsed."

"The government of the Magnesium Country cannot completely make the decision." Yang Shan glanced at Ye Haoxuan and said: "The Magnesium Country has very strong scientific research capabilities. The Western medicines they have developed, even if they are not exported, still make considerable profits every year. Nowadays, traditional Chinese medicine

The rise has already caused them a lot of losses."

"If traditional Chinese medicine is introduced into the Magnesium Country, their last surviving territory will be greatly reduced, so all the pharmaceutical companies in the Magnesium Country unite together and they boycott traditional Chinese medicine..."

"So your dad's plan to introduce traditional Chinese medicine affects the interests of all of them?" Ye Haoxuan finally understood.

"That's what I mean." Yang Shan nodded slightly and said, "Especially in the past six months, the situation has become more and more tense. Some people have let it out to make our Yang family look good."

"If you are a competitor, you should know it well." Ye Haoxuan said.

"No." Yang Shan shook her head and said, "Because almost all the pharmaceutical companies in the country are squeezing us out, so I'm not sure who wants to do something against me behind my back."

"I feel like I'm involved in a very powerful fight." Ye Haoxuan said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, we will protect you." Yang Shan smiled slightly and said, "What's more, you are my savior."

"I would rather be nothing." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said: "The risk you took this time is really risky. Don't play like this in the future, otherwise you will regret it."

"I already regret it." Yang Shan sighed and said, "I finally understand why my dad stopped me from doing this. It turns out that the Qinglong Group is really powerful and scary."

"What we saw today is just the tip of their iceberg." Ye Haoxuan said and took off the golden needle. His treatment of Pierce was nearing the end.

"How is Pierce?" Yang Shan asked.

"It's not a big problem. I woke up soon." Ye Haoxuan looked around and said, "Fortunately, there are still a few people from the Qinglong Society here. I will wake them up later and torture them."

"No, they won't say anything. If the Qinglong Group takes action, it will make their lives worse than death, so they would rather die than reveal anything about the Qinglong Group," Yang Shan said.

"It doesn't matter, I have plenty of ways to make them talk." Ye Haoxuan smiled. He was a Chinese medicine doctor. He had countless ways to torture people. He didn't believe that these guys wouldn't talk.

"It's useless. This is the purpose of the Qinglong Society. If you can escape, run away. If you can't escape, die." Yang Shan shook her head slightly, "Look, most of the people lying on the ground now are dead."

"Really?" Ye Haoxuan was surprised. He had never been in contact with this organization. He didn't understand the organization's work style. He quickly ran to a member and reached out to turn over the member who was lying on the ground.

Come here.

Sure enough, as Yang Shan said, this guy is dead now, and his way of death is very special. His seven orifices are bleeding, and there are very big blisters on his skin. It's like he died after being infected by some kind of biochemical virus.


Ye Haoxuan was taken aback. He quickly let go of the man and took a few steps back.

"What's wrong?" Yang Shan was startled, and she quickly came over.

"Stand there, don't move." Ye Haoxuan reached out and waved his hand to stop Yang Shan, "The poison in these people is not ordinary poison. It is very likely to be contagious. Don't come here."

"But you..." Yang Shan stopped: "You have been in contact with those people, will you be infected now?"

Ye Haoxuan was silent. He closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. Then he opened his eyes and said, "It's okay. I've figured it out. These viruses are not contagious for the time being..."

"What do you mean it's not contagious for the time being?" Yang Shan asked with some confusion.

"Because I feel that this poison is a biochemical virus, but it belongs to the first stage. Now it only has fatal lethality to people who come into direct contact with it. It is not contagious yet." Ye Haoxuan said.

"But generally speaking, this virus will evolve. I can't guarantee that it will not be contagious after it evolves to the second stage."

"Is this poison man-made?" Yang Shan suddenly said: "Did someone deliberately develop it?"

"Yes, someone deliberately developed it, but I don't know what their purpose is." Ye Haoxuan said: "Call the police. It's best to clear the relationship. I want to find out what the nature of this poison is."

"I asked my dad to contact the family drug research and development team. They are all scientists and they will definitely be able to figure it out," Yang Shan said.

"Oh, my god, I actually fell asleep. Damn it, Yang, are you okay?" At this moment, Pierce woke up and yelled as soon as he woke up.

"I'm fine Pierce, because of your mistake, I was almost arrested, thanks to Dr. Ye." Yang Shan pointed at Ye Haoxuan.

"Oh, thank you very much." Pierce shook hands with Ye Haoxuan to express his gratitude. He said a little depressed: "I really didn't expect that that toy-like pistol could be so powerful. If I wasn't careful, I could

Got hit..."

"That's a pulse gun from China. It's a new model. You should be lucky that it's only the police version. If it were the military version, even this car would probably be scrapped." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Oh my god, my god, it's so powerful, oh, terrible China, when did they grow to such a terrifying height?" Pierce felt a strong pain in his balls. In his opinion, China's technological power did not seem to be

So awesome.

"Pierce, contact the family and send a helicopter as soon as possible. One body will be taken away and the others will be handed over to the local police. Tell them that I was kidnapped here. After these people failed, they all committed suicide."

"Okay, dear lady, but I have to figure it out first. I want this... Oh my God, this corpse is so terrifying..." Pierce looked at the corpse in horror: "When I was in the Middle East,

Some organizations use biochemical weapons, and people killed by biochemical weapons are like this..."

"Sure enough, it was caused by chemical poisonous gas." Ye Haoxuan's expression changed slightly, and he turned around and said, "I want to see the results quickly..."

"No problem." Yang Shan nodded slightly and said, "But first, I have to know, what do you want these things for?"

"I don't know." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and murmured: "I just feel that these things have a lot to do with my life experience."

"Your... life experience?" Yang Shan was slightly stunned, and then she remembered that Ye Haoxuan himself had amnesia, and he couldn't remember much about his life experience.

"Yes..." Ye Haoxuan sighed.

"Okay, I understand." Yang Shan nodded slightly and said, "Leave me your contact information. I will call you as soon as there is news."

"Okay." Ye Haoxuan reported his mobile phone, which Xu Ruomeng specially configured for him.

Half an hour later, several helicopters roared over. These helicopters were all private jets of the Yang family. Several people in white coats got off one of the planes. The leader was a blonde woman with a very hot figure. She

He nodded slightly to Yang Shan and said, "Ms. Yang, which body needs to be taken away?"

"This corpse." Ye Haoxuan pointed to a person with more serious symptoms and said: "Take him away first. I need to know what kind of chemical elements he has in his body."

"These... look a bit like they were poisoned by Nolin gas." The rather hot Yangma was startled. She put down a medical kit in her hand, quickly put on a mask, and squatted in front of the body.


"This is my family's chief scientist, Catherine." Yang Shan introduced to Ye Haoxuan.

"The toxins in these people's bodies don't look like someone has put them in, but they seem to have swallowed them themselves. This method is an extreme way of committing suicide. Generally speaking, only international extreme killers are desperate and cannot

A method that is only used when revealing the secrets of one's own organization."

Katherine looked at it for a moment, then sighed and said: "It's just that this way of death is too tragic, and it's very painful before death. Even if they are killer organizations, they usually use some extreme methods to end their lives.

, instead of dying in this painful way."

"That's only one possibility." Ye Haoxuan spoke.

"What's possible?" Yang Shan asked.

"Someone is developing this kind of poison gas. He wants to make changes based on the original biochemical poison and upgrade the poison gas, preferably to the extent of a large-scale explosion." Ye Haoxuan said.

"That's something that only terrorist organizations can do..." Katherine stood up and said, "But this poison gas is indeed not like the traditional Nolin poison mist. I need to study it after I go back."

"Yes, you can take away a body. I need to report this matter to the police." Yang Shan nodded.

"Okay..." Catherine waved her hand, and two of her assistants came forward, carefully packed a body in a body bag, and then carried it to the helicopter.

"See you later, if there is any news, I will contact you as soon as possible." Before leaving, Yang Shan smiled slightly at Ye Haoxuan and said, "Also, thank you for helping me today, I will remember it."

"You're welcome." Ye Haoxuan smiled...

Afterwards, the police cordoned off the entire area, and the Magnesium Police also attached great importance to this biochemical poisoning incident. However, these had nothing to do with Ye Haoxuan, who left in a helicopter.

This chapter has been completed!
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