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Chapter 2302 trembling

Ye Haoxuan strode in and saw Ling Xiaojuan in the corner of the booth. She was shivering. Her face was as white as paper, without any blood.

"Ling Xiao." Ye Haoxuan squatted down and reached out to feel her pulse. Ling Xiao was indeed poisoned. She was also a carrier of influenza before, but now the secondary pathogen has invaded her body.

"Ye Haoxuan..." Ling Xiao raised his head tremblingly: "I'm cold..."

"You are infected." Ye Haoxuan stretched out his hand to push up her clothes, but there were no bloody blood blisters on Ling Xiao's body. Ye Haoxuan said with some surprise: "Your symptoms are different from those of the virus.

Has the virus mutated?"

"No... I took an antidote from Tiangong, so the virus couldn't completely invade my body." Ling Xiao shook his head.

Ye Haoxuan put his hand on her pulse, took a deep breath, and suspended the pulse with Qi. Ling Xiao's physical condition clearly appeared in front of him. At this look, Ye Haoxuan couldn't help but be shocked.

"What kind of antidote are you talking about?" Ye Haoxuan said angrily.

"It's...my senior brother gave it to me. He...he said there might be a virus infection here. He gave me this medicine just in case. It's effective. If I hadn't taken the medicine beforehand, I might have been infected by the virus now."

Already." Ling Xiao said weakly.

"It has a fart effect. This medicine makes your resistance rise rapidly at the expense of your body's potential. It delays the virus's invasion of your body, but the price of this is that your body is overdrawn.

It's so severe that it may even cause your organs to fail. This is poison." Ye Haoxuan said angrily.

He quickly took out the golden needle, held Ling Xiao up, and then quickly pierced Ling Xiao's body with the golden needle in his hand. The top priority now was to remove the so-called antidote and the virus from Ling Xiao's body.

Drain it out, otherwise her lower body may be ruined in the future.

Originally, Ling Xiao was only infected with the virus, in which case Ye Haoxuan would easily expel the virus from the body, but she took the so-called antidote, which is actually a kind of poison, and it drives away the two poisons at the same time.

Ye Haoxuan's detoxification work became twice as difficult.

Fortunately, after working for a long time, the poison in Ling Xiao's body was finally relieved. Ye Haoxuan unbuttoned her buttons and spread out her clothes.

"What are you doing?" Ling Xiao suddenly grabbed Ye Haoxuan's hand. Although it was very weak, Ye Haoxuan could clearly feel that her resistance was fierce.

"Don't worry, sister, I won't take advantage of you at this moment." Ye Haoxuan said speechlessly: "I just want to see how your body is doing. That kind of virus can cause blood blisters in people's bodies.


Hearing what Ye Haoxuan said, Ling Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. She let go of her hand and let Ye Haoxuan take off her clothes.

Well, although it was a doctor's kindness, after all, Ye Haoxuan's concentration was always insufficient. After taking off her clothes, Ye Haoxuan could almost see straight.

"Have you seen enough?" Ling Xiao's energy was a little better than before, and she said with a hint of anger.

"Ah, that's enough, that's enough." Ye Haoxuan quickly wrapped up her clothes, but inadvertently, his right hand touched her smooth skin, which made Ye Haoxuan almost unable to control himself.

"Pervert." Ling Xiao couldn't help but cursed.

"I'm a doctor, and I'm here to see if you are infected with the virus." Ye Haoxuan vowed, "Don't compare me with those dirty people."

"I think you are more dirty than them. Do you dare to swear that you didn't have any wrongdoing when you first looked at me?" As the two viruses were eliminated from the body, Ling Xiao felt much better. She reluctantly sat up.

He glared at Ye Haoxuan angrily.

"These are not important. What is important is that you are fine now." Ye Haoxuan pulled her up and said, "Where are the others?"

"Being taken away..." Ling Xiao said.

"You are so important, why didn't we take you away instead of taking them away?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"How do I know?" Ling Xiao said: "Maybe it's because I am one of the leaders of this operation, so he thought it might be more fun to keep me here. After all, he is a silver fox and he is very positive and negative.


"You are only one of the people in charge. Who else is responsible for this matter?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"My senior brother Ling Zhan, he is in charge of the perimeter." Ling Xiao said.

"Haha, your senior brother?" Ye Haoxuan sneered. He was about to say that there was something wrong with Ling Zhan, but before he could say it, a closed-circuit camera in front of the two of them flashed, and the face of Silver Fox flashed.

Appeared in front of the two of them again.

"Haha, this girl Ling Xiao knows me better." Yinhu said with a smile: "She actually knows that I like to play this game. Yes, you are the person in charge of the operation. It doesn't make sense to take you away.


"I heard that conceited people generally don't end well." Ling Xiao said coldly.

"Haha, is that right? I also heard that people who are against me will not end well. Haha, there is only half a minute left. Ye Haoxuan, there are three women on the first floor now. I want to see you in this half minute.

Within, we can save a few people."

The big screen flashed, and a thirty-second countdown appeared. The red numbers were very eye-catching.

"What the hell is this?" Ling Xiao asked with a puzzled head.

"Thirty seconds, explosion... hurry up." Ye Haoxuan grabbed Ling Xiao and quickly ran towards Area C.

The two women in Area C have always been at odds with each other. One of them is a policeman and the other is a so-called police killer. Now that they are in the same room, it seems a bit awkward.

Lin Yuyu took out the small mirror and looked at it again. She loved beauty, and even in this serious situation, she still didn't forget to check whether her makeup was on.

An Xilu's body is relatively weak, because she was poisoned more deeply just now, and her physique is not as good as Lin Yuyu, so she has no strength, she can only sit on the ground, half leaning on the booth.

Seeing that this woman had not forgotten to look in the mirror at this time, An Xilu became more and more displeased. She snorted coldly and turned her head away.

An Xilu is in a very bad mood now. Lin Yuyu is an internationally wanted thief. If she can be caught, she will become famous in the police circle in the future. But what makes her depressed is that the criminal is obviously in her own house.

At present, there is nothing I can do to deal with her.

"Are you unhappy with me?" Lin Yuyu put away the mirror and walked to An Xilu with a smile. The more this woman hated herself, the more she wanted to run up to her and tease her.

This chapter has been completed!
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