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Chapter 1375 Scale

Shuguang Hospital was originally a hospital based on traditional Chinese medicine. However, due to the lack of traditional Chinese medicine talents in the initial stage, it did not form a large scale. Now the traditional Chinese medicine talents have caught up, and the development is really getting better and better.

Nowadays, the classification of traditional Chinese medicine is also very detailed, including internal medicine and surgery, orthopedics and burns, and even neurology of traditional Chinese medicine, pharmacy, acupuncture and anesthesia, rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine, etc. Traditional Chinese medicine has now been classified into refined categories, and I believe the future development will be better and better.

Ye Haoxuan went to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Rehabilitation Department and saw that most of the patients here were autistic patients or patients with low brain development. Some of them had Alzheimer's disease and some were children.

"Ye Wuchang, is that you?" Just when Ye Haoxuan wanted to visit the next stop, a surprised voice gave up his idea.

He looked back and saw that Feng Weiwei, whom he had not seen for a while, and a young woman holding a child were queuing up for medical treatment. Feng Weiwei saw that it was Ye Haoxuan. She ran over in surprise, took Ye Haoxuan's hand and said, "Hey, I didn't expect that here.

See you here."

"I didn't expect to see Yi Yi here, what's wrong? What's wrong with you here?" Ye Haoxuan looked at this girl with some surprise. In his opinion, this girl is very normal and healthy. She will run away if she is fine.

What are you doing in the hospital?

"My sister, brought my nephew to see a doctor." Feng Weiwei pointed to the child held by the young woman behind her and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here. I haven't thanked you properly for what happened last time.


"It's okay, it's easy." Ye Haoxuan smiled. Out of the instinct of a doctor, he glanced curiously at the child in the young woman's arms. He turned back and asked, "What's wrong with the child?"

"Autism." The young woman's expression darkened slightly, and then she smiled and said: "Weiwei, your friend, please introduce him to me."

"Ye Wuchang, sister, he was the one who saved me last time I had an accident. He is very powerful. He can beat several people by himself." Feng Weiwei said excitedly, and she smiled again: "I, Jing, Feng Sulan, am currently a single mother.

,How about it, it’s beautiful, I tell you, my sister..."

"Okay Weiwei." Feng Sulan frowned. She is a single mother, but her sister seems to be a little too enthusiastic about her situation. As long as she sees someone, she will definitely introduce him to others enthusiastically.

But she has to introduce people separately. Ye Haoxuan is so young and she is older. How is this appropriate?

"Okay, okay, I understand, sister." Feng Weiwei stuck out her tongue, then smiled and said, "Ye Wuchang, why are you here?"

"Oh, have you forgotten, I am the doctor here, isn't it normal for me to be here?" Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot about this." Feng Weiwei patted her head and said with a smile: "Dr. Ye, you are a doctor here, and your rank is not low, right."

"What's wrong?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Please jump in the queue for me. Your doctors here are really merciless. They can't jump in the queue. We have been waiting here for a long time. Huh, we are at home, but we have a dedicated medical team."

." Feng Weiwei was slightly dissatisfied with this situation.

In her opinion, the doctors in this hospital have really bad tempers and have no mercy at all. You can ask people to join the queue, pay them, whatever you want, but the doctors here are just

With a straight face, he dismissed her by saying "queue outside", which made her very dissatisfied.

"The hospital has hospital rules." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "What's wrong with the child? Can you let me see it?"

"Okay." Feng Weiwei said, "Sister, let him take a look. He is a doctor and his medical skills are also good."

"Well, the child's condition is a neurological problem." Feng Sulan said: "That's why I took him to the pediatric neurology department for a checkup. He is autistic and is not allowed to be exposed to anyone. He is three and a half years old now.

He can speak and can only occasionally utter a few simple syllables."

"You can call me mom." Ye Haoxuan teased the child, but the child just looked at Ye Haoxuan with an indifferent expression, then turned his head to the side in disgust and ignored Ye Haoxuan.

"Yes, he will bark occasionally, but not often. As long as he is anxious, he will say the simple word "Mom" and will not bark at other times." Feng Sulan sighed and said, "Me neither.

Know what's going on."

"Come, show me." Ye Haoxuan took the child. The child was held by a stranger. He did not struggle or cry. He was just like a puppet, letting Ye Haoxuan manipulate him in his arms.

Ye Haoxuan took his pulse and then looked into the child's eyes. He already knew it.

"How is it?" Feng Sulan said anxiously after seeing Ye Haoxuan return the child.

"This is not ordinary autism. There is no use coming here." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"What...what is the reason for this?" Feng Sulan asked anxiously. She had already taken her child to many places, but every place was ineffective, so she took her child to Shuguang Hospital for a look.

But when Ye Haoxuan said that the doctors here couldn't cure it, she became anxious. She really didn't know what to do.

"Sister, don't worry, he will find a way." Feng Weiwei quickly comforted her, then she stared at Ye Haoxuan and said: "You must have a way, right?"

"Yes." Ye Haoxuan nodded and said, "But you have to believe me. If you don't believe me, how can I treat my child?"

"Sister, let him treat it." Feng Weiwei turned around and said, "He is a doctor, and I know his medical skills. He is much better than the doctors here. If he says there is a way, then there will be a way."

"What should I do now?" Feng Sulan said.

"Let's go, find a quiet place." Ye Haoxuan took Feng Sulan to the emergency room on the first floor.

"Arrange a room for me that is quieter," Ye Haoxuan said.

"Ah, you are Ye Ye..." When the nurse on duty saw it was Ye Haoxuan, she quickly stood up, pointed at Ye Haoxuan and said with surprise.

"Go quickly, there is a patient." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly. It was not suitable for him to reveal his identity in front of Feng Weiwei now. After all, her brother and himself were mortal enemies.

If the identity is leaked, it will definitely cause a series of unnecessary commotions, so it is better not to leak the identity.

So this little nurse was sensible. She just looked at Ye Haoxuan with admiring eyes, and then went to prepare the ward for Ye Haoxuan.

Ye Haoxuan smiled, this little nurse is quite cute, and more importantly, Bingxue is smart and knows what to do on any occasion.

This chapter has been completed!
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