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Chapter 4287 Massacre

"This is the Ye You clan. Did they also suffer the massacre by the patrolling Rakshasa?" Mu Zhao's eyes flashed with a hint of unbearability.

"They also pay tribute to the Dragon Emperor every year. Even if you Kunwu tribe are at fault, what does it have to do with them?" Hu Jun said angrily. "Wherever the sea patrol Rakshasa goes, there is not a blade of grass growing within a hundred miles." Mu Zhao

He murmured: "The Yeyou clan is the closest to our clan, so they are the first to bear the brunt. There is no right or wrong at all here. Being strong is right.

, it’s your fault for being weak.”

"These people are too cruel." Ye Haoxuan's eyes burst into flames, and he said solemnly: "These methods are even more cruel than those who killed the Nine Tribes in the early years."

"Yes, it is more cruel than killing the Nine Tribes, because every time they attack, several tribes disappear." Mu Zhao said.

"Is the Dragon Emperor really without any humanity at all?" Ye Haoxuan's eyes flashed with anger: "Isn't he afraid that he will slaughter all the people in your borderland, so that no one will pay tribute to them?" "Aren't they afraid?

, because our borderland is so vast." Mu Zhao sighed and said: "There are thousands of tribes, large and small, so he is not afraid at all, because in their eyes, we are like inexhaustible

of weeds, cut

The stubble will still grow back."

"You bastard, I have never seen such a bastard before." Ye Haoxuan was angry, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Master, those bastards haven't gone far yet. Let's catch up and kill them now." Hu Jun had never been so angry. He felt that those people had lost their basic humanity. "It's better if we don't cause trouble.

, the patrolling Rakshasa's combat power is amazing, and basically one person can destroy an entire clan. Now that they have destroyed the Yeyou clan, they should have gone far away. Let's go back to the secret realm and find our clansmen.

"Mu Zhao shook his head.

"Mu Zhao is right. Let's go back to the secret realm now." Ye Haoxuan said: "We will wait until the overall situation is decided. Pursuing now is just a temporary pleasure. We still can't solve anything."

"But, just let those bastards kill innocent people indiscriminately? I can't swallow this breath in my heart." Hu Jun stamped his feet heavily, saying that he should take precautions before it happens.

The impact is really too much


And it’s not just the Yeyou clan. There may be no grass growing in the land with a radius of hundreds of miles, but now he can only watch and can’t do anything. “If we kill too many sea patrol Rakshasa, it will definitely cause the Dragon King to

If the personal guards pay attention, more people will die by then." Mu Zhao said: "So we can only prepare our troops now, and when we really resist the Dragon King, we can fight back at all costs.


"You're right. Let's leave now. If we encounter someone, just kill them. If we don't encounter someone, we'll go back to the clan first." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"Yes, Master." Although Hu Jun was a little reluctant, he had no choice but to nod and leave with Ye Haoxuan.

"Are you feeling a little unwilling?" Ye Haoxuan looked at Hu Jun's gloomy look and couldn't help but smile.

"Yes, Master, I am a little unwilling." Hu Jun nodded slightly and said, "Maybe I haven't adapted to this world yet." "This world is like this, the weak eat the strong. But although I believed in this law before,

I will never bully the weak." Ye Haoxuan said: "The Dragon Emperor is different from us. He thinks that this world is ruled by him, so he treats

He has absolute power of life and death over these people."

"But everyone is the same, why should we divide people into three, six or nine levels? All living beings are born equal, right?" Hu Jun asked.

"When you were eating pork, did you say to the pigs that all living beings are equal?" Ye Haoxuan glanced at Hu Jun and asked.

"This... no." Hu Jun was stunned for a moment. He shook his head and said, "I think the equality of all living beings is limited to us intelligent creatures."

"Haha, but aren't pigs also living things?" Ye Haoxuan smiled and said, "When you asked for the equality of all living beings, did you include pigs?"

"No, but it's different." Hu Jun shook his head. "Yes, it's different, because all intelligent creatures have feelings, so there shouldn't be distinctions between high and low. But in our world, it's not the same.

"?" Ye Haoxuan said: "The reason why I didn't agree before is that

Because I feel that sometimes the world should be like this." "Even if you try hard, you can't change anything, so I didn't think about changing the world." Ye Haoxuan said: "But now I suddenly changed my mind.

, The Dragon King doesn’t respect life, so he should pay the price. He thinks he is the strong one,

But I want him to know that there are many people in this world who are stronger than him."

"Master, your three views have always been so upright." Hu Jun extended his thumb to Ye Haoxuan, and he smiled and said: "So I feel that I have never failed to become a master."

"Don't flatter me, be careful if you slap me on the horse's hoof." Ye Haoxuan glared at Hu Jun. "No, Master, I really admire you, because your three views are really upright." Hu Jun shook his head and said: "

I also learned a lot from you. I will do this with you. I will do whatever you ask me to do. It’s not for anything else.

In order to make the so-called Dragon King pay the price." "You can rest assured that he will pay the price." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly and said: "God sent us here in the dark, there must be a reason.

I have figured out the reason now. The reason why we are here is

Bring the major tribes from the edge of the land to oppose the Dragon King and make him pay the price for his actions, that's all."

"Okay, from now on, we and the Dragon Emperor will fight to the death." Hu Jun nodded slightly.

Suddenly, a sound of horns sounded, as if coming from the horizon, with a sense of desolation like ancient times, and when the surrounding birds and beasts heard the sound, they flew up in fright and fled quickly without a trace.

No trace.

The sound of the horn seems to be like a magic spell, making people feel shivering, and the soul-stirring sound makes people feel like they are worshiping. "Xunhailuosha... This is their rallying call.

." Mu Zhao's expression changed wildly: "Something must have happened, otherwise the patrolling Rakshasa wouldn't have gathered together. They must have felt threatened."

This chapter has been completed!
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