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Chapter 517 You Misdiagnosed

After five minutes, several people put down their pens one by one, and then Liu Fuqing said: "Tell me about everyone's diagnosis results. Mr. Wang, what is your diagnosis?"

"Rubella occurs more often at night, with unbearable itching. In severe cases, you can't even sleep. The syndrome is insufficient lung qi, and the external defense is not solid and the internal organs are not harmonious. The treatment should be to replenish the qi and solidify the external body, and harmonize the internal organs and the internal organs. This is what I

Just take three doses of the prescription and you’ll be fine, I promise you won’t do it again.”

"Haha, Mr. Wang, my diagnosis is similar to yours. I think we use the same medicine." Sha Liangcai chuckled and announced his prescription.

The prescriptions of the two men were indeed similar, and Liu Fuqing's diagnosis was also rubella, and their medications were also similar.

"I wonder what Dr. Ye's diagnosis is?" Sha Liangcai sneered.

In fact, the three major clinics in Beijing have the same interests. The appearance of Ye Haoxuan, a dark horse, has harmed their interests.

The models of these three major clinics are the same. They just rely on their own reputations to charge high consultation fees and high drug fees. Ordinary people simply cannot afford to see medical treatment here.

The emergence of Ye Haoxuan directly reduced their number of patients, so the three of them banded together to suppress Ye Haoxuan.

"The medicine you are taking is not right for you." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said.

"Fart, whose medicine are you saying is wrong? This is rubella. Can you give me a better way to treat it?" Liu Fuqing sneered.

"Do you have a history of pulmonary heart disease?" Ye Haoxuan walked up and asked.

"Yes, how do you know I have pulmonary heart disease?" the patient said doubtfully.

"It can be seen from your breathing." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: "A week ago, you were hospitalized for pulmonary heart disease. You were suspended from water for a week. You were discharged from the hospital the day before yesterday. You got rubella the night you were discharged, right?


"Yes, I just came out of the hospital. How did you know?" The patient was surprised. Could it be that a young doctor could tell fortunes? Otherwise, how could he know so clearly?

"You are slightly allergic to western medicine. Your rubella is actually caused by allergies. It is not serious. Even if it is not treated, it will disappear on its own in three days, but it will be more unbearable these days." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Nonsense, this is obviously rubella, but you can diagnose it as an allergy, you're a quack." Sha Liangcai snorted coldly.

"You can still know so clearly even if you don't even know your pulse. I think you're just talking nonsense." Wang Xu'an also said.

"Don't listen to his diagnosis. He has already misdiagnosed it. Take the medicine of any one of the three of us and I guarantee that you will be cured in three days. What else can some people do besides hype? They don't even have the guts to do anything with traditional Chinese medicine.

Opening a medical clinic here is misleading people?" Liu Fuqing asked.

"Dr. Ye, I've seen you on TV. I know that your medical skills are not just hype. I can't wait for three more days. I can't even sleep with this oxygen. Can you tell me how to treat it?" the patient came up and asked.


"Actually, your disease is very simple. I can help you relieve the itching in five minutes." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Really? Thank you so much, Dr. Ye, please help me treat it." The patient was overjoyed.

Ye Haoxuan turned around and took the prescription he had written, handed it to the patient, and then said with a smile: "Read the words on it, the louder the better."


The patient took the prescription and took a look at it. He couldn't help but be dumbfounded. He saw six words written on it, which were the six-character Buddhist mantra "Om Mani Padme Hum."

"Dr. Ye, can these words really cure diseases?" the patient said with some confusion.

"Of course it can be cured, it's just six words, why don't you give it a try?" Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

The patient hesitated for a moment, cleared his throat, and then yelled "Om Mani Padme Hum" at the top of his lungs.

The patient's voice was extremely thick, and his roar almost drowned out the sound of the car engine on the roadside. Moreover, he felt that every time he shouted a word, he felt lighter. After shouting six words, he felt much more relaxed.

"Haha, this is the biggest joke I have ever heard. Forgive me for being ignorant, but these few Buddhist scriptures can also cure diseases?" Liu Fuqing couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Liu, a man like this is a charlatan and a liar, so why did he open a medical clinic? Humph, if we hadn't come today, I don't know how many people would have been deceived by him."

"You are back to life. I think you are a magic stick. Buddhist scriptures can cure diseases. I think you have a short-circuit in your head." Wang Xue'an also sneered.

The patients who were watching were also talking about it. It was really the first time for them to see Ye Haoxuan's unique treatment method. He didn't need to take medicine or acupuncture, and he could cure the disease just by shouting a few times? Is this what they saw?

First time heard of it.

Although several old guys around him kept sarcastic, Ye Haoxuan ignored them. He just looked at the patient quietly.

Gradually, the unbearable itching feeling on the patient's body disappeared, and within five minutes, the red rash on his body that was the size of a copper coin also disappeared.

"The itch is gone. It's really gone. Dr. Ye, you're really amazing. I'm really healed." The patient said in surprise.

"It's really better. Look, the rubella on his body is gone."

"Hey, it's true, Dr. Ye is really amazing."

"A miraculous doctor can cure illnesses without taking any medicine. He is truly a miraculous doctor."

There was a buzz of discussion among the crowd, and they were even more impressed with Ye Haoxuan. This medical skill is really awesome.

"Dr. Ye, what's going on?" the patient asked excitedly.

"This six-character mantra is called the Medicine Mantra in Buddhism, and the ancients called it the Six-Character Mantra of Guanyin. In fact, according to current scientific theory, this kind of loud shouting can make a person's body tense up instantly, and the meridians can also tighten at the same time.

After you shout these six words, your body relaxes, and the pain will flow out of the body as your body relaxes. Your illness is caused by an allergy to the drug, and it is also related to your emotions, so after shouting it out,

Your illness will be cured."

After listening to Ye Haoxuan's explanation, everyone suddenly realized that the expressions of Liu Fuqing and the three others were a little unnatural.

"Dr. Ye, you are so amazing. If I get sick in the future, I will definitely come to you first. What else can the three major clinics in Beijing do besides asking for money?"

"It's just that you still act like an elder here. Isn't it disgusting?"

"It's just a trick. The combined medical skills of the three of them are not as high as Dr. Ye's. How dare you say that you need to pass their review to open a medical clinic?"

"They must be crazy. They are just relying on their old age and selling off their old age. If you have this skill, you should study the medical books carefully."

The situation at the scene was almost one-sided in favor of Ye Haoxuan. To be honest, the reputations of these three major clinics were not very good in the eyes of ordinary people. Not to mention their bad attitudes, the medicines were extremely expensive, and more importantly, how many of them were there?

The medical skills in the large clinic are definitely not that good.

Therefore, ordinary people will forget it if they have been fooled once and will never do it a second time.

People finally figured it out. Ye Haoxuan has good medical skills and cheap fees. These old guys formed a group to suppress others. These guys are so shameless. They are over 200 years old in total, and they came to suppress a junior.


More importantly, their medical skills are incomparable to Ye Haoxuan.

"Are we still competing?" Ye Haoxuan said with a faint smile.

Clearly feeling the contempt in Ye Haoxuan's tone, several people's faces were even more shameless. They were all well-known doctors in the capital and were treated as guests wherever they went. Unexpectedly, they fell into the hands of a young man today.

Here, where does this leave their old faces?

"Ye Haoxuan, don't be complacent. This is the first game and we have a second game. Do you want to compete?" Sha Liangcai shouted.

"Is it necessary?" Ye Haoxuan turned around and asked calmly.

"In terms of speed, I can kill you several times without diagnosing the pulse. In terms of acupuncture, you are not so naive that your acupuncture is better than the Taiyi Divine Needle and Huanyang Jiu Needle. In terms of decoction and medicine, I can kill you in seconds with my eyes closed. You

Do you think it’s necessary to continue the comparison?”

"Bastard, Ye Haoxuan, you are too arrogant. I want to compete with you on needles. I don't believe that your needles are as powerful as mine." Wang Xue'an started to protest.

"Do you think you really think you are the Needle King if someone flatters you and says some flattering words?" Ye Haoxuan glanced at him lightly, and then said, "I have the Taiyi Divine Needle now, what are you going to do with me?"


"Just use the three-flower acupuncture method passed down from my ancestors." Wang Xu'an said proudly.

"Okay, let's come up with the question. You have the final say on how to compare." Ye Haoxuan said calmly, "If I lose, I will pass you the Taiyi Divine Needle. If you lose, get out of Xuanhuju and you are not allowed to step into my place for ten miles in the future."


"You, don't be too arrogant." Wang Xue'an was furious, this kid is too arrogant.

At this time, a patient onlookers fell down while holding his chest. The pain on his face clearly indicated that he had some kind of serious illness.

"Hey, someone is sick, someone is sick."

There was another commotion in the crowd.

I was really dozing off. Someone gave me a pillow. Although Wang Xue'an was not as good as Ye Haoxuan in medical skills, his reputation as the King of Acupuncture was not in vain. He immediately walked to the front and took the pulse of the patient with a face full of pain, and then he knew what he was doing.


He confidently took out a needle box made of rosewood, and then took out a piece of gold needles.

The onlookers all looked at Wang Xu'an intently. The name King of Acupuncture resounded throughout the capital, and it was not just blown out. The three-flower acupuncture method passed down by Wang Xu'an's family was indeed unique. However, except for some dignitaries, ordinary people

It is impossible to give him acupuncture.

Wang Xue'an's acupuncture technique is unique, and the needles are extremely expensive. Usually, a single needle costs several thousand yuan. How can an ordinary person afford it?

I saw Wang Xue'an flying with his hands and inserting needles very fast. After a while, the patient's body was covered with dozens of golden needles.

I saw these golden needles pricking various acupuncture points very regularly, looking like mysterious patterns.

The highest level of the three-flower acupuncture technique, three flowers gathering at the top, is a unique skill that he rarely displays. Today, if it were not to stabilize Ye Haoxuan's head, he would not show off his unique skills to others easily.


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