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Chapter 1583 High-tech

Let's go, let's go now. Brother, let's go. Zhang Yang was startled. Ye Haoxuan was a terrifying existence that was even stronger than his master. This guy really had the guts of a bear. He couldn't help but pull Wuyou up.

Son, turn around and leave.

No problem, right? Xue Tingyu was a little worried about Miaohui.

It's okay, those things are of no use to her, but she can't be allowed to run around, because she is a special existence now, and she may be in danger one day when she encounters some Qimen warlocks with evil intentions. Ye Haoxuan said.

Okay, I understand. Xue Tingyu nodded slightly.

Don't worry too much, the situation like just now is just a special situation. Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

Indeed, people like Wuyouzi who are clueless and don't understand the rules of the world are really rare, but the situation like Miaohui is still quite special, and it would be best not to wander around.

In the blink of an eye, it’s the day for the release of new products from Shaw Technology. The new concept of magnetic levitation cars proposed by Shaw Technology and the smartphones that go with the cars have been rumored in China for a long time.

But most people think that Shao Qingying is fanciful about the technology used in the so-called new products she showed. If it is as described in the Shaw Technology promotional page, then the technology is simply alien technology, regardless of whether others believe it or not.

, most people don’t believe it anyway.

So on this day, most of the internationally renowned car manufacturers rushed to the scene. Even some small brands came uninvited. Since what was released today was a product that combines new concept smartphones with cars, there were several internationally renowned mobile phone manufacturers.

Shang also rushed to watch the press conference.

These include Fruit Five Star and domestic mobile phone companies that have risen through hunger marketing.

However, most people are still skeptical about the new concept products displayed by Shaw Technology, especially the so-called real maglev car launched by Shaw Technology. The advertisement claims that this is a true maglev car, which can operate without the help of

Magnetic rails flying in the air, and devices such as light energy fuel and reaction engines make most people sneer.

Although there are many people coming, most of them are watching the fun. They want to watch Shaw Technology make a big joke, because they do not believe that this technology can appear in the 21st century. If so,

Then it’s not long before humans create flying saucers.

The advertisement directly in front of Shaw Technology currently displays a very cool-looking car. Whether it is the body or the details of the craftsmanship, this car has nothing in common with modern cars. Maybe only

You can only see this kind of steam chop in movies.

Many people pointed at the rows of cars. Some people took out their mobile phones or cameras to take pictures of the cars. Although they were not optimistic about the publicity stunt of Shaw Technology, most people were still very interested in this special-looking car.


At eight o'clock in the morning, the new product launch conference officially began. Shao Qingying, dressed in a full dress, appeared on the big stage set up in front of Shaw Technology's advertisement.

The long black silk skirt on her body was silky against her skin, showing off her delicate figure. The elegant skirt trailed out her slender white legs, and the tempting V-neck was decorated with golden antique ornaments.

The print revealed her sexy collarbone, and the thin black sling was gently buckled on her shoulders. Her stunning appearance attracted most of the people present.

A woman like Shao Qingying has risen to the top of China's richest list in just ten years and has become the richest person in China. Her achievements are enviable, and what matches her success is her peerless appearance.


The combination of a woman's beauty and career success makes most men and even women feel a little jealous of her. That is to say, many people keep thinking, why does the God of Luck favor Shao Qingying alone?

Standing still among the flowers and applause, Shao Qingying smiled slightly. She picked up the microphone in her hand and said with a smile: First of all, thank you very much for taking time out of your busy schedule to attend Shaw Technology's new product launch conference. Our products are transcending the times.

The product is also the first product launched by Shaw Technology since its launch.

Shaw Technology will lead the world into the future intelligent era. At the same time, its unique power device and solar fuel engine will lead the world into a smoke-free era of new energy. What is on display below will be the first real product launched by Shaw.

Magnetic levitation light energy car in the sense.

Shao Qingying took out a 3.5-inch mobile phone: At the same time, the maglev car will be equipped with a new smartphone independently developed by our Shaw Technology.

Shao Qingying clicked on her mobile phone slightly, and saw one of the rows of new cars in the distance roaring. The car turned around on the spot, and a ball of light blue flames erupted from the rear. On the spot, a beautiful

He flicked his tail and drove towards the high platform where Shao Qingying was sitting at a very fast speed. He stood firmly in front of the high platform and slowly opened the door on the upper side of the cab upwards.

The first feature of maglev cars is GPS control. Nowadays, parking is a big problem that troubles car owners. Sometimes you may have to run a long way to park your car, but with this new type of car, you only need to press the button on your phone to open the car.

button, it will automatically start, then accurately lock the owner's position and automatically drive to you.

There was a moment of silence at the scene, and then there was a burst of warm applause. The applause lasted for a long time. Although this was just a small opening, the opening of Shaw Technology was very unique. This kind of technology can lock the owner's position and use the automatic driving function.

The new technology that comes to the owner makes many people feel novel.

Next, Shao Qingying personally controlled the mobile phone to demonstrate the functions of the car, introducing the performance features of Shaw Technology's mobile phones and cars one by one.

Most people became more and more frightened as they watched, because they found that Shaw Technology’s previous publicity was not exaggerated at all. This car is really as advertised and is a product of future technology. Many people nowadays

Car dealers all felt a sense of crisis in their hearts.

When it was mentioned that cars could be driverless and drivers would be eliminated in the future, some people raised questions. A bearded man from abroad stood up and said in stiff Chinese dialect: I don’t think autonomous driving is a technological capability today.

Driving slaves, in fact, our Volvo Automobile Manufacturing Company proposed the theory of driverless driving five years ago, and we have also invested a lot of human resources in research and development.

But so far, autonomous driving is just a theory for us, because there is no way to guarantee the safety of autonomous driving. I think you, Shaw Technology, are bragging. Maybe your idea is good, but I'm sure

, without a driver, driverless driving is simply impossible to achieve.

Gentleman, let's speak with facts. I will answer your question in a moment. Now we will hold a race. I have invited ten racers from different countries. I think everyone will know their names.

Shao Qingying put her phone on the ground, waved her hand, and saw a virtual three-dimensional pattern displayed on the small phone, which displayed the information of ten racing drivers.

Sure enough, as Shao Qingying said, these ten drivers are all famous drivers in the world. The eldest among them is thirty-eight years old. In fact, there is a driver named Wojin who has been in the racing field for nearly ten years. Magnesium Country has a

He is the spokesperson in magazines about cars.

There are rewards for holding this racing project. Ten racers will compete with our new maglev car named Genesis. The race course starts from Shaw Technology, from the Third Ring Road to the Beltway, and then in the south.

The competition is held on Dipan Mountain Highway, and the entire process is photographed by aerial photography. If you win the first place in the competition, Shaw Technology will award one billion US dollars on the spot.

Shao Qingying's words made the scene shake. A billion-dollar bet was a big gimmick. No matter what the result was, Shao Qingying successfully turned everyone's attention to this racing car. This was

A very clever marketing method.

After today's huge prize money competition, this new Genesis maglev vehicle launched by Shaw Technology will come into the public eye.

Why? Because of the billion-dollar gimmick, Shao Qingying dared to bet a billion dollars. This car must be superior. No matter whether he lost the game or not, Shao Qingying would definitely win in the end.

With a mere one billion US dollars, he has won the attention of all over the world. I have to say that Shao Qingying's move is really beautiful.

With the roar of the cars, eleven cars roared into the middle square. Ten racing drivers from all over the world stuck their heads out of the cars and stepped on the accelerator. The smoke from the rear of the car and the car

The roar of the scene instantly pushed the atmosphere to "gaochao".

As the timer clicked, eleven cars started at the same time, drove out of Shaw Technology, followed the Third Ring Road Belt Expressway, and then headed south to the Ring Mountain Highway. The total distance was nearly

One hundred percent.

Eleven high-speed drones were launched in the sky at the same time. The high-definition cameras mounted on them monitored the eleven cars in real time. On the high platform of the square, eleven virtual 3D display screens captured the images captured by the drones.

Sent to the conference site.

To be honest, this competition is a test for both people and cars. The cars driven by the drivers participating this time are provided by ten famous car companies, because it is also a good competition for those car manufacturers.

Advertising opportunities.

The roads in Beijing are the most congested. It may take a long time to get from the Third Ring Road to the Ring Expressway. Moreover, the distance from the expressway to the winding mountain highway is long and the road conditions are not good. This must take into account the driver's flexibility and the off-road performance of the car body.


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