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Chapter 1751 Amputation continues

Under the stimulation of the golden runes, the Yaochi lotus root slowly transformed, then flew up on its own, split into two sections in mid-air, and flew towards Hua Yue's legs.

Hua Yue's prosthetic legs that were well installed on his legs fell off on their own, and then he felt a tightness between his legs, and the two halves of the Yaochi lotus root were automatically connected between his legs.

At first, he felt very cold where his severed limb was, but as Ye Haoxuan's right hand continued to draw, the cold feeling gradually changed, becoming flesh and blood, and became connected with his legs.

Finally, the Zhu Youshu was completed. Ye Haoxuan retracted his right hand, and the golden light in the sky slowly disappeared. Hua Yue's prosthetic limbs now fell to the side, and his legs that were originally severed at knee height have grown again.

Hua Yue touched her legs in disbelief. He had an unrealistic feeling. Are his legs finally back?

He was afraid that this was a dream, and when he woke up, all this would be far away from him again, but this dream was too real, and he could feel the feeling of flesh and blood connecting on his legs.

He pinched his leg and it hurt... The feeling was very real. This was definitely not a dream, it was real.

Hua Yue tried to stand up and walk a few steps. Every step she took, she felt very down-to-earth. Every step she took was on the ground, very stable and solid.

How do you feel? Is it any different from before? Ye Haoxuan smiled.

Very good, the feeling is the same as before, my legs have grown again. Thank you, Mr. Ye, thank you. Hua Yue was so grateful that she was a little incoherent. He felt that he had made the most correct decision in his life, which was to follow Ye Haoxuan.

Broken limbs can grow back. Is there anything in this world that can defeat Ye Haoxuan?

He was very fortunate that he and this medical sage were friends rather than enemies.

Haha, after all, it happened because of me, so now I want to help you grow it back. This is just repayment, there is no need to thank you. Ye Haoxuan said with a faint smile.

From now on, I will follow Mr. Ye's lead. Hua Yue nodded.

You don't have to be so anxious to show your loyalty. Ye Haoxuan said calmly: I know that you and Xue Hongyun are not from the same road. Otherwise, I would not put so much effort into helping you. This is also the result of your own efforts.

Haha, I don’t have the courage of Xue Hongyun, I just want to live a good life following Mr. Ye, that’s all. Hua Yue said with a slight smile.

After staying in the Binhe Club for a while, Ye Haoxuan drove away. Now Shaw Technology's maglev-powered locomotives have been launched on a large scale.

The current capital city is the first pilot of this type of vehicle. The capital city at this time is just like a scene in a science fiction blockbuster. A magnetic field circle has been built in mid-air. All maglev trains can fly in the wide sky in many levels.

There is no need to worry about traffic jams or car accidents.

Although this kind of car is expensive, there are many rich people nowadays. If you can't afford it, there will naturally be people who can afford it, so for a while, maglev trains like this are flying almost everywhere in Beijing.

Ye Haoxuan adjusted the car to the medium-range mode, about fifteen meters above the ground, and the car entered the automatic driving mode along the magnetic field circle.

Even though this kind of car can fly very high, Ye Haoxuan has never allowed himself to reach that height, because he feels that if it is too high from the ground, there will be an unknown fear. Fifteen meters above the ground, even if it falls, it will

Can't fall to death.

Feeling a stirring in his chest, Ye Haoxuan frowned. He took out the Nuwa Stone, and saw five colors of brilliance emitting from the Nuwa Stone. Then there was a small human face on the stone clothes that kept dancing.

Surging, this is the dream thief sealed on the Nuwa Stone.

If you have something to say, say it, and if you have something to say, let it go. Ye Haoxuan was only a little honorary, but he didn't have any good impressions of this guy.

How are you considering the deal between us? The face of the dream thief is shown on the stone clothes.

What kind of deal is there between us? Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise: You have to make it clear. You are in charge of the subordinates now. Can there be a deal between you and me?

I said that the Heavenly Palace is not as safe as you think. There is a very high-status person there who is influenced by us, and he will do some things that are difficult for you to understand. The dream thief said.

Really, what does that have to do with me? Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: You insist on not telling who that person is, and there is nothing I can do about it.

If I tell you, will you let me out? This is the question that Dream Stealer is most concerned about.

No, because you are too dangerous. Ye Haoxuan is very calm. He will never let this grandson out, because this guy is too difficult to guard against. This time he can be locked in Nuwa Stone, but this time

It doesn't mean that he can be locked in so easily in the future. Because he is from three thousand worlds away.

Are you afraid of me or don't believe me? The dream thief said angrily.

Yes. Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: To be honest, your methods are a little hard to guard against. I am both a little afraid of you and a little distrustful of you.

What about the most basic trust between people? The Dream Stealer said angrily: Our God's Domain is the most trustworthy place, and you are insulting me by doing this.

Yes, I am just insulting you, can't you see it? Ye Haoxuan pretended to be surprised and asked: Don't you feel the shame of being locked up in this stone by me?

I... Dream Stealer almost spit out a mouthful of blood. Of course, if he can still vomit blood in his current state.

Don't think too highly of yourself. Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: You are just a prisoner now, do you understand?

I understand. The dream thief shook his head feebly, and then he said: Do you really not want to know who that person is?

I know, but what's the use? Ye Haoxuan said leisurely: According to what you said, he is a very high-status person, and in Tiangong, high-status people, even high-level officials, can't do anything to him. Do you think I am?

Now that we know who he is, what can we do?

Can I expose him? Haha, don’t be ridiculous. He is a high-level official in Tiangong. I am just a small non-staff member of the Secret Service. If someone bites him back, our Ye family will suffer. I don’t want to be tricked by Tiangong’s mysterious ways.

Six chases.

So keep this secret of yours to your heart. I’m not interested in it. If it’s as you said, what he plotted is terrible, then I can only say, if it’s going to rain and my mother wants to get married, let him go.


Ye Haoxuan...what else does the dream stealer want to say.

But Ye Haoxuan really didn't want to listen to it. He pointed with his right hand, and a golden rune was formed in mid-air. The rune suddenly fell on the Nuwa Stone, and the dream thief's face condensed on the stone gradually solidified.

, and eventually disappeared.

Ye Haoxuan put the Nuwa Stone away casually, but his mood was a little heavy. Although he said it lightly, he was still worried when he thought about it.

From the appearance of Dream Stealer, it is not difficult to see that the people in the God's Realm have not given up on conquering the world. What they are best at is to invisibly guide others to do something.

Muramasa Zuosuke is like this, and Liang Yunsheng is like this too. The senior officials of Tiangong must have been influenced by these people in some way, so they did some crazy things.

To be honest, Ye Haoxuan has nothing to do about this, because at his current level, he cannot yet touch the core of the Heavenly Palace. Now the dream thief has not directly stated who the person from the Heavenly Palace is, but Ye Haoxuan feels that no one in the Heavenly Palace can believe it.


At this moment, Ye Haoxuan's cell phone rang, but it was his father calling.

Dad, are you okay? Ye Haoxuan answered the phone.

Minister Zhao is looking for you. It seems like there is something going on. Please go and take a look. Ye Qingchen's voice came from the phone.

Okay, I'll be there right away. Ye Haoxuan nodded, he cut off the phone, then changed the driving mode and drove towards Zhao Ziqian's home.

Haha, Xiaoye, long time no see. Zhao Ziqian was very enthusiastic. He hadn't seen Ye Haoxuan for a long time.

Zhao Ziqian focused on developing traditional Chinese medicine. He encountered many problems before, but after Ye Haoxuan appeared, these problems seemed not to be a problem at all. Now the development momentum of traditional Chinese medicine is very strong. He is quite happy and relieved at the same time.

, he felt that the things belonging to his ancestors were not lost in vain after all.

Uncle Zhao, you are getting younger as you live. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile, he shook hands with Zhao Ziqian, and then said: Uncle Zhao, tell me, do you have another mission this time?

It seems that nothing can be hidden from you, kid. Zhao Ziqian smiled: There are indeed some tasks. You are now touring various places to teach Chinese medicine and promote Chinese medicine. The Japanese country's previous promotion was quite successful.

Not only is the export rate of traditional Chinese medicine good now, but with the full development of traditional Chinese medicine in Japan, more and more national leaders are coming to us and asking us to spread our traditional Chinese medicine to them.

This time, it must be a superpower, otherwise Minister Zhao would not ask me to come. Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly, and he vaguely guessed it, because the momentum of traditional Chinese medicine is very strong now, and the leaders of major countries are very eager to have traditional Chinese medicine.

can spread to your own country.

So now some countries with bad relations, or small and influential countries, come to visit China, and China can't even get rid of them. Why? China is too busy, so go queue up.

You are right, it is Magnesium Country. Zhao Ziqian nodded and said: When the President of Magnesium Country visited our country a few days ago, he specially went to attend the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine you built. He expressed that he was very interested in traditional Chinese medicine and hoped to introduce it as soon as possible.

Traditional Chinese Medicine.

You also know that the Magnesium Country does not reject acupuncture. There was an acupuncture craze in their country, and now I am afraid that there will be another Chinese medicine craze.

This chapter has been completed!
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