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289 Qingshan Temple

I'm sorry...I was wrong. I won't dare to do it again in the future. Xu Tongtong held Ye Haoxuan's hand aggrievedly, like a little girl who had done something wrong begging for forgiveness.

Yin and Yang are separated, they have their lives, and we humans have our own lives. If you want to pry into their lives so much, you are disrupting the order of this world. It is better to pay more attention in the future. Ye Haoxuan said.

I will, but I don’t dare anymore. Xu Tongtong nodded quickly.

Let's go and burn incense in a temple in the suburbs to calm our mind. Ye Haoxuan said.

Okay. Xu Tongtong nodded and followed Ye Haoxuan into the car.

There is a temple on the outskirts of Qingyuan called "Qingshan Temple" which is usually very popular. It is said that the Zen master here is an eminent monk who is very efficacious.

On the way, Xu Tongtong couldn't help but asked curiously: Was that thing very powerful when you were at my house?

It's not just powerful. Ye Haoxuan became angry when he mentioned this incident. The ghost that day was countless times more powerful than what Xu Tongtong encountered this time.

And the key point is that it was her first debut, and Xu Tongtong barged in recklessly and destroyed the formation at the door. If her aunt hadn't happened to come that day and used filth to break the evil spirit's Shura body, I'm afraid

He and Xu Tongtong became fateful couples.

If you hadn't barged in for no reason that day and destroyed the formation at my door, so many things wouldn't have happened, and you would have been regarded as a pervert and a pervert.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Xu Tongtong said aggrievedly, but you are a little confused to begin with, why... you want to steal someone else's guard...

When she reached this point, she couldn't go on anymore. That incident made it difficult for her to talk about it.

Sanitary napkins, right? Ye Haoxuan continued unhappily.

Xu Tongtong nodded, her face turned red.

That's because a woman's menstrual period is the most filthy thing. Even those things are also afraid of the most filthy things. If I hadn't robbed you that day... I'm afraid we would have been reincarnated together now. Ye Haoxuan said speechlessly


Ah...that's it, I'm sorry, I always thought you were...

Am I a pervert? Ye Haoxuan lamented that in today’s world, it’s hard to be a good person.

I'm really sorry. I'll treat you to dinner and apologize to you. Just don't be angry. Xu Tongtong held Ye Haoxuan's hand and shook it.

Don't... I'm driving. Ye Haoxuan only felt two soft balls on his arms. His hands trembled and he almost drove down the mountain road.

Xu Tongtong quickly let go of her hand, a little embarrassed. She knew that her figure was very lethal to men. It would be a tragedy if Ye Haoxuan drove into the ravine with trembling hands.

Not long after, the two arrived at the foot of Qingshan Mountain. Ye Haoxuan parked the car in the parking lot on one side, and climbed up the mountain along the winding steps with Xu Tongtong.

Maybe it was the excitement of the crowd here, or maybe it was the faint sound of Sanskrit chants here, but Xu Tongtong felt that she felt at peace inexplicably.

Ye Haoxuan held Xu Tongtong with one hand, and the two of them climbed up the winding steps to the top of the mountain. Qingshan was not very high, but there were probably more than a thousand winding steps.

When she reached the top of the mountain, Xu Tongtong was almost so tired that her legs were about to break. She probably had never climbed a mountain since she was a child. The walk today made her breathless.

After resting for a while, Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: Let's go, sincerity will lead to success.

I can't stand up anymore. Xu Tongtong flattened her mouth, she was telling the truth, she really couldn't stand up.

You should be glad that you didn't wear high-heeled shoes today, otherwise your legs would be broken by now. Ye Haoxuan smiled and stretched out his hand.

Xu Tongtong stretched out her hand, and Ye Haoxuan pulled her up from the ground with a little force.

Incense is very popular in Qingshan Temple, and there is an endless stream of devotees and believers who come here to seek incense. A large incense burner in the center of the temple is filled with incense.

A burst of fragrance filled the temple, the strong incense, the boiling voices of people, and the sounds of wooden fish and sutras, making Xu Tongtong's heart gradually calm down.

Go ahead, put some incense and make a wish. Those things you shouldn't remember will be forgotten.

Ye Haoxuan's voice was mixed with a trace of the power of the Qingxin Mantra, which made Xu Tongtong's mood abandon all distracting thoughts in this calm moment. She nodded slightly and took a stick of incense as thick as a thumb from the incense stand beside it.

Light it up, close your eyes like other tourists, make a wish, and burn incense.

At this moment, her heart truly calmed down, and the lingering nightmares that had been lingering in her heart for the past few days were completely forgotten by her at this moment.

The things she encountered before left Xu Tongtong with indelible nightmares. Ye Haoxuan used the Heart Clearing Curse and some psychological hints to make her completely forget about those things, or in other words, she was no longer afraid of those things.

Otherwise, these things will most likely affect her for the rest of her life.

After offering incense, the two of them walked to the main hall. In the main hall, there was a golden statue of Sakyamuni, without any sadness or joy.

Xu Tongtong had never worshiped Buddha. She just knelt down on the futon and kowtowed and made wishes like other people, and she did it quite decently.

In front of the merit box next to it, a young monk came over and put his hands together in front of Amitabha Buddha. The female donor had a strange face and must have been rich and noble. Donate some merit and the Buddha will bless you.

Xu Tongtong hesitated and asked: How much should we donate?

The monk smiled and said: The merit box is for random donations. Everyone should do what they can, and just give a small amount of change.

Xu Tongtong hesitated for a moment, pulled the bag on one side and stuffed all the thick stack of money inside.

The female donor was indeed generous and kind, Amitabha Buddha. The monk smiled so hard that the fat on his face was trembling. The pile of money must have been at least ten thousand or eight thousand. There are really not many such generous pilgrims nowadays.

Ye Haoxuan was speechless. These monks were tricking pilgrims into donating money with their clever words. Xu Tongtong had never been to this place before, but she was fooled into it by this monk.

This benefactor... I see that you and this female benefactor are blessed with good fortune, so let me calculate the cause and effect... The monk really counted with his fingers as he spoke.

After a moment, he said in surprise: The two donors are really destined to be married in this life. It is a great good, a great good. Please donate some merit...

In fact, the monks in these temples are very observant. When they see older people, they pretend to say that they had great blessings in their previous lives and will live a long life.

When he saw someone with extraordinary momentum, he must be an official, so he would praise him for his smooth career path.

When you see a young man and woman, you don't need to ask, they must be lovers. If you say that they have an excellent marriage, you are right.

In fact, these temples are similar to those who rip off customers in black shops. They are well versed in people's psychology. As long as they praise you and make you feel happy, you should not be stingy if you are asked to donate some money.

Ye Haoxuan and Xu Tongtong are similar in age, and they are both handsome and beautiful. What are they if they are not lovers?

Xu Tongtong was startled and blushed instantly, thinking to herself, are she and Ye Haoxuan really who the monk said they were?

Ye Haoxuan was speechless. This monk really didn't care about anything. He has provoked enough girls now. If he provokes more girls, he is seeking death...

Moreover, the monk's tone was exaggerated, and he looked like he was a master of deceiving people. In order to prevent him from spouting nonsense, Ye Haoxuan quickly stepped forward and reached out to dig through his clothes...

The monk smiled from ear to ear. This girl was so generous, so this man should not have less money than the female companion.

Just something that left him speechless happened. Ye Haoxuan took out a handful of coins after digging for a long time. These coins ranged from one yuan to one dime. Ye Haoxuan took out a dime coin and walked calmly to Gongde.

Throw it in the box.

The monk felt that his breath was stagnant in his chest, and he almost suffered internal injuries from Ye Haoxuan's actions. Is there such a thing as charity? A dime... If it falls on the ground, no one would be willing to pick it up.

Xu Tongtong looked at Ye Haoxuan in surprise and asked: Why don't you donate more?

No, as Master just said, the merit box is for giving according to circumstances. Please do what you can according to your ability. I am a poor person, so I can only express my thoughts to the Buddha.

As he spoke, he gave the monk a shy smile and said, "Master, don't you think so?"

Although he almost suffered internal injuries, the monk still nodded with a smile on his face and said: Yes, what the donor said is, give according to circumstances, give according to circumstances.

Nowadays, the more incense-filled temples are, the more places they eat people without spitting out their bones. With the development of society, some temples have lost their original meaning and become commercialized.

Just like this temple, the gold and jade are outside, but the inside is ruined. There are also many unknown places inside. Everyone just spends money to have peace of mind.

After playing around in the temple with Xu Tongtong, Xu Tongtong finally summoned up the courage to ask: Is what the monk just said... is true?

What's true? Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise.

It's just... Xu Tongtong blushed and whispered: It's... you, this is the fate of me.

Ye Haoxuan realized at any moment and thought to himself that he would not offend Miss Xu again today. He quickly said: These monks are talking nonsense, don't take it to heart.

Oh... I asked casually. Xu Tongtong was slightly disappointed when she saw his excessive performance.

Let's go and take a look at the front. Ye Haoxuan said.

Qingshan Temple is not very small. It is decorated magnificently and full of commercial atmosphere. It is a good place to treat it as a tourist place.

Outside the gate of the temple, a group of people gathered together, and crying could be heard from time to time in the crowd.

Through the crowd, I saw a man holding a pregnant woman in his arms and crying for help. He was obviously the pregnant woman's husband.

A woman on one side, who must be the mother-in-law of a pregnant woman, clasped her hands together and chanted the blessings of the Buddha, and shouted anxiously: Why hasn't the ambulance come yet?

This pregnant woman was bleeding heavily, and looking at her belly, she must be a full-term mother who was about to give birth.

Come, come, the doctor is here.

I don't know who shouted, and a few white coats and a few nurses who were as tired as dead dogs climbed up from the steps.

This chapter has been completed!
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