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Chapter 3009 I will send her back

Just leave if you want. Yu Feng, prepare a car and I will take her back. Ye Haoxuan said.

Okay, Mr. Ye, I'm going to prepare now. Yu Feng nodded, and he turned around to make arrangements.

In less than five minutes, the car was arranged, and Ye Haoxuan drove her back in person. Ye Haoxuan felt that he could persuade a little girl to return from her lost way, which was also a good thing. He felt that a doctor could not only treat patients, but also

It is good to know how to heal people's hearts.

Who are you? Ye Haoxuan was driving, and Feng Weiwei, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly asked: I can see that Yu Feng respects you very much, and the person who can open such a big business in the imperial capital is definitely not an ordinary person.


Oh, I'm just a doctor. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: Does he respect me? Why didn't I see it? You must have seen it wrong.

When you look into my eyes, do you think I'm blind? Feng Weiwei was angry, she stared at Ye Haoxuan and said: Don't treat me like a three-year-old child, I have eyes, I can see

Well, he respects me because I saved his life. Ye Haoxuan said: "You also know that for those who come out to hang out, it is common for them to be hacked. One time he was hacked to the point of dying, but it was okay."

When he met me, I saved him, so from then on he followed me wholeheartedly.

Is it true or false? Listening to Ye Haoxuan's nonsense, Feng Weiwei couldn't tell whether it was true or false for a while. She looked at Ye Haoxuan curiously, half convinced.

There is nothing you can do if you don’t believe me. Ye Haoxuan said helplessly: This is the fact. Otherwise, please explain, why is he, a big boss, so respectful to a little person like me?

Feng Weiwei thought about it for a long time, and she really couldn't imagine why, so she simply stopped thinking about it. She stared at Ye Haoxuan and said: I believe you for now, but if you dare to lie to me, hum.

Seeing this girl making a threatening look, Ye Haoxuan found it funny. He changed the subject and said: Okay, where is your school? Go back this time and study hard.

I was always a top student. Feng Weiwei said: Do you know why I became like this?

I don’t know, maybe something happened in the family. Ye Haoxuan said: Are your parents getting divorced?

It would be great if they could divorce now. Feng Weiwei shook her head, she sighed and said: It's a pity that they can't now.

Oh, I'm sorry. Ye Haoxuan said apologetically. Feng Weiwei showed such an expression, which means that her parents are most likely gone.

It's okay, they left too early, and my impression of them is very vague. Feng Weiwei shook her head and said: So I don't feel sad about them.

Then why are you sad? Ye Haoxuan asked calmly, and Yu Feng told him that this girl's brother is Feng Ziqi, who is now the number one person in the capital.

If nothing unexpected happens, this guy must have the support of the Zhenwu family, otherwise he would not have been able to make his family business so big in such a short period of time.

But what Ye Haoxuan doesn't understand is, what is so special about this guy that makes the Zhenwu family, who has not been born for thousands of years, take a fancy to him? So he wants to get some news from Feng Weili.

I'm sad, no one cares about me. Feng Weiwei sighed and said: My brother does it every day to make money and expand his power, but he doesn't care about me.

Maybe he did this to give you better conditions. Ye Haoxuan smiled and said.

I don't need him to give me better conditions. My current conditions are good enough. Besides, I can still live without him in school. Feng Weiwei frowned.

So, you got into trouble with him and ran away from home in a rage? Then, in order to make you quit, he blocked your bank card? Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

How do you know so clearly? Feng Weiwei looked at Ye Haoxuan strangely.

It’s a very clichéd story. Only you rich daughters can pull it off, no one else can pull it off. Ye Haoxuan shook his head while driving.

Hey, what happened to us rich people? It is our fault that we are rich? Ye Haoxuan did not expect that his words would make this girl explode.

I don’t mean to discriminate against you rich people, I mean that your thoughts are different from ordinary people. Ye Haoxuan smiled bitterly, and he said helplessly: Ordinary people are running around for their own lives, and they don’t have as much brains as you.

Circuit, they just want to improve the material standard of life. As for the spiritual aspect...you can comfort yourself.

Hey, you, why are you like this? I am complaining to you, and this is how you respond to me? This girl was obviously angry, and she said angrily: It's rare that I changed my mind and went back to study hard, and you are irritating me like this again.


I'm not irritating you, I'm just telling you a truth. Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: Forget it if you don't like to hear it, I won't talk nonsense to you.

At this moment, several cars suddenly came speeding up in front, crossing the middle of the road, forcing Ye Haoxuan's car to stop. A group of men in black got out of the other car, and the leader of them shouted at Ye Haoxuan's car.

Bowed and said respectfully: Miss, it’s time to go home.

Your bodyguard? Ye Haoxuan looked back at Feng Weiwei and saw that the girl was in a mood again.

It's like this again, every time, every time a group of people are mobilized. Feng Weiwei bit her lip and said: I'm afraid that others don't know that you are rich, you are powerful, right?

Don’t want to go back? Ye Haoxuan glanced at Feng Weiwei and said.

I don’t want to go back, I already said I would go back to study, why are they still so annoying? Feng Weiwei said angrily.

They estimate that you have spent almost all your money, and if they don't come back to you, you may have to sleep on the street. Ye Haoxuan laughed.

Miss, please get out of the car and follow us back. The leading man in black was still standing at the door of the car and said.

Feng Weiwei had no choice but to get out of the car, angrily walked up to the man in black, and said angrily: Get out of the way.

Miss, Mr. Feng has given us the final message. If we can't take you back this time, we will have to bear the responsibility. The man in black lowered his head and said: Please don't embarrass us, Miss.

If I don’t embarrass you, you will embarrass me, right? Feng Weiwei said coldly: I’m saying this once, get out of the way. If you don’t get out of the way, I won’t be polite.

This chapter has been completed!
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