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Chapter 642 Treatment

Well, you can go out for a walk later, but not for too long. I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany you today. I have other things to do. Ye Haoxuan said.

Ah, you won't stay with me? Then... what should I do if I want to eat the medicinal diet you made? Your medicinal diet is really delicious. Annie said disappointedly.

Don't worry, I have taught the method to your nanny. She is very good at cooking. From now on, she will be responsible for your meals. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

Okay. Annie nodded with some disappointment.

Ye Haoxuan took out the needle, sterilized it, and put it in the needle box.

Annie jumped out of bed. At this time, Angela also walked in. She was very pleased to see that her sister's energy seemed to be better than yesterday.

Ye, do you have time today? I'll treat you to dinner at noon to show my gratitude to you. Angela smiled.

I'm afraid not at noon, but at night. I have a lot to do today. Ye Haoxuan thought for a while and said.

Well, I'll wait for your call tonight. My cell phone is...

After taking down Angela's cell phone, Ye Haoxuan said goodbye to the two princesses.

When he walked out of the door, he saw Nelson guarding the door. Seeing Ye Haoxuan come out, he quickly came up to him and uttered a string of sharp words in a loud voice.

Ye Haoxuan was confused when he heard this, and he turned to the side of the translator.

The translator also felt strange. He was not sure whether Ye Haoxuan understood Ruidian language, because he did not need an interpreter when talking to the two princesses, but why did Mao need him to translate when talking to this foreigner?

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's confused eyes, the translator quickly said: He apologizes to you. He admits that your medical skills are very good and he is not as good as you.

Medicine does not distinguish between national boundaries. China and the West each have their own strengths. I hope that we can learn from each other and find out more ways to treat diseases. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

The translator told Nelson what Ye Haoxuan said.

Nelson nodded, and said with some embarrassment: I'm really sorry, Ye, I didn't know that your Chinese medicine has such a magical place. The little princess's disease is very common in our country, and the cure rate is extremely low.

Even if it is cured, it will take several years of recovery. But you only treated the princess for one night. I can see that the princess is in excellent spirits. It is obviously the effect of your treatment. Can you tell me?

Me, how did you do it?

This is very complicated to explain. If I have time, I will tell you. What we need is to make progress together. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

Nelson nodded, he hesitated and said: Ye, I know that you Chinese people don't like to reveal your things to others, but I have an uninvited request. I hope that you can share your treatment methods.

Teach me and I will benefit more people. Please believe me.

Nelson, I believe in you, because I believe you are an upright person at heart. I am also a doctor. My wish is the same as yours, to benefit more people. But, do you really want to learn my medical skills?

No, it requires too many conditions.

Take the air flow during my acupuncture as an example. Strictly speaking, you need to learn it from the age of six, because once your bones form when you grow up, it is more difficult to learn. Moreover, it does not take more than ten years to learn.

If you don’t meet the requirements, you are not proficient in Chinese. There are some things that cannot be translated. Even if I tell you, you won’t understand. So, I can only say I’m sorry. Ye Haoxuan said sincerely.

Oh, God, that's such a shame. Nelson had a look of regret on his face.

But it doesn't matter, Nelson, Her Royal Highness the Princess has already said that she will build a hospital here as a platform for exchanges between our two countries. In the future, we will have relevant personnel to go to Ruidian.

Your people can also come here to exchange our medical skills. In that case, I think the medical skills of both of us will improve unconsciously. Therefore, this is a long process. We alone cannot do it.

It only depends on the continuous efforts of future generations. Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

Ye, what you said is so good. I urgently hope that we can communicate more. Nelson's eyes lit up and he stretched out his hand.

Make progress together. Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly and held hands with Nelson.

The two chatted for a while, looked at the time, and Ye Haoxuan said apologetically: Nelson, I'm really sorry, I have other things to do, we will communicate another day.

Okay, go ahead and do your work. Nelson smiled.

Ye Haoxuan left the Beijing Military Region General Hospital and rushed towards the base of the Central Guard Corps.

Yue Aotian's condition is getting better day by day, and his good physical fitness surprises Ye Haoxuan.

Because of the injuries on his body, a normal person would definitely not be able to survive this long, but he survived, and after Ye Haoxuan's treatment, his physical recovery speed was surprising.

If he wasn't sure that he was just an ordinary person, Ye Haoxuan would have even thought that he was an ancient warrior.

Master, the speed of your recovery is really beyond my expectation. Tell me, are you an ancient warrior?

After checking Yue Aotian's pulse, Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise, because his recovery speed was beyond his expectation.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't sense the existence of inner breath in his body, Ye Haoxuan really thought he was an ancient warrior.

No, I have never understood ancient martial arts. My killing skills and physical fitness are honed from constant battles. What is an ancient martial artist? Have I not killed several? Yue Aotian said with a hearty smile


Then Master, you must have had adventures, otherwise it would be really hard for me to imagine. Ye Haoxuan shook his head speechlessly.

He had heard Yue Aotian talk about his achievements. Even with superpowers, he had defeated several people. It was unimaginable that an ordinary person could unleash such powerful combat power.

No surprise. Yue Aotian shook his head.

Ye Haoxuan became more and more curious about him. It was hard to imagine that an ordinary person could have abilities that surpassed those of superpowers or ancient warriors.

Looking at his exposed arms, Ye Haoxuan's heart moved. He saw that the back of his hands was as dark and strong as pine bark.

The genes of the human body are quite complex, especially the potential contained in the human body, which is extremely huge.

A scientist once said that as long as people constantly surpass themselves and squeeze their own potential, people will develop surprising abilities.

Could it be that Yue Aotian had this ability because he kept squeezing his own potential?

Master, how do you usually train? Ye Haoxuan asked strangely.

Their training must be heavy enough. Yue Aotian pointed to the training team on one side.

Heavy enough. Ye Haoxuan answered without hesitation.

Because these people go cross-country for at least 20 kilometers every morning and then climb rocks with bare hands. The physical training is quite intense, and ordinary people will never be able to persist.

My training is three times that of theirs, and there are many extreme trainings that ordinary people cannot imagine. Yue Aotian said lightly.

Ye Haoxuan was shocked. He finally lost his composure. The training of these people was so powerful that Yue Aotian was three times as good as them.

Master, do you feel like you have made a breakthrough under such high-intensity training? Ye Haoxuan asked.

Yes, of course there is a breakthrough. My speed and strength are far higher than normal people. Coupled with constant fighting, I have developed this killing skill. Yue Aotian said lightly.

Ye Haoxuan nodded. Yue Aotian taught him a good lesson. Only then did he realize that there is still a lot of potential in the human body that can be tapped, and Yue Aotian's title of God of War was achieved after countless efforts.

Ye Haoxuan knew that there were still many things he was about to face. He had only seen the tip of the iceberg of all kinds of rivers and lakes in this world.

Moreover, he accepted Zhao Ziqian's instructions and promoted traditional Chinese medicine, which would undoubtedly touch the interests of many people. He must become strong enough to be able to protect his family.

After adjusting the medication plan for Yue Aotian, Ye Haoxuan asked some common questions before bidding farewell to Yue Aotian.

Seeing that it was still early, I was about to go back for dinner, when the phone rang.

But it was Zhao Ziqian who called. Ye Haoxuan's heart tightened and he answered the call.

Minister Zhao, hello.

Xiaoye, have you eaten?

Zhao Ziqian laughed on the phone.

No, I just came out from my master's place. Ye Haoxuan replied.

That's just in time, come and eat at my place, your Aunt Hua is already preparing it. Zhao Ziqian said with a smile.

Will this...will disturb Minister Yue? Ye Haoxuan hesitated.

What are you interrupting? Why are you being polite to me? Zhao Ziqian smiled and scolded, "If you feel embarrassed, just bring me two bottles of wine. Your special supply is not enough to drink. Now I use the regular version."

Holding it on.

Okay, I'll be there in a moment.

Ye Hao

So Ye Haoxuan usually hides and tucks him in.

However, since a big boss like Zhao Ziqian opened his mouth, he had no choice but to hand over a few bottles honestly, otherwise it would be really hard to explain.

Ye Haoxuan returned home, grabbed a few bottles of wine, and then drove to Zhao Ziqian's home.

Xiaoye, you're here, come in quickly, hehe, let's try Aunt Hua's craftsmanship today.

When we arrived at Zhao Ziqian's house, the person who opened the door was Hua Yibo in an apron. Judging from her posture, she seemed to be busy in the kitchen.

Haha, that’s good, I’m in for a treat at noon today. Ye Haoxuan smiled and followed Hua Yiqiu into the room.

After making a cup of tea for Ye Haoxuan, Hua Yiqiu went to work. Zhao Ziqian put down the newspaper in his hand and said with a smile: "Have you brought me anything?"

This chapter has been completed!
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