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Chapter 1510 Traces of the Destroyer

Chapter 151o Traces of the Destroyer

"And there is something special inside the cave... there were several people walking along the spring hole of the cave to explore the way inside, but no one could come up..." The boss of the hot spring villa turned a little pale when he said this.

This hot spring resort is his cash cow. He has been running the hot spring resort for so long, and he knows this cave better than anyone else. The quality of the hot springs in the cave is much better than the water outside, which is his specialty here.

There are no less than a dozen large and small hot spring entertainment venues nearby, but none of them can compare to his business. It relies on this Dongfu Hot Spring, coupled with some advertising gimmicks that can cure all diseases and prolong life, so these

The boss made a lot of money from the hot spring pool in this cave.

Although several guests disappeared inexplicably from this cave mountain, he suppressed the matter. Because once someone knew that there was an accident here, who would dare to come to his cave hot spring to soak in the hot spring? Isn't this looking for death?

But today's situation is a bit urgent. The monster was clearly captured on camera. Now the monster is hiding in this cave. If he doesn't find it out, he may not be able to sleep every night. In addition, the people here today are not ordinary people.

, he didn’t dare to hide anything.

"Bring the design drawings inside." Mako Asada frowned and said.

"Yes...I'll get it right away." The boss quickly called someone to bring over the design drawings of the hot spring pool in the cave.

The area shown on the design map is not large. There are several artificial hot spring pools, and the terrain inside is not complicated. And there is no one inside now. If there is no other exit, the Destroyer will never be able to escape if the cave entrance is blocked.

"Is there an underground river in this place that leads to other places?" Asada Mako asked as he put together the plan in his hand.

"Yes... there is a secret passage in the innermost part of the hot spring pool we designed. This secret passage is hidden in the water. As for where it leads, no one knows. Because I have been to an expedition team before, and after I got in, I was there.

"I never came out." The store owner said: "Later, we were afraid of something happening, so we locked up the place with iron gates. We were afraid that some curious people would try to get in and play, and something would happen."

"The situation is like this." Asada Mako introduced the situation here to Ye Haoxuan, and then asked: "What do you think?"

"Go in and arrest people." Ye Haoxuan only said these four simple words.

"If there is a secret passage inside, he might go somewhere else through the underground river secret passage." Asada Mako said with some worry.

Underground rivers extend in all directions, and no one knows where they will lead. In addition, the location of this small mountain is in the center of the hot spring village, and the terrain of the underground rivers is even more complicated. If the Destroyer really digs into it in desperation,

Once inside, it might be even harder to catch him.

"No, we have already locked up the underground river with iron gates. He can't get through." The boss knew some Chinese, so he understood what Asada Mako said.

Ye Haoxuan glanced at the boss and said nothing.

The boss's face turned pale. Only then did he realize that the guy just now was a monster... Then the surveillance camera filmed it

The face that came was something he would never forget in his life. Could their little iron gate really trap this monster here?

"How far is he from us on the genetic detector now?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

Mako Asada took out a radar-like thing with an LCD screen attached to it. This is a gene detector made by Japan ambitiously to explore extraterrestrial life. The accuracy is very high. Once there are non-terrestrial biological genes

When something comes out, this thing will alarm and emit electromagnetic waves to lock the position of the creature. The locking error is less than ten meters.

On the current LCD screen, there is only a fiery red shadow shrinking motionless inside, and what is displayed is like something scanned by thermal imaging.

"It's... about one hundred and thirty meters away from us. The length of the cave mountain plus the length of the hot spring lake is only eighty meters... In other words... he has now run to the other side of the underground river through the underground river.

"Asada Mako calculated the distance and said.

"Assemble heavy weapons and surround the entrance of the cave. Then I will go in and take a look." Ye Haoxuan said.

"I'll go with you." Asada Mako said.

"Are you sure you can swim?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"I have participated in sports meets... three consecutive swimming championships, and have participated in deep-sea diving training. No one is more suitable than me." Mako Asada said: "What's more, this is a trouble caused by the scum of our nation.

, so the main responsibility lies with me. Now that my brother is gone, I have to replace him."

"Is there anything else you don't know how to do?" Ye Haoxuan was a little dumbfounded. He used to think that the Asada brothers and sisters were all members of the special department, but Asada Nakamura was like an agent, and Asada Mako was just a more senior researcher.

But he didn't expect that Mako Asada was also a spy. Did she have many professional skills?

"Yes...except that I can't fly Magnesia's space shuttle, there's really nothing else I can't do." Asada Mako said seriously.

"Okay, I will join you and find someone to guard the Shanfu Hot Spring. The outside will be suppressed by heavy firepower. You and I will go down from the underground river to see where the guy is hiding." Ye Haoxuan said.

"I'll go get ready right away." Asada Mako nodded, and she turned around and went to make arrangements.

Asada Mako was now taking her brother's place, so her words carried considerable weight. After several phone calls and orders, a steady stream of necessities was immediately delivered.

There are diving suits and oxygen bottles. There is also an underground road scanner. This is because there are too many forks in the underground river and it will be troublesome for the two of them to get lost below. With this scanner, it can scan the underground roads under the entire mountain.

The river channels were clearly scanned.

The special police and a group of self-defense forces were mobilized, and the entire place was under martial law inside and outside. All irrelevant people in the hot spring villa were temporarily evacuated.

"I...when can I open my business?" the owner of the hot spring resort asked Asada Makoto.

"In half a year." Asada Mako said lightly, she picked up all the equipment and rowed towards the cave entrance with Ye Haoxuan.

"Half...half a year." The boss was dumbfounded. He was desperately thinking about what he would eat in the past six months.

A team of special policemen are guarding the Dongfu Hot Spring. There are naturally occurring stalactites at the entrance of the cave, and the fluorite inside gives off a colorful brilliance. This is a hot spring that comes from an underground river. The boss here is quite ingenious.

, several hot spring pools were artificially created in this place, which can accommodate dozens of people to soak in hot springs.

This place is obviously the characteristic of this hot spring resort. Not to mention anything else, the dazzling atmosphere in this cave alone makes you reluctant to leave.

Taking a small boat, Ye Haoxuan and Asada Mako arrived at the deepest part of the cave hot spring. This place has been installed with several incandescent lamps, lighting up the cave brightly.

"Two meters below the water here, there is an underground river about two meters in diameter and wide. It is not yet known where it leads. But the oxygen cylinder may be blocked." A geological expert has already inspected this place, and he has

The data revealed is that the hole with a diameter of one meter may become narrower as it goes inside, making it impossible for oxygen bottles to pass through. As for the length of the hole, he has not yet obtained the data.

"We can only bring portable oxygen bottles in. We have at most half an hour. If we can't find the end, we have to come back." Asada Mako said.

"Half an hour is enough." Ye Haoxuan smiled. He put on his diving goggles and picked up his equipment. The two of them had already changed into black swimsuits, which were specially customized for divers.

It is airtight and extremely flexible, making it most suitable for underwater activities.

"This oxygen tank can be used for a maximum of thirty minutes, so we can only explore forward for fifteen minutes. If we can't find the road ahead, we will be back soon." Asada Mako explained on the third day.

"I understand, is that guy still there? How far away is he from us?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"He's missing?" Asada Mako picked up the genetic detector and took a look. She couldn't help being surprised. She saw that the screen was completely black. The Destroyer just now was clearly still displayed on it, and as the detector moved forward, it was with his

The distance is getting closer and closer, but now he has completely disappeared into thin air.

"Did he run away again?" Asada Mako murmured.

"Maybe it's wider on the other side of the underground river." Ye Haoxuan picked up a portable oxygen bottle and put it on his body. Even without the help of oxygen, he could hold his breath underwater for a long time. Because of Haoran's true energy, he could use

The Turtle Breathing Method reduces the oxygen your body needs to the greatest extent.

With a splash, Ye Haoxuan disappeared into the water. Asada Mako also put on his equipment and immediately jumped into the water.

The entrance to the cave is not too wide. The lanterns worn by the two people can clearly illuminate the underwater world. The diameter of the hole is about one meter, and there are deep and uneven stones around it. The two use both hands to lift the board.

Moving forward according to the stones in the cave, the speed was actually much faster.

Ye Haoxuan didn't use the portable oxygen bottle at all. His portable oxygen bottle was always hanging on his waist. This journey was nothing to him, and his own breath-holding time even exceeded that of this small oxygen bottle.

Mako Asada has also received special training, so she does not need to deliberately hold the oxygen bottle to her mouth and keep breathing. She always swims forward for three to five minutes, then picks up the oxygen bottle and takes a sip. This portable oxygen

The bottle is specially made so it cannot absorb water from your mouth.

Unconsciously, more than ten minutes have passed. The hole in front of the two of them is getting narrower and narrower. Before, they could still move their hands forward in a large way, but as they went to the back, the width of the two people's movements became smaller and smaller.

, because the space is no longer as big as when I first came here.

This chapter has been completed!
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