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Chapter 1758 I'm not used to it

Chapter 1758 I’m not used to it

"I'll give it a try." Ye Haoxuan said, "I'm not used to living and eating here for free."

"Okay, it will be good for you to move more. Go ahead." Xu Zhe smiled and began to treat the next patient.

"Your name is Ye Hao

We don’t use electronic scales in the shop. Well, we have always used this one, and the master’s requirements are quite strict. When taking medicine, you must make sure it is accurate. Use this thing to weigh it, and you must not lose even a cent."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, indicating that he understood.

"Take it first, I'll teach you how to use this." Liang Feng said, pointing to a prescription: "The units here are in money, one dollar is equal to five grams, for example, this prescription, Earth Dragon Wu Zheng,

That’s twenty-five grams.”

"When taking medicine, you should pay attention to the nineteen fears and eighteen evils, but you don't have to worry about this. Who is our master? Of course he will not make those mistakes."

Liang Feng talked endlessly, and he didn't care whether Ye Haoxuan understood or not, he just explained all these issues to Ye Haoxuan in one go, without any logic at all.

After talking for a long time, Liang Feng asked again: "Do you understand?"

"I don't understand." Ye Haoxuan replied honestly.

Liang Feng's eyes slowly opened wide. He glanced at Ye Haoxuan resentfully and said, "Listen carefully. You must listen carefully. It takes a lot of words to talk about this..."

"I will listen carefully." Ye Haoxuan shook his head. He felt that this guy's speech had no logic at all. It was a mess. He was talking at the beginning and he suddenly got to the end. But now that he was under the eaves, he had to

Lower your head.

So, this guy talked without logic for a long time. This time, Ye Haoxuan finally got some clues, but he felt that something was wrong with what this guy said.

"I understand, let's try it. Come on, follow the medicines on this list. Our medicines are in order. There are names on each medicine cabinet. They are in the order of the medicinal materials. This is the snake slough.

, three coins, in the third compartment of the second row." Liang Feng pointed to a place in the medicine cabinet.

Ye Haoxuan walked over and found the medicine cabinet, then reached out and grabbed a handful and put it on the scale.

"Here, let me teach you how to recognize this name." Liang Feng picked up the scale and showed it to Ye Haoxuan, but he was surprised to find that the medicine Ye Haoxuan grabbed was no more, no less, exactly three yuan.

"What a coincidence?" Liang Feng looked at the number on the scale with some stupefaction. He felt a little bit crazy, it couldn't be so accurate, but the scale showed very accurate, no more or less, exactly three cents, and

The weighing pole is flat, exactly the same as the height of the weighing pole set by the master.

"Accident, it must be an accident, it's coming." Liang Feng shook his head, put the medicine on the paper, then looked at Fang Zi and said: "Senecio...five cents"

Ye Haoxuan then glanced at the densely packed medicine cabinet. Without waiting for Liang Feng's prompt, he immediately found the location of Senecio, then opened the drawer and casually grabbed a handful of Senecio.

No more, no less, exactly five cents, and the measurement is extremely accurate, not too much at all.

"This..." Liang Feng stared at the number on the scale dumbfounded. He felt like he had seen a ghost. He poured down the medicine, and then murmured: "This is impossible, this must be an accident, it must be, we are here

Come... Lobelia, three coins and three..."

Ye Haoxuan found the lobelia, then he grabbed it casually and put it on the scale. One weigh...three coins and three, exactly.

"Hell, I don't believe it. Come on... chrysanthemums cost five cents..." Liang Feng didn't give up. He continued to read the words on the prescription, but the result still made him dumbfounded.

"You... how did you do it?" Finally, Liang Feng gave up. He felt that Ye Haoxuan was simply a freak. How did he do it exactly?

"Based on feeling." Ye Haoxuan was also confused. He always felt that taking medicine was just a trivial matter. He just picked it up with ease. When did he need to use a scale to measure it?

"Here, here is this prescription. You follow the prescription. I don't believe this evil. How can you get it so accurately?" Liang Feng looked at Ye Haoxuan with unyielding eyes and said.

In less than a minute, Ye Haoxuan gathered all the medicines and placed them on five pieces of paper.

Liang Feng picked up the scale and weighed the dozen or so medicines in the prescription one by one. He almost collapsed. Damn, is this still a human being? Ye Haoxuan grabbed it with ease and found that these more than a dozen medicines were almost indistinguishable.

Worse, more accurate than what he used to weigh.

"Expert... how did you do it? Please teach me." Liang Feng was almost crying. He felt that Ye Haoxuan was simply a god. He didn't have to take medicine for a short time. The master's requirements were always very strict.

, so he did not dare to be careless when taking the medicine, so that the speed of taking the medicine was never very fast.

The First Clinic is the largest clinic in Chinatown, and it has the reputation of the Xu family for decades. Now that the season has changed, there are so many people who are feeling unwell, so he has been going crazy taking medicine these days. Now

He was almost moved to tears by the fact that Ye Haoxuan, a man who was so accurate and even more accurate than an electronic scale, appeared.

"I just think it's very simple." Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"Awesome, have you studied Chinese medicine before?" Even Xu Ruomeng was surprised. Ye Haoxuan's performance was beyond her expectation.

"I don't remember what happened in the past." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "Maybe I understand, maybe I don't, but I feel like I have a natural affinity for these things."

"That's right, being kind is right." Liang Feng said in surprise: "Master, please make an exception and accept a disciple, otherwise I will really be exhausted. Master, you are my biological master.


For his youngest disciple, Xu Zhe also felt helpless. He was a little crazy and childish. He shook his head helplessly and said: "If he is willing, let him take the medicine with you."

"Thank you, Master, thank you Master." Liang Feng felt like he was relieved.

The number of people in the first clinic is gradually increasing. Xu Zhe has several disciples. Among them, his daughter Xu Ruomeng and two disciples are already able to attend clinics independently. Due to the recent climate, there are many people who are feeling unwell. Chinese people in Chinatown, most of them

Some of them moved here a long time ago, so they retain a lot of Chinese traditions.

In this place, Chinese medicine is quite convincing to them. The Chinatown of this place has a large permanent population, so the business in the clinic is also very busy.

Before Ye Haoxuan came, the clerks in the drugstore were very nervous. Liang Feng was a direct disciple, but he was usually responsible for picking up medicines. The other two clerks were hired. Before, the three of them were busy around the medicine cabinet from morning to night.

Can't even eat.

But since Ye Haoxuan came, the few of them seemed to be more relaxed. They could take a break from time to time and chat together when they had nothing to do.

This is simply unbelievable. You must know that it is the peak season for drug stores. Ye Haoxuan has joined their camp like an omnipotent Ultraman, allowing them to take a rest in such a busy time.

In the blink of an eye, the morning passed.

The Chinese are still relatively traditional. Generally speaking, if someone is not feeling well, they still like to see a doctor in the morning. They think that the afternoon is for treating those diseases that are more inconvenient, such as hemorrhoids. If they don't push it to the last resort, they are

I will never come to see a doctor in the afternoon.

So the afternoon became leisurely. The two clerks were hired on a temporary basis and they would not be there in the afternoon. The pharmacy also seemed a little deserted.

After having lunch together, we did whatever we had to do.

"Your name is Ye Haoxuan?" Seeing Ye Haoxuan's behavior in the morning, Xu Zhe felt that this young man must be a person with a story, and his performance was not simple.

"Yes, my name is Ye Haoxuan." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"Haha, look at your method of taking medicine. You are very skilled. You must have been a Chinese medicine practitioner in the past." Xu Zhe said with a smile.

"I don't know." Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "I can't remember what happened in the past, and I get a headache just thinking about it."

"If you can't remember, don't force it." Xu Zhe said calmly: "I don't know what kind of injury you suffered before, but according to your pulse, your brain suffered a huge impact. If I'm right,

, it should be an explosion. You can survive it and return to a normal person. This is already very good. For the time being, you should forget everything before, take good care of your body, and then slowly

Check your own life experience."

"Yes..." Ye Haoxuan said the word with some difficulty. He felt very tired. He felt that there must be something important that he had not done in the past.

He also felt that he had forgotten many people who were important to him, and his heart and mind were blank. The feeling of emptiness made him feel uncomfortable.

He wants to recover quickly and remember everything in the past quickly, but it is difficult for him. After all, now he is a person who doesn't even know where he comes from.

"It's okay, you will be fine." Xu Ruomeng comforted Ye Haoxuan when she saw that he was feeling a little depressed.

"I know, don't rush. I will adapt slowly. One day, I will figure it out." Ye Haoxuan forced a smile, stood up and said, "No matter what, you saved my life.

I am very grateful to you. If you allow me, please let me stay here. I think I know something about Chinese medicine and I want to learn Chinese medicine from you. Maybe this can help me recover faster."

"That's fine." Xu Zhe thought for a while and said, "I also think that you are very talented in Chinese medicine. Anyway, you don't have any other clues. You might as well study Chinese medicine with me for a while here. Maybe you can

Can you think of something?"

This chapter has been completed!
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