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Chapter 182 Lectures

"Excuse me, what are you going to teach us today?" one student asked.

"I was asked by Mr. Hua today to teach you some knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine." Ye Haoxuan replied.

"But you are about the same age as us, and you are also a student. I don't think you have anything to teach us." Someone else said.

"Do you think that those who understand Chinese medicine are all gray old men?" Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

No one answered, and everyone gave him a silent acknowledgment. Ye Haoxuan continued: "Indeed, there are too many things in traditional Chinese medicine that can only be understood but cannot be explained. Many of the experiences are accumulated from practicing medicine in daily life.

After a certain amount of experience, you can truly call it Chinese medicine, and you will become an old man."

Ye Haoxuan's words caused a burst of laughter. Everyone felt that this teacher was quite interesting, but they still couldn't accept his age. Ye Haoxuan continued: "But everyone should also think differently. Young people have ideas, dare to compete, and are innovative.

Being good at thinking is the advantage of young people."

"Young people have advantages, but that doesn't mean you have advantages. Why do you teach us Chinese medicine? How high is your level of Chinese medicine?" A student with an arrogant look stood up and looked at Ye Haoxuan with disdain.

"The person who is the leader of the martial arts alliance is not necessarily invincible in the world, and the person who is the Jade Emperor is not necessarily the most powerful god. I am right. My level of Chinese medicine does not mean how much knowledge I can teach you.

Young." Ye Haoxuan said.

"I know that my age cannot convince everyone, but you should put yourself in someone else's shoes. Since Hua Lao asked me to teach this class today, there must be Hua Lao's reason. If you can't believe my level, you can dismiss the get out of class... …”

As soon as Ye Haoxuan finished speaking, someone immediately stood up and walked out of the classroom without looking back. There were nearly three hundred people, and in the end only a few dozen people were left.

Seeing that everyone was almost gone, Ye Haoxuan smiled helplessly and said: "I really hope you can all leave, so that I don't need to teach this class today."

The remaining dozens of students burst out with good-natured laughter. They looked at Ye Haoxuan expectantly, hoping that Ye Haoxuan could give them a surprise.

"I also believe that those who can stay today are those who really want to learn Chinese medicine in a down-to-earth manner. I can only say sorry for those who left. They missed a wonderful Chinese medicine class. This is their loss. I

I only teach my medical skills to those who believe in me." Ye Haoxuan said confidently.

Although there was some arrogance in Ye Haoxuan's words, the students who stayed behind were people who believed in miracles. They believed that the young and unfaithful Chinese medicine teacher in front of them would give them a surprise.

"If you follow the text exactly, the meaning of this lesson will be lost. You might as well read a book. Let's do this. Today we are special. Nine diseases out of ten. People who eat whole grains will have some minor illnesses.

, you can test me." Ye Haoxuan said.

"How to take the exam?" asked a girl.

"If any of you feel uncomfortable, you can stand up. I don't need to check your pulse. I can tell your symptoms just by looking at you from a distance." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Really? You don't need to check your pulse?"

"Oh my god, if it's true, then he's a miracle doctor..."

"I want to try..."

The students were startled, and then the pot exploded with a bang, and they talked among themselves. They had never seen any Chinese medicine doctor who was so conceited that he could know other people's illnesses without even taking a pulse.

At this time, the door of the classroom opened, and a girl wearing a black short skirt walked in. She came to listen to the class, but when she saw Ye Haoxuan on the podium, she couldn't help being slightly stunned.

Then she calmly walked to an inconspicuous seat, spread out her notebook, and looked at Ye Haoxuan with interest. This girl turned out to be Ye Haoxuan's Chinese medicine teacher, Zheng Shuangshuang.

"Then look at what's wrong with me." A girl with acne on her face stood up.

"Your symptoms are excessive fire stasis in the body, accompanied by a headache, a preference for cold drinks, dry stools, and you have taken Coptis Supernatant Tablets, but the symptoms have recurred. Is that correct?"

"Yes, that's right. I have this symptom now. Teacher, what should I do?" the girl nodded quickly.

"A bowl of rock sugar lotus seed soup in the morning and evening can dispel internal heat in two days." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Ah, it's that simple?" The girl was surprised.

"Treatment by traditional Chinese medicine is as simple as that. You don't need to take medicine, but the prerequisite is that you know how to use various medicines and ingredients. In fact, there is a treatment method in traditional Chinese medicine called medicated diet. Patients don't even need to take medicine, they can use it without knowing it.

Eat to cure the disease." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll go back and try." The girl nodded and sat down.

"If you can use acupuncture to remove the damp toxins from your body, the acne on your face will be cured." Ye Haoxuan said.

"Ah, teacher, what did you say? You said all the acne on my body can be cured?" the girl stood up and asked excitedly.

The acne on her face was a stubborn one. She used a lot of cosmetics and took a lot of medicine, but it couldn't be cured. It appeared again and again. She almost gave up treatment, but Ye Haoxuan undoubtedly came back again.

Gave her hope.

"Yes, the acne on your face is caused by the stagnation of dampness and poison. Use acupuncture to drain the dampness and poison from the body, and it will be cured soon." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Teacher, can you give me acupuncture?" the girl said excitedly. What girl doesn't love beauty? The acne on her face is almost a knot in her heart. Now that Ye Haoxuan said it can be cured, can she not be excited?

"Of course, you can come up." Ye Haoxuan smiled.

The girl ran up excitedly, but then said shyly: "Teacher, you don't need to take off your clothes..."

Ye Haoxuan was startled, then smiled and said: "No, I can do blind acupuncture..."

"Haha..." There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

Ye Haoxuan took out the silver needles he carried with him and pricked a few needles at various acupuncture points on the girl's back, and then used a trace of Qi to quickly expel the dampness and toxins from the girl's body.

After the injection, the girl felt a slight chill in her body. Ye Haoxuan said, "Okay, if nothing else, it will be effective in half an hour."

"Really? Thank you, teacher." The girl bowed excitedly to Ye Haoxuan, and then ran down quickly.

"Teacher, teacher, look at me...look at me..."

Seeing that Ye Haoxuan's medical skills were so miraculous, the students lost their composure and began to scramble to their feet.

This chapter has been completed!
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