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Chapter 2614 I please

"It depends on you." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: "You must be spending money in some high-end places, but I know some snacks in some remote places are delicious."

"Then let me go." An Yuzhu said generously.

"Are you sure? Aren't you afraid that I am a bad person?" Ye Haoxuan smiled, but he did not expect An Yuzhu's character to be such a carefree character.

"I'm not someone who just goes with others casually." An Yuzhu looked like you had misunderstood her. She smiled and said, "I just felt that you seemed more reliable, so I followed you.


"Oh, that means I look very safe?" Ye Haoxuan smiled bitterly and said, "Why don't you just call me ugly, that would be simpler and more direct."

"No, no, I didn't mean that. I meant that you are a very nice person." An Yuzhu chuckled and said, "Come on, show me the nightlife in Shanghai."

"Okay, I promise I won't let you down." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"Well, today I will leave myself to you." An Yuzhu nodded excitedly.

Considering that the food stalls on the street are really unhygienic, and a big star like An Yuzhu can be easily recognized, Ye Haoxuan still took her to an indoor barbecue restaurant, which was the same restaurant that Yang Qian had stayed at before.

I have been to this place once before, it tastes pretty good, and Ye Haoxuan even found a corner to sit down.

"Hey, Ye Wuchang, it's you." As soon as Ye Haoxuan sat down, Yang Qian ran over. She glanced at An Yuzhu next to Ye Haoxuan, and then asked, "Bring your friend here to eat."

"Yes, this is my friend." Ye Haoxuan smiled, "Why are you here again?"

"I have nothing to do. The boss here is pretty good to me. His business has been good these days. I have nothing to do anyway, so I came over to help. What to eat? You're welcome. I'll treat you today." Yang Qian said carelessly.

"Oh, really? Then I'll thank you in advance." Ye Haoxuan smiled slightly, looked around and said, "Go and do your work. I'll call you if you need anything."

"Okay, don't be polite to me. I also thank you for Yu Qing's matter." Yang Qian smiled at Ye Haoxuan and ran to the side to do her business.

Fortunately, her focus was always on Ye Haoxuan. She did not notice An Yuzhu next to Ye Haoxuan, and An Yuzhu was wearing sunglasses that covered most of his face. If you didn't look carefully, you would really

can not tell.

"Your friend? You are very enthusiastic." An Yuzhu sat down. To be honest, this place is a bit small, and the environment is not very good. For An Yuzhu who often goes to luxury restaurants, it is indeed a bit uncomfortable.


But she didn't say anything. An Yuzhu is a relatively easy-going person. She doesn't have the condescending airs of some celebrities. Although she is not from a poor background, she knows how to cherish life better than the ordinary poor people.

"Haha, she is such a carefree person." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile: "Whatever you want to eat, I will treat you today."

"Didn't I invite you as promised? You helped me so much?" An Yuzhu said.

"I'm a little embarrassed to ask such a big star like you to treat me." Ye Haoxuan said: "And your appearance fee is something ordinary people can't afford. How honored I am to have a meal with you."

"You are simply flattering me." An Yuzhu smiled and said: "Just be casual, I am a more casual person, and I don't have the etiquette and problems of upper-class people, so don't be rigid."

"Well, I can tell at a glance that you are different from those people." Ye Haoxuan said: "Then I will just take it easy."

"Okay, I'll do whatever you want." An Yuzhu nodded.

After choosing some special snacks, Ye Haoxuan handed the menu to the waiter. Then he asked An Yuzhu if he wanted to drink. An Yuzhu thought about it and ordered a glass of beer.

"This place is not a high-end place. If you want to drink beer, it is still good. If you want to drink red wine, you will most likely not be able to drink the low-quality red wine here." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile, he felt that An Yuzhu was really wise.

Because what he said is absolutely right. This kind of place does not belong to high-end consumption. The red wine here will definitely not be good, but the beer is really good.

"I actually don't like red wine very much, but in some high-end occasions, if you don't drink some red wine, you will look out of place, so sometimes, it's not my choice." An Yuzhu said with a smile: "

In fact, when I was studying, my favorite thing was to go to the food stalls with my roommates to eat skewers and drink draft beer."

"It feels great, and everyone has a lot of fun together. But it's been so many years since graduation, and everyone has gone their separate ways. It's really difficult to get together."

"I feel that your temperament is the real one." Ye Haoxuan gave her a thumbs up: "No pretense, no airs. No wonder your fans have spanned several levels from childhood to old age. This has nothing to do with your own personality.

It’s about cultivation.”

"Cultivating is out of the question." An Yuzhu shook her head and said with a smile: "I am interested in having a better agent because she can accurately spot the market and she has a relatively good mind."

"She can tell which kind of scripts can be accepted and which kinds of scripts can't be accepted, which kind of film directors are serious about filming, and which kind of film directors are just trying to make money."

"That's right." Ye Haoxuan nodded slightly and said: "Now this circle is becoming more and more impetuous. People in the past were all dedicated to filming and acting, but now people, haha, can't even be said to be dedicated.

, I wonder how they can make a good drama?"

"Yes, that's the truth, so the roles I take are usually relatively in-depth ones. Combined with my acting skills, this is the reason for my success today." An Yuzhu said.

"Your success and your reputation today are incomparable to others, because they don't know how to package themselves and how to settle themselves." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

"Haha, thank you. I feel embarrassed when you praise me so much." An Yuzhu said with a slight smile.

"I'm not boasting, I'm just telling the truth." Ye Haoxuan said with a smile.

"By the way, what do you do?" An Yuzhu started chatting.

"Bodyguard." Ye Haoxuan said: "If one day you are short of someone by your side, you can come to me. Maybe I will change jobs without hesitation."

"Ah, you are a bodyguard, why don't you look like me." An Yuzhu looked at Ye Haoxuan in surprise. She looked at Ye Haoxuan, then shook her head and said, "I can't imagine that." ql11

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