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Chapter 305 You're Damn Again

"Ye Haoxuan, I have something to ask you for help." Xu Tongtong hurriedly ran to Ye Haoxuan.

"What's the matter? You've seen a ghost again." Ye Haoxuan laughed.

"What the hell are you doing? I won't play with that thing anymore, okay?" Xu Tongtong rolled her eyes at him. Since she came out of the shadow of that time, her whole person has returned to her fierce personality.

"You don't bring bodyguards with you. Aren't you afraid of meeting someone who kidnaps you?" Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise when he saw that she was alone.

"My dad has negotiated with those people. They will not cause trouble for me in the future. Those bastards will not end well." Xu Tongtong was still furious when she mentioned the killer that day. If Ye Haoxuan hadn't been there, she would have died that day.

It was really a death.

But she was still very grateful to Ye Haoxuan in her heart, but she just couldn't show it on the surface.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Ye Haoxuan stretched and stood up and asked.

"Do you still remember the girl in our dormitory, Xu Ying?" Xu Tongtong asked.


"She seems to have had some problems recently." Xu Tongtong said with some worry.

"What's the problem?" Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise, and then he realized, "Didn't I agree not to let you play with those things?"

"No, how dare we play those games to attract spirits? We were scared to death." Thinking of her last adventure in a ghost building, Xu Tongtong was still frightened.

"What happened?"

"She went out to play with some classmates last week, and when she came back she was a little lost. Now she is in a trance. She often stays alone. Sometimes she secretly wipes her tears. She screams in fright when someone touches her.

Sometimes she would even say in panic from her sleep, "No, don't come here. We are all worried, did she encounter something?" Xu Tongtong said with some worry.

"It's hard to say, let me go over and take a look." Ye Haoxuan casually picked up the medical box on the side.

Xu Tongtong started the Porsche, drove directly to their school, and parked the car in the parking lot outside the school. Xu Tongtong and Ye Haoxuan got out of the car together.

"Hey, your dormitory is so far away, why don't you drive there?" Ye Haoxuan asked in surprise.

"I...I didn't want my classmates to know my family background, so I told them that my family was very ordinary." Xu Tongtong said.

Ye Haoxuan quite agrees with Miss Xu. Although Xu Tongtong is sometimes unreasonable, she is unassuming. No one would have thought that she would go shopping with them, buy street stalls, and even bargain with vendors for just one or two dollars.

The girl's father actually has a net worth of hundreds of millions.

When I walked to the dormitory building, the fierce and furious one was still standing guarding the door of the dormitory building. She stared at Ye Haoxuan with a somewhat unkind expression. Ye Haoxuan smiled bitterly and said: "Wait for me at the window of the left corridor on the second floor, otherwise I will

Can’t go up.”

The aunt in their dormitory is famous for being impartial and will not allow men to enter. The last time a deputy leader of the school inspected the dormitory, he was blocked by the aunt at the door.

Even if the principal came, she knew that Ye Haoxuan had other means, so she nodded and went upstairs by herself.

Ye Haoxuan walked around to the window on the other side of the corridor just like last time. After a while, he jumped up, climbed over the window and jumped into the corridor on the second floor.

There happened to be a girl in the dormitory next to the window who was talking on the phone in the corridor. Ye Haoxuan came forward fiercely, and she was so shocked that the phone in her hand fell to the ground with a bang.

When she opened her small mouth, she was about to let out a high-decibel scream.

Ye Haoxuan was startled and quickly covered her mouth with one hand and explained: "I'm here to find my girlfriend. I'm not a bad person..."

"Hmm..." The girl couldn't make a sound and just nodded in fear. Ye Haoxuan quickly let go and apologized.

Xu Tongtong came up from the stairs and explained a few words to Ye Haoxuan, so that the girl did not scream a pervert, otherwise Ye Haoxuan would not be able to wash herself off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

Going straight to Xu Tongtong's dormitory, Ye Haoxuan learned his lesson this time and asked Xu Tongtong to knock on the door and ask the beauties inside to get dressed, otherwise there would probably be another high-decibel scream.

Sure enough, Zhang Yue was wearing a suspender top when she opened the door. When she saw Ye Haoxuan, she exclaimed and quickly shrank back.

After a moment of confusion, Ye Haoxuan was allowed to walk in. Only Zhang Yue and Xu Ying were in the dormitory. Lin Yueran went to a place for archeology and had not returned yet.

After not seeing her for a few days, Xu Ying looked a little haggard. Even when Ye Haoxuan came in, she didn't even notice. She just wrapped herself in a quilt and huddled on her bed without saying a word.

Her eyes were so empty that Ye Haoxuan's heart sank slightly. In her empty eyes, he saw a trace of despair, not even a trace of nostalgia for this world.

Ye Haoxuan looked at it for a moment, and then sighed slightly. Zhang Yue knew that Ye Haoxuan was here to help Xu Ying see a doctor, and asked in a low voice, "How is it?"

Ye Haoxuan waved his hand, motioning for the two of them to take a step to talk.

Walking to the balcony, Ye Haoxuan said with a serious expression: "Tell me, has Xu Ying experienced any stimulation in the past few days?"

"Exciting? I don't know. Last Sunday she went out to play with some female classmates and didn't come back until early in the morning. We were all asleep at that time and didn't sleep. She didn't go to class the next day. We all thought she was sick.

Already." Zhang Yue shook his head and said.

"What happened to her? Did she meet...those things?" Xu Tongtong asked.

Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said: "No, she was stimulated and caused a trance. It is not a supernatural event. Don't think about it just because of something. Where are there so many ghosts?"

"I'm scared." Xu Tongtong stuck out her tongue and made a grimace.

"Then... what should we do? She has always been very cheerful. What stimulation did she receive that made her become like this?" Zhang Yue asked anxiously.

"Now I can only give her acupuncture first to make her conscious, and keep an eye on her these days to prevent her from doing anything stupid," said Ye Haoxuan.

"Doing something stupid? You... do you think Yingying can't think about it? Oh my God..." Xu Tongtong and the two were stunned.

Ye Haoxuan nodded, because he could see despair and helplessness in Xu Ying's eyes, and he couldn't even see a trace of color in her eyes.

"Oh my God, what happened? Her parents are from rural areas near Qingyuan, and their family conditions are not good. Haozhan, I'm begging you." Zhang Yue said anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'll try my best to enlighten her. It's best to know how she was stimulated." Ye Haoxuan nodded.

Walking to Xu Ying, Ye Haoxuan sat on the edge of the bed, smiled slightly, and said gently: "Xu Ying, do you still remember me?"

Xu Ying, who was lost in thought, trembled, quickly shrank to the corner of the bed, pressed against the wall tightly, and looked at Ye Haoxuan in horror.

Ye Haoxuan frowned. It seemed that she was greatly stimulated. What on earth could have frightened this optimistic and cheerful girl like this? He quickly said, "Don't be afraid, it's me, Ye Haoxuan, do you remember?"

After seeing Ye Haoxuan's face clearly, Xu Ying slowly relaxed. She nodded slightly and whispered in a hoarse voice, "It's you."

Ye Haoxuan nodded, took out a few silver needles and said, "Are you feeling a little uncomfortable these days? I'm here to help you see a doctor. Please extend your hand and let me take a look, okay?"

Xu Ying was startled, and her hands wrapped around Jin tightened again. She shook her head and said nothing.

"Yingying, please let Dr. Ye take a look. He has very good medical skills. We are really worried about you looking like this." Xu Tongtong said worriedly.

"Yes, Yingying, no matter what happens, we will help you. Think about your parents, even if you don't think about yourself, think about them." Zhang Yue said.

"Don't worry, no matter what happens, you can tell me and I will help you. Now that you are in a bad mood, can you let me help you with acupuncture a few times?" Ye Haoxuan comforted you.

Xu Ying hesitated. Seeing Ye Haoxuan's encouraging eyes and the worried looks of her two good friends, she suddenly felt a surge of grief in her heart. She leaned on Ye Haoxuan's shoulder and burst into tears.

"I don't know what you have experienced, but it is all in the past. There is still a long road ahead. I hope you can cheer up." Ye Haoxuan patted her shoulder and consoled her.

"I know, thank you, thank you." Xu Ying nodded with tears in her eyes.

Ye Haoxuan comforted her for a while, then asked her to relax and lie down on the bed, and gave her acupuncture. Xu Ying had no major physical problems, but her mental state was very bad. If she continued to be in a trance like this, her whole body would collapse.

After applying the acupuncture, Ye Haoxuan said: "You should take a rest, don't take everything personally, just take a nap and you'll be fine."

Xu Ying nodded and closed her eyes in pain. At this moment, her mobile phone placed beside the bed buzzed.

Xu Ying was shocked and sat up suddenly.

"Don't worry, it's just a cell phone." Ye Haoxuan quickly handed her her cell phone.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Ying took the phone and glanced at the caller ID. Her expression changed drastically. She screamed and threw the phone away.

"No... don't... don't come over." Xu Ying screamed and shrank towards the corner. Her emotions that had just stabilized burst out again. She looked at the still ringing phone in horror, as if she had seen something terrible.

Things are the same.

Ye Haoxuan frowned, and with everything slowly on her neck, Xu Ying's body softened, and she fell back. Ye Haoxuan gently put her on the bed, and Xu Ying's breathing gradually calmed down.

"How's it going?" the two women asked eagerly.

"It doesn't matter. Don't let her be stimulated in the past few days. She just fell asleep."

Ye Haoxuan picked up the phone and looked at it, only to see a missed call on the phone. The caller ID showed a person named Zhao Yang.

This chapter has been completed!
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