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Chapter 3530 how do you say

"Tell me, how to treat it?" Dr. Xu looked at Ye Haoxuan and said slowly: "I think you have some attainments in traditional Chinese medicine."

"You know a little bit about it." Ye Haoxuan smiled and said: "Depending on the different nature of the evil spirits, methods such as dispelling wind, dispersing cold, reducing dampness, clearing away heat, etc. are used respectively. The main external pathogenic factor is wind, so the use of wind medicine is emphasized.

For multiple deficiencies caused by internal injuries, the main treatment is to replenish the deficiency. Depending on the deficiency, the methods include replenishing qi and promoting clearness, nourishing yin and blood, and nourishing the kidneys and replenishing essence."

"Okay, okay, not bad, it's just as I thought." Doctor Xu wrote down the prescription with a stroke of his pen, and at the same time deducted the corresponding points from the big man. Then he threw the prescription in his hand to the big man and said, "Go and get the medicine.


Thank you doctor, thank you doctor." The big man was overjoyed. He nodded repeatedly, grabbed the prescription and went to get the medicine. Before leaving, he did not forget to give Ye Haoxuan a hard look."

Boy, that's not bad. Haha, you are so good at dialectics. I was wrong just now. You are a master of Chinese medicine." Dr. Xu looked at Ye Haoxuan and said.

"Then, can I stay now?" Ye Haoxuan said with a slight smile.

"No." Doctor Xu shook his head and said two words that were beyond Ye Haoxuan's expectation.

"Why? Aren't you short of people here?" Ye Haoxuan was slightly startled. This is a bit unscientific. Isn't this old man afraid that he will be exhausted?

"Hey, I invited you, don't I have to pay you a salary? Don't even think about it." The old man laughed sinisterly, and said to himself: "You want to earn points from me? Dream on."

I..." Ye Haoxuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He finally understood that this old man is just a hard-earned man, but Ye Haoxuan's request is not too much. He just wants to make a living, and his salary is secondary. He wants to be here.

Just put your feet down.

"So, you understand, go away now, don't delay my medical treatment." Dr. Xu directly issued an order to expel the guest, and then he went to see the next person. Ye

Hao Xuan was speechless. How could he meet such a free-spirited person? But he saw the old man's resolute attitude, so he stopped pestering him here. It's pointless. "

Boy, please save it, this old man is famous for being very hard-earned." The inspector looked at Ye Haoxuan sympathetically and said, "Let him pay you a salary? Haha, this is a bit difficult."

"Brother, let me ask you something, if I want to open a medical clinic again, what do I need?" Ye Haoxuan's eyes lit up. I don't want to leave you here, I just have to think of a way by myself. Haha, when I open the clinic, I will let you

Go and drink the northwest wind.

"There are no requirements, just set up a street stall, but do you know how difficult it is to get the medicinal materials here?" The inspector shook his head and said: "It costs a lot of money to get them from dangerous places, and most of them are monopolized by this old man.

Yes, you see his business here is good, right? That’s because he accounts for half of the city’s clinics.”

So cruel?" Ye Haoxuan said speechlessly.

"So, without medicine, these are all useless." The inspector shook his head helplessly, and he went back to maintaining order with his baton. "

Haha, I don't need medicine, even if I do, I have it myself." Ye Haoxuan became excited. His medical skills have already reached an extraordinary level. Sometimes he can cure people without medicine.

Moreover, even if he uses medicine, the genius treasures in his space bracelet can be taken out and used. These are much more effective than ordinary medicine.

Having made up his mind, Ye Haoxuan turned around and left. A moment later, he came over with a piece of white cloth with four big characters written on it: "Miaoshou Rejuvenation."

Ye Haoxuan sat directly opposite the clinic. Yes, he is here to steal business. He is here to steal business openly. "

You are not overestimating your capabilities." Dr. Xu raised his head and glanced at Ye Haoxuan, he snorted disdainfully, and then continued to treat his patients.

However, Ye Haoxuan's ambitious ideas were seriously inconsistent with reality. He had been sitting here for a long time and there was no one there. On the other hand, the queue at the clinic opposite was getting longer and longer.

Ye Haoxuan couldn't sit still, and he couldn't calm down anymore. He was a little confused. He was a medical saint. In the real world, the price of a doctor's visit was expensive, and even if you had money, you might not be able to hire him. But now

With such treatment, the contrast is really huge.

After waiting for a while, no one came to Ye Haoxuan, which made Ye Haoxuan a little anxious. He started to stop the passing patients, trying to get one or two to come to his side. "

Brother, your disease is not difficult to cure, let me try."

"Brother, your injury is really not serious. Come, let me treat you. The price is fair, and you don't have to queue up. It will be quick."

It’s free, why don’t I treat you for free?” Ye Haoxuan was ruthlessly rejected by a passerby, and he watched speechlessly as more and more people came to the other party, and no one even cared about him.

Ye Haoxuan was extremely depressed. The gap was too big. He was a medical saint, but he was actually treated like this now, which made him speechless. These people really were ignorant.

In desperation, Ye Haoxuan had no choice but to sit down and wait. Since he couldn't attract anyone, he would just let it go. Buddha nature heals diseases. If fate comes, someone will naturally come. Then.

However, Ye Haoxuan has been waiting for most of the day. Seeing that the sun has turned to the west, the long queue opposite him has only gone a third of the way, and there is still no one in front of him.

"Huh, you're young. You don't take on missions to earn points, but you're cheating here. I despise people like you the most." Old Man Xu went to eat, and before leaving, he didn't forget to mock Ye Haoxuan fiercely.


"You..." Ye Haoxuan almost burst his lungs with anger. This old man obviously looked down on people. If his strength hadn't been depleted to a great extent now, he would really have taught this old man a good lesson. But

There is no other way. Now that Ye Haoxuan's strength has been greatly depleted, he does not dare to be too arrogant. After all, this place is a brand new world and he is unfamiliar with it. If there is a conflict, who will he deal with?

There is no benefit.Xu

The old man is also used to being arrogant here. After all, he has a monopoly on most of the medical industry, and this old man is very picky. I really don’t know what he wants so many points for. Could it be that he wants to bring them into the hospital after his death?

In the coffin? This

The old man glared at Ye Haoxuan, and then left here triumphantly. He did not regard Ye Haoxuan as an opponent at all. After all, he had absolute confidence in his medical skills. This kid had two skills, but he was young after all.

This chapter has been completed!
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