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Chapter 695: Go Now

"Go now." Ye Haoxuan said.

"How many of you, do you really want to go up the mountain?" the village chief asked stammering.

"Village Chief, Mr. Wang has already told you the truth. If the villagers don't understand, don't you understand either?" Ye Haoxuan said with a frown.

"No, that's not what I meant. It's just that you alerted that man last night. If you go now, aren't you afraid that he will set a trap for you to get in?" the village chief said with a bitter smile.

"Haha, trap? We are the ancestors who play traps." Feidao, who has always been good at swordsmanship, said with a smile, holding a big knife on his back.

He was right, there were only six people here today, but it was enough to deal with such a guy. Savages are savages, and no matter how high their IQ is, they cannot be compared with real humans.

At this moment, a helicopter roared in, and a few people with document packages got out. One of them was about sixty years old, and he looked very impressive.

"Dean Huang, why are you here?" Jiang Lili on the side was slightly stunned.

"Xiao Jiang, I received a notice that a savage appeared here?" the man known as Dean Huang asked.

"Yes, it's basically confirmed. If nothing happens, we can catch him the day after tomorrow." Jiang Lili nodded.

"Who is in charge here?" Dean Huang stepped forward and asked.

"I am, my dear Wang Xueyi." Wang Xueyi stepped forward.

"Hello, I am Huang Yongkang, the dean of the China Biotechnology Research Institute. This creature is the only savage discovered so far. It is of great research significance to us. I ask you to capture it alive." Huang

Yongkang stepped forward and said seriously.

"I'm afraid this won't work. It carries a very strong Z virus. The degree of damage of this virus is even higher than that of Ebola. After we catch it, we must burn it as soon as possible to cut off the effects of this virus.

Source." Wang Xueyi said.

"This is an order from the General Administration. I am temporarily taking over this place, so what I say is authoritative." Huang Yongkang sneered and took out a warrant.

Wang Xueyi took it and saw that it was indeed an order from the General Administration. He returned the order to Huang Yongkang and said: "From now on, I accept your order, but I still recommend that the source be eliminated. If an accident occurs, it will be very important to us in China."

Said it would be a disaster."

"This savage is of extraordinary significance to us. From it, we can discover the evolutionary history of mankind and even trace it back to the origin of mankind. The significance of research is very important. Needless to say, we have our own sense of proportion."

Huang Yongkang waved his hand.

Wang Xueyi shook his head helplessly. He could only obey the orders of the General Administration unconditionally.

"Dean Huang, I have seen that creature. It is different from the creatures we found before. It is extremely aggressive and highly intelligent. I suggest you listen to Mr. Wang's words." Jiang Lili said.

"Xiao Jiang, I know what's going on, don't worry." Huang Yongkang waved his hand, turned around and said, "Who is the person in charge of this operation?"

"I am." Ye Haoxuan stepped forward.

"Now listen carefully, I want to live without any injuries. This is an order." Huang Yongkang said coldly.

"I'm sorry, I can't do it. You can let your own people catch it." Ye Haoxuan said lightly.

Alive? Uninjured? This little bitch can only stand and talk without back pain. You must know that this is a highly intelligent creature, and it is a bomb carrying a highly contagious virus. If there is an accident, the consequences will be needless to say.

"What is your attitude? You are just a little doctor. I have orders from the General Administration now, and you must obey my orders unconditionally." Huang Yongkang said angrily.

"Sorry, the order I received is to find the source of the virus and prevent it from spreading. If you order me to bring that thing back unharmed, I can't do it. First, I won't

"You're joking with my brother's life, and secondly, I won't leave the hidden danger of this virus in this world."

Ye Haoxuan said calmly: "If you want someone who is unharmed, then fine, you can bring your own people to arrest him."

"You..." Huang Yongkang was furious.

Huaxia Biotechnology Research Institute is originally a special department. As the head of the hospital, Zhou Yongkang has a high status. When would anyone dare to speak to him like this? What's more, the other person is just a junior doctor?

"You need to know your identity, I can remove you from your position right now." Huang Yongkang shouted.

"I'm sorry, I'm not a public official, I'm just a small doctor. If you remove me from my position, I'm afraid you won't be able to do what you want." Ye Haoxuan sneered.

"Then you have no right to speak. How can a young doctor be the leader of the arresting team?"

Huang Yongkang sneered. He walked straight to Wang Tiezhu and others and shouted in a arrogant tone: "You all must listen clearly to me. Now I am the general person in charge of the action team. You must obey orders. I

Let me say it again, I want that thing to be alive and unharmed."

As soon as he finished speaking, not only Wang Tiezhu and others, but also Jiang Lili on the side looked at him as if he were an idiot.

The six Wang Tiezhu and others were wearing special combat uniforms and bulletproof helmets, and they were soldiers. They lined up in an orderly manner. I dared Huang Yongkang to use several of them as members of the army.

"Did you hear that? You won't respond."

After speaking arrogantly, Huang Yongkang found several people looking at him strangely, and Huang Yongkang felt a little embarrassed.

"This is our boss. You removed our boss and we still have to listen to you?" Wang Tiezhu sneered.

"..." Only then did Huang Yongkang feel that he was so embarrassed.

Yes, he is a person of status, and he is considered a member of a special department, but your official power is only useful to people in the officialdom, and it will not have much effect on ordinary people.

"What's going on? Why are there so many ordinary people here? What's going on now is related to national security. Are you here trying to do something bad?" Huang Yongkang shouted.

"I discovered the savage. I was entrusted by the Minister of Health to find the source of the virus. I have evil intentions?" Ye Haoxuan was very angry at this guy. This guy really felt good about himself.

"You have to be clear. I don't care what kind of research you do, but national security is paramount. If you do things that deceive the world and steal your reputation in the name of research, you will be punished."

"You..." Huang Yongkang was furious. He had been in power for a long time. When would anyone dare to speak to him like this? But he was not a fool. Since Ye Haoxuan wanted to go against him, he must have his own confidence.

In the end, he could only point to his sleeve and said: "Come on, let's go take a look. I don't believe that without Butcher Zhang, we will have to eat pigs with hair on them? Notify the Nanyun Provincial Committee immediately and ask them to dispatch a team of people."

Huang Yongkang was also furious. He held the order from the General Administration in his hand. In the local area, the order from the General Administration was Shang Fang's sword, but he was actually deflated in the hands of a young doctor, which made him a little aggrieved.

"Dean, I suggest you think about it carefully. That thing is not something ordinary people can deal with." Jiang Lili said.

"Xiao Jiang, you are my subordinate, and now you are also helping outsiders to speak?" Huang Yongkang's anger increased. If Jiang Lili was not the leading biological expert in the country, he would have dismissed her long ago.

"I'm just speaking with facts, Dean. With all due respect, research is important, but in the final analysis, national security is the top priority. If the virus it carries breaks out, it will be an unprecedented disaster for our country.

The crisis, besides, he is not something you can handle." Jiang Lili warned.

"Can't we deal with them?" Huang Yongkang laughed angrily: "They are just two shoulders fighting against one head. They can deal with them, why can't we deal with them?"

At this moment, the battalion commander Wang just rushed over in a hurry. Behind him were several soldiers carrying a stretcher. His face was a little ugly.

"Mr. Wang, our soldiers just had a confrontation with that thing, and three soldiers were arrested. Look."

"How dare it come out in broad daylight?" Ye Haoxuan was slightly startled. He stepped forward and put his hand on the wrist of one of the soldiers. After a moment, he let go and said helplessly: "Send it to the market.

Go to the isolation center and think of a solution later."

"Dr. Ye, could it be that... they are all infected?" Battalion Commander Wang was surprised.

"Yes, unless you have antibodies, the virus will flow into the human body along the human blood circulation within five seconds, so... they are basically confirmed to be infected." Ye Haoxuan

said in a deep voice.

Battalion Commander Wang's heart sank uncontrollably. He waved his hand and ordered: "Send to the isolation center."

"Battal Commander..." The eyes of several soldiers were red, and they gritted their teeth and said, "We must seize that thing, and we must not let them harm anyone again."

"Don't worry, we will catch you." Ye Haoxuan said calmly.

Several people knew that Ye Haoxuan was the brains behind this round-up operation. The three of them nodded to Ye Haoxuan, saluted a standard military salute, and then, escorted by their comrades, went straight to the isolation center.

"Commander Wang, can you talk about the situation at that time?" Wang Tiezhu asked.

"It appeared very suddenly. We installed electronic eyes everywhere, but there was no trace of it. It seemed to suddenly appear among us. We have snipers here, but its speed

It’s too fast, and the snipers can’t do anything about it,” Camp Commander Wang sighed.

"It is a primate animal, and its IQ is the same as that of humans. It will deliberately avoid electronic eyes, and it is good at hiding. The same one we met abroad before, a team of mercenaries were attracted by this thing

His kind will be wiped out, so you must be careful when facing him." Wang Tiezhu said.

"Have you seen this thing?" Battalion Commander Wang asked.

"Yes, I have seen one before, and even killed one, but it was from abroad. I think the domestic ones have similar habits to those abroad." Wang Tiezhu smiled.

This chapter has been completed!
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