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Chapter 720 Hidden Diseases

"Don't you Japanese like to learn Chinese culture? Don't you know that ancient Chinese medicine can judge the health of a person by looking, smelling, asking, and feeling. You don't believe it, do you? It's very simple, just do a heart rate check

That’s it.” Ye Haoxuan said calmly.

"Miss An's time is very tight, don't you know that? Miss An, don't listen to his nonsense, I can guarantee with my personality that there is absolutely nothing wrong with your body," Kimura said.

"Dr. Ye, I really don't feel any discomfort. Is it... that you misdiagnosed me?" An Yuzhu asked.

"I will not misdiagnose, and I can tell you responsibly that because you have been irregular in your work and rest for a long time, your heart load has reached the limit. I recommend that you be hospitalized immediately for treatment. The sooner the better." Ye Haoxuan said seriously.

"This..." An Yuzhu could tell that Ye Haoxuan was not joking. Besides, he was Ning Qiao's friend. She believed that he would never talk nonsense. She couldn't help but glance at An Qiao.

"Are you telling the truth?" Ning Qiao asked.

"Do you think I'm in the mood to make fun of you?" Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said, "The body is your own. I suggest you cancel this concert and use traditional Chinese medicine. I can guarantee that nothing will happen."

"It's a joke, you Chinese medicine doctors, even colds and fevers can take several days to be effective. If it is really a heart disease, using Chinese medicine will only make people die faster." Kimura sneered.

“You don’t believe that Chinese medicine can cure diseases?”

This guy challenged Ye Haoxuan's patience one after another, and Ye Haoxuan's temper was suppressed. This guy really dared to open a dyeing workshop just to give you three points of color.

"I don't believe it." Kimura said proudly.

"Okay, let's heal your throat, right? Give me five minutes and I'll make your voice normal." Ye Haoxuan turned to An Yuzhu and said.

"Really? I'll trouble you then." An Yuzhu didn't take the heart disease to heart. She felt that Ye Haoxuan was a bit alarmist. She knew her own body very well and she didn't feel anything.

Ye Haoxuan took out the golden needle, pricked it on her wrist, and then gently twisted the golden needle to let the true energy pass through.

In fact, acupuncture points on the human body are interconnected. As long as you know how to control the needle with Qi, those minor problems can be cured by pricking any ground.

"It's funny. I had a sore throat and pricked my wrist. This is the most bizarre treatment method I have seen this year." Kimura shook his head and said.

Ye Haoxuan ignored him. His needle stayed on An Yuzhu's wrist for a few minutes, then he pulled it out and wiped it with alcohol cotton for disinfection.

An Yuzhu only felt that the moxibustion heat was like a fire in her throat. After five minutes, the moxibustion heat slowly disappeared. After that, she felt waves of coolness and comfort in her throat, the same tingling feeling before.

Disappeared without a trace.

"You can try to speak." Ye Haoxuan said.

An Yuxuan nodded. She cleared her throat. Her throat felt very refreshing. She said, "I feel much better now."

As soon as the words came out, even she was stunned. Her voice was clear and natural, without any hoarse feeling at all, and her throat, which was tight due to the cold before, was now very relaxed.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine." An Yuzhu said with surprise and joy.

Kimura on the side was stunned. He couldn't come to his senses for a long time. Although An Yuzhu's cold was a minor problem, it was sometimes very troublesome. Even if he was asked to treat it, he couldn't cure it without a night's rest.


"Yuzhu, listen to Dr. Ye, call the company to cancel the concert, and then go to the hospital." Ning Qiao said seriously.

An Yuzhu was stunned, and then he remembered that Ye Haoxuan said that she had a hidden health problem. Ye Haoxuan's move revealed her knowledge. She had believed Ye Haoxuan's words, and there might really be something wrong with her body.

But she hesitated and said: "Dr. Ye, it was my fault for questioning you before. I apologize to you. Do you think I can hold on for one night? Even if I am sick, I have delayed it for so long and I don't care about this night."

Yes or no."

Ye Haoxuan shook his head and said: "Ms. An, illness comes like a mountain. Illness will not give people time. Your condition is already quite serious. I guarantee that if you can't last half of the concert tonight."

Seeing Ye Haoxuan's serious expression, An Yuzhu finally realized the seriousness of her body, and she began to panic.

"Ms. Ning, I said that Chinese medicine may have some methods to treat minor illnesses, but it has absolutely no say in treating serious illnesses. Don't listen to his nonsense," Kimura said.

"Kimun, don't you think your words are a bit hypocritical?" Ye Haoxuan said coldly.

"I'm hypocritical, why am I hypocritical?"

Kimura originally spoke Chinese very well, but when he got excited, he would stutter and speak a little stiffly.

"You are conceited about your medical skills. You think that diseases that you can't see will definitely not be seen by others, so you strongly oppose my opinion, right?" Ye Haoxuan said.

"You're talking nonsense..."

"Do you think your medical skills are great? Or do you think that the medical level of your Japanese country is higher than that of China? If so, I can tell you now that the so-called advanced medical level of your Japanese country is a shoe-in for traditional Chinese medicine.

None of them deserve it.”

Ye Haoxuan choked him unceremoniously.

"Nonsense, the medical treatment in our Japanese country is the best in the world, and your Chinese traditional medicine is not top-notch at all." Ye Haoxuan's words touched Kimura's heart, and his face turned red.

Although the Japanese people are sometimes regarded as a quality group, they are sometimes too conceited. They always believe that their country is the smartest and most united country in the world. Although the war has been over for decades, they have always been in their hearts.

I believe that China is a poor and backward place.

So he rejected Ye Haoxuan's words.

"Yes, your Japanese country does have its advantages, but to say that medical care is the best in the world is a bit exaggerated. Aren't you a member of the World Medical Association?" Ye Haoxuan asked.

"Of course I am, this is my honor." When mentioning this matter, Kimura couldn't help but puff up his chest.

His medical skills were indeed outstanding, so he joined the World Medical Association and fought for the country. For this, the top government officials of his country specially rewarded him, which was a supreme honor for him.

"Since the medical level of your country is the best, why are you proud to join the medical association of the country of Magnesia? Why should the World Medical Association be centered on the country of Magnesium instead of your country of Japan?" Ye Haoxuan asked


"This..." Kimura was speechless when asked by Ye Haoxuan.

"It's not scary for a nation to be ignorant. What's scary is their arrogance." Ye Haoxuan said coldly, "If your medical skills were really that great, then you wouldn't let yourself fail because of a misdiagnosis a few years ago."


Kimura's face was full of shock. He opened his mouth wide and could not speak a word. He was confused by Ye Haoxuan's words.

Yes, he didn't lift, and the reason why he didn't lift was that there was an earthquake in Japan, because a building next to him fell on him. After that, his urine was always soy sauce color. He thought that his condition was muscle dissolution.

symptoms, so relevant measures were taken.

But in fact, he injured his balls during the earthquake. Because of his misdiagnosis, his balls became necrotic. Although one was transplanted later, the soft tissue was too damaged. Until now, he is still single.

"You, how did you know?"

Kimura was so shocked that he didn't care that there were two beauties sitting next to him. He asked eagerly.

"Not only do I know this, but I also know that you had your spleen removed in a car accident six months ago, but the accident happened due to the skill of the person who removed it, so your immune function is extremely poor now." Ye Haoxuan added.

"You, how on earth did you know?" Kimura couldn't calm down anymore.

"I have said before that traditional Chinese medicine does not require any medical equipment to treat a disease. It can diagnose a person's disease only by looking, smelling, asking, and examining. This is what I can see from you through looking." Ye Haoxuan said calmly.


Kimura was silent. What Ye Haoxuan said was true. He had undergone spleen removal surgery before because of a car accident. He was a qualified teacher. In order to let his students have practice, he asked his students to boldly do it.

I performed surgery on him, but I didn't expect that an accident would occur. This accident has caused his immunity to be very low until now.

Looking at Kimura's expression, An Yuzhu was sure that Ye Haoxuan was telling the truth. Apart from being shocked, she really didn't know how to describe Ye Haoxuan's medical skills.

Thinking of Ye Haoxuan saying that her heart condition was very serious and that she couldn't wait any longer, she felt very depressed.

"Miss An, you are Ning Qiao's friend, and you are also an artist who is about to sign with Ning Qiao's company. If it weren't for this reason, I would never say anything, because no doctor begs a patient to see a doctor. If you still feel that your body

No problem, okay, you press the acupoint six inches below the third assistant bone, and if you don’t find anything abnormal within three seconds, consider it a misdiagnosis."

Ye Haoxuan said lightly.

An Yuzhu followed Ye Haoxuan's words somewhat numbly. She placed her hand on the position designated by Ye Haoxuan, and then pressed it gently.

In less than three seconds, she felt her heart twitch, and a heartbreaking pain almost made her faint. She exclaimed and fell down on the chair, breathing heavily. Her heart felt like it was

It hurt like being strangled with a knife, and her whole body was so cold that there was almost no warmth at all. Cold sweat started to drip from her forehead instantly.

Ye Haoxuan hurriedly stepped forward, pressed her lightly on the back of her heart, and then passed through a trace of vitality.

As soon as the infuriating energy passed, she felt a wave of heat instantly flow throughout her body, and she felt her body feel slightly better.

This chapter has been completed!
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