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125. The Method of Binding the Tiger God (2/2)

Under the surface of the Buddhist secret realm, there may be a more terrifying truth hidden.

It’s just that Su Wu didn’t have the energy to find out anything at the moment.

He temporarily suppressed the chaotic thoughts in his mind.

At this time, Guangfa spread the entire tiger skin completely, and the table could not even cover such a large tiger skin.

The woman in the center, surrounded by colorful tiger skins, slowly turned her head, looking left and right.

Finally, he lowered his eyes and looked at the big wooden barrel at the foot of the table.

Her nostrils quivered and she smelled the rich smell of blood in the barrel. Her face suddenly turned as red as if she had drunk wine, and was full of peach blossoms.

Guangfa untied the sheepskin bag hanging on his waist.

He grabbed a handful of tsampa fried noodles, mixed them with the blood in the barrel, kneaded them into pieces of dough with a strong bloody smell, and fed them to the woman's head on the table one after another.

The face of the woman's head is getting redder and redder, and her hair is gradually standing up.

The erect hair set off the blood-red face, instantly turning the head into a monster like a hag.

The tiger skin connected to her neck gradually expanded on the table,

It was as if a layer of flesh and blood had grown beneath the skin.

"She needs to feed the tiger-skin cassock human blood tsampa in advance, along with pieces of human lungs, before she is willing to refine the flesh and blood for humans.

If there is no supply of these two kinds of food, don't think of using her to exercise flesh and blood activity.

However, the abbot has mastered another method of taming the tiger skin cassock, so that it can bind Li Wei to himself, but this is not something I can know." Guangfa fed the tiger skin cassock and asked Su

Wu said.

After listening to his words, Su Wu suddenly knew in his heart that the tiger skin cassock had the wonderful effect of refining the vitality of flesh and blood, and that his true body was a 'blessed suffering'.

He can use his consciousness to experience this experience of refining the vitality of his flesh and blood.

But he couldn't accept the benefits brought to him by using his real body to enjoy the 'magic weapon' made from the same kind of flesh and blood.

Who knows who the blood and internal organs in the barrel once belonged to?

Is it male or female?

Along with the blood and internal organs, balls of tsampa were eaten into the mouth by the tiger-skin cassock.

Its hair stands as straight as needles, its face is as red as fire,

The tiger skin spread on the table has reached over a foot high, and something is growing under the skin.

As Guangfa lifted up the entire tiger skin, Su Wu could clearly see what was under the skin - under the tiger skin, there were human faces sewn together!

Men, women, children, old and young!

Every human face was now full and swollen, layer by layer, they kept opening their mouths and letting out silent screams!

These faces are all sewn together!

They were all once alive!

"When I put this tiger skin cassock on you, these greedy people will eat your flesh and blood. At this time, silently recite the Tiger God's mantra in your heart, 'Hum! Ha Wumo, hum!'

Can attract the blessing of the Tiger God,

Avoid the pain of flesh and blood being chewed.

But there will still be severe pain all over your body. You must try your best to endure it and keep swallowing the herbs I feed you.

When you realize you can't hold on anymore, immediately shout out, I will take off the tiger skin cassock for you!

Remember, once you feel you can’t hold on, don’t show off!

Shout out immediately!"

Guangfa was holding the tiger skin, his face dripping with sweat.

Obviously, the weight of this tiger skin is definitely not light at this time, and even a disciplined monk who has mastered Li Gui feels weak to carry it.


I have remembered it all!" Su Wu responded solemnly.

He memorized the secret mantra to attract the Tiger God's blessing and tried to see what incredible power would be triggered by reciting the mantra regularly.


Guangfa shouted loudly and walked around behind Su Wu with the tiger skin in hand.

He grabbed two tiger claws and put them on Su Wu's back——

The entire tiger skin completely wrapped Su Wu's body!

Only one face is left exposed!

The moment Su Wu wrapped his body in tiger skin, he felt a strong sinister charm permeating his whole body. Although this charm was different from the mysterious charm, it was actually similar to the mysterious charm!

will damage the human body,

Gives people a sense of impending death!

However, unlike the charm, the charm exuded by the tiger skin cassock makes people instinctively feel fearful and averse to contact.

But it can easily infiltrate the human body!

Click! Click! Click!

Su Wu heard countless tapping sounds coming from all around him. Even though he couldn't see what was going on around him, he knew that at this moment, all the human faces had their mouths open, wanting to eat his own flesh and drink.

My own blood!

"Hum! Ha Wu Mo, hum!"

"Hum! Ha Wu Mo, hum!"

"Hum! Ha Wu Mo, hum!"

He shouted loudly and chanted the secret mantra of the Tiger God!


As Su Wu recited the secret mantra,

A more fierce charm, which has the same origin as the tiger skin cassock, emerged from all around, was carried by the dark wind, and was blown into the cassock.

Attached to the flesh and blood all over Su Wu’s body,

He had goosebumps all over his body!

And the sharp teeth of those human faces have all bitten into this ferocious charm!

Most of the fierce charm was bitten away by the human face,

The smaller half was soaked in Su Wu's flesh and blood,

——He felt as if he hadn't eaten for several days, his legs were shaking, he couldn't breathe, and there were stars in his eyes!

But Su Wu’s mind was still clear: “So that’s what happened!

The so-called exercise of blood and flesh activity,

It means first plundering most of a person's blood and energy, causing the human body to be depleted of energy and blood, and the flesh and blood all over the body are in a state of extreme hunger - at this time the human body is struggling frantically to survive.

By absorbing various herbs, you will naturally get twice the result with half the effort!


This approach is not sustainable!

And it must have unimaginable side effects on the human body - not to mention other things, just say that this fierce charm comes from the so-called "Tiger God", will it really only plunder human flesh and blood?

So abiding by the rules?!"

"Open your mouth!"

At this time, Guangfa saw that Su Wu's face was pale and his body was trembling.

Immediately he took out another sheepskin bag,

He reached out and grabbed a handful of herbs that exuded a strong medicinal aroma from his sheepskin pocket, and handed them to Su Wu's mouth.

Su Wu didn't hesitate, opened her mouth and swallowed the herbs one by one.

Chew it down with a big gulp.

The bitter medicinal dregs, wrapped in a strong medicinal flavor, slid down the throat and fell into the stomach. During this process, waves of heat radiated from Su Wu's abdomen and continued to penetrate the limbs and bones!

He opened his mouth wide,

Guangfa kept putting handfuls of herbs into his mouth, and he chewed and swallowed them quickly.

The sense of strength continued to fill his flesh and blood,

Su Wu tried to move her arms wrapped in tiger skin, and suddenly realized that the skeleton of her originally slender arms had become much thicker, and some muscles began to grow!

This method of increasing physical strength by over-squeezing one's potential is not advisable.

However, the Tibetan medicine fed by Guangfa is a good thing!

Just consuming these herbs can help people improve their health.

The effect was several times more powerful than the Shenda sect's medicated bath and supplement method for improving physical fitness - Su Wu suddenly had a clear judgment in his heart.

The severe pain was like a heavy hammer, constantly hammering his nerves,

His will has become extremely strong,

It is possible to endure such severe pain and still remain awake.

Su Wu sensed the changes in young Zhuojie's body and judged when this body would reach the limit of endurance.

During this process, Guangfa kept feeding him medicinal materials and talking at the same time, distracting Su Wu's attention to prevent him from being overwhelmed by the pain prematurely and unable to hold on.

——However, Guangfa could not have imagined that,

The 'Zhuojie' in front of him was thinking much more clearly than him, and was as calm as ice.

Every word he said was heard by Su Wu in his heart!

"You can only use the tiger skin cassock once. After using it, I will return it to the Discipline Academy.

This is the method of binding practice that you have been thinking about for a long time. When trouble comes, don’t back down.

This temple has two major binding practices for monks to practice.

One is the ‘Tiger God Binding Method’ that you are currently practicing.

One is the ‘Elephant King Binding Method’ developed by the Institute of Economics.

In our lineage tying practice, we need to make three tying implements.

That is, the whole skin of a sixteen-year-old boy who was born in Yinchen with his life entered into the fire element, was painted and carved with the image of the tiger god, and then enshrined in a shrine. The secret mantra of the tiger god was recited every day to bless the skin;

The second one is the leg bone of an eight-year-old girl who was also born in the fire element, but was born in Yangchen. It was made into a prayer wheel, and a "Vajra Conquering Demon Sutra" was inscribed on the prayer wheel with her own blood;

The third one is to weave the teeth of cows, horses, and dogs into necklaces and wear them around the neck. They often turn over the teeth of the animals when chanting sutras. Over time, they also become magical instruments.

Gather these three magic weapons,

After your ordination period expires, you can formally bind Li Jui to yourself!"

Su Wu's face turned pale as he listened to Guangfa's words. He deliberately looked like he was struggling to speak, and asked Guangfa intermittently: "Why... Wuxiang, the weapon that binds the Great Mingshen, can be used for all generations."

Used by the abbot...

The binding weapon of the Tiger God...

So, every generation of disciples has to make new ones?"

Guangfa was stunned when he heard this.

Looking at Su Wu, his eyes said incomprehensibly: "If you can wait, you can wait until I die and inherit my Tiger God's binding weapon.

But there’s no need to make new ones.”

The binding device can be passed down from generation to generation,

The premise is that after the death of the binding monk of the previous generation,

Only the next generation of monks can pick up what is available and use it.

Su Wu changed his mind,

However, I discovered that the 'Wuxiang Great Mingshen Binding Method' practiced by the abbot of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple is not like Guangfa's practice of the Tiger God Binding Method, which requires him to carry the eight binding weapons with him at all times.

If Guangfa doesn’t have the Tiger God’s binding weapon nearby, what problems may arise?

——The Wuxiang Great Mingshen binding method has no similar hidden dangers at all.

If you must practice the binding method in reality, you must choose the method of "Wuxian Mingshen Binding"!

In simulation, there is no such thing,

You can try more.

Su Wu kept swallowing the herbs, and he felt more and more that the young Zhuojie's body had reached its limit.

So he immediately shouted loudly: "I can't hold it anymore!"

As soon as the words fell,

Guangfa flashed behind him, grabbed the woman's hair, and pulled hard - the whole tiger skin was like an egg shell soaked in ice water, and it was torn off Su Wu's body in one fell swoop!

Under the tiger skin cassock,

Showing a strong body with bulging muscles and thick bones!

Guangfa spread the tiger skin on the table and folded it slowly.

The facial skin on the woman's head returned to its normal color, and her hair fell down, covering her face.

Putting the 'tiger skin cassock' into the bag, Guangfa looked at the strong Su Wu, smiled, and said: "I didn't expect you to be able to endure for so long."

As he spoke, he took out a piece of parchment from his arms, took off the silver ring on his thumb, and threw it to Su Wu: "From now on, with my ring, you can go to the Pharmacist Academy to pick one up every day for physical exercise.

of herbs come.

The prescriptions were written on parchment scrolls.

This is a good prescription summarized by an old medicine monk who has served the elders of Dongyuan."


Su Wu quickly accepted the two items, feeling a little flattered.

Guangfa and I became master and apprentice only in exchange of interests.

But now he is too good to himself,

Are there hidden reasons that you don't know about?

After putting the tiger skin cassock on his back, Guangfa was about to leave when there was a sound of footsteps outside.

He stood quietly in front of the window, opened the window panel,

After seeing the yellow-robed monk hurriedly walking into the single courtyard with a lantern outside the door, Guangfa asked aloud: "Little monk, what are you doing here?"

The yellow-robed monk paused,

Turning his head towards the window where Guangfa stood, he said in awe: "Uncle Jie Lawyer, the abbot is on his deathbed.

Uncle Economics Master said that the Venerable Abbot will pass away soon.

So please go over and chant sutras for the abbot!"


I'll go now."

Guangfa replied and closed the window.

He turned around with a gloomy expression, looked at Su Wu and said, "Don't fall asleep tonight.

Something big may happen later, so be more alert and observe more of what's going on outside.

If you see someone coming to the courtyard - if a red-robed monk with a thin face, long eyebrows and a hunchback comes to the courtyard, he will identify himself to you.

His dharma name is Guangquan.

If Guangquan asks you to follow him, you don't need to ask anything, just follow him.

Except for this monk,

Others, no matter who comes, you can hide and hide.

If you can't hide, just run!

Climb over the courtyard wall and run towards the tower block in the temple which is painted with red and white paint and has a golden sutra curtain on the top!

That is the residence of the abbot, and as long as nothing happens to me, I will definitely be in the residence.

Remember, don’t run behind the two symmetrical black tower houses.

Behind that are pagodas,

The remains of the elders and abbots of all generations are buried here!"

After some instructions,

Guangfa took a deep look at Su Wu and said,

Seeing the nervous and fearful look on Su Wu's face, he couldn't help but feel a little worried, but he could only obey the authority when the matter was urgent.

However, the Guangfa monks did not know,

Hidden beneath young Zhuojie's frightened look, Su Wu's heart was full of eager thoughts.

Change is coming!

The competition for power surrounding the successor of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple is about to begin.

Once the current abbot passes away, the trumpet will sound!

This chapter has been completed!
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