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130. Pseudo Buddha (1/2)


A high hill lay across Su Wu's field of vision.

The two stiff figures on the high hill—Guang Quan and Guang Hai—exuded a very strong eerie charm.

Half a minute ago, Guang Hai, who sent out the signal, did not emit such a strong charm.

When he spoke to Guangquan, he was in a state between human and treacherous.

But when he fell into silence completely, he turned into a ghost!

In just half a minute, Guanghai turned into a real "weird"!

And Guangquan was invaded by his charm,

In just a few seconds, it turned into a ghost!

At this moment, the two stiff figures standing on the high hill are both strange!

On both sides of Su Wu, there was a blurry figure walking towards him with stiff steps. The charm exuding from 'them' was even stronger than the two ghosts on the high hill. It can be judged that -

The figures on both sides have turned into ghosts!

Even behind Su Wu,

From unknown time onwards, a strong strange rhyme began to emerge.

four directions,

Attacked from all sides!

There are tricks everywhere!

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

Su Wu cursed angrily,

The panic in his heart was effectively dispelled as he continued to curse loudly.

The ghost mastiff beside him kept barking, and the fierce and ferocious barking contained deep fear.

In the current situation, being attacked from all sides by at least four monsters that suddenly appeared,

The dog also became frightened.

It has no way to find a safe path.

We can only rely on Su Wu himself!

But the key is why did the situation evolve into what it is now?

Could it be that the ghosts here are just waiting for you and Guangquan to come to your door?

Did they induce Guanghai to send out a signal?

A deep sense of fear arose in Su Wu's heart - what he feared was not the scene of being surrounded and flanked by at least four ghosts, nor the fact that two living people, Guang Hai and Guang Quan, had turned into ghosts in a short period of time.


All the current signs indicate that behind all this, there may be a ghost manipulating everything secretly!

Gui has a mind?!

If a ghost really has thinking,

Then no longer will only people be able to take advantage of Gui’s murderous laws,

It can also use its own killing rules flexibly - it is conceivable that in this case, the number of people who can escape from it will be greatly reduced, or even close to zero!

This kind of thing...just thinking about it makes people feel filled with despair!

Creak, creak!

In the short period of time when Su Wu was stunned,

The two figures on the high hill are no longer standing still, they are moving their flesh and bones.

Immediately afterwards, they both raised their arms and took steps to get off the high hill!

'Their' limbs and joints are stiff, their arms are raised straight up, and as one foot steps straight out, their arms are straight back out again!

But even though the walking posture of the two monsters was extremely stiff, their speed was very fast - they were about to step off the high hill and approach Su Wu!

"Woof woof woof!"

At this time, the ghost mastiff next to Su Wu seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly turned diagonally forward, barking loudly and wagging its tail slightly.

What's in that direction?

What did it see?

Su Wu looked diagonally ahead, blocked by darkness.

From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the two ghosts on the left - a monk with bronze skin and big earrings holding a seven or eight-year-old child, walking towards them with the same stiff pace as the two walking down from the high hill.

Come quickly this way!



Are these the monks sent by the East and West Houses, and the 'pseudo-Buddhist' they found?

They also became deceitful,

How could so many strange things suddenly appear?

Suddenly, Su Wu saw the child held by the monk wearing big earrings blinking. As the child blinked, tears flowed out of the corners of his eyes and covered his face.

His face was filled with unspeakable fear!

"This kid is still alive!"

Su Wu finally knew why the ghost mastiff was barking!

He took a steady look at the child who was most likely the 'pseudo-Buddhist' supported by the East and West Houses, and suddenly shouted in a low voice: "Go! Go!"

Swish, swish, swish!

Clumps of black and white hair grew from his face and from his neck.

His bones were stretched, his flesh and blood swelled, and the monk's robe was bursting.

But in a moment, he transformed into a tiger with black and white stripes!


The horse next to it neighed in fear!

The treacherous surroundings did not frighten it.

Instead, Su Wu activated the tiger magic seal and turned into a fierce tiger. It was so frightened that it turned around on the spot and raised its hoof to kick Su Wu!


Su Wu suddenly roared!

The roar can break gold and stone!

The horse was so frightened that it turned around and rushed to the right - there was also a monster approaching from there, and the strange charm it exuded made half of Su Wu's shoulders freeze!

Su Wu, who transformed into a tiger, ignored the horse's movements.

There is no time to care about its life or death.

He grabbed the back of the neck of the ghost mastiff, which was trembling with fear due to his sudden change and had its tail between its legs, and then jumped out and ran towards the monk who was holding the 'fake Buddha'!


There was a fishy wind in the air!

The huge black and white figure passed through the grass that was stirred by the cold wind, jumped up in an instant, and the huge and strong figure crashed directly into the monk wearing the earrings!

Click! Click! Click!

Although the monk turned into a trickster,

But his body is still a human body,

He was hit by the tiger in an instant, and several ribs were broken at that time. His upper body fell on his back into the grass, but his lower body stood upright.

The blood seeped out of the monk's robe, and the smell of blood quietly spread,

The upper body of the 'monk' was folded back, forming a right angle with the lower body standing straight on the spot!

This scene made people's hearts tremble. The 'monk' was like a paper figure that had been broken at the waist, but the blood overflowing from his body reminded Su Wu that this monk was still flesh and blood!

Even though his upper body fell into the grass, his palms still held the 'Pseudo Buddha' tightly, without letting him loose even an inch!

When the 'hypocritical Buddhist' saw the charging tiger, his expression became more frightened.

At this time, Su Wu cursed in a low voice, suddenly opened his big mouth, and bit off the monk's arm that was holding the fake Buddha!

A cold and mysterious rhyme filled Su Wu's mouth,

Almost one of his tongues froze off!

He shouted at the hypocritical Buddhist who had regained his freedom: "Climb on my back!"

The pseudo-Buddhist woke up from a dream and realized that the tiger that suddenly jumped out was not here to take his life!

Emergency moment,

This child, who was only seven or eight years old, was alert and still clutched his severed hand tightly. He first took a package from the monk who was struggling to get up, and then climbed up Su Wu's back.



The tiger roars and gallops in the grass again!

Behind Su Wu,

The upper body and the lower body were folded at right angles. Sui suddenly struggled violently. An inexplicable force kept pulling 'him', causing 'his' upper body to be lifted up inch by inch, and finally combined with the lower body!

The monster suddenly turned around and faced the direction where Su and Wu left.

Behind 'him', the two spooks 'Guang Quan' and 'Guang Hai' followed stiffly, striding forward first;

Another child of seven or eight years old walked out of the thick darkness at the back, straightened his legs that would not bend, and followed Guang Quan and Guang Hai;

A man dressed as a herdsman in a sheepskin coat ran over from the side and behind.

The five monsters stepped forward in unison, covering a distance of nearly ten feet with each step, and pursued Su Wu!

The extremely rich and mysterious rhyme emanated from ‘them’ and attacked in all directions!

The joints of each of the limbs are not finished. They open and close their arms straightly, and take steps straightly!

Every heel has not touched the ground!

The strange rhyme keeps washing from behind like a tide, getting closer and closer,

The cold air behind Su Wu became thicker and thicker, and the hair on his back stood up in his tiger state.

The child lying on his back noticed Su Wu's nervousness.

The weak voice of the child reached Su Wu's ears intermittently: "Don't look back, don't look back - this is how the two mages Guangming and Guangtong died...

Never look back,

look back,

The lamp will go out!"

What lamp will go out?!

Su Wu was shocked when he heard this.

He had tried his best to run away, but he still felt that the monsters behind him were constantly approaching, and the distance between them and him was constantly shortening!

If this continues, you will definitely not be able to escape the pursuit of those sneaky beasts!

But the words of this child on his back gave Su Wu new hope.

——What lamp is he talking about?

Could he see something he couldn't?

Su Wu has always suspected that behind these few tricks on the surface, there is probably a more sinister trick hidden!

It is the source of everything!

"Do you know anything?

As we are now, sooner or later we will be overtaken by those monsters behind us!

If you know anything, you must tell me,

Maybe he can help us escape!"

The fierce tiger Su Wu spoke human words in a deep voice.

"Black tiger, black tiger...

I know how to escape...but you are not human,

If you were human, we could escape,

But you are the tiger sent by the Buddha to pick me up..." The child on his back had just been seriously affected by the strange charm, and now he could only maintain a little sense, and the words he spoke were mixed with a bit of weirdness.

It is eroded by rhymes,

The mind is therefore in a state of being online sometimes and not online at other times.

When Su Wu transformed into a tiger from a human, this pseudo-Buddhist was in a state of mental decline - therefore, he only thought that Su Wu was a real tiger.

I still naively thought that I had deep Buddha nature and profound magical power.

Therefore, the Buddha sent a black tiger to rescue him...

Su Wu was silent for a moment, then changed his tone and said: "Buddha taught me the method of transformation.

In order to save you from this disaster, go to Wuxiang Zunneng Temple to succeed you as the abbot!

Transforming into a human and a tiger is just a piece of cake for me!

What can you do?

Let’s talk about it!

I can also take the form of a human to help you escape from disaster!"

At this time, it is useless to argue with the child. It is just a waste of words. It is better to follow his words and continue.

As long as you find a way to escape from the enemy, everything will be fine!

This chapter has been completed!
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