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143. Nobles of Gondola (2/2)

The darkness in front of me suddenly became lighter,

It reflected the outlines of the tower houses in the dim surrounding environment.

Under the distant sky,

The top of the snow-covered mountaintop is pure white and shiny, even in the darkness it is still white and seems to be shining.

at this time,

Su Wu lay prone on the ground.

He got up from the ground and heard a rustling sound behind him.

In the grass behind him, a black figure squirmed. When he saw Su Wu getting up, he immediately shouted happily: "Baby-"

Baby, come to me!

Come quickly!"

That wriggling black shadow is the 'father' who has raised Zhuojie to this day, but has no blood relationship with the real Zhuojie.

At this moment, Su Wu re-entered the simulation.

Everything starts from scratch.

Without any hesitation, he quickly walked to Zhuo's father, squatted down beside him, and watched Zhuo's father stuff a leather bag into his arms.

Say what you heard during the first simulation.

"Baby, there's some dried meat in here, you can eat it on the way!"

"There is a temple to the northwest, and there are three mages living in it."

"There is a letter here - you have to hand it to the Master in the northwest temple! When they see the letter, they will take you in!"

"My dear, let's go quickly, walk to the northwest, walk day and night, and you will be able to see the temple..."

"Go quickly, go quickly, if you don't go, Narrow-Sleeved Guanyin will catch up with you and you will suffer!"

"Abba will accompany you here..."

‘Father Zhuo’’s face was covered in bruises, and his neck was strangled by invisible hands. He could say these words with all his strength.

The "Narrow-sleeved Guanyin" is stored in his body.



Su Wu thanked him, and saw 'Father Zhuo's lips moving as if he wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

He took the leather bag, turned around and left.

This time, there was no need for him to go to the temple in the northwest to look for traces of Guangfa.

It takes two days to walk from here to 'Xiong Lake'.

When he really walked to Xiong Lake on his own two feet,

At that time, it happened that the two factions of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple began to compete for the position of "Buddha" in Xionghu.

——Whether Guangfa leaves the temple that trapped him or not,

The forces of the Presbyterian sect and the Venerable sect of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple will compete for the position of 'Buddha's Son'.

Last time, Su Wu tried it personally,

He arrived two days late to help Guangfa out of trouble.

By that time, the factional disputes in Wuxiang Zunneng Temple had already been settled.

The stars in the sky are dim,

But Polaris is still easy to identify.

Taking advantage of the location of the North Star, Su Wu adjusted his walking direction. He was carrying the leather bag he got from 'Father Zhuo' on his back, and holding the 'Fire-Refined Gold Wand' in one hand, and walked slowly and slowly.

, Take your time and take your time.

Just walked forward for a while,

Behind him, the miserable cry of 'Father Zhuo' suddenly sounded: "Baby--"

Su Wu looked back:

From the collar of 'Father Zhuo''s neck and from the cuffs of his clothes stretched out a series of delicate white arms. They tightly wrapped around his body, causing him to cross his legs and rise up from the ground.

Those arms are so white that they shine like jade,

When Su Wu looked at 'Father Zhuo' from a distance, it was like seeing a white jade Guanyin.

This strange and beautiful scene,

He has seen it many times.

There is no feeling inside.

And 'Father Zhuo' looked like this and appeared more than a hundred steps behind him, which just showed that 'Narrow Sleeve Guanyin', a trick that must be below the 'ferocious level', had already caught up with him.

Instead of playing hide and seek with it,

It's better to just wait where you are and wait for it to catch up.

Su Wu settled on his idea,

He just stood in the grass, expressionless as he watched 'Father Zhuo', who was glowing white a hundred steps away, fall into the grass and lose all the light.

After a few minutes,

The subtle charm was sensed by Su Wu's "meaning",

That wisp of strange rhyme flickered left and right, traveling in a path that violated the laws of physics, and was about to wrap around Su Wu's neck in an instant.


At this moment, Su Wu suddenly shouted loudly!

The ‘Tiger Seal’ suddenly takes effect!

Beside him, he saw a thick robe with an indistinguishable color. Only the robe was embroidered with pictures with the word "longevity", and the "woman" with a face like an inverted heart was forced to leave by the strong force.

Around Su Wu,

Under his shout,

It's like being hit hard,

Fly straight out three feet away from Su Wu!

‘She’ landed on the treetop, and her feet could not be seen under her thick robe.

The treetops showed no sign of being bent because they were carrying her.

The narrow-sleeved Guanyin fell on the treetop, as light as a feather.

'She' looked at Su Wu with her big eyes, and under her two dark nostrils, her strawberry-red lips wriggled, and she made a light and waxy voice: "Where are you going? Can you take me with you?"


While she was talking,

That kind of subtle charm, which is difficult for ordinary people to detect, came to Su Wu quietly.

Su Wu did not respond to her question.

This trick can 'speak',

But I can only say those two sentences,

It actually has no communication ability and will not react in any way to other people's answers.

——Narrow-sleeved Avalokitesvara According to local legend, she was the daughter of an out-of-town noble family who was kidnapped by serfs and suffered humiliation every day.

She was unwilling to be humiliated and escaped many times.

But failed every time.

Every time he caught her, the serf would cut off one of her arms, until all her limbs were cut off. Finally, she could not escape, and she finally gained eternal freedom.

——She is dead.

Her hatred and obsession turned into the "Narrow-sleeved Guanyin" today.

But according to Su Wu's investigation, in the secret realm, the possibility of serfs kidnapping the daughters of nobles is less than one in 100,000.

Once something like this happens,

All slaves in this area will be punished by gouging out their eyes and cutting off their hands!

In the past hundred years since the appearance of Narrow-Sleeved Guanyin, no noble woman had been kidnapped and humiliated by serfs.

On the contrary, women from serf families often need to accompany and take care of traveling monks.

Children of noble families - whether they want it or not.

Su Wu waved the torture staff in his hand,

Push back the cunning charm that clings to you,

He raised his eyes and looked at the narrow-sleeved Guanyin who was suddenly approaching - in his eyes, the mysterious inscriptions condensed into two black dragons, circling around like a whirlpool!

In the inner layer of the vortex, several mysterious symbols appeared.

One of the mysterious symbols suddenly expanded,

The darkness it carried filled Su Wu's eyes like thick ink!

Su Wu's interest was also aroused by this!

Behind him, the void twisted.

A naked body with huge drooping breasts appeared in the twisted void. She tore open her abdomen, and the intestines inside had sharp teeth, and she gnawed at the narrow-sleeved Guanyin!


Narrow-sleeved Guanyin screamed,

Frightened by the sudden appearance of this 'weird', he ran away quickly.

In an instant, there was no trace!

And the "goat-headed girl" who crossed Su Wu herself and chased the Narrow-sleeved Guanyin, after scaring the Narrow-sleeved Guanyin away, suddenly disappeared like a bubble.

The 'Sheep-Headed Girl' is a monster bound by the contemporary abbot of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple.

After his death, the trap was released,

Su Wu encountered it by chance and saw its true form.

The visualization of its true form is contained in the ‘Eye Ksitigarbha Curse Seal’.

At that moment, he used his mind to communicate with the ‘Eye Ksitigarbha Curse Seal’, revealing the true form of the sheep-headed girl, which directly scared away the Narrow-Sleeved Guanyin!

His eyes are hidden in the ground,

It also contains the true forms of the 'Cunning Mother', the 'Intestine of the Three Purities', and the 'Soul-releasing Monk of Mind', but to scare away the Narrow-Sleeved Guanyin, the sheep-headed woman alone is enough.

There is no need to use the three tricks of a higher level.

The more powerful the guile is, the more mental energy he needs to expend in order to successfully manifest it in reality. Using only the sheep-headed woman to scare away the Narrow-Sleeved Guanyin can save him some mental energy consumption.

Su Wu glanced at the direction in which Narrow Sleeve Guanyin was leaving,

Turn around and walk away.

He has memorized the surrounding terrain and major towns in his mind and formed a map.

Walked most of the night,

When it was getting darker, Su Wu came to the gate of a large manor.

The manor is surrounded by walls,

There were soldiers from the clan leading mastiff dogs, patrolling around the manor day and night.

Su Wu walked to the door,

The mastiffs in the manor started barking fiercely.

Tuk-tuk-tuk! Tuk-tuk-tuk!

Without hesitation, he took off a notice posted in front of the manor and immediately knocked on the door of the manor.

The servants who were taking a break inside the door had already been awakened by the barking of dogs earlier.

So after Su Wu knocked on the door, within half a minute,

A middle-aged servant in a long robe opened the small door, looked at Su Wu who was in poor clothes and even worse than him with wary eyes, opened his mouth and scolded: "You cheap slave, don't sleep well at home at this time.

What door do you knock on when you go to the Gondo Le Hutuktu Manor?

Go back quickly!"

The middle-aged servant glanced at the notice that Su Wu had taken off, but didn't pay attention. He glared at Su Wu as if in warning, and was about to close the small door again.

Su Wu reached out and pressed the edge of the small door.

So, no matter how hard the middle-aged servant tried, he could no longer pull the door panel.

He could only stare at Su Wu and wait for Su Wu to speak.

"I have a way to cure the 'sleeping sickness' of the thirteenth daughter of Gondo Le. You should open the door and invite me in, and inform your Hutuktu master that an important guest is coming." Su Wu looked at the middle-aged man.

The servant said expressionlessly.

"you can?

Distinguished guest?" The middle-aged servant grinned and wanted to laugh at Su Wu.

But he and Su Wu looked at each other for a moment, and for some reason he felt a sense of fear in his heart. He intuitively felt that the young boy in simple and shabby clothes in front of him seemed more majestic than his own Hutuktu master.

So he swallowed his saliva,

He changed his tone and whispered: "You, wait at the door, I will report to the master..."

After that, he turned around and left.

However, after taking only two or three steps, I heard Su Wu behind me say: "Let a monk with great magic power guard the door of your master's house like a wild dog begging for food.

Does this show that your master is actually a heretic who blasphemes Buddhism?

If this is the way of paying homage to the Buddha in the Gondole Hutuktu family,

I will report to the ‘Zhedan Monastery’ and Changyun Zongfu,

Please remove the name ‘Kutuktu’ that the Gondole family has enjoyed for generations.”

After he finished speaking, he stood there.

The grandfather of the current leader of the Gondole family was the former abbot of the Zhedan Temple. As a result, the Gondole family was awarded the title of "Kutuktu" and was divided into a large amount of cultivated land, pastures and livestock.


He thus became a minor aristocrat in the area.

However, the abbot has passed away for more than thirty years.

Since then, the Gondola family has never produced a powerful person. With the changing times, many forces have long been coveting the property of the Gondola family.

It just lacks a reason to divide the property of the ‘Kutuktu’ family.

And "people who do not respect Buddhism and are willing to be heretics" are enough reasons for other forces to take action.

Su Wu, who now appeared as Zhuojie, had his hair shaved extremely short. Although he was not wearing monk robes or any accessories that could indicate his status as a monk, his words were light and he had a natural dignity, which made him look very middle-aged.

The servants are even more bossy,

Such magnanimity made the middle-aged servant subconsciously trust Su Wu.

He turned around and walked towards the door in small steps. When he faced Su Wu, he lowered his back, with a flattering and respectful smile on his face, and said warmly to Su Wu: "Master, please wait in the side hall."

ps: At the end of Chapter 142, Su Wu brought himself into the simulation, which required 1,800 yuan jade. I wrote the original value of 1,200, his current physical values, mental energy, and the power of the zombie ghost's hand.

It’s already higher than before. 1800 is a more appropriate price. I’ve modified it. Sorry!

This chapter has been completed!
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