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153. The Ceremony of the Son of the Buddha (1/2)

The morning light is faint,

The bright golden sunshine shines on the white-painted watchtowers of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple, covering them with a golden glow.

The bells rang in the temple on the barren mountain.

at the foot of the mountain,


The people, monks, and sect officials who came from all over Changyun Prefecture were walking on the long mountain road, rushing to enter the temple to watch the entrance ceremony of the Buddha of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple.

After the Buddha entered the temple,

Three to five years of retreat is required - a Buddhist with strong support behind him joins a weaker monastery.

This practice period can be greatly shortened.

It can even be completed in three to five months.

After completing the practice,

The temple will advertise various Dharma temples,

Monks from various temples are invited to go to this temple to observe the Buddha’s ‘Dharma Throne Ceremony’.

The Buddha sitting on the Dharma throne is the "Hutuketu" of this temple and the abbot.

However, some Buddhist disciples, even after practicing all their lives, are unable to achieve "perfect practice" and cannot succeed to the position of abbot in their lifetime.

The reason for this is mostly due to the fact that Buddhist disciples themselves are weak.

Entering the temple is like a bird falling into a cage,

Not allowed to leave,

We can only allow the powerful faction in the temple to wield power.

The people in power have not delegated power for a day.

The Buddha will no longer be able to succeed to the position of the abbot.

Most of the powerful factions are afraid that after the Buddha succeeds to the position of abbot, they will liquidate themselves, and often choose to leave the abbot's position vacant for decades.

Until you choose the next Buddhist disciple who makes you happy,

Only then will authority be gradually released.

Behind every selection of Buddhist disciples and throne ceremonies in various Dharma monasteries in the Vajrayana Realm, there are countless overt and covert struggles and changes in power.

No Buddhist temple is an exception.

In the largest main hall of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple,

The huge mural where the Great Sun Tathagata resides in the center, receiving diamonds and worshiping Dharma protectors, is decorated with gold, chiseled copper and silver.

Strips of silk are draped over the portrait of ‘Great Sun Tathagata’ in the mural.

It's like wearing a colorful dress.

Under the huge mural, there is a double-layered throne made of pure copper, inlaid with gold and silver, and decorated with enamel. The top of the throne is inlaid with a green and moist gemstone, which is placed on the steps.

This is the ‘Dharma Seat’ of the abbot of ‘Wuxiang Zunneng Temple’.

The ‘Dharma Throne’ represents the inheritance of a temple’s ‘Kutuktu’.

There are high and low levels.

The most noble throne is on the top of the Snowy Mountain. The source of all the monks in yellow is the five-story throne.

Below the snowy mountaintop,

There are the largest temple in the northern region, "Qionghong Zhaofa Temple", the largest temple in the southern region, "Gama Temple", "Shashi Dharma King", and "Jincheng Temple". These four Khutuktu are inherited by the Dharma King and are four-story thrones.

in the secret realm,

The number of Buddhist temples is no less than a hundred thousand, and the number of monks is more than tens of thousands.

However, among the Dharma temples, there are only more than a hundred temples that have the inheritance of Dharma throne and the abbot can be called "Kutuktu".

In nearly a hundred temples,

The Dharma throne inheritance in most monasteries is only one level.

Those who can have a double-layered throne are considered to be one of the most great temples in a state.

The throne inheritance of "Wuxiang Zunneng Temple" is a double-layer throne inheritance.

At this moment, under the extremely decorated Dharma throne,

On the hollowed-out gold and copper steps, there was a gold silk satin futon, and the 'Buddha' Tianhai sat cross-legged on the futon, accepting the people's obeisances.

Monks sent from other monasteries gave gifts,

Congratulations from Changyun Prefecture Zongfu officials.

Stripes of pure white silk were draped on his body.

He wore a golden conical hat, silk yellow clothes, strings of rosary beads hanging around his neck, strings of jewelry, and gold and silver instruments piled around, making him look even more wealthy and powerful.

It is in perfect contrast with this magnificent Buddhist temple.

"Tianjue Temple sent a 'Hamaru' blessed with the auspicious mother's heart charm..."

"Jindou Daguang Temple sent a pair of Vajra pestles blessed with Puba Vajra's secret mantra for subduing demons..."


The monk Zhike stood guard at the door of the main hall, and the chants continued to come from his mouth.

And the gifts sent by the monasteries,

They were all piled up around Su Wu.

In such a bustling scene, Su Wu, whose Dharma name is still "Tianhai", has a calm look in his eyes, without any fluctuations.

He observed the people in the hall,

The elders of the East and West dean, who were guarding under the golden steps of the Dharma throne, were also quietly observing Su Wu to see if this 'Buddha' was a child that was easy to control.

Regarding all the responses Su Wu made to seek the position of Buddhist disciple of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple,

All of them have been concealed by Guang Quan and the four monks of Guang Ming in a tacit understanding.

The current elders of the two deans of the East and West only know that the process of the two monks Guang Ming rescuing the Buddha is very difficult. They do not know that in this process, it is not the two monks Guang Ming and Guang Tong who occupy an absolutely dominant position, let alone the two monks Guang Ming.

The failed Guangquan and Guanghai,

It was the little Buddha in front of them who seemed relatively quiet.

The lengthy ceremony came to an end with the constant testing of Su Wu by the elders of the two deans of the East and West.

The setting sun rises outside the palace,

The fiery afterglow poured in from the door and covered the floor.

The foreign guests in the hall have all dispersed, either have gone down the mountain, or have been arranged by the elders of the second dean to stay in their respective Mingfei courtyards.

Waiting for the evening to enjoy the entertainment activities prepared by the elders of the second dean.

In the main hall, there were only a few monks cleaning the main hall and wiping away the footprints left by the guests.

After some testing,

The elders of the East and West two deans are quite satisfied with the current Buddhist disciples.

They all felt that Buddha Zi Tianhai was well-behaved, quiet, and not too troublesome.

"Divide these magical artifacts, gold and silver orbs into two parts, put them into boxes, and send them to the Discipline Academy and Economics Academy for safekeeping." Kang Xiong, the Discipline Elder of the East Academy, summoned a smart monk in yellow and gave him instructions.


The monk in yellow hurriedly responded,

He walked up to the futon and bowed to the little Buddha again.

Then someone moved out two large boxes that had obviously been prepared in advance, and put the exquisite utensils piled around Su Wu into the boxes by category.

Su Wu looked at the movements of the monks with a hesitant expression.

The elder of the second dean was also observing Su Wu in the dark.

Seeing that Su Wu could resist letting the monks take away everything that belonged to him, the dean of the second school looked at each other and frowned.

They are not afraid of the new Buddhist disciples being arrogant and arrogant.

I'm afraid that he can be patient and calm.

After many tests before, the elder of the second dean established his initial judgment on Su Wu, which was slightly shaken.


Seeing the monk in yellow picking up a 'Hamaru' rattle, he was about to put it into the box.

Su Wu reached out and grabbed the other person's sleeve, looking at the monk in yellow with a request in his eyes: "Can you keep this thing for me?"

The monk in yellow was stunned for a moment.

Immediately put down the hamaru and kneel on the ground.

Several monks he summoned knelt on the ground.

——No matter whether this new Buddhist disciple can successfully ascend to the throne in the future, he is still a Buddhist disciple and cannot be insulted by monks like them.

They couldn't bear Su Wu's pleas,

I don't even dare to disobey the instructions of the elder of the second dean.

He could only kneel on the ground and act as a wood carving and clay sculpture.

in the corner,

The elders of the east and west deans who secretly observed Su Wu had smiles on their faces, and there was an instant exchange of eyes between them.

It turns out that Buddhists are not good at forbearing.

But what he really wanted was not taken away, so there was no response.

But when what he wants is taken away, he will still be "outspoken" and can't help it.

The dean of the second school had similar thoughts in his heart.

Kang Zhi, the elder of the Western Academy Jinglun, walked out with a smile on his face. He went to Su Wu's futon and piled the Hamaru, the Vajra pestle, the bone flute, the Vajra prong, and some beautiful and interesting gold bead utensils on Su Wu's bed.

before noon,

He smiled kindly and said: "Buddha, when you become an adult, the Second Courtyard will return all these things.

These are things that belong to you, Buddha.

Now that Buddha wants to take one or two pieces to play with, why don't we agree?

Now, Buddha, please take all these things around the futon!"

"Really?" Su Wu was very happy when he heard this.

Kang Zhi nodded and smiled: "Of course it is true."

"Thank you, elder!

Thank you, elder!" Su Wu stretched out his arms to hold all those things in his arms, but because his arms were too short, even if he straightened his arms, he could not hold everything in his arms.

On the other hand, he was full of excitement and unabashedly greedy to collect the treasures.

While thanking Kang Zhi repeatedly,

It even made Kang Zhi burst into laughter.

Kang Xiong in the dark also laughed for a while,

Then came out of the curtain,

He straightened his face and said to Su Wu: "Buddha, tonight, you still need to use medicinal liquid to train your body, so that you can officially practice the 'Peng Wang Mo Ri Dharma' tomorrow.

When Buddha eats later, remember to use less.

Avoid exercising with medicinal soup at night,

Vomiting occurs due to overeating."

"Okay, I understand! Elder." Su Wu hugged a pile of gold and silverware and nodded to the Discipline Elder.

When having dinner in the evening, although Buddhist disciples keep in mind the teachings of the precepts elders,

But faced with a table full of delicacies,

Still couldn't help but eat a lot.

The monk who was responsible for serving the Buddha's meal reported the news to the Discipline Elder. The Discipline Elder listened with a smile but said nothing.

at night,

Su Wu had gone to bed early in the room,

It seemed that he had not thought of it at all. Today, the Discipline Elder asked him to take a medicinal bath for him in the evening to exercise his body.

Until the precepts elder Kang Xiong came in with several medicine monks,

The two servants who were appointed by the Buddha to guard the room, Danjia and Peiwang, hurriedly woke up the sleeping Buddha.

Change his clothes.

Kangxiong stared at Danjia with a straight face, and Peiwang's two servants scolded: "If you haven't fulfilled your duties tomorrow night, let the Buddha fall asleep at this time.

You two go to the ‘Fire Prison’ to receive your punishment!”

The two servants were boys of seven or eight years old. When they heard this, they turned pale with fright and almost burst into tears.

Su Wu, who had regained consciousness a little, seemed to be cowering in fear.

Kang Xiong turned to Su Wu, his face suddenly softened, and asked the four medicine monks behind him to come forward, each holding a lacquer box in front of Su Wu. He said warmly: "Buddha, among these four lacquer boxes, there are

A prescription for strengthening the body that only the abbot can use.

The effect is much stronger than that of ‘Yuanzhao Dayu Decoction’,

Only by using this medicine to refine your body and build up your body can you be able to practice the 'Peng King Mori Dharma'.

The keys to these four lacquer boxes are the same set of keys you received when you were promoted to the rank of Buddhist disciple.

Please use the key to open this box.

These four medicine monks have all been imbued with the 'Secret Mantra of Protecting and Abbot Dharma Lineage' since childhood. All medicines related to the abbot are kept secret.

They will not leak it to anyone else.

including me."

Hearing Kang Xiong's words, Su Wu quickly searched around and asked his two servants to search together: "Where did my key go?

Please help me find it!

I still had the key with me before,

Why are you missing now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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