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210. The root cause (1/2)

On the human-skin paper that had turned yellow, those pitch-black ink words were faintly visible.

From then on, the heart and soul were separated from each other, and the snake and insect characters, which were like squirming human figures, disappeared.

The vaguely legible characters were all Chinese characters that Su Wu recognized.

He thought this human skin was very strange.

Mysterious origin,

It may even have been used to write the laws of Hell in the past.

As for the actual impact that the rules written on this will have on the real prison? Because Su Wu has never been exposed to the prison at the moment,

Don't know anything about this either.

This piece of human skin paper, when the mind is merged with it, can become something like a contract.

Guide a living person and sign a contract with it,

Let living people and ghosts become treacherous ghosts.

When the mind is free from it,

It seems to have lost its weirdness.

However, the ability to accommodate and amplify the psychological deceitfulness shows that this human skin paper itself is a strange item.

Su Wu will not take it lightly.

When he was about to fold the human skin paper and put it in the safe,

on that piece of paper,

The remaining ink marks suddenly started to flow,

Lines of text emerged from the paper: "Solar calendar year 2034..."

After this line of text representing the date is highlighted,

And suddenly disappeared,

It was as if an invisible hand had erased that line of words,

follow closely,

Another line of writing appeared on the human skin paper: "Solar calendar year 1715..."

Another line of text indicating the date quickly disappeared,

Large clumps of ink stains flowed on the human skin paper,

Su Wu stared closely at the ink marks,

From the current scene, he inexplicably thought of the "Daji Zang" in the dry spring on the top of the Snow Mountain.

The texture of the pages of "Daji Zang" is also soft and skin-friendly.

Suspected to be human skin,

and can automatically reveal the future,

Unravel the mysteries of past history.

Although the current human skin page does not show the weird ability like "Daji Zang", it is indeed automatically displaying words.

Trying to reveal something.

The ink lingers on the paper for a long time,

Gradually condensed,

Just when Su Wu thought that this human skin paper might never have any meaning again,

Lines of writing quickly emerged from it: "On February 25th, I died..."

There was a writer who was down and out and had no merit,

A lot of nonsense was written on me..."

Three lines of ink characters are fixed on the human skin paper,

Su Wu can understand every line of words,

But when he read the three lines of words together, he was confused.

Who does the ‘I’ in these three lines refer to?

Human parchment itself?

Or am I the one reading these three lines?

The ‘writer’ wrote a lot of nonsense about ‘me’ – from the understanding of this sentence, ‘I’ should refer to a piece of paper on which to write.

Then 'I' most likely refers to human skin paper.

human skin paper,

Died on February 25th?

In which year is February 25th?

Solar calendar year 2034,

It was still the year 1715 in the solar calendar,

Or is it neither?

The three messy lines of words on the human skin paper made Su Wu frown and think for a while, because there were too few clues at the moment.

From these three lines,

He only got two valid pieces of information,

That is - a writer may have owned human parchment.

The second story is that on February 25th of an unknown year, the ‘Human Skin’ died. Its death may refer to the death when it was still alive.

It may also refer to the demise of its self-awareness as human skin.

There are both possibilities.

Su Wu looked at the three lines of words,

It is expected that the human skin paper will reveal more information.

However, after it condensed three lines of writing, it fell completely silent and no longer revealed anything - those three lines of standard regular script,

It seems to have become its epitaph,

Full of weird charm.

He shook his head, folded the human skin paper, put it back into the safe, and let the shadow python drag the safe into the shadow world.

Su Wu sat back on the sofa,

Turn to visualize your own five chakras,

At this moment, you can clearly see that there is a ghost entrenched in each of the two major chakras: the wheel of heart and the wheel of heaven.

Among them, the hand of the corpse ghost entrenched in the Tianguan chakra, suppressed by the chakra breath and the central lotus, could only curl up into a ball in the corner of the round wheel.

And that black dry heart - the heart is full of blood vessels,

Intertwined in the wheel of the heart,

The most black blood vessels crowd the entire heart chakra,

causing the heart chakra to expand outward,

The volume is much larger than the other four chakras!

The other four major chakras also have to transfer more chakra breath into the heart chakra to help it stabilize its form.

The chakras will not be broken by the evil thoughts.

All these situations show that Su Wu's heart chakra is very reluctant to bind the heart. If no further treatment is done,

This bondage cannot last long,

It is possible to revive if the heart is strange.

Su Wu ‘gazed’ into the heart chakra,

Among the plexuses of blood vessels intertwined from the heart, there are two abnormal figures tightly entangled by the plexus of blood vessels, unable to move.

Those two strange shapes,

One is a blood-red baby with sharp cries.

The other one is a bright red thread, tightly wrapped by dark blood vessels, which is almost indistinguishable. This is the cursed killing trick.

Two monsters around the evil level,

Turned into a ghost by the deceitful heart,

Also bound by Su Wu,

Su Wu needs to bear the burden caused by the three to his body.

After observing the situation in the heart chakra, he calmed down his mind, closed his eyes and visualized a great sun filling the ajna chakra.

At the same time, recite the mantra of the Great Sun Tathagata: "Om!

Nammo Bhagavad...


Durgad, what about Bali Shaodana—what a scumbag!


Secret mantras slowly flowed in the room,

The original power of the secret realm hidden in the undercurrent of Su Wu's consciousness was summoned at this moment.

As he visualized,

Gathering into his Ajna Chakra,

Gathered into the outline of the great sun,

Golden light emerges from the center of the eyebrows,

Nowadays, every ounce of the original power of the Secret Realm that Su Wu obtains will be lost every time it is used. Once it is used up, he can only return to the Secret Realm to replenish it.


"Buddha's Mahamudra Dharma" practices the seven great paths,

The first level - root cause practice,

It is necessary for cultivating monks to infiltrate the original power of the secret realm into the whole body through the meditation method of "imagining the light of the sun shining all over, reflecting the ink sea of ​​one's body" that is implemented in the undercurrent of one's own consciousness.

Guide the five chakras,

Finally, through five rounds of operation,

‘Plant’ the original power of the secret realm into the ‘Navel Chakra’, the original wheel of one’s own life.

The original power of the secret realm is rooted in the navel chakra,

It becomes part of its own origin,

Can live forever,

Although this is ultimately not as good as directly drawing the original power from the secret realm, at least it is obtained through hard work and practice without relying on external forces.

The light spot between Su Wu's brows became brighter and brighter,

Expand into a round wheel,

The light of the wheel spreads outward in circles,

Eventually it spreads all over the body.

The five major chakras in his body slowly rotated, attracting the original power of the secret realm that infiltrated the whole body, and circulated through the major chakras.

Gradually accumulate the original power of the secret realm in the navel chakra.

"He is the same today as he was yesterday,

I didn’t go out the whole day.”

‘Xu Jin’ put down the telescope that was observing Su Wu’s floor opposite, and said to Fang Yuan: “During this period,

Only his friend came once.

It seems that Su Wu was not seen and he left the community again."

Fang Yuan put a few boxes of takeout on the table, looked at the getting dark sky outside the window, pointed to a box of takeout on the table, and said to 'Xu Jin': "Would you like to eat some together?

He said he would take the initiative to contact us tomorrow.

Shouldn't we miss the appointment?

We can visit him tomorrow at the latest, so don't be too anxious."

‘Xu Jin’ shook his head,

She declined Fang Yuan’s invitation to have dinner with her.

Then he said: "It is said that Inspector Xiao has invited Cui Xun, Inspector Zhang's subordinate, and a joint investigation team has been formed.

We will arrive in Xuqing soon.

Is this news reliable?"

"That's what happened." Fang Yuan opened the takeout box, peeled a few cloves of garlic and threw it into the fried noodles. He picked up a chopstick to stir-fry the noodles and responded, "Xu Jin," "My brother called me


He said he could hold them back for some time,

At least they won't be able to come to Xu Qing before noon tomorrow."

"Then we will contact Su Wu tomorrow morning?" 'Xu Jin' asked again.


Fang Yuan swallowed a mouthful of fried noodles and nodded vigorously: "My brother and I asked for permission, and he said that as the only person who has cooperated with Su Wu,

You can contact Su Wu with your real identity tomorrow.

In order to prevent the identity of 'Xu Jin' from making him resentful.

Do not worry,

Everything is ready.

It depends on tomorrow."


‘Xu Jin’’s frowning brows relaxed slightly,

‘He’ walked towards the door: “Let’s go, I’ll go back and have a meal. If anything happens tonight,

Please call me."

"Yeah, I understand!"

The night passed in a hurry,

Su Wu sat on the sofa,

The Ajna chakra no longer radiates light.

In contrast to this,

It is in the wheel of his navel chakra,

A golden light spot was 'planted' in the fire lotus of the navel chakra, causing the fire lotus to spread its breath and causing the expansion of the navel chakra.

The navel chakra, which has expanded several times, guides the breath to the other chakras.

causing all the other wheels to expand together,

The wheel of the heart, which originally appeared to be overcrowded after being tied to the heart, also expanded several times. The original power of the circulation of the chakras,

Completely imprisoning the center of the chakra,

So that it can no longer extend the black blood vessels wantonly!

The heart chakra is finally as stable as ever!


Su Wu opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air.

He got up and opened the curtains,

outside the window,


The next day came.

"Ding dong ding dong ding dong——"

His cell phone also rang an alarm at the same time.

Back to the study,

Su Wu flipped through his phone,

In addition to several missed calls from Jiang Yingying, a schedule reminder also appeared on the screen: "Remind me to call Fang Yuan's Trickster Controller today."

"I almost forgot about it."

Su Wu looked at the schedule reminder and smiled.

He has experienced too many things in the simulation,

Therefore, although only one day seemed to have passed in reality, to him, months passed by in a hurry.


Even if you see the schedule reminder,

Su Wu didn't call Fang Yuan immediately.

Instead, hang the Heart Ape scroll on the wall first,

Prepare to harvest a wave of evil humanoids in the Heart Monkey Map, and improve the ‘Canopy Curse Seal’ and ‘Yama Curse Seal’.

By the way, did the inspector from the Hell appear in the Chaos Void today?

You can knock him next to him,

Confirm whether what Fang Yuan said before is true or false?

This chapter has been completed!
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