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358, meeting (1/2)

Xiuxiu saw the red-faced villain take off the mask on his face,

In an instant, he became a big brother,

My mind couldn't turn around, so I stayed in place.

By the time she came to her senses, her master and 'senior brother' had already walked up to her.

"The thing covered by the black cloak is not a human being.

How can it stand with you, Xiuxiu, but not hurt you?" Although the master is concerned about Xiuxiu's situation, it does not mean that he has not noticed the fishy situation and has observed the motionless black cloaked figure standing in the distance. back,

He turned back to Xiuxiu and asked.

Xiuxiu looked at Su Wu again.

"Your senior brother has had some adventures, don't be afraid.

He is your senior brother,

If it's fake, it can't be wrong." Li Yueshan patted Xiu Xiu's head and grinned, "Looking at Xiu Xiu's situation, is there any adventure in the secret barrier?"

Seeing Xiuxiu alive in front of the thatched house,

The big stone in Master's heart has mostly fallen away.

Xiuxiu came back from her daze,

After listening to her master's words, she looked at her senior brother again and nodded lightly.

Then his hands began to make gestures.

Li Yueshan can understand Xiuxiu's sign language.

Watching the gestures on her hands,

The fat old man frowned slightly from time to time.

sometimes stretch,

In the end, he yelled: "Damn old man! This strange relationship is not a natural disaster, but a man-made disaster!

For the sake of Lao Shizi’s so-called inheritance of Poyizhuang,

Just here to cause trouble?

I really don’t know how to die, I don’t know how to die!

Fortunately these bitches are dead!

It’s also retribution!

Bah! Retribution!”

Su Wu and Xiu Xiu also spent some time together,

Can also understand some simple sign language of Xiuxiu,

Unfortunately, what the mute woman was telling him was too complicated. He could only vaguely judge that the other party was saved by an old man in the main room of the courtyard. As for the specific situation, he had difficulty clarifying it.

After hearing what the master said, Su Wu looked at the master and asked: "Is this strange pass a man-made disaster?

Did the person who saved Xiuxiu do something that caused the accident in Guiguan?"

He turned around and looked at the figure standing straight on the spot, like a wooden stake.

There is no vitality in the opponent's body,

But was not affected by his Canopy Curse Seal,

It's because there is corpse energy circulating in the opponent's body,

At the same time, that figure exuded a faint charm, and there might be a Li Ju inside the body - a corpse, but it was strangely contained by Li Ju. This kind of situation is rare.

Li Gui may be able to manipulate corpses,

Turn the corpse into a slave,

But they are rarely accommodated by corpses.

Relevant to the master's previous judgment - a team of corpse exterminators may have been lost in this mysterious pass. Could this zombie be the corpse expelled by the corpse exorcists?

Or some exterminator?


Li Yueshan noticed the gaze of his eldest disciple,

He also turned to look at the zombie wrapped in black clothes, and cursed: "That's the old bastard!

A group of corpse exterminators didn't know where they heard that there was a strange pass here.

If you are lucky enough to enter the treacherous level,

The Ligui who can be imprisoned will pull out the Ligui from his body and sew it to the corpse to make a new Ligui.

In this way, you can avoid the invasion of the evil spirits, and you don't have to run around and work hard all day long to chase corpses to absorb the corpse energy to appease the evil spirits in your body.

They really drove a group of zombies here,

It really makes them fumble around randomly,

It triggered the mystery here!

So he tried to commit suicide - but it also caused the mystery here to completely revive.

This place was originally a small village with more than a dozen households.

It will cease to exist from now on,

All the villagers were killed in the sudden resurgence!"

I can tell,

Master is so angry that it wasn't the group of corpse exterminators who triggered the strange situation here.

As a result, latecomers like myself were trapped here,

What he really hates is

It was because of the selfishness of this group of exorcists that the innocent civilians in this village died tragically!

It may be said that the Kitchen God Sect opened temples everywhere to pretend to be dirty, perhaps in order to absorb the ray of fire after opening the temple and improve their own cultivation. However, the temple they opened always kept the place safe and protected the people from harsh consequences.

To avoid intrusion, cultivate your voice.

If Master were not attracted by this idea,

It is also impossible to become a disciple of the Kitchen God Sect.

This group of corpse hunters, however, begged for a living for themselves and did not care whether others were harmed as a result.

Corpse exterminators are mostly people who are naturally tolerant of evil spirits, are not welcomed by the group, and live in isolation.

In this environment,

It is normal for them to develop a solitary character who only cares about their own lives and does not care about the lives or deaths of others.

This also reminded Su Wu,

When I come into contact with those schools that deal with trickery in the future,

It's better to be more cautious.

Not everyone is necessarily going for the same goal.

"The gang of corpse hunters,

In the end, only one person survived, and it was this person who showed Xiuxiu how to escape from death?" Su Wu looked at Xiuxiu next to him,

Xiuxiu started to feel dazed again.

She noticed her senior brother's gaze,

He looked at his senior brother blankly.

Su Wu's face was expressionless,

Trash her hair.

Li Yueshan pretended not to notice the eldest disciple's little move, frowned at the zombie, and said: "Just as you guessed, although he survived, he only had one breath left.

After showing Xiuxiu how to escape from the dead, she died completely."

"Didn't he ask Xiuxiu to do something for him?" Su Wuqi asked.

selfish person,

I will plan more for myself until I die,

At this time, even if you save someone, you still have a motive.

If this corpse exorcist was truly willing to rescue Xiu Xiu regardless of the consequences, then he would not have caused the death of a whole village just to sew ghost corpses for everyone in Gui Guan.

——It is still very rare for someone to feel remorse before death.

"How not?

He wanted to ask us Xiuxiu to take his body to the fire patrol shop.

Could it be that Huoxunpu has another magic trick?

Can he be resurrected from the dead?!" Li Yueshan sneered, holding the square plate and continuing to search for traces of Li Gui's body.

Su Wu frowned.

Resurrection from the dead may not be possible.

To paraphrase Gui Susheng - Su Wu has met two of them.

Dolma Zunsheng succeeded by relying on Guisusheng,

Jingliangui - the situation is temporarily unknown.

"You still have to be careful." Su Wu said solemnly, "This corpse exterminator is very cruel, he is very cruel to innocent people, and he is also very cruel to himself - maybe there is some back-up plan in his arrangement."

"Well..." Li Yueshan searched around,

The four flames on the square plate swayed slightly,

Xiuxiu was held by Su Wu's hand,

The black-clothed zombie—that is, the corpse of the old corpse-killer whom Su Wu judged to be vicious-hearted—followed Xiu Xiu step by step.

"They are a group of three corpse exterminators in total.

Except that the old bastard was lucky enough to survive till now,

The other two were trapped in this place. The one they called the "Ghost Craftsman", Li Gui, had his mouth and nose sewn up with needle and thread, and he couldn't bear the belch on the spot!

Although these two people are dead,

The evil spirit in their bodies was not caught by the ghost craftsman,

There is only so much place in Gui Guan, and there is no telling where those two Li Gui will be.

In addition,

The old bastard later told Xiuxiu,

after them,

A 'mountain-moving Taoist' came over to investigate the situation.

The old bastard was afraid of Taoist Banshan and did not talk to Taoist Banshan when he passed the strange pass.

Later Taoist Banshan also disappeared.

Taoist Banshan, who dared to wander the world alone, could not control one or two Ligui. If he also died in the Guiguan, if the Ligui he controlled was not caught by the ghost craftsman,

Then there are at least three Li Gui wandering around here..."

Speaking of which,

Master stopped slightly,

Looking at the four flames burning vertically on the square plate, he cursed: "What a fucking weird thing.

There must be three or two of them wandering here,

Why can’t I find any of these traps?!

Is something broken?!"

There are still three disciples trapped in the treacherous barrier, which makes the master very anxious and dissatisfied with his tools.

He raised his eyes and glanced around,

I found myself leading two disciples around,

He actually returned to the courtyard with two black wooden doors.

He was getting more and more annoyed inside, and just when he was about to curse, four flames began to sway faintly,

The iron spoon in the center of the square plate rotates rapidly,

That flame pointing in a certain direction,

The flame suddenly revealed a line of fire——

"Go, go, go!"

Li Yueshan stepped forward to chase the line of fire,

Su Wu picked up Xiu Xiu and quickly caught up with her!

Only took seven or eight steps,

I saw a small temple on the roadside that was no higher than a person's knees.

There are two red candles burning in front of the temple,

On the altar in the temple,

There is a white dress hanging.

The white dress turned its back to the temple door and to the crowd.

This small temple is brightly lit.

In the pitch-black environment, it was impossible for the kitchen team not to detect its existence.

But the fact is,

Everyone also until this time,

Only then did I see the existence of the small temple!

The flames on the square plate shook violently,

Reminding Li Yueshan and others,

Here there is something strange lingering,

The iron spoon in the center of the square plate was motionless at this time, indicating that Li Gui only left his breath around it.

It is not here right now!

"Awu, go, go, go,

Come over here with a bowl of five taels of soul-collecting rice!"

Master kept saying,

This is the time to estimate the weight of Li Gui's destiny.

Li Yueshan urged Su Wu repeatedly,

However, Su Wu stood still on the spot at this time. When he saw his master frowning and staring at him, he explained aloud: "Master, when I went to deliver rice that time, I blew up the small and big tricks together with the master.

Discovering the weight of this strange fate,

Perhaps it can be calculated in another more accurate and faster way."

"Oh?" Li Yueshan became interested and motioned for him to continue.

Su Wu said calmly: "The weight of Li Gui's fortune depends on how many crosses there are in his fortune. The crosses are just like a fortune teller who uses palm prints and facial features to tell people's fortunes.

The disciple actually thought of a method,

You can let Li Gui take the initiative to leave a few streaks in his life,

In this way, we weigh the soul harvesting rice again,

It would be much easier to take it into custody.”

In fact, Su Wu had never understood the method of testing the fate of Li Jui from the process of frying it.

He completely copied the method of 'examination of life patterns' in the secret realm's fortune-telling method.

Pretending to be involved in the process of frying, I realized it.

But Li Yueshan trusted his eldest disciple very much.

I have no doubt about his statement,

Said: "What you say actually makes sense.

The cross in Li Gui's destiny must be put into the "five inner jars" and shaken out according to clues such as its environment, weather, and even the killing pattern.

It's a pity that the current environment has been artificially changed by the damn corpse exorcist from before.

The timing of the weather, the rules of killing, etc. will all change accordingly.

If I try to measure the track fork again, it will be inaccurate.

Then your so-called method of letting Li Gui take the initiative to leave a cross in his life?

How does it work?"


No matter what kind of evil deception it is, it will actively or passively kill the living people around it and infect the living people with its evil charm.

We can actively attract evil spirits to possess us,

in this way,

Putting him in a state of severe synaesthesia,

You can leave a cross in your life on blood, food, sacrifices, etc.!" Su Wu said.

"Then you are prepared to sacrifice yourself,

Li Wei is possessed by Li Wei?" Li Yueshan raised his eyebrows and glared at the apprentice who was speaking more and more out of tune - he thought he had really developed some method of accurately calculating Li Wei's fate!

It turned out to be nonsense,



This person has turned into a zombie, but he can attract evil spirits and stay in his body.

It shows that there must be some kind of trait in him that can still accommodate the weirdness even after his death——

It was probably left on this zombie by the ghost craftsman!

Master, why don't you lend him his body?

Let him come to communicate with Li Wei,

Leave a life mark?!

Why does the disciple need to invite Li Wei to possess him?!" Su Wu pointed at the tall and thin corpse behind Xiuxiu and said directly to Li Yueshan. "Master should have a way to cover up the Li Wei in his body.

Is he the one who induced Li Wei from here to have a sense of his body?"

Su Wu's words awakened the dreamer.

Li Yueshan looked at the body of the 'old bastard' behind Xiuxiu,

His eyes widened: "He has become a zombie. He can feed any food through his mouth, but he can't even think of pulling it out by himself.

In this way, his corpse became a natural trap - as long as he stuffed ninety-nine ounces of soul-collecting rice into his stomach, the evil spirit in his body could be temporarily trapped, and within an hour or two Can't get out either!

in this way,

You can try using him to seduce Li Wei here.

See if I can use your method,

Let Li Gui leave behind his own thing—the fate mark!"

Master smacked his lips,

I feel that the disciple’s explanation of the destiny pattern is much more elegant and more appropriate than the explanation of the Stove King God’s lineage of ‘forks in destiny’.

Su Wu smiled.

He is currently helping Master organize notes of his experiences and experiences,

It also records many experiences of Yinximai imprisoning Li Gui.

So I am very sure,

Master has a way to trap the evil in the human body - regarding this method, there is also a past event hidden in it. Master has been trapped by this past event and has not actively said anything to Su Wu, and Su Wu will not ask more questions.


The blood sacrifice you speak of - where does this come from?

Should we kill one of our newly purchased animals?" Li Yueshan looked at the two big animals with a look of reluctance in his eyes.

"these things,

Disciple has prepared some." Su Wu smiled mysteriously,

In the platoon car behind the horses and mules,

Not long after, he came over carrying a linen bag.

He pulled out a piece of cowhide with a dried cow's head from his pocket.

——The cowhide with the head of the cow,

It was not what he had prepared before,

Instead, he spent one yuan jade to exchange it directly from the simulator.

It is the secret treasure domain’s own ‘treasury accumulation’.


The monk of Wuxiang Zunneng Temple once said that a girl could be made to be sensitive to the evil spirit, and then he could dig out the eyes of the girl who died of the evil spirit and see the six aspects of the evil spirit.

And in the process of the girl's synesthesia,

Wrap something like "human intestines" or "human skin" around it, and you will see sharp life patterns on the intestines or skin.

Su Wu only needs to observe the fate pattern,

There is no need to dig out the zombie's eyes.

The 'human intestines' and 'human skin' imprinted with Li Wei's life patterns were also replaced by a piece of whole cow head skin with the 'Uncommon Mani Offering God Curse' applied to it.

The effect is definitely better than the original method.

"Where did you get the cowhide?"

"Earlier, I used the money I saved to buy a piece of cowhide.

Ask Pearl to make some pairs of shoes and hats for everyone,

I gave you some more money at that time,

The person who killed the cow gave me the head as well," Su Wu said.

Li Yueshan grinned,

He reached out and patted the eldest disciple on the shoulder and said, "Then I'll fill this old kid's belly with rice first.

It’ll be up to you to operate it later!”


After discussing with the eldest disciple, Master,

He turned to look at the youngest disciple, Xiu Xiu, and said with a grin: "Xiu Xiu..."

Xiuxiu blinked her eyes,

He nodded repeatedly.

She has heard the entire conversation between her master and her senior brother just now,

Express support for their actions!

"Good disciple!" Li Yueshan reached out and ruffled his disciple's hair, then turned around and took out a funnel and a bamboo tube from the donkey cart.

He took off the cloak from the head of the 'Old Lamb' corpse driver,

Pinch open the opponent's mouth with abnormally long canine teeth, insert the thin bamboo tube into the throat, and connect the funnel.

Then weigh out nine liang and nine pieces of soul-receiving rice,

Start pouring it in through the funnel.

Su Wu was assisting Master.

Hold down the zombie,

To prevent this corpse exorcist from dying cleanly, he might resort to some back-up tactics.

But I finished filling the rice,

None of the corpses showed any signs of resistance.

It's just that on the skin of the corpse, those black lines spread randomly, forming some inexplicable lines, hidden under its skin,

And the mysterious charm exuded by this zombie,

Therefore it disappeared without a trace.

"Trapped temporarily."

The master breathed out,

I looked at the bamboo tube in my hand,

His eyes looked a little complicated for some reason.

At this time,

Su Wu took back his hand,

A banknote appeared in his palm.

It was found on the body of the exorcist.

"I'm going to prepare some other things." He said to his master, turned around and went to the dark corner.

Spread out the banknote and take a look,

It's a five-tael banknote.

It can be considered a small fortune.

Keep the banknotes yourself - this time Su Wuwei was not going to give the money to the master. If he gave it to him, he would keep it for himself to 'marry a wife'.

Su Wu, who was about to go to the mule cart and pretend to look for something,

Suddenly I heard a slight sound in my ears.

He turned his head sharply,

Looking diagonally across to the house that once trapped him,

In front of two black painted wooden doors,

A slender figure squatted on the ground,

Hug your knees.

The ends of her hair burned with dark flames,

The flame dissipated very quickly,

Su Wu saw her raising her face,

Looking at myself,

The other party's face suddenly turned crimson, and he curled up even tighter. He looked at Su Wu and said, "Elder brother...you, can you see me?"

Su Wu shook his head expressionlessly: "Who? I can't see it."

He turned his head,

Pretending to follow the sound and observing,

At the same time, he stepped towards the person at the door.

——That person is none other than Li Zhuer.

"Hey, don't come over here!

Senior brother, I am Zhuer,

My clothes were burned...

Ask Xiuxiu to help me find some clothes on that mule cart!" Li Zhuer was very anxious after hearing this, and kept saying something to stop Su Wu from approaching,

The dark night is now her protective color,

But if Su Wu walks in,

The darkness now can hardly cover her figure,

When the time comes, I will be so embarrassed when my senior brother sees me!

Clothes were burned...

Su Wu thought of the black fire that disappeared from the end of Li Zhuer's hair.

He didn't say much,

Then he went to tell Master and Xiuxiu who came running after hearing the sound.

Not long after,

Xiuxiu sent clothes,

Li Zhuer held her hand and walked over.

Just as they were approaching the fire,

hind feet,

Gou Sheng was also sent out of the house.

He held the Yan Ling Dao in his arms,

The body smells like urine,

At this time, he was unconscious.

Su Wu picked him up and carried him to the donkey cart.

The fifth wheel itself rotates faster,

The bright sun shines in the heart and mind,

Seeing Gou Sheng being wrapped in an illusory tiger skin,

The layer of bloody tiger skin gradually adhered to his own skin and flesh.

Gou Sheng developed a certain connection with the deity of the Secret Realm, the "Hu Yiming King", because of the weapon that was blessed with the "Hu Yi Ming King's Fierce Killing Curse".

This chapter has been completed!
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