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570, Master Redhead, Master Wutou (1/2)

Hearing the words that sounded similar to those of the senior brother and master, Qingmiao looked dazed for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Elder brother is the first one to come, I haven't done anything..."

"The distribution of salary depends entirely on the number of days.

It makes no difference who is the first or the last one.

Let you come first,

Just do as you are told, Qingmiao." After Su Wu said something, he felt that his words were a bit harsh, so he added, "There is no need to feel any psychological pressure."

Only then did Qingmiao agree,

Then he took a breath towards the fire in the brazier.

A line of fire separated from the blazing fire and poured into Qing Miao's lips, teeth, mouth and nose. She closed her eyes slightly, and there seemed to be golden light flashing under her eyelashes - about one-tenth of the fire was absorbed by Qing Miao,

Then came Pearl,

Pearl absorbed about one-fifth of the salary,

Gou Sheng absorbed one-tenth of his salary,

Xiuxiu absorbed one-tenth of the salary.

Finally it was Su Wu’s turn,

The fire in the brazier can still reach a height of one or two feet, and there are floating tablets inside that are either familiar or unfamiliar to Su Wu.

‘Stone Queen’,

‘River Fish Lord’,

None of these tablets were taken by other junior brothers and sisters.

As Su Wu opened his mouth and took a breath, these tablets seemed to have been agreed upon, forming lines of golden green or golden red fire, and the fire flames in the brazier all poured into Su Wu's mouth and nose. !

He 'saw' the flame web node intertwined on his navel chakra,

Suddenly, a series of golden or green or golden and red tablets gathered together.

It corresponds to the tablet that floated in the fire in the brazier earlier!

Those god tablets flowed into the abdominal chakra as the flame net intertwined, and were lifted to the top of the head by the golden cobra coiled on the outline of the abdominal chakra, and together they protected Su Wu's internal organs!

All the differences disappeared.

Su Wu closed her eyes,

Seeing the memorial tablets flashing with fireworks in the darkness,

These are the deity tablets that Master opened a temple to pretend to be dirty, and erected them.

Unexpectedly, he passed them all on to himself...

Su Wu recalled the master's face in his mind.

Those tablets suddenly turned into blazing fire and gathered into a ball.

In that golden fire,

Another gold-rimmed and purple-bottomed tablet emerged.

on the tablet,

There are four ancient characters written on it - God's Position of Kitchen Lord!


Seeing the tablet, Su Wu instinctively called out in her heart.

The tablet seemed to have heard his call,

Approaching him suddenly——

The major chakras in Su Wu's body that had gone dark were now ignited by the blazing fire. Heavy webs of flames intertwined on his navel chakra. The flame webs pushed forward, igniting the chakras that protected the abdominal viscera chakras. Golden Cobra!

The heads of these solemn serpents,

Each carries a series of golden and red or golden and green tablets!

The big snake swam in a circle around the abdominal chakra, and then swam towards the heart wheel that tied the 'heart trick' - these big snakes burning with flame webs coiled around the heart wheel, immediately oppressing it. Xingui, which occupied and filled nearly two-thirds of the space of the Heart Chakra, continued to shrink, shrinking its size to only occupy one-fifth of the Heart Chakra!

The changes this brought to Su Wu,

It made him feel that his body suddenly became much lighter, the strength in his body became more powerful, and his burden was reduced by more than half!

——The Xingui contracted with the ‘Evil God Five Zanggui’ to form a few sharp monsters.

So much so that the space occupied by the heart treachery in Su Wu's heart chakra wheel increased again.

It brought some burden to Su Wu,

At that moment, the tablets on the head of the big snake were paraded on the outline of the wheel of heart. It immediately helped Su Wu stabilize the state of his heart, suppressing it and causing it to shrink continuously, thus solving this hidden danger!

The big snake placed the tablets of gods one after another on the wheel of the heart.

Suddenly the abdominal chakra retracted.

Even if there are only a series of tablets emitting golden and red flames placed on the outline of the heart chakra,

Don’t dare to act rashly even if you are treacherous!

at the same time,

The ‘meaning’ in Su Wu’s eyebrow center was spinning,

Attached to some inexplicable, non-existent and non-real thing, it pushed that thing past the wheel of heaven and into the wheel of heart.

As a result, the tablets of gods fell into the outline of the heart chakra, and they all started to beat and sway.

That thing is located at the junction of the heart chakra wheel and the heavenly chakra wheel.

With the billowing energy spinning on the wheel of the heart,

Golden and purple flames suddenly burned from the heart chakra!

in light and fire,

The ‘Kitchen God Tablet’ is surrounded by many gods’ tablets and shines brightly!

In front of the tablets, the light and fire evolved from Su Wu's "meaning" condensed into pairs of candles, condensed into incense sticks, and enshrined the tablets!

Su Wu folded his hands at the same time, forming a strange hand gesture.

This technique is similar to the combination of the 'Control the Candle', 'Offer', and 'Three Sticks of Incense' techniques in the corpse exorcist's 'Corpse Control Technique'.

His hands were facing each other, and his fingers were intertwined and spread out, just like a blazing fire that radiated light outward!


As Su Wu formed this strange handprint with his hands,

The tablets that were shaking endlessly around the wheel of his heart were completely fixed. The lamps and candles in front of the shrine were always bright, and the incense was lingering!

Scented by the blazing incense,

Su Wu's heartbeat gradually slowed down until it disappeared.

His thoughts were silent, and he seemed to have become a dead person.

The old Taoist who had gone through a whole set of altar setting and invitation procedures packed up everything and walked outside the Temple of the God of the Stove. He saw Su sitting cross-legged in the temple, facing the statue of the God of the Stove, with his hands forming inexplicable mudras.


Suddenly, the old Taoist's pupils narrowed,

One step across the threshold,.??m

Staring closely at Su Wu, who had his back turned to him, he asked Zhuer and the others next to him: "What's wrong with your senior brothers?!"

"He's not breathing!"

Hearing Lao Dao's words, Zhu'er, Qingmiao and others were immediately horrified!

Qingmiao was so panicked that she couldn't care about anything else. She reached out and put her hand close to Su Wu's nose - but she felt some hot air blowing on her fingers. Her breathing was even and there was no abnormality at all.

At this time,

The old Taoist also approached behind Su Wu. He put his hand on Su Wu's chest and immediately felt Su Wu's strong heartbeat.

"Taoist Master..." Zhu'er looked pale, looked at the old Taoist, and spoke cautiously,

But I don't know how to ask.

"It's strange..." The old Taoist retracted his palm, took a deep look at Su Wu, shook his head and said, "Maybe it's because he's been too tired for the past few days - there's something wrong with the old Taoist's perception. You senior brothers are fine, there's nothing wrong with it.


Zhu Er and others immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time,

Su Wu opened his eyes.

He looked at the ground, not focusing on anyone in the field.


As he opened his eyes, there seemed to be many noisy sounds in the minds of everyone present - those sounds that were like people's discussions and noises, only sounded for one breath, and then they all died down.

The old Taoist frowned even more tightly as he looked at Su Wu who looked calm.

He wanted to ask,

But when I looked up, I saw Mr. Zao's face that was 60% similar to Li Yueshan's. After all, I didn't ask any questions in my heart.

He sighed and offered a stick of incense to Zao Lord.

Then he slowly withdrew from the temple.

"...Senior brother?" Zhu'er couldn't tell what Su Wu's mood was at this time, so she tentatively called out.

Su Wu turned to look at her.

At this moment,

He didn't say a word,

But his voice has already appeared in Pearl's mind: "Huh? What's wrong?"

Li Zhuer didn't notice anything unusual, so she followed up and said, "Senior brother, has something happened? Now we are the only senior brothers left in Yinximai. If senior brother has something to do, please don't keep it in your heart and not discuss it with us... "

"It's okay." Su Wu shook his head, with a smile on his face.

Just now, Master’s ‘Zao Lord God’s Table’, together with the many God’s Tables that the old man had previously accumulated, were spinning in the wheel of Su Wu’s own heart. They were in harmony with his intentions and achieved mutual success.

Helped him achieve the level of "The Red View of the Heart King's Birth and Death".

This level is the fifth level of the ‘Buddha’s Mahamudra Dharma’.

Perhaps due to the previous accumulation, it has exceeded the scope of the 'Buddha's Truth Mahamudra', and coupled with the simultaneous efforts of many gods at this time, Su Wu finally lit the fifth level 'Heart Lamp' out of the sky. misfortune,

This method has evolved to its present state,

It has gone beyond the original ‘Buddha’s truth of Mahamudra’ in the secret realm!

It turns out that the fifth level of the Mahamudra method of Buddhism allows the self to generate the "King of Heart". Every word and word of oneself can mobilize one's own thoughts and project them into the minds and hearts of others, and can 'transfer' others in an instant. ,

With such power, Su Wu's "word, spear, tongue and sword" has already taken shape.

But now, after all kinds of accumulation, Su Wu has perfected the 'King of Heart's Red View of the Origin and Death'. As long as he does not restrain the movement of his own thoughts, he can directly confuse the thinking of the people around him by just relying on the movement of his own thoughts.

To save a mentally fragile person, he may only need a look!

If that's all it is,

The most important thing is - his 'intention' can flow throughout the body through the heart chakra, and thoughts can fill the flesh and blood all over the body - in this way, when he is fatally injured, as long as his body remains intact, he can still Manipulate your body like a normal person,

Almost immortal!

Even his own head was cut off,

He can still 'survive' for a day or two, and he will not truly die until all his will dies!

Moreover, as long as he completely restrains his thoughts and makes his own mind empty,

He himself will enter a state of 'neither alive nor dead', and his heart will stop as before - Li Wei's murder rules only target living people most of the time, and corpses will most of the time become the targets of their use.

If there is a corpse that Li Gui cannot use, they will not insist on exploring the corpse.

In this way, Su Wu can rely on this 'neither life nor death' state to escape from the pursuit of some terrifying and treacherous people!

Since Su Wu possessed the 'Dragon Elephant Bodhi Mantra', he improved his own origin, and began to practice the 'Buddha's Truth Mahamudra', gradually evolving himself to the level of 'non-living beings', and has now completed the fifth level.

He finally began to break away from the category of 'living beings',

What the road ahead is, I don’t know yet.

But at this moment, Su Wu already had the ability to deal with Li Wei on his own.

Su Wu raised his head and looked at the statue of Kitchen Lord in the temple.

His hands are facing each other,

As before, he made a hand seal and whispered: "The fire will last forever."

In the wheel of the heart, the lamps, candles and incense of the mind enshrined in front of the gods became much brighter.

All the junior brothers and sisters imitated Su Wu’s movements,

Then form the mudra and repeat in a low voice: "The fire will last forever!"

The Zao Class disciples were relatively silent for a while.

Su Wu turned around, his eyes lingering on Zhu'er and Qingmiao. After a long time, he said slowly to Qingmiao: "Qingmiao, leave a fingerprint on the brazier - from now on, you will be the stove."

The temple of Junmiao has congratulated you."

"Elder brother is the master of the kitchen in our team, how can I be allowed to come and celebrate the temple?

I can't do it, I can't do it." Qingmiao shook his head repeatedly.

Su Wu advised: "I won't be able to stay here for a few days before I go to Maoshan with the Taoist priest to resolve some matters - this is what I promised the old Taoist priest before, and I can't regret it."

"Then we can let Pearl..."

"Zhu'er is protected by the Kitchen God. Now among our disciples, Xiu Xiu, Gou Sheng, and Zhu'er all have their own strengths and weaknesses. But you are the only one who has not mastered some means of self-defense. I will ask you to do the temple blessing.

I just hope that Master can protect you." Su Wu said again.

When he said this, Zhuer also understood, and then advised Qingmiao: "Senior sister, only you can do this temple blessing. You are the only one in our team who is the most attentive. From now on, only you can communicate with the gods and assist in many local affairs."


Everyone tried to persuade Qingmiao,

Qingmiao finally nodded and left his fingerprints on the stone brazier.

It officially became the temple blessing of Zaojun Temple.

Su Wu looked at the sky outside and said to everyone: "In the next few days, we will lay down on the floor in the Zao Lord Temple to rest for the time being. The houses outside will be left for the surrounding people to live in."

"Okay." Everyone nodded in agreement.

I was busy making the bed again and went downstairs to get porridge and dinner.

A piece of coarse cloth was pulled up in the temple to separate the beds of male and female disciples on both sides.

Su Wu was lying on the bed, and Gou Sheng inside had curled up and fell asleep.

He closed his eyes and adjusted his breathing,

It also silences all thoughts within oneself.

In a dark room,

The oil lamp illuminated an area three feet around the table, reflecting the figure of the master sitting cross-legged on the earthen bed.

He carefully took out a box, opened the copper lock on the box, and after opening the lid, an ingot of silver emitted a yellowish white light, which became even more dazzling against the backdrop of strings of copper coins.

Master picked up the box,

He smiled and said to Su Wu: "Now we have saved more than seventy taels of silver. When we return to Zhijin Mountain, we can use this money to hire people to help build a large kitchen!

When the time comes, I will build a room for each of you.

Build another library,

From now on, you will practice kung fu in the yard and read and write in the library every day.

Passers-by and people in distress can stay overnight in our vacant rooms in Zaozhuang at any time.

I will connect every room in Zaozhuang with fire dragons, so it will be warm in winter..."

Su Wu saw the light of hope flashing in Master's eyes.

He felt a pain in his heart for no reason.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to say something, the master on the earthen bed was suddenly ignited by the fire and turned into ashes in Su Wu's field of vision.

The oil lamp in the room went out.

Everything was plunged into complete darkness.

This chapter has been completed!
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