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569, Appropriate soldiers and horses (2/2)

Did Jianzhen change Rashomon's fixed rules for accepting living people?

It’s authenticity again…

Jian Zhen, who lost the Daming Temple in the Tang Dynasty and fled to Dongliu Island in embarrassment, was extremely active on Dongliu Island. The ghost king level of "Tamazao Mae" was so powerful that he showed almost ghost king level terrifying abilities in his unresuscitated state.

'Rashomon' are closely related.

According to rumors,

Part of the sacrificial rituals of Dongliu Island's Shinto sect also evolved from his modification of the Buddhist rituals of the Ritsu sect.

There are many legends about authenticity authentication here.

This great monk left so many traces on Dongliu Island. Is he planning something?

"Speaking of it,

Are the living people who were lured into Rashomon still alive in Rashomon, or have they died after entering the gate?" Su Wu did not ask Minamoto Yoritomo too much about the 'Jian'

Real thing.

When he goes to Kyoto this time, he will definitely look for an opportunity to visit the Zhaoti Temple.

Waiting for the opportunity to find traces of the authenticity.

Minamoto no Yoritomo was stunned when he heard this,

Then he shook his head and said: "I have never seen a living person come out of Rashomon, and I have never seen anyone enter Rashomon even now.

In current legends,

Woodcutters, traveling monks, wandering spirits of samurai, samurai wives, thieves, and gatekeepers were the first to enter Rashomon.

But they have become serious.

It is difficult to say whether the rumors are true or not.

So I really can’t answer Lord Zhuzhao’s question.

This matter is still difficult to verify.”

Su Wu nodded and looked at the mist floating at the fork in front of the road.

Minamoto Yoritomo hesitated for a moment when he saw this.

After that, he still bowed and said: "Sir, you might as well let me leave the team and take the initiative to lure the evil lurking around to lure me, so that I can enter another world. I will try to contact you, sir!"

"no need."

Su Wu shook his head and rejected Minamoto Yoritomo's proposal.

He looked at the floating mist,

It seems like there is another world hidden behind the mist, and it seems like there is nothing behind it.

"Just like you did when you evaded the patrolling samurai team of Longship Nation before, you hide in the shadow world first, and I will do the rest." Su Wu made a decision.

Minamoto Yoritomo beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly: "If you can take action, it will be absolutely foolproof!"

Su Wu glanced at him.

This person's original intention was to let him go and check out the situation.

I was just afraid of his strength and didn't dare to mention this matter in front of him.

So retreat is used as advance,

Take the initiative to ask for help,

Use this to induce him to make a decision.

Su Wu knew exactly what this person was thinking.

He didn't care much about anything.

——If there is an emergency in the future, people like Minamoto Yoritomo who are dragged into the shadow world can become the best scapegoats.

Su Wu's shoes tapped the ground lightly,

In the shadows beneath their feet, asphalt-like viscous black liquid surged out and suddenly transformed into black-scaled pythons, dragging Minamoto Yoritomo and others into the shadow world.

But after a while, he became alone.

He glanced around,

Sensing the vague and mysterious charm of this place, I still walked towards the fork in the road where the lost warrior was.

Step, step, step...

An invisible charm lingered around him.

Before taking a few steps, Su Wu's feet were submerged by the air-like soil under her feet.

His eyes were a little confused.

If the situation encountered by Watanabe Tsuna's samurai team was the same as mine,

It is very likely that they cannot avoid the soil under their feet that will submerge people's feet invisibly, making it impossible to pull out their feet, and then they will be completely buried in the soil and die in the soil.

No matter how another lurking lurking in the dark seduces them, Watanabe Tsuna's samurai team will never be able to pass the "rising lurking in the mud" level at first.

But they were once stationed in this abandoned village,

He also sent news of paper cranes to Minamoto Yoritomo.

Could it be said that it was just his group that triggered the murderous pattern of the ‘Li Wei in the Mud’?

Before waiting for others,

When Watanabe Tsuna's samurai team passed by here, they actually did not trigger the murder pattern of the 'sliver in the soil', but were directly lured to another world by the 'suspected rogue of Rashomon'?

In the moment when Su Wu's thoughts were spinning,

The mud silently wrapped around his calves, gradually spreading to his knee joints.

He pulled out the big red lotus womb with no expression on his face and slashed the soil under his feet.

next moment,

The originally unrealistic soil became fluffy and moist.

Su Wu felt their presence.

The soil no longer flows silently, but solidifies in place.

Su Wu stood on one foot and kept swinging the other foot from side to side. After breaking away from the earth, he pulled out the foot supporting the ground.

Shadows silently wrapped around his feet.

He moved on,

The creeping mud like quicksand once again wrapped around his feet——

This time, this kind of soil that exuded a faint eerie charm and had properties similar to 'quicksand' wrapped up the shadows covering his feet, causing Su Wu's feet and the shadows to sink deeper into the soil together!

This strange thing hidden in the soil,

Even ghost hands can tolerate it!

Every time the Dahonglian womb is cut, it seems that it is not 'cut', but only temporarily blocks its murderous pattern!

Su Wu pondered for a moment,

The figure retreated into the shadows.

The next moment, he appeared under a short tree in front of the fork in the road.

The moment his body emerged from the shadow, fluffy mud shook off the shadow that gradually fell off his body, gathered at his feet, and continued to wrap his feet!

Just like a tarsal maggot!

This strange pattern of killing is subtle.

If its area could cover the land of a city, I'm afraid that all the people in the city would have their feet submerged in soil by it without even realizing it. As long as their feet are submerged in soil, ordinary people would have no chance of escaping!


Su Wu whispered to himself and exchanged a bowl of soul-collecting rice from the simulator.

He sprinkled the white rice on the soil at his feet,

The soil that was originally flowing silently, as the white rice was mixed into the soil, immediately slowed down the flow rate, and finally solidified and hardened.

"The soul-collecting rice is compatible with part of the flow of charm,

In this way, the Li Kui Yu Yun cannot be evenly distributed in the soil and gravel, which results in its flow being blocked.

And because the rice grains will penetrate deeper into the soil as the soil flows slowly.

As a result, the flow directions of the soil are no longer uniform, they attack each other, and eventually become lumps."

Holding half a bowl of Shuhun rice, Su Wu made a summary.

He put away the rice, took off his feet and continued to move forward.

The rice grains that seeped into the soil turned into powder under the constant hardening and squeezing of the soil, and that part of the soil resumed flowing again.

Su Wu didn't expect that a handful of rice could paralyze a strange murder pattern.

As long as this method is effective in the short term, he is very satisfied.

Snow-white rice grains were continuously sprinkled into the flowing soil at Su Wu's feet,

He walked slowly,

An inexplicable feeling gradually arose in my heart.

The fog that enveloped the surroundings stopped flowing. After Su Wu's body broke through the heavy fog, he once again walked into the abandoned village that he had searched before.

This time, the deserted village is no longer unpopular.

Several horses were tied up in a dark corner, making slight noises from time to time.

There are also some horses that are not tied up and are wandering around the village. Their owners have disappeared.

Su Wu approached a house with a better view,

I saw the fire shining in the stove in the house, and a man and a woman were sitting opposite each other by the stove.

The woman faced the door, her pretty face full of caution.

Next to her sat an old dwarf man with long ears sitting on his knees.

The man had his back to Su Wu and sat cross-legged against the wooden pillars supporting the beams.

Step, step, step...

Su Wu's eyes moved slightly,

Stepped into this house.

As he approached the house, the horses tied in the dark corners around the house, a nearby courtyard, a short tree at the corner of the path, and other scenes were quickly shrouded in darkness, covered, and finally disappeared without a trace.


The only remaining house in the surrounding area was the burning house.

"Is this Li Kui's manipulation?"

Su Wu's eyes flashed with golden light,

Golden cobras stood side by side from behind his head,

The fiery red shape of the black lion on the head of the protector Maha Lahan is contained outside the body.

Within the wheel outside the body, Su Wu's mental energy radiates outward through the rotation of the bright sun!

If so!

The darkness that covered everything disappeared without a trace,

The house with the burning light in front of me disappeared without a trace!

In the dark sky,

A city gate tower that was about to collapse, surrounded by green will-o'-the-wisps, stood on the ground.

On the plaque on the gate tower, there are three mottled words of "Rashomon"!

In the city gate tower.

What I saw before was the man and woman sitting opposite each other and the long-eared dwarf old man. Surrounding them were twisted figures - there was a bloody hole in the chest, and there seemed to be a pale green eye in the hole, and the body was dripping with blood.


A beautiful woman who is as beautiful as a flower, her clothes are torn, exposing most of her chest, but the chest is covered by the Prajna ghost mask;

A woodcutter carrying a bundle of firewood and a fine dagger hidden at his waist. The dagger on the woodcutter's waist was dripping black blood;

The ferocious-looking thief in black had a sinister smile on his face. A three-forked tongue protruded from his mouth, and at the tip of each forked tongue was a human head that kept speaking out to defend himself;

And, sitting against the wall, a monk with an old and withered face, wearing cassocks.

Warrior, beauty, woodcutter, thief, and traveling monk.

A cold and mysterious rhyme brushed across Su Wu's back,

He looked behind him,

He saw two old soldiers, surrounded by will-o'-the-wisps, walking towards him.

These two are the ‘city gate soldiers’.

The six images of Rashomon are gathered here.

This situation made Su Wu feel enlightened.

Rashomon, which had been lingering around Kyoto, now appears near Jade Color Mountain.

Look at the current situation,

It seems that it is actively attracting people, triggering itself to accommodate living people, and emitting strange 'laws'.

Minamoto no Yorigo said before that it is actually more difficult to trigger the rules of Rashomon - Gai Yinjianzhen tampered with the rules of killing in Rashomon.

Thinking of this, Su Wu glanced at the monk sitting alone in the corner of the city gate.

Would a traveling monk dress so formally?

Wearing a cassock and a monk's hat.

Not like a traveling monk traveling far away to beg for alms,

Rather, he is like a eminent monk in a temple, the first abbot.

Su Wu moved his eyes away from the monk who didn't seem to have any distorted image, and instead stepped closer to the two men and women who didn't have a clear understanding of their current situation.

Triggering the rules of Rashomon is more difficult,

This should be the reason why 'An Gang' is still staying here well?


Su Wu walked closer and called the man whose back was turned to him.

He has figured out this person's identity.

It is none other than An Gang, the master craftsman of An Gang Sword Forging Works!

This chapter has been completed!
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