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602 Strange things (2/2)

"Hand over the supreme sword!

You can keep the whole body!"

The cold shouts, along with the blazing fires all around, exploded in the darkness!

"Master Zhuzhao!

There are many ghost warriors around!"

It was not until this moment that Shan Qianye finally spoke and roared - he suddenly took out the Tianmo Pill given by Su Wu from his waist. The moment the blade came out of the scabbard, a rich and mysterious rhyme erupted behind him!

A long scarlet tongue, wrapped in a rich and mysterious charm, suddenly climbed up the gate tower and wrapped around the body heading towards the mountain front!

Shan Qianye's whole body was cold, and he couldn't help but stooped under the impact of the strange charm, and his face turned pale instantly!

Boom boom boom!

Huge black wheels rise from outside the backyard wall of Zhaoti Temple!

Eight wheels are surrounded by rolling fire, rolling in the void. The torrent of flames bursts out from them and will soon cover the entire backyard without any blind spots!

Those eight wheels are the eight identical shikigami - 'wheels entering the path'!

An Onmyoji who can cultivate the "Runnerdao" shikigami to this level must also be an outstanding person among Onmyojis!

Even though such fierce fire cannot damage the ghost warrior,

But it's enough to burn all the mortals accompanying the ghost warriors to ashes!

An Gang held the kettle with despair in his eyes.

Four samurai from the Inoue family walked out of the corner and gathered towards Su Wu——

Scarlet fire will cover the monastery!

This moment,

Su Wu took out the 'Big Red Lotus' from his waist. The red lotus on the sword was as bright as blood. He suddenly jumped up and stood up. The sword in his hand was shining on the dark rolling sky with eight rows in a row.

The wheel slashed out with a knife——


Wherever the sword passes, the red lotus blooms!

The eight seats of the wheel all fell apart!

The rolling fire slid downwards, and Su Wu opened his mouth and inhaled suddenly - the torrent of raging fire everywhere seemed to have been summoned, and poured into his mouth and nose!

The flame that gathered heavy karma was washed by the flame net intertwined around him, turned into the pure fire of desire, and enshrined in front of the many gods in the heart chakra!

The torrent of flames snaked through the air with him,

Then it was 'swallowed' cleanly by him, and it disappeared.

His figure also disappeared into the darkness.

Clusters of sharp thorns sprouted from the long scarlet tongue wrapped around Yamamaeno's legs, which was so twisted that Yamamaeno's legs were dripping with blood. He waved the Tenma Pill and slashed at the seemingly soft long tongue, but it seemed like he was chopping on gold and iron.

A jagged gap appears!

Shan Qianye was trembling all over, and the accumulated charm finally reached the limit of what his body could bear——

He was trembling all over and was about to fall into a complete coma!

This moment,

Su Wu's figure appeared on the gate tower, and the viscous black liquid covering his body rolled down. The black liquid turned into a python and suddenly twisted around the soft scarlet tongue——

The tumor on the tip of the tongue that looks like a woman's head makes a sharp roar!

A stronger rhyme bursts out from the dark python!

for a moment,

It was so suppressed that the long scarlet tongue shrank silently and fell off Shan Qianye!

Su Wu's ghost hand pulled the long scarlet tongue and dragged the ghost warrior connected to the tongue to the gate tower. He looked down at the numerous Taira warriors below and cut the ghost warrior's neck with a knife without expression.

A bowl of soul-collecting rice quickly sealed away the long-tongued deception in the ghost warrior's body.

Because the strange charm no longer continued to invade him, the situation in the mountain front field improved rapidly. He looked at Su Wu gratefully, and Su Wu said to him calmly: "Go down first."


The people in Shanqianye responded respectfully.

Jump down from the gatehouse calmly.

Su Wu's ghost hand held the ghost warrior's head with eyes wide open. He lowered his head and looked down at the group of warriors below. His eyes swept over the noble son Ping Lingsheng who was surrounded by many warriors and wore large armor.

Among the warriors, a woman in black who was trapped in a thorn wooden cage paused for a moment.

He held up the 'Big Red Lotus Fetal Treasure' in his right hand,

The red lotus blossoms on the gorgeous sword bloom like fire.

The flashing light of the lotus petals reflected his eyes red.

Wearing a jet-black samurai uniform, with his hair simply combed into a ponytail, and several swords hanging from his waist, the tall samurai spoke warmly: "The Supreme Sword is right here!

Come and get it!”

The burly warrior standing on the gate tower stretched out an evil arm from under his clothes and lifted the head of the ghost warrior "Tongues Taro".

He spoke calmly,

While talking and laughing, the power of killing eight chakras and imprisoning the "Tongue Taro" made the pupils of the woman in black in the thorn wooden cage tremble violently and tighten, and her heart beat wildly!

That kind of unfettered and sassy style and unfettered soul are also things that Ping Lingzi has been pursuing all his life but can't find.

She felt Su Wu's eyes falling on her,

Feeling ashamed and panicked, I hurriedly lowered my head and saw that I was in this narrow thorny wooden cage with many tears cut out of my clothes, which made me feel even more sad.

Heavenly evil ghosts are also locked in a wooden cage of thorns,

The figure of the dwarf shikigami was curled up in the corner of the wooden cage. He saw Taira Reiko lowering his eyes with a sad expression. It was full of scars and had a flattering smile on its wrinkled face. He hoped that his weird expression would make Taira Reiko a little happy.


Its efforts still have some effect.

Ping Lingzi pursed her lips and looked much calmer.

She nodded slightly to Tian Xie Gui, and couldn't help but look at the tall figure standing on the gate tower.

The angry voice of the second brother Ping Lingsheng rang in my ears: "Anyone who can kill Inoue Candou's limbs will be promoted to the rank of 'Ashigaru General'. Anyone who kills Inoue Candou will be given the position of 'Servant General' and lead a team of five hundred people."



Whoever can seize the supreme sword from his hand - whoever can obtain the position of 'shogun' from the Taira family and become the guardian general of a country!"

Ping Lingsheng was angered by Su Wu's provocative behavior.

But despite his anger, he still maintained his rationality.

He saw with his own eyes that Su Wu killed eight wheel-in-doors with one sword, and then sealed the "Tangitaro's Guild", and the "Fengjian" onmyoji next to him said that he could not perform divination on Inoue Canzhao - all these explanations

, Inoue Canteru is a completely dangerous person!

Especially since the other party also possesses the supreme sword!

The threat level is doubled!

Therefore, he used his position as a retainer samurai of the Taira family to encourage his demon samurai, promising huge profits!

He brought more than half of the Taira clan's ghost warriors, more than twenty of them!

Confident, more than twenty people swarmed up,

Dealing with a dangerous person like Inoue Canteru is not a problem!

This is a reflection of the importance he attaches to Inoue Canteru. He does not consider fighting with the opponent at all, and directly mobilizes all the ghost warriors to attack and kill Inoue Canteru with heavy profits, in order to kill Inoue Canteru on the spot!

The Onmyoji Kazama of the Wind and Thunder God Gate on the side secretly breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the decision made by Ping Lingsheng.

He also felt that Ping Lingsheng did not have any contempt for Inoue Canzhao, but instead attached great importance to him!

Taira Reiko listened to the screams of the Taira ghost warriors around her, releasing all kinds of terrifying charms. As she approached Su Wu on the gate, her heart seemed to be tightly grasped by a hand, and even breathing became extremely difficult.

Her fists hidden under her sleeves were tightly clenched,

The joints started to turn white from clenching the fist so hard!

Too dangerous!

Even if he had the ability to repel Rashomon's tricks, how could he escape unscathed from the combined attacks of more than twenty ghost warriors?

Go quickly!

Go quickly!

Ping Lingzi shouted hard in his heart!


Su Wu on the gatehouse heard the reward offered by Ping Lingsheng and saw the ghost warriors surrounding him from all directions, but his expression did not change at all. His fingers were stroking the back of the 'Dahonglian Feizang' sword.

He said loudly: "Is one of my arms only worth the position of an ashigaru general? I thought that a hair of my head could exchange for the position of the 'elder brother' of the Taira family?"

Now the warriors gathered together,

The warriors who served under the nobles and ministers were also divided into various classes.

For example, in the Inoue family, which only had one kingdom, the highest level of samurai serving among them was Su Wu, who was named the "family elder".

However, for a giant like the Heike, the levels of family elders, generals, and ashigaru generals are obviously not enough to completely divide the levels of the many samurai under their command. Therefore, the Taira family has "eldest elders", "old middlemen", and "royal elders".

'Family elder', 'bujiang (guarding general)' and other hierarchical divisions.

And 'Ashigaru General' is just a rank above the lower level.

The 'general servant' is the middle-level entry-level class.

Ping Lingsheng felt that by promising him the position of 'Ashigaru General', he was already promising huge profits to his samurai.

But he didn't want Su Wu to think that he didn't pay enough attention to her.

If you pay attention to it,

You should understand - a single hair of Inoue Candou is enough to exchange for the position of "eldest brother", the highest class of Taira samurai, just below the family master!

"This day the Ping family raised a strange thing,

This all belongs to Boqi’s Inoue family!”

Su Wu settled the matter!

The five wheels all over his body were moving in unison, and the secret mantra of the Great Sun Tathagata on the outer wheel glowed golden and red. The surging energy of the mind was mobilized in an instant, expanding from the ajna chakra to the outer circle——

The golden fire all over the body intersects brilliantly, forming a flame net!

The boundless flame net suppressed the restless and twisted shadows around it, allowing Su Wu to still firmly control this arm even when the 'Ghost Hand' was at full capacity!

The ghost hand sneaked into the shadows and instantly transformed into dozens of pitch black pythons scattered around Su Wu!

Behind Su Wu's head, cobras covered with golden scales towered up, standing side by side, gathering into a golden canopy above Su Wu's head!

"Om ah hum!"

A mantra fell!

Those ghost warriors of the Taira family who used various cunning abilities to approach Su Wu,

At this moment, everyone was deprived of their ability to think, and their bodies involuntarily fell into stagnation——

“After all, it’s the tricks that people control,

There is a huge difference between the power exerted by Li Jui himself!"

Swish swish swish swish!

Each ghost warrior was rolled up by the shadow pythons swimming around and lifted up instantly - they didn't even have time to use their own cunning abilities, so they were hung in the air!

At the moment when my mind has not yet recovered,

Many shadow pythons spit out terrifying swords and cut their throats!

These are ghost warriors who have always been struggling on the edge of life and death, on the verge of death. Their physical fitness is not even as good as that of ordinary ghost masters in reality!

The Trickster was fatally injured, but he was able to use the charm to repair the damage, and was able to struggle out of a certain death situation several times and continue to survive.

But after these ghost warriors on Dongliu Island were fatally injured, the balance between themselves and Li Wei was quickly broken!

The balance is broken and the ghost warrior dies!

Li Gui has left and is about to recover!

Bowls of soul-collecting rice were placed in front of Su Wu!

Some of them were thrown into the rice, and Su Wu quickly scraped away the excess grains, then sealed them and sent them into the shadows.

Some of the fierce ones attacked Su Wu directly, but were cut in half by Dahonglian Feizang's sword, and each of them merged into the boundless darkness.

Somewhat strange, it swept towards the Taira samurai group!

I was startled for a while!

This chapter has been completed!
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