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936, Dead end (1/2)

"Neon clothes.

Tie him down."

Su Wu's words fell lightly,

Yun Nishang walked quietly to Su Wu's side, her expression was solemn, and wisps of strange charm emanated from her body. A white shadow appeared behind her, and the embroiderer was flying needles in the white shadow -

Colorful silk threads flew out from Yun Nishang's sleeves and suddenly passed through the air,

Seeing that something was wrong, he turned around and ran towards his car, and tied him up tightly!

Those silk threads that seemed to be extremely thin and could be easily cut, now showed extremely strong toughness. After tying 'Shen Bi', he allowed him to swing his master's sword vigorously, and his master's halberd struck the embroidery thread,

It is difficult to cut off even a single strand of embroidery thread!

The embroidery thread dragged Shen Dian directly to Su Wu.

Shendian was covered in mud, and when he sensed the faint charm emanating from Yun Nishang, his face was horrified and pale. Apparently, the charm had a certain impact on him, making him feel like he was on the verge of death!

Su Wu glanced at Yun Nishang,

Yun Nishang slowly gathered up, restraining the strange charm on her body.

The man with a round head and a protruding belly lay on the ground, breathing heavily, as if he had escaped from death.

"You don't have any crazy tricks on you,

You are still sure that you can save Mr. Jiang and let him live for another day and a half - who ordered you to do this? What do you want to do with the blood of that big rooster?" Su Wu sat on the chair moved by Yun Nishang,

His shoes tapped the ground lightly, and he asked faintly to the god on the ground.

Mr. Jiang and Yingying all gathered together.

The latter looked worriedly at the madness on the ground, and pinned the hope of his grandfather's survival on him.

The former glanced at Su Wu, then turned to stare at Shen Dian, with anger hidden in his eyes - after all, he was not an inexperienced kid like Jiang Yingying, so Shen Dian said he wanted to get blood from his neck in an 'emergency can'


I already realized something was wrong,

Maybe someone is setting up a trap against his brother.

The old man was still thinking about how to find out the truth. Su Wu and Yun Nichang, who seemed to him unfamiliar to him, directly showed off their mysterious and cunning methods, controlled their delirium, and started to question the other party directly.

This saves him any further trouble.

Shen Dian took a deep breath and raised his eyes to look at Su Wu in fear.

Every word that the other party said fell into his ears, making him feel frightened and afraid to answer truthfully.

His face gradually recovered,

At the same time, he said: "Before I came, someone added my WeChat account and transferred a sum of money to me.

It was that person who made me do it!

He told me that I just need to follow the procedure that I used to do things in the past.

Send him a message when you're done,

He has a way to revive Mr. Jiang and live for another day and a half!

That person also wants the blood from the neck of the big cock!"

Su Wu only asked one sentence, and Shen Dian explained everything he knew.

"We are Taoist folklore investigators,

Now we need to check your personal information and your mobile phone." Without Su Wu's instructions, Yun Nishang took out an ID card from her body, shook it in front of Shen Dian so that he could see clearly, and then reached out to the other party, "

Take out your cell phone and ID."

The madness makes me feel even more confused,

He agreed vaguely, got up from the ground, went to the van and took out a leather bag.

He handed his ID card and mobile phone to Yun Nishang.

Su Wu took the ID card handed over by Yun Nishang, glanced at it and put it aside.

Then pick up the unlocked phone,

Enter the WeChat chat page,

Sure enough, I saw this chat record between this Shenzuo named "Quan Zhuo" and a person whose avatar is the character "Shou".

Various information in the chat records indicate that Quan Zhuo did not lie.

Everything he said is true.

Nothing is missed.

The last conversation between the two stopped at the message sent by Quanzhuo: "Brother, can you sell me some of this psychedelic drug? I don't have to pay the final payment. Just give me some of this drug."

——This person works in a crazy profession, but he doesn’t believe that there are gods and goddesses in the world.

I thought Mr. Jiang just took some kind of psychedelic drug and passed out.

He did not associate the matter with the other party mastering some kind of sorcery at all.

Su Wu looked at the chat box,

Think for a moment,

I sent a message to the person opposite with the avatar character 'Shou': "Brother, the big rooster has been killed. When will the balance be paid? Send me some of your psychedelic drugs that can make people comatose for such a long time!"


After that, they ordered the Jiang family to slaughter an ordinary rooster.

Show the other person the steaming chicken blood in the bowl.

Shortly after he sent the message,

‘Shou’s avatar’ replied: “You are lying!”

Later, Su Wu sent another message to the other party, but it could not be sent!

The other party simply deleted him!

Even his registered WeChat account was canceled in a very short period of time!

Yun Nishang queries this WeChat account through the platform,

Also found nothing!

The other party is obviously well prepared,

Be prepared to eliminate all clues immediately if something is revealed.

But - can the clues really be eliminated like this?

Su Wu stared at the "Shou" avatar in the WeChat chat box, suddenly looked up at the trembling figure, and asked: "What did Mr. Judge say when he called you?"

Shen Dian Quanzhuo recalled carefully for a while,

He said tremblingly: "He said that Mr. Jiang is 'old', and he is probably haunted by something that took his soul away first.

Let me try to call Yin with my madness,

Let’s see if we can bring back the old man’s spirit.”

The soul was taken away, and the nightmare was trapped?

In fact, there is no so-called soul in the human body. The so-called soul is actually human consciousness. According to what Mr. Shier said, Mr. Jiang's consciousness may have been attracted by something -

Su Wu couldn't find any clues from Mr. Jiang.

Want to find traces,

We have to invite a real capable Shen De to try the method of "Shen Dei calls Yin" to see if he can bring back Mr. Jiang's consciousness.

He did not doubt that the 'Mr. Judgment' was related to the 'Shou' avatar.

When 'Mr. Seeing Things' was here, his mind covered everything around him, and he never felt that the other party had any intention of concealing or lying.

Think for a moment,

Under everyone's gaze, Su Wu took out his mobile phone and dialed a newly saved phone number.


The phone rang for nearly twenty seconds before being answered.

An old man's somewhat confused voice came from the receiver: "Su, Scholar Su... why did you call me now? What's the matter?"

"Sorry to disturb your rest, Uncle Li."

Su Wu replied warmly.

The old man he contacted was none other than Old Man Li, the temple keeper of Zhuhulang Temple.

Uncle Li said that there were often wandering Taoist priests and begging monks staying at his place. Occasionally there were homeless vagrants and the impoverished Duan Gong staying in the temple. He accepted them all and took care of their daily lives.

of eating,

Now I have met many people from all walks of life.

So Su Wu thought that through him, he might be able to contact a 'shenchi' with real abilities.

He explained his purpose to Uncle Li,

Uncle Li was silent for a while and said: "I know these people, they run around here and there without even carrying a mobile phone with them, and I can't contact them either - eh?

By the way, wait, wait,

hold the phone……"

After the words fell, Su Wu heard a huffing sound coming from the phone, followed by the sound of someone moving around in slippers in the house.

After a while, Uncle Li spoke again: "Hello, hello? Scholar Su, are you still listening?"

"Here! I'm here, Uncle Li!"

"I found a paper horse,

It was left to me by a holy man when he left.

He said he remembered where his family lived, in a village near my temple.

If I have something to do in the future, I can write it down on the paper horse and burn the paper horse, and he will come and help me deal with it!

I thought he was bragging,

In the end, the paper horse was left behind,

Let me try this paper horse for you to see if it works.

It’s useless, and you can’t blame me, the old man!” Uncle Li rambled on a lot, and the sound of his words was accompanied by the sound of the pen tip scratching on the paper.

When Su Wu heard what Uncle Li said, he cheered up slightly: "Okay, even if it doesn't work, I'd like to thank you, Uncle Li!"

"Okay, okay, I've finished writing, go outside and light the paper horse.

Am I dead?

You'd better hang up first!" Uncle Li said.

Su Wu understood the deliberate amusement in his words, smiled, hung up the phone first, and put away the phone.

Second Master Jiang looked at Su Wu's face, opened his mouth, and was still forming words.

Yingying next to her had already asked Su Wu, with a strong nasal tone in her voice: "Su Wu, my grandpa...is there anything else I can do? Is that insane method useless anymore?"

Su Wu looked at Jiang Yingying, whose face turned pale.

Don't know how to respond to her.

Is there any way, how can he be sure now?

If you fully agree,

If she can't do it then, won't Jiang Yingying become even more desperate?

Fortunately, Yun Nichang was by the side and took over the conversation. She gently hugged Jiang Yingying and comforted her gently: "Okay, don't be anxious now. We are all trying to think of a solution. It's useless to be anxious.

You are quite cold, go inside and put on some clothes."

The two of them walked away to the house while talking.

Mr. Jiang pulled up a bench and sat down next to Su Wu. He opened a new pack of cigarettes and handed one to Su Wu: "Here, here, you, do you smoke?"

"Don't be so polite, old man, Jiang Yingying and I are very good friends.

I don't smoke." Su Wu declined the cigarette offered by the other party.

Mr. Jiang nodded, put the cigarette in his mouth, lit a fire, and was about to talk to Su Wu for a few words,

There was a sound of footsteps outside the door.

The two people in the yard looked towards the door at the same time.

A dark-faced old man wearing a miter, a colorful apron, and carrying a satin bag walked in the door: "Is this Jiang Shixin's house?"

Su Wu stood up and looked at the dark-faced old man. He saw two paper horses stuck on the old man's waist.

He nodded slightly: "Yes.

It’s our entrustment that asked you to help us!”

This black-faced old man should be the 'divine man' that Uncle Li invited with a paper horse!

Hang up the phone from Su Wu,

It’s been less than five minutes now!

The divine man has already arrived!

This chapter has been completed!
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