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943, lucid dream (2/2)

Great evil hexagram!

Su Wu turned around and picked up the pair of horns and put them away, his eyes narrowed slightly.

Before he entered the "underworld",

The result of self-divination is ‘good luck’.

The old divine man's divination result for his "trip to the God of Joy's lair" was also "good luck".

And after he entered the underworld,

Divining for myself again,

The result turned out to be a 'big disaster'.

The final result of this journey is "great luck", but the process of traveling on the edge of the underworld is "great misfortune". This is a bit subtle.

The omens of great misfortune are simply that the object of the divination may die tragically, be seriously injured, or become ill, etc.

The sign of good luck means that the work is completed and everything goes smoothly.

The two conflict with each other,

But they appear in the same thing at the same time.

Perhaps this shows that Su Wu was faced with a dangerous situation on the edge of the underworld this time, but he was able to turn the danger into good fortune. The key to his "turning the bad luck into good fortune" was the simulator.


The 'Hand of Three Purities' suddenly appeared in this incident, an accident that could not be captured by the hexagrams.

Isolated from this accident,

The result will still be ‘good’!

Su Wu is more inclined to the second guess.

He looked at the 'Five-Headed Lady' walking slowly in front of her. Her waterfall-like long hair was dragging on the ground, her five heads were swaying, and bursts of bells could be heard coming from her body.

Following this Li Wei step by step,

I saw it walk out for a while and reach the dark corner that I saw in the last simulation.

The 'Five-headed Empress' stopped.

From its mouth came the stern language that Su Wu had heard before: "Shit Chaha Serama Nam..."

Words full of malice and terror circulated between the two strange walls.

On the wall facing the five-headed empress, the men and women, whose hands and feet were bound with bloodshot threads and squirming with their backs to each other, were now squirming away to the left and right.

The dark portal appeared in front of the ‘Five-headed Empress’,

It steps into the portal,

Through this portal, you enter the real "underworld".

The men and women crawled back again, slowly covering the dark door.

At this time,

Some viscous black liquid seeped out of the portal that had not been completely closed, and slowly spread on the ground. A dark human figure was molded by the black liquid, and suddenly the person stood up——

Su Wu stood behind the dark door,

From his angle, he can see the projection of the 'Hand of Three Purities' on the back of 'Yinggui'!

"The magic sword is summoned!"

He gave a cold shout and instantly raised the eight-foot Miao knife in his hand.

Thunder suddenly exploded overhead!

The purple-red thunder light snaked down, covering the white bone sickle blades in his hand, and quickly snaked into the "Black Jizo" of the dragon and snake sword - this fierce and strange sword swept through the air, and suddenly cut across the "Three Purities"

Hand' projection of the waist!

The ferocious human heads were circling and flying around the black Jizo,

Astonishing evil energy gathered on the black Jizo blade,

Like a purple-red river, the 'Jade Mountain Killing Stone Mine' is wrapped around the sickle blade. Many human figures are squirming and crawling in the purple-red river. The gray-blue charm instantly envelopes the place.

This place has turned into a terrifying guillotine!

The "Black Jizo" that winds like a dragon and snake appears in this guillotine.

The sickle blade suddenly wrapped around the waist projected by the 'Hand of Three Purities',

The dragon-snake blade twisted gently——

The projection of the ‘Hand of Three Purities’ was instantly cut in half.

Cut it in two!

It turned into an extremely strong rhyme, spreading here!

At the same time, the 'Shadow Gui' projected by Sanqing's hand suddenly disappeared without a trace - a circle of viscous black liquid appeared under Su Wu's feet, and dark arms gathered out of the viscous black liquid, moving towards Su Wu.

Covering Wu’s ankles, legs, and upper body!

The mysterious charm of the ghost sword lingering around,

Unable to suppress Yinggui's actions!


At this moment, the black ground snake snaked around Su Wu's body, and the sickle blade swept towards the dark arms covering the surroundings!

The dark arms were constantly being chopped into pieces,

It turned into a thick black liquid and spread densely around it, covering two walls composed of corpses of men and women with their backs turned!

These black liquids squirm and expand rapidly,

Within a few breaths, the surrounding Happy God Road was quickly paved,

The shadow world took shape and once again surrounded Su Wu!

Su Wu's eyelids jumped wildly - Yinggui's current state was too weird, and it was completely different from the Yinggui he met in Mingzhou City!

The hands of corpse ghosts extend from his armpits,

The ghost holds black Jizo in his hand,

Black Jizo plunged into the surrounding shadows, and circles of viscous black liquid suddenly spread toward the surroundings!

This is Su Wu's sly and cunning charm, which is exactly the same as the viscous black liquid transformed by Yinggui.

The two seem to be in perfect harmony,

In fact, they are fighting against each other!

In the viscous black liquid overflowing from the hand of the corpse ghost, ghost craftsman sutures of different colors grew out. Those threads were intertwined with each other to isolate the shadow ghosts!

The shadow turned into a black torrent, attacking from all directions the shadow world that Su Wu guarded with Black Ksitigarbha!

In that black torrent, countless gaps and fragments of reality floated up and down,

In the fragments of reality,

But there are layers of dark ripples,

As the sound of flesh and blood being torn apart continued to sound, scarlet eyes grew out of the fragments - red and black surrounded Su Wu's shadow world!

Eyes rolling,

pupils constrict,

His emotionless eyes fell on Su Wu.

Crimson light spreads across his shadow world!

His scalp went numb instantly!

——The ability of Eye Cree was somehow manipulated by Shadow Cree!

Crimson rays of light converged on Su Wu,

His heart was beating wildly,

I almost thought that I was going to be like before again, and when my head turned into a balloon and floated in this shadow world, I suddenly realized that a feeling of stiffness came from everywhere in my body.

Under the gaze of many blood-red eyes,

Under the crimson light,

His body will stagnate,

But it won’t be like being seen by the ‘eyes’ and you will die instantly!

Shadow Cree only possesses part of the ability of ‘Eye Cree’.

There is no way to completely reproduce the killing pattern of ‘Eye Trick’!

Su Wu was certain in his heart, watching Yinggui's shadow world appear as those scarlet eyes began to submerge his shadow world, surrounding him - his ghost hand held the black Jizo inserted into the shadow, and suddenly pulled him into it.

The Dragon Snake Miao knife was drawn out!

Darkness expands silently,

Submerged his figure.

In this darkness,

There are only scarlet eyes embedded in them, emitting crimson light.

The gaps in reality are completely invisible.

A series of pitch-black ropes shuttled through the darkness, carrying an inexplicable charm.

Tsk! Tsk! Tsk!

somewhere dark,

Suddenly there was a sound like the tearing of flesh and blood!

Senbai's sickle blade appeared from the place where the sound came from. The white bone sickle blades were intertwined and surrounded, tearing the shadows apart, and the gaps in reality appeared from the torn cracks.

In reality,

A vague shadow appeared.

A purple-red thunder suddenly exploded above the shadow,

The winding thunder light pierced down like a strange-shaped javelin, tearing a crack in the shadow world, and the purple-red thunder light intertwined and spread in the crack, lasting for a long time!

Clusters of white bones and sickle blades once again opened up a shadow land belonging to Su Wu.

Su Wu saw the blurry shapes appearing in the gap between reality,

My heart was throbbing - it turned out that this was what the simulator called 'Shen Yun Projection'!

Give yourself the last blow before dying in the simulation,

condensed into projection,

Make it appear in the next simulation!

It just appears in the simulation, and it doesn't mean much - can Shen Yun projection come to reality?!

The thunderbolt of the canopy magic sword that tore apart the world of shadows will be submerged by shadows in an instant, and the cracks it tore will be closed!

At the critical moment,

The thick black liquid spread out from the hands of the zombie ghost seeped into the crack that was gradually closing.

next moment,

On the edge of the underworld, on the ground wrapped in black mist,

The rolling viscous black liquid keeps squirming,

Suddenly people stood up,

Su Wu's figure suddenly broke away from the thick black liquid where the man stood up!

Behind him, shadows filled the air, darkness covered him,

In front of you is the 'God of Joy Road' leading to an unknown place.

The moment he left the shadow world and returned to the 'underworld', the thick darkness behind him began to creep out again, covering him and drowning him.

Looking at the drowning world of shadows,

Su Wu's eyes moved slightly.

I don’t know what kind of changes the shadow has gone through. It has a variety of different abilities. These abilities conflict and collide with each other, so that most of the abilities cannot be used and are in a state of "downtime".

A small amount of the cunning ability can be brought into play,

For example, some of the abilities of ‘Eye Trick’.

It is trying to use its own unknown method to combine various treacherous abilities as the foundation,

With the charm of "horrible winding shapes" as the structure,

Trying to create another terrifying thing in the shadows.

It's like being swallowed by shadows,

It will also become part of what is nourished in its belly.

The shadows in this state are strange and terrifying,

But Su Wu wanted to avoid it,

There are many ways to avoid its killing pattern.


Su Wu was not ready to hide anymore,

He sat cross-legged on the ground and began to try to accommodate Yinggui in his current state.

Forming the 'Great Vajra Chakra Seal' with both hands, Su Wu opened his mouth and recited the 'Kalachakra Secret Mantra of Silence' and 'The Secret Mantra of Kalachakra Wrath'——

“Buzz moo!

Click, click, click!

Moo ah moo ha chasa moo!”

“Buzz moo!

Click, click, click!

Om ha cha ha yang whirring ha ha!”

The original power of the Secret Realm surges out from Su Wu's navel chakra, instantly filling the five major chakras around the body, radiating outwards, and rippling endlessly in the outer chakras of the body!

His body and mind are instantly integrated like Rudraksha!

At the moment when darkness comes,

Su Wu turned into a bright point of light, hanging in the dark void!

This spot of light is extremely bright,

Reflecting the depths of the thick darkness, twisted and blurred shapes were reflected.

Those shapes and figures are all treacherous shadows.

The shadows contain these shadows,


It also possesses part of the killing rules of Li Gui's original form.

Many murder patterns conflict with each other, and they all fall into a state of silence.

There were only scarlet eyes embedded in the darkness, and the eyes rotated, casting their crimson gaze on that bright spot of light.

The bright light is as solid as diamond,

Being exposed to the crimson gaze did not produce any changes.

Thick black liquid coated it,

It lets go a little,

Let the thick black liquid submerge the Kalachakra Mandala.

This chapter has been completed!
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