Turn off the lights
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5. Dark Walker

Su Wu curled up as much as possible, using the stair railing to shield herself, and carefully peered at the door downstairs where the noise was coming from.

He was extremely nervous.

Any current variables may cause this simulation to fall short.

People are the biggest variable.

Soon after, Su Wu saw a woman pushing the door open through the night vision device. Perhaps she was too nervous and pushed the door harder, causing the door to squeak.

It was heard far away in the dark corridor.

If Su Wu hadn't turned off the voice-activated light in advance, the sound alone would have been enough to kill both of them!

Su Wu's temples throbbed.

The woman was also startled by the sound of pushing the door, and the mobile phone she was holding in her other hand suddenly slipped and fell to the ground.

Just if the phone falls to the ground, it will not have an impact on the current situation where the voice-activated light is turned off.

But it happened that the woman’s finger touched the phone screen.

The screen lights up.

The dark blue screen saver illuminated the woman's surroundings, casting huge and distorted shadows.

"damn it!"

A chill shot straight from his tailbone to Su Wutian's Linggai. He turned around and was about to run upstairs!

The smell of corpse lingering in his nostrils suddenly became extremely light and was almost inaudible.

He looked back in shock and saw——

Something as thick as asphalt poured out from the twisted shadow around the woman, wrapping around the woman's slender figure at a speed that could not be matched by the movement of thoughts!

Before the woman could scream, 'asphalt' blocked her mouth.

Crunch, crunch, tsk!

There was a heart-wrenching sound from the 'asphalt' thing wrapped in it, and then it suddenly dispersed!

The off-white floor tiles were covered with pink flesh and blood fragments.

A blood-stained palm fell on the steps, suddenly opened towards Su Wu, and then slowly closed.

The phone screen light goes out.

At the last moment, Su Wu saw the black asphalt forming a human shape, facing towards him.

‘It’ melted into the darkness and disappeared without a trace.

The faint smell of corpse lingered in Su Wu's nose again.

Thoughts were running through his mind: "Shadow Trick can only kill one person every time it appears - before the phone light went out, the woman was already killed, but Shadow Trick didn't attack me again!"

"Its target should be the one closest to the surrounding shadows!"

Women died because of it.

This is a simulation game, but soon it will become reality.

Su Wu's palms that were holding Gangdong were full of sweat. She forced herself to restrain her thoughts and stepped on the blood splashing down the steps. She moved step by step to the first floor. With trembling hands, she took the key and opened the electric switch box, turning off the electric switch of the entire unit building.

At his feet was half of the woman's head.

A faint electronic sound sounded in his ears: "You have realized the temporary talent on your own: Dark Walker (white)."

"Dark Walker (white): You can adapt to the dark quickly and have a certain ability to see in the dark."

"Huh..." Su Wu exhaled slowly, discarding the electronic sounds in his mind and letting his thoughts go.

There is only one door between him and the outside world.

But this door can also become a gap.

Although Su Wu often went in and out of the unit building door, there were several light sources outside the door, but he didn't pay attention.

It was only after the simulator appeared that he paid special attention to the light source outside the unit building: there was a street lamp on the left side of the door, diagonally facing the door;

Go to the right side of the laneway of the unit building. There is also a street light on the telephone pole at the corner.

These lights cannot be extinguished.

Su Wu could only hope that the Gangdong in his hand would work and help him stop the shadows that followed him as soon as he stepped into the land of light.

Maybe the shadow trick is limited to this building?

Turning the handle, Su Wu opened the door of the unit building.

He didn't hesitate at all. The moment he opened the door, he ran as fast as he had rehearsed countless times in his mind, running directly to the right side of the alley!

Orange street lights cast large shadows around the corner,

The skylight lengthens Su Wu’s shadow,

The originally faint smell of corpses suddenly became extremely heavy the moment Su Wu's shadow fell on the ground!

Boom boom boom boom!

Su Wu's heart was beating wildly. He didn't even need to look back, he knew that asphalt-like objects were pouring out of his shadow, and he would be killed on the spot in the next moment!

Lifting the Gangdong to his lips, Su Wu puffed up his cheeks and suddenly played the bone flute instrument!


A sound like a ghost crying, or a howl like a human being in severe pain came from the bone flute, and instantly resounded throughout this alleyway that was less than a hundred steps away!

The biting cold breath swirled against Su Wu's skin!

Bursts of scarlet wind surged out from the Gangdong, wrapping Su Wu and driving away the corpse odor lingering in his nostrils!

The bloody wind condensed into a hand bone wrapped with silvery veins. The five rugged finger bones suddenly grabbed the covering shadow and tore a crack in it!

Su Wu didn't have time to think about the changes in front of him. Seeing that life was ahead of him, he rushed out of the crack!

He dropped the hole,

Bloody wind was still bubbling from one end of the hole, and the extended hand bones cast a shadow on the bones, turning into a black hand with knotted muscles.

When this arm was illuminated by skylight or street lights, it swelled to a height of dozens of feet, level with the unit building!

The big black hands were clamped in front of the two unit buildings, raised high,

Dozens of split fingers flicked at Su Wu——


Huge craters were filmed in the ground.

Su Wu was buried under the pit.

"you are dead."

"The temporary talent Dark Walker (white) has disappeared."

"This simulation is over."

"Rating: C+.

Comment: The road to survival is in front of you, keep working hard!

Reward: The basic reward for scoring above C is 50 yuan jade, 1 yuan jade for realizing the temporary talent Dark Walker (white), 6 yuan jade for escaping the pursuit of "Shadow Slayer" twice, and talent upgrade spell (green)*1."

"The items that can be brought out of the simulation game this time are as follows..."

The dial was suspended in front of Su Wu's eyes. Su Wu calmed down and looked at the items that appeared on the dial.

Option 0: Talent-Pain Transfer (White).

Option 1: Talent-Dark Walker (white).

Option 2: Olfa head-mounted monocular infrared night vision device.

Option 3: Key to the main switch box of Unit 6, Ping An Garden.

Option 4: Remote control for the voice-activated light in the corridor of Unit 6 of Ping An Garden.

"The talents I learned in the last simulation game will actually appear in the dial options that can be brought out."

"Does this mean that something like 'talent', as long as it appears once in the options that can be brought out, will appear every time in the future? This is quite convenient."

Su Wu hesitated for a moment between option 0 and option 1, and finally spent 50 yuan jade to purchase option 1 - Talent Dark Walker (white).

The pain transfer talent is also a good option, but he currently needs the dark walker talent more. With this talent, he can reduce his reliance on external objects such as infrared night vision devices.

"You have obtained the permanent talent - Dark Walker (white)."

After playing the electronic sound, Su Wu suddenly felt a cool feeling flow through his eyes, and his vision seemed to be slightly strengthened.

"Use the talent upgrade spell to enhance the Dark Walker's talent."

The simulation score rewards Su Wu with a talent upgrade spell (green), which can upgrade any white talent to green.

He did not hesitate to use this in his Dark Walker talent.

"Successful promotion!"

More cool breath poured into his eyes. Su Wu took off his night vision goggles and looked around the dark room. He found that his current field of vision in the darkness was almost the same as when he was wearing night vision goggles.

Green talent can have such an effect!

The night vision goggles were used only once before they were laid off.

I will resell this thing later in the fishing group.

This chapter has been completed!
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