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958, Destiny Belongs (1/2)

The strong smell of corpses filled the Taoist temple alone.

This putrid smell had a very strong adhesion. Minister Ren sat opposite Su Wu and felt that the waves of stench were stained on his clothes. He couldn't help but look back and looked at the two corpses lying on the ground.

The bodies were still dripping with red or green corpse water.

"Clean up this place."

Minister Ren and his subordinates of the Trickster Controller gave instructions.

While his men were busy pulling the water pipes in the yard and taking out body bags to take away the rotting corpses on the ground, he invited Su Wu and Yun Nishang: "Brother Su, Miss Yun, why don't we talk in another place?"

Yun Nishang looked at Su Wu after hearing this.

Su Wu nodded.

The decomposing smell of human corpses is very different from that of ordinary animals.

When ordinary people smell this kind of smell, they often have psychological shadows for days and nights.

Although Minister Ren is now the head of the Weird Countermeasures Department, his physique is still that of an ordinary person. When faced with a highly corrupted corpse, his reaction will naturally be much stronger.

After the ‘Mingzhou man’ had his head shaved,

The fact that he has become corrupted to such an extent in a very short period of time just shows that he is not a newly dead body, but has been dead for a long time. He was just infected by the weird charm, so he temporarily maintained his power.

rotten state.

Once the charm attached to the corpse is removed, the corpse will immediately accelerate its decay.

The private courtyard where Su Wu and Yun Nishang stayed temporarily was washed and cleaned by people brought by Minister Ren.

Everyone moved to a secluded pavilion.

It is surrounded by pine forests and the birds are singing.

After Minister Ren waited for Su Wu to sit down, he spoke and picked up the previous topic: "Brother Su should also know that there are quite a lot of controllers in the Weird Countermeasures Department, all of whom were born in the 'Dark Prison'.

They may have accommodated Li Gui, who was already imprisoned in the 'Prison',

Or they have a fixed sentence in the 'prison'. As long as this sentence exists, they can generally avoid fatal injuries. The deception will take them back when their lives are seriously threatened, which can save Yu.

The life of the deceiver,

It also reduces the losses of the Strange Countermeasures Department.”

Speaking of this, Minister Ren and several people around him all glanced at Su Wu.

These people all know very well - in fact, it is not a "normal situation" for the prison to detain "prisoners" and save people from death. Before Su Wu killed Xiao Zhiren's son Xiao Jinrong, the detention of prisoners in the prison was 100% effective.

Let no one die.

If it weren't for this powerful effect,

The Occult Countermeasures Department will not gradually become the 'Hell Countermeasures Department'.

"In the past, the prison had a huge shortcoming, that is, as soon as the people it held closed their eyes and started to rest every day, they would inevitably fall into the memory of the criminal's crimes.

Detainees are baptized by these memories all the time.

The character will gradually become twisted and dark.

But just recently,

The Prison will no longer inflict sinful memories on any Prison Master - this is a good thing." Minister Ren said.

Su Wu nodded in agreement.

This is indeed a good thing.

The initiator of the figurines was Su Wu.

It was he who cleared away the massive guilty memories stored in the treacherous paper.

"However, also recently, the most important function of the prison to detain the trolls and bring them back to be imprisoned when their lives are seriously threatened - this has failed.

The teams of Trick Controllers we sent to Mingzhou to explore before were all people detained by Trick Prison.

But they died in Mingzhou,

The prison did not take them back." Minister Ren said with a look of regret.

While he was talking, he looked at Su Wu opposite,

It seemed as if Su Wu had the reason why "the detention in the prison failed" on Su Wu's face.

However, what disappointed him was that the expression on that face never changed, like a poker.

"The horror of the parade in Mingzhou is beyond our imagination. It is not difficult to understand that the detention rules of the prison will be invalidated after entering Mingzhou." Su Wu replied.

The disappearance of the important function of the prison is a bad thing in the short term.

It will weaken the combat power of the Trickster, making the Trickster become timid when facing severe tricks.

But in the long run,

But it's not really a bad thing.

The sentence in the prison creates a class that is transcendent from ordinary people.

Once this class is fixed,

The harm to the future of mankind far exceeds its current role.

Therefore, Su Wu was happy to see the success of the prison's important function.

Minister Ren withdrew his gaze,

Sighing and shaking his head, he said: "At that time, several teams of witch masters died in Mingzhou, and the strange detention rules did not have any effect. At that time, I was thinking that Mingzhou's shackles were too strong, and the detention rules of the sly prison

In the face of such a powerful force, it also pales in comparison!

However, a few days ago, a Hell Rider was racing on the road and hit an old willow tree, and his body was shattered on the spot.

The broken body could not suppress the Li Ju inside, and Li Ju revived on the spot.

The Trickster also died.

——At this time, the prison's containment rules also did not take effect.


Minister Ren gave several examples in succession.

They are all cases in which the trolls held in the prison were engaged in various criminal activities. Because they were held in the prison and held in prison, they were not afraid of death, so they carried out various crazy death challenges and finally succeeded in killing themselves.

"Brother Su." Minister Ren's expression became serious. He looked at Su Wu, who became more and more expressionless as he listened, and said, "Actually, when Xiao Zhiren and Bai Helong died, and the 'Deputy Warden' disappeared at the same time,

, we all have guesses - maybe you have fought against the 'Deputy Warden'.

Now when Inspector Fang Qian and Inspector Zhang You are exploring the prison many times,

The two of them also discovered that some black tide flooded the core area of ​​the prison cage.

This may be the key reason for the failure of the prison's containment rules.

The eerie charm exuded by those black tides is quite similar to the eerie aura contained by the deputy warden that Zhang You and Fang Qian had experienced.

So we infer that it was the deputy warden who caused the prison’s containment rules to fail.”

Minister Ren explained his purpose and looked at Su Wu eagerly, waiting for Su Wu's reply.

Su Wu's eyes moved slightly, he pondered for a moment, and then said to Minister Ren: "Even if the Tricksters who are now housed in the Trick Prison are not troubled by criminal memories, they will not be repeatedly brainwashed by murder memories and become anti-human beings.

Socially oriented personality,

But according to Minister Ren,

It is not an exaggeration to describe the behavior of these people in daily life as ignoring national laws and committing many evil acts.

In this case,

Isn't the failure of the prison's containment rules a good thing?

I probably know the purpose of Minister Ren's visit - is he hoping that I can help restore the order of detention in the prison?

But they are all like this, and Minister Ren still hopes to restore the custody rules, isn’t he encouraging their arrogance?”

"I am also very aware of this..." Minister Ren shook his head and smiled bitterly, "However, now the Weird Countermeasures Department is facing a situation where no one can use it. The rules of the Weird Prison containment are both a reward and a rule for those who control the weird.

kind of constraints.

This important rule lies in,

The Department of Weird Countermeasures has a certain appeal to those who control the weird.

It can restrict their actions to a certain extent, so that in order to "avoid death" for a long time, they have to obey the various dispatches and restrictions of the Weird Countermeasures Department.

If this thing no longer existed,

The various prohibitions and various arrangements of the Weird Countermeasures Department are completely ineffective."

Having said this, Minister Ren approached Su Wu and lowered his voice: "I can no longer hide the news that the prison's containment rules have failed. I can't control the many convicts below - and I can't suppress them anymore."


Su Wu raised his eyebrows slightly,

Looking at Minister Ren’s eyes full of fatigue and staleness,

He also lowered his voice and asked: "Drinking poison to quench thirst?"

"Take it one step at a time." Minister Ren nodded slightly.

"Let me think about it." Su Wu said again.

After he finished speaking, he looked away and began to think quietly.

Inspector Fang Gan wanted to speak, but was stopped by Minister Ren's gesture.


Everyone fell silent in the pavilion.

Waiting for the result of Su Wu's consideration.


After experiencing the simulated world of Dongliu Island, Su Wu was already convinced that the creator of the prison must be 'Monk Jianzhen'. The ropes he made with killing stones were connected with each other, and finally formed a prison that could imprison many evil people.

's prison.

But after ‘authentication’,

There must be someone who has mastered the Secret Prison, and the Paper of Heart Conspiracy was passed down from the owners of the Secret Prison for unknown generations.

Generations of strong men have mastered the prison, supplementing and revising the internal rules of the prison.

Let its structure gradually become complete and tight.


Years change and time flies.

On a certain day in an unknown era, the Prison was "lost", and the complete and tight structure created by its predecessors gradually disappeared and became in pieces.

Just like a high-rise palace finally built after several generations of hard work,

Suddenly, after a night of violent wind and rain, the ground was shaken, and the house turned into a pile of wood and stone skeletons.

The bad news is that only a skeleton is left of the Hell.

The good news is that it finally has a skeleton.


Li Gui gradually recovered, and the skeleton of Gui Yu gradually emerged from the water.

The 'Deputy Warden' most likely used its own ability to contain the weirdness to connect with the skeleton of the prison and gradually control it. This skeleton alone supported the weird countermeasures department of the great power of Pacific Asia.

This person's ability to tolerate a lot of weirdness may be close to the wild level.

He was even a wild-level villain to begin with.

Su Wu was quite interested in this ‘deputy warden’.

I really hope that I can cultivate it into my own ‘Dharma Protector of Mahakala’.

"The prison was first discovered by the deputy warden.

So, does anyone know more about what the ‘prison’ was like in the beginning?” After thinking for a while, Su Wu began to ask Minister Ren.

Minister Ren was slightly startled.

Fang Gan, who was next to him, immediately responded: "It's a prison from the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

There are prison gods in every cell in the prison.

At that time, the prison was a tourist attraction. After more than a dozen tourists disappeared at the attraction, we sealed off the prison and explored the ancient building.

The deputy warden got separated from us during the investigation.

At that time, the prison gods in many cells began to melt, and the entire prison was swallowed up by darkness.

We all passed out.

When we woke up, the prison was gone, and only the deputy warden was there, telling us that he had made an important discovery."

This chapter has been completed!
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