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565, God Head Ghost Face (2/2)

"This simulation is over!"

"Rating: B.

"Comment: You are only one step away from successfully sealing the nameless conspiracy. But even if you are just one step away from success, you still need to continuously accumulate experience to successfully take this step.

Reward: The basic reward for scoring above B is 500 yuan jade;

Passively resisting an attack by ‘Wu Ming Li Gui’ will cost you 3,000 yuan jade;

To resist the continuous chewing of the ‘Zhongzu’s body’, it costs 1,500 yuan jade;

Talent upgrade spell blue*1;

Talent upgrade spell green*3;

Your wallet balance is: 182305000=23230 yuan jade."

"You successfully taught the 'Zhongtian Yuanhuang Supremacy Edict Sutra' in 'Li Wu's Future Life'. During the process of teaching, you felt the 'Yuanhuang Charm'. It has been judged that this kind of insight is worth 50,000 Yuan Yuan."

, is it sold?”

"You successfully taught me the 'Secret Treasure of Taishang Beidi to Conquer Demons and Kill Ghosts - First Order' in 'Li Wu's Future Life'. During the teaching process, you felt the 'unknown charm'. After judging, this kind of insight is valuable."

10,000 yuan of jade, do you want to sell it?”

"You are in 'Li Wu's Future Life'..."

"You have learned the 'Purifying Heaven and Earth Curse, one of the eight great divine spells of Taoism'. The value of this spell is..."

"You've learned..."

The simulator's prompt sound washed through Su Wu's ears like a torrent.

As he exits the simulation,

The memories he had sealed were also restored one by one.

Su Wu ignored the simulator prompts that kept ringing in his ears.

——After the last simulation, the simulator also reminded him that he could sell a large amount of knowledge to obtain Yuan Yu, but he ignored it because once the knowledge was sold to the simulator,

My own experience in ‘Li Wu’s future life’ will be completely ‘fixed’,

Be part of real history.

At present, he has not been able to seal the 'Nameless Creed'. Once this history is fixed, not only several teachers and commanders will die like this on Maoshan Witch, but the upper, middle and lower Maoshan lands in reality may also follow.

There are signs of the resurgence of the 'Nameless Creed'.

In real history,

How Taoist Master Xuanzhao finally saved Maoshan Wu Zuting cannot be verified.

It is foreseeable that in real history, the old Taoist priest Xuanzhao may not have interacted with the Yinxi Maizao class. The intersection between the two is precisely because of the emergence of 'Su Wu'.

In real history, the ‘disciple of the Kitchen God’ had already died on the way to ‘delivering rice’ for the first time.

The inheritance of the Yinxi Pulse Zao Class may be cut off as a result, and there will be no follow-up story.

Su Wu's thoughts flashed,

I don’t know how much time passed,

The simulator finally stopped prompting Su Wu to sell all kinds of knowledge, and instead said: "It has been detected that you have a large number of talent upgrade spells on your body. You can consume 2 dry jade to smelt all the 'talent upgrade spells' you have obtained into '

Talent Seal Conversion Talisman'*2.

Whether to consume 2 dry jade,

Smelt all talent upgrade spells into ‘Talent Seal Conversion Talisman’*2?”

Talent Seal Conversion Spell: Talents at different levels can be randomly converted into four levels of 'A, B, C, and D' curse seals. The converted curse seals will fully inherit all the characteristics of the original talent and produce a certain degree of extension.


The beep of the simulator attracted Su Wu's attention.

He took a brief look at the 'Talent Upgrading Spells' left on his body. The sum of these talent upgrading talismans of different qualities is equivalent to six purple talent upgrading talismans.

Su Wu is convinced that purple quality is not the end point of talent improvement.

However, purple-quality talents can no longer be improved by relying on talent upgrade spells.

After all, the simulator never prompted Su Wu to exchange the purple talent upgrade spell for a gold talent upgrade spell.

This shows that the talent upgrade spell can only upgrade one talent to purple quality at most.

Higher level talent,

It requires your own efforts and certain opportunities to improve and obtain.

At present, the various talents that Su Wu has retained in himself are not very helpful to him at low levels, and at higher levels, there is no 'curse seal', so the various inheritance methods he has acquired can play a more significant role.

Therefore, he has always ignored the improvement of talent.

Now that he has the opportunity to use useless upgrade spells, he has accumulated a lot of talent upgrade spells and uses them. Naturally, he will not miss it. He immediately responded to the simulator and said: "Smelt them all!"

"Deduct 2 thousand jade, your wallet balance is 23230-2000 = 21230 yuan jade."

"Smelting successful!"

"You get the 'Talent Seal Conversion Talisman'*2."

"Convert a certain talent into a random curse mark?"

"Convert the 'Sword of Wisdom' into a random curse seal!"

Various purple talents have continued to play a hidden role in Su Wu. The three talents he uses most frequently today are the 'Sword of Wisdom', 'Sword and Sword', and 'Psychic Physique'.

Now convert the ‘Sword of Wisdom’ into a random curse seal,

Not only can it retain the original characteristics of the 'Sword of Wisdom', but it can also produce a certain degree of evolutionary improvement in its characteristics.

The role of the Huijian has been highlighted in the face of the 'nameless mystery'. It is integrated with the 'Tai Shang Spell of Forgetting Love', making it easier for Su Wu to use it to sort out his own 'intentions' and 'thoughts'.


Su Wu felt an inexplicable throbbing in her heart.

There are ripples in the undercurrent of consciousness.

The shallow ripples that suddenly appeared calmed down in a moment.

The simulator's prompt sounded again in his ears: "Conversion successful."

"The 'Sword of Wisdom' has been converted into the 'Wisdom Fist Seal - The Six-Heaven Ghost Eye True Pupil Seal'!"

The six-day ghost eye and true pupil brand?

Wisdom Fist Seal?

Hearing the beep of the simulator, two thoughts flashed through Su Wu's mind. Immediately afterwards, there was a sharp pain between his eyebrows, and gurgling blood flowed down his eyebrows, covering half of his face in an instant. face!

——A vertical mark quietly cracked open between Su Wu’s eyebrows.

In that vertical mark, an eye with hazy yellow whites and three black-red pupils squeezed out!

After Su Wu experienced the ‘Charm of Lei Zu’,

This eye is born from the center of the eyebrow.

But it has been silent since then, and no matter whether Su Wu looked at himself in the mirror or several Taoist priests observed Su Wu, they never saw the vertical eyes between his eyebrows, so that he immediately ignored that there were only three pupils. s eyes,

But I never thought that this eye would suddenly show its presence at this moment!

——It also merges with Su Wu’s ‘Sword of Wisdom’ talent!

In the vertical eyes with a dim yellow background,

The third dark red pupil at the bottom suddenly turned into red gold!

The pain between Su Wu's eyebrows disappeared.

He stretched out his hand to reach around the vertical eye, and a strange perspective emerged in his mind. It was as if he was observing himself from the front, and he happened to see himself reaching for the vertical eye between his eyebrows!

Wisdom Fist Seal—Six Heavenly Ghost Eye True Pupil Seal (Level B Curse Seal): With the blessing of this seal, you can separate many obstacles that prevent you from observing your original mind, and get rid of all kinds of evil thoughts attached to your thoughts.

This seal blends with the "True Pupil of the Six Heavenly Ghost Eyes", which can reflect all the disharmony and disharmony in one's own body and one's own wisdom, and cleanse them away.

This seal blends with the "True Pupil of the Six Heavenly Ghost Eyes", which can empty one's body and separate all kinds of causal obstacles, so that one can always be in the state of "innocent child" and be able to tolerate all dharmas, or be tolerated by all dharmas.

The 'Wisdom Fist Seal--the Six-Heaven Ghost Eye True Pupil Seal', which was obtained from the fusion of 'Huijian' and the third pupil of Su Wu's brow-centered eye, has greatly improved Huijian's original abilities.

Moreover, this converted curse seal is already a ‘Class B curse seal’!

This is the first level B curse seal that Su Wu has truly mastered!

All the original characteristics of the Huijian were inherited by this transformed curse seal.

At the same time, the three abilities of "separating the obstacles that block oneself", "taming the incoherence and disharmony of one's own body and one's wisdom", and "returning one's body to emptiness and separating the obstacles of cause and effect" are derived.

Among them, the ability to "separate obstacles that block oneself" will be of great use when dealing with the "Jingliangui";

And 'Returning the body to nothing, separating the cause and effect barrier' is actually another great improvement to the effect of the 'Tai Shang Forgetting Curse' talisman.

It can be cut off in an instant, and a person has no connection with the world, and will naturally isolate himself in a corner that no one knows.

Among the cities at the foot of Maoshan Mountain,

Most of the people who died silently in their sleep had their consciousness cut off, some had their heads cut off, and a small number had their cause and effect connected with various people and things cut off.

Su Wu can now actively separate his own causal obstacles,

As far as this aspect of the ‘nameless trick’ is concerned, it is impossible to defeat it!

Thinking of this, Su Wu's mind suddenly moved——

The third red gold pupil in the vertical eye between the brows was full of light. The golden light accumulated in the entire vertical eye, obscuring the existence of the other two pupils. At the same time, waves of ripples rippled through Su Wu's undercurrent of consciousness.

His cause and effect related to the ‘nameless mystery’,

has been temporarily sealed,

Return to space!

And he still retains the memories related to the 'Nameless Creed'!

Now that he has unilaterally cut off the causal traceability of the 'Nameless Creed' to himself, he does not have to worry about it for the time being. If he encounters this terrifying and terrifying Cree in reality, he will be instantly included in its murderous rules, and he will be killed silently.

Behead to death.

In addition to these two major abilities,

The third derived ability, 'Controlling the incoherence and disharmony of one's own body and one's intelligence', left Su Wu a little confused.

This ability he understands is that he can correct his various practices at any time and prevent himself from going astray.

But so far, this ability has not only allowed Su Wu to observe himself from the "spectator's perspective", but it does not seem to have reflected any incongruity or lack of harmony in himself for the time being.

Su Wu reflected the inside and outside of himself with the True Pupil of Six Heavenly Ghost Eyes.

True pupils reflect the undercurrent of consciousness,

This causes the undercurrent of consciousness to create ripples.

After finding no abnormalities in himself, he converted his second talent into a curse seal.


Su Wu's "mind energy" surged from the center of his brows, flowed through the five major chakras, and quietly merged with the original power of the secret realm accumulated in the navel chakra of the seabed - a cold and sad rhyme emanated from his navel chakra.

come out,

His figure suddenly became blurry.

The simulator's prompt sounded at the same time: "The talent of 'Psychic Physique' is transformed into the 'God Head and Ghost Face' curse seal!"

Divine Head Ghost Face (Level C Curse Seal): When you are in the midst of Li Wei ghosts and are unable to resist Li Wei's invasion and attack, you will be temporarily assimilated into Li Wei. If no one uses a specific ritual to

The track will wake you up, and you will continue to deepen in a state of ecstasy,

And finally became a real Li Wei!

This chapter has been completed!
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